Bombay short -haired cat, similar to a panther: character, description, photo. How much does a bomb cat cost? What does a bomb cat and kittens look like?

Bombay short -haired cat, similar to a panther: character, description, photo. How much does a bomb cat cost? What does a bomb cat and kittens look like?

Graceful, visible, unusually beautiful and, one might even say, elegant. This is a slightly unusual breed of cats, which, of course, will leave few indifferent. Even those who, in principle, do not like cats. Let's consider this breed in more detail together.

A cat similar to a panther: breed

An insanely graceful cat, which has the view of a real predator and, at the same time, has a flexible character. This is a bomb cat or, as it is also called, bombs.

  • This breed was bred by man. For this, an American smooth -haired cat of black color and a cat of brown breed were crossed.
  • The official day of registration of this breed was considered 1958. But it took another 23 years to be recognized and put into the big world.
  • Thank you, it is worth telling the American Nicky Horner. It was she who dealt with this issue. By the way, to obtain the necessary appearance, four generations of cats were required. And only then did the so -called pure breed appear.
A cat like a panther
A cat like a panther
  • Now the question arises - why is the breed called Bombay? This aspect was a mystery. There are only assumptions that the breeder wanted to create a small and home -made copy of the panthers that live in India. Perhaps it was the appearance that prompted to give such a name for this breed of cats.
  • There is also a comic assumption that the “mother” of this breed loved the “Book of the Jungle” of Rudyard Kipling. After all, the image is already very much going on Bagira, in particular, character.
  • This is a relatively rare breed, and therefore expensive. Therefore, the knitting of Burmansk and American smooth -haired cats was allowed.

What does a bomb cat and kittens look like?

The first thing you pay attention to is the eyes. They have an insanely beautiful amber color. And against the background of black wool, they become even more expressive. It really resembles a panther, only smaller dimensions.


  • I immediately want to note that the most important is the color. It should be exclusively black. Moreover, it is believed that no one has a more black color. Even the wild panther. If there is at least one single hair of a different color or, especially, a speck, then such a cat is disqualified.
  • Kittens, by the way, are born with spots. Not always, true, but this often happens. Over time, these spots pass on their own. Sometimes it even happens that a kitten is born with light wool, as if with gray hair. This will also pass with age.
Kittens of bombs
Kittens of bombs
  • Himself the wool should be short, sufficiently hard and tightly adjacent to the body. The greatest pride of this breed is the varnish shine of wool and satin smoothness.
  • In kittens, the wool, of course, is soft and slightly fluffy. This is probably to make small kittens so nice. By one year old, they will dress an adult fur coat.
Characterization of a cat
Characterization of a cat


  • No wonder this cat is also called a "black treasure." Just look at the eyes. They are still compared with a copper coin. After all, in a Bombay cat they are round, large, but not convex, and widely planted.
  • According to the standard, the eye color is considered copper-amino. But since it is difficult to get, so golden is allowed. A look, although in a cat, is full of wisdom and thoughtfulness. And how hard it is to take a gaze from them. They seem to fascinate and attract.
  • Kittens, of course, are an exception. They are born, like other animals, with blue eyes, which eventually acquire a gray shade and only in an adult individual become amber color.
Bombay cat
Bombay cat


  • This is a real predator. She has very elegant and smooth bends of the body, but at the same time, powerful and strong muscles. The case itself is a little elongated, which, in principle, is normal for cat.
  • These cats are medium size. Too thin or well -fed are not allowed. Typically, the weight ranges from 3 to 6 kg, the height at the withers is not more than 30 cm.
  • The tail of such a cat is moderately long, mobile and flexible. It also looks elegant, but very strong. The main criterion is that it should be proportional to the body of the cat itself.
  • The limbs are also medium length, rounded, slender and sophisticated. As expected, on the front paws of five fingers, on the hind legs - four.
Mini Panther
Mini Panther


  • The main criterion is that the head is proportional to the whole topic. It has a round shape, smooth bends and transitions. The muzzle itself is a little wide.
  • The nose of some representatives of this breed may be added.
  • The ears are small, straight and rounded at the ends. Widely located from each other and slightly tilted forward. The stand is wary and tall.

Bombay short -haired cat, similar to a panther: character, description, features of the breed

This cat is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has the same beautiful and golden soul. Such a pet will become a real find for a family with children. And what kind of affectionate it happens when the day failed. It is these qualities, in addition to appearance, that its owners value.


  • Most of all, the Bombay cat is famous for the fact that she knows how to “sing” beautifully. Yes, it sounds a little strange. But this cat, indeed, as if likes to talk. She meow and purrs, especially on the knees of the owner. But her meow is quiet, unobtrusive and pleasant.
  • It is also worth noting that it is very active and mobile animal. Especially small kittens. Remember, small panthers should be nimble and mobile. However, not only in kittens, but also other animals in childhood most often a lot of energy.
  • This cat simply does not tolerate loneliness. No, this does not mean that you need to take it with you to work or sit at home all the time. This cat loves when she is stroked, squeezed and played. She is like a small child, unobtrusively asks for attention. Therefore, set aside your affairs for a while and devote time to your pet. Play with her or stir on your knees.
  • They love children. But those who will torment them or strangers in principle try to avoid those who will torment them. If the baby appears in your family, then she will sing to him lullabies. Be sure to say goodbye to him before bedtime. She really will become a kind of nanny for kids. With older children, she will be happy to run and play.
The character of cats
The character of cats
  • These cats They are distinguished by great intellect and mind. Compared to other animals and, in particular, cats. They, even up to one -year -old age, are already able to turn on the TV and other equipment. Therefore, leaving the house, do not forget to turn off everything from the sockets. Also, this cat can open the refrigerator.
  • By the way, the cat loves to watch TV since childhood. Sometimes, one gets the impression that this animal really understands. After all, with such a smart and serious face, she watches the change of pictures.
  • This is also very clean and obedient pets. She will not climb the table or hang on the curtain. Especially if this cannot be done. And this cat understands you perfectly. The only thing the new owners may encounter is the place for the toilet. Small kittens can go to a sofa or bed. No need to scold him, so only he will be scared and offended.
  • I also want to note that such a cat is well mastered by different tricks even complex. If you deal with it regularly, then soon the bombing will even be able to perform a somersault in a jump.
  • You should also know that the cat gets along well with other animals. In particular with dogs.

Features and care:

  • In terms of leaving, it cannot be called whimsical, but you need to follow her nutrition. But this does not mean that it needs to be fed with exotic dishes or served raw meat. Simply, we must take into account the fact that the diet should have at least 80% protein. And do not forget about the fiber. In general, the diet is not particularly different from the usual cat's food. By the way, it is better not to get carried away with dry food. You will not eat sandwiches constantly. And this is about the same thing.
  • Eyes The Bombay cat has that requires careful care. The main thing is that there are no drafts at home. In principle, the cat watches behind the ears and eyes herself. But, if there is tearfulness, then you need to wipe them with cotton swabs.
Bombay cat
Bombay cat
  • The cat does not like to swim, which is natural. But periodically this must be done. The main thing in this case is not to frighten the animal. You also need to get specially a brush or mitten. Although their coat is short, it is necessary to comb it, especially during molting.
  • You also need to monitor her claws so that they do not occur. You need to be ready to visit the veterinarian in this matter. Since you can’t cope with this problem yourself.
  • Before bringing a cat home, you need to take care of its corner. It should be quiet and cozy, and most importantly, no drafts. You should also provide a pet with different toys that develop, including. And it should be taken into account the fact that the Bombay cat does not sleep, curled up. Therefore, the sleeping place should be spacious.
Bombay cat care
Bombay cat care
  • We also do not forget about the toilet. It has already been written above that kittens can begin to walk in an unexpected place. To do this, you should be patient. First, the tray will stand in this place, and then gradually move it to one centimeter. And thus move in the right direction. In general, these are very smart animals. Therefore, such a cat is easy to accustom even to the toilet.
  • And yet, talk with your pet. She loves it. And she also very subtly feels the mood of the owner. Sometimes, it will even help to relax and calm down.
  • An important nuance - this is a domestic cat. She doesn’t have to walk on the street. Yes, and treat her with caution.

Bombay short -haired cat, similar to Panther: positive and negative reviews of the owners

They say that nothing and no one is perfect. But the Bombay cat does not apply to this rule. Or just did not find a negative review. After all, only the words of delight are heard from the owners of such a cat!

Alina, 29 years old, teacher of mathematics:

“My boyfriend gave me this miracle. Now the husband is already. He has been living with us for more than three years. To say in truth, we did not even know about his breed. Bought like an ordinary kitten. And outwardly, he did not look like a Bombay cat. They called him Barsik. It was a little gray, slightly fluffy. There were such blue eyes. But a year did not pass, he changed his fluff to a brilliant black fur coat. And the eyes became unusually copper color. All the time we were surprised how smart and friendly we have. Until our friends said about his breed. Indeed, after reading the information on the Internet, we realized that we have not a simple breed cat. They began to train him. Also on the advice of these friends. And a miracle! Six months later, he performed commands to sit, lie. And this is given the fact that we did not engage in this seriously. Very affectionate and sociable. He loves to bask so much on his knees, especially if at the same time also ironing it. And when I became pregnant, it was as if worried about me. Constantly rubs nearby, purr. And I will be every morning. But not in the way, as usual cats begin to meow heartbreaking. Hinting that it is time to give to eat. And as if he wants to ask how my well -being. Or it seems to me so. We are worried about how he reacts to the appearance of the baby. But, I think, he will definitely not be jealous. ”

Svetlana, 31 years old, on maternity leave:

“I also want to share my review about this gorgeous cat. For a family with children, this is just a find. Therefore, if you are waiting for addition to the family, then do not even think. Take it right away! We have two children. They gave directly to the eldest son for a birthday, for 4 years old. We really wanted a pet. Then we still had no second child. They bought too, without thinking about the breed. Yes, no one warned us. Apparently, the owners of the kittens themselves were not in the know. Our griffin (our baby chose the name) then did not even have two months. There was such a crumb, but it was immediately black, only a little fluffy. The eyes were gray. And then it was blossomed. The wool is black, smooth, shiny and, yes, the eyes of a very beautiful amber color. What I like directly - there is practically no wool from him. Of course, we regularly bathe and comb it. They made friends with the child right away and became, as if not to spill water. So they are furious together, play. Sometimes, it seems that he understands everything. A year and a half later, the second son appeared in us. It was a number one nanny! All the time next to him, a little that, runs to call me. I was most amazed at this. And just try to shout at the baby! Although this is a very cute and kind cat, for children it will become a mountain. In general, we are so happy that we bought this particular cat. Children are generally crazy about him! And soon we will have an anniversary - five years as we live together. ”

Nikita, 32 years old, lawyer:

“I read the reviews and I think why I was unlucky so by chance to buy a cat of such a breed. The fact is that my wife wanted this particular breed. When she saw her, she even read the characteristics and reviews about her, she did not want to. Oh, and for a long time we were looking for such a breed. Naturally, the price also played a role. Since with all documents and vaccinations, it is very expensive. Choose, bought. They also bought a kitten. You can’t say right away that this is a bombing breed. And then our cat turned into a real beauty. They called, of course, Bagira. The most interesting thing is that the cat loves more than me. Yes, and I adore her. I do not regret a drop that they chose such a breed. We once read that this cat sympathizes with men more. But they did not attach much importance to this. If I sit at the computer, then her favorite place is on my shoulders. I sometimes joking that we have felts of a parrot, felts of a monkey, or a dog. Likes to play terribly. Everywhere jumps, climbs, rushes like a monkey. And sometimes, like a dog, it brings toys in the teeth. This is the best cat. In food, loves the most. Like a real predator. But eats, in principle, everything. There were no problems with the toilet. She really goes to the toilet. I did not believe that this is possible before. This is really a Bombay cat. Not from the word bombs, but from the word bomb. ”

Video: Bombay cat: description of the breed, characteristic, care for a pet

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