An extract from the maternity hospital - what to give the medical staff, mother of a woman in labor, child: gift ideas

An extract from the maternity hospital - what to give the medical staff, mother of a woman in labor, child: gift ideas

The birth of a baby is a very significant and important event. And an extract from the maternity hospital is a solemn event that rarely does without gifts.

In the first days after the birth of a baby, an avalanche of trouble is falling into the light of new parents and their close relatives. And in such a fuss about what to give when discharge from the hospital medical personnel, child, mommy often think at the last moment, so we decided to raise this topic.

An extract from the hospital - what to give the medical staff?

Of course, there can be no universal council in this situation. Each family decides individually what exactly to give doctors and whether to do it at all. After all With the advent of the child, the expenses of the family increase significantly. In many ways, the decision on the gift depends on how qualified and carefully the staff behaved in relation to the woman in labor and the baby.

  • Some people believe that you are spending for presentations for health workers It is not necessary at all, because they do their job, for which they receive wages. Especially if a woman gave birth on a contractual basis, and a large amount of money has already been spent on her stay in the hospital.
  • There is nothing reprehensible in the decision in the decision. Giving is your right, not an obligation.
Do you give gifts to the medical staff?
Do you give gifts to the medical staff?

However, if you still decided not to depart from traditions and thank doctors, it is preferable to focus on general criteria in choosing a gift. An extract from the hospital - what to give the medical staff:

  • Money. If you want to express gratitude to the doctor who takes birth in cash, you can hand them in a beautiful envelope. How much to give, you determine for yourself. This is a rather delicate question. After all, if you give too little, it means to show disrespect for a person, and to give a lot - not everyone can afford. Therefore, if you have any doubts about this matter, present something else.
  • Gift certificate for the purchase of cosmetics, household appliances, elite alcohol, etc. Such a gift is a worthy replacement for familiar cash gifts. Moreover, certificates can be a different amount, depending on your capabilities.
  • Elite alcoholic drink in a corporate gift case. It is customary for men to give cognac or whiskey, and women - wine or champagne.
  • Sweet presentations. This is a traditional and win -win option. On the one hand, sweets do not oblige to anything and are relatively inexpensive. On the other hand, beautiful gift sets or original cakes look spectacular, and it is always nice to get them. The main requirement is to take care of the quality of the product. Check that your sweet gift is fresh and tasty.
  • Small tea or coffee service. Select the number of items in the set by the number of staff.
  • Coffee or tea. This is a practical gift, since these drinks are quickly consumed, and it is constantly necessary to replenish their stocks. Expensive varieties of tea or coffee are always in demand. In addition, bright and beautiful boxes in which they are packed look elegant and festive.
  • Fruit. A spectacularly designed basket with various fruits is an original present that is always perceived with a smile and gratitude.
  • Flowers. In general, it is accepted that beautiful bouquets are invariably present when discharge from the hospital. Who is given flowers when discharge from the hospital? It is customary to give them the medical staff with gifts. Flowers are a sign of respect to doctors for their professional work.

Usually, the Happy Father gives gifts to employees of the hospital. The main present is awarded to the doctor who led the pregnancy and took birth. If at the time of the discharge another shift is on duty, and there is no necessary doctor, you can drive up to him later, having previously agreed. And the nurses, who make out the extract of mom and baby, are customary to give modest presentations.

Flowers to the doctor
Flowers to the doctor

Thinking about what to give employees of the hospital, focus on your financial capabilities. Gifts should be acceptable to you. You should not be thoughtlessly spending money, even if you are overwhelmed by the joy of what has finally become parents. The main thing is to give sincerely, with all my heart. Then even the most modest gift will cheer up the person to whom you hand him.

What do they give for an extract from the hospital for a child?

  • The birth of a little man into the world is big and happy a holiday for the whole family. Relatives and close friends are in a hurry to congratulate young parents on the birth of a crumb. Coming to visit, everyone gives the newborn gifts. And, of course, every guest wants his gift to be useful to the child and his parents.

In the USA and Europe, it is accepted that the parents of the newborn make up the so -called list of desires, which indicate the list of objects necessary for the child. They hand this list to relatives and friends, those, having familiarized themselves with it, choose a thing that they can purchase.

  • A similar list of desires avoids unnecessary or duplicate gifts. In our country, some young parents are already adopting this useful tradition.
Gifts to the baby
Gifts to the baby

If you have not been handed such a list, we offer options for universal gifts that will probably be useful to the newborn. What is given for discharge from the hospital for the child:

  • Swings, sliders, caps, etc. A young child needs a lot of clothes. The main rule is to choose things only from natural fabrics that will not cause irritation on the delicate skin of the baby. The seams on clothes for newborns should be outside the product. In addition, keep in mind that kids do not like to wear clothes over their heads. Therefore, it is preferable to choose wardrobe items with fasteners or lightning along the entire length of the product. So you will greatly facilitate the process of dressing a child.
  • High -quality cosmetics for daily hygiene of newborns. It can be gels, shampoos or creams with natural components.
Clothing and cosmetics
Clothing and cosmetics
  • A towel with a hood. The baby is often bathed, and towels do not always have time to dry. Therefore, such a convenient thing will always be useful.
  • A blanket in a stroller, a blanket or an insulated envelope. It is unnecessary to say that autumn and winter walks cannot do without such accessories.
  • A mobile that hangs over a bed or stroller. All little children like this toy. They can consider figures that rotate to the music for a long time, and often fall asleep under them.
  • Autocreslo. If the family has a car, then car seats are a mandatory attribute for the transportation of a baby. It will protect the life of the baby while traveling in a car. Only you need to choose it correctly, given the weight and age of the child.
  • A bed or stroller. As a rule, by the day of discharge of mom and baby from the hospital, such objects have already been bought. However, you can agree with your parents in advance that you will pay the model that they will choose at your discretion. You should not buy a stroller or a crib yourself, since your preferences and sympathies may not coincide with the tastes of the newly -made mom and dad.
  • Organizer on the crib. Thanks to him, all the little things like bottles, napkins, and dumps-dumps will always be at hand.
  • Silver spoon. This metal has bactericidal properties, which is important in the period when the baby will explode the first teeth.
  • Children's nightlight with a projector of fun colors. Such a bedside lamp will decorate the room and set her mood. This gift will be useful from the very first days of the appearance of crumbs in the house. After all, mom gets up to the baby and at night. In the dark, this is inconvenient to do, and bright light can wake the child. And the muffled light of the nightlight will help to comfortably perform all the necessary actions.
  • A children's bath or a sunbed in a bath. Additionally, you can buy a rally circle that supports the head of the child, and special toys. Then the bathing process will become a real pleasure for the baby.
  • Bedding in a crib. Bright and beautiful linen will never be superfluous. When buying, pay attention to the goods of trusted manufacturers.
In the crib
In the crib
  • Coconut for a newborn. Such a cozy device gives the baby a calm sleep. And if parents want to take the baby to their bed, the cocoon will not allow him to crush it.
  • Developing rug. Such a rug with rattles, musical buttons and rustling elements will become a cognitive platform for the child. Of course, such a thing is useful a little later when the baby grows up.
Developing rug
Developing rug
  • Shakelong for the newborn. Some models of sun loungers have an arc with toys, a motion -in -law function and playing music. This gadget helps mom calmly engage in household chores or just rest a little. At the same time, the child does not need to be left alone, and he will always be in sight.
  • Commemorative giftswho will retain their value after many years: a gold or silver pendant with a zodiac sign or icon, a silver pin from a bad eye, a chain or a bracelet.

An extract from the hospital: what can not be given to the child?

In the process of choosing a gift, follow the reviews and comments about goods on the Internet. Young parents are actively discussing on various forums the quality of products for children.

Extract from the hospital - a joyful event
Extract from the hospital - a joyful event

There is also a category of objects that are undesirable to give for an extract from the hospital. An extract from the maternity hospital - what can not be given to the child:

  • Boots and nipples. The fact is that each mother independently decides what way to feed the child to choose and whether to give him a pacifier.
  • Cosmetics and perfumes with strong aromas. Such products can cause an allergic reaction in a baby.
  • Sweets. Nursing mothers do not use sweets so as not to provoke diathesis in a child.
  • Toys of dubious quality. As a rule, they are made of cheap plastic, which can be toxic and harm the baby's health.
  • Clothing for growth. When buying, choose the current dimensions that the child can wear in the near future. Do not give clothing items that he will wear only in two to three years.
  • Huge plush toys. Not all mothers are delighted with such presentations. In addition to the fact that such a toy takes up a lot of space in our small apartments, it is also a real vacuumber, which is by no means useful for a little man.
  • Diapers. Undoubtedly, these products are spent very quickly. However, the wrong choice of diapers can provoke redness and irritation on the skin of the baby. Therefore, it is better to ask parents what brand of diapers they use. In addition, diapers are often presented in the form of beautifully collected figures, for example, a cake. However, such gifts seem quite doubtful. They look, of course, cute, but using unimportant diapers is unhygienic and doctors are not welcome.
Not all gifts can be given when discharge
Not all gifts can be given when discharge

If none of the proposed gift options are suitable for you, and you really want to please the young family with the birth of the crumbs, give envelope with money. Let such a present be not original, but financial resources are useful to any family in which there is a newborn. A gift certificate in the store where goods for children are sold is also appropriate and useful.

  • We will immediately make a reservation that Gift for discharge from the hospital It does not mean that it needs to be handed on on this day. The first time when a woman returns home with the baby is very difficult for both her and for a newborn. Therefore, it is better to congratulate the family on replenishment no earlier than a week after the mother of the hospital. However, in this case, it is preferable to wait for an invitation to visit or ask your parents in advance whether your visit will be appropriate.

An extract from the hospital - what to give mom to a woman in labor?

An extract from the maternity hospital is the long -awaited celebration for a young mother. On this day, it is very important for her to be in the circle of loved ones, to feel their care and support. And, of course, everyone wants to congratulate the woman in labor and please her with original gifts.

The choice of gifts for a woman who has just become a mother is huge. An extract from the hospital - what to give mom to a woman in labor:

  • Radio or video tank. This gadget will help mom not leave her baby without attention when she is engaged in household chores. A variety of models with various technical functions are presented on the market.
  • Sling or ergo-rugzak for carrying a baby. A woman does not always have the need or the opportunity to take out a heavy stroller on the street. Therefore, such modern devices will come in handy for a short walk.
  • Lingerie for nursing mothers or pulling underwear. It should be noted that such a gift is, although useful, but quite intimate. Therefore, only relatives or close friends can give such objects of the toilet.
  • UV lamp for quartzing of the room and objects. It will help in the prevention of a lack of vitamin D, as well as in the treatment of colds in the baby.
  • Electronic scales for weighing a child who can track his weight. With such a gift, mom will not have to worry about whether her baby is being eaten.
  • Humidifier. It will allow maintaining the correct humidity in the crumbs room, which is very important for his health.
  • Baby changing table. Thanks to this mother’s table, you will not have to bend once again, which will reduce the load on her back. In addition, it is convenient to place hygienic cosmetics for child care products on it.
Choose a table
Choose a table
  • Sterilizer. Such an item will save mom with a lot of time and effort. Moreover, it can be needed not only with artificial feeding.
  • Thermos for bottles with baby food. It will definitely come in handy to parents while walking with a child or with night feeding.
  • Appliances, The process of cooking for the baby: Bleader, double car, juicer facilitating the young mother.
  • Gift basket with a set of little things, necessary for caring for a baby (scissors for cutting nails, teeth teething, scallop, water and indoor thermometers, napkins, knitwear, booties, enhancing lactation tea).
  • Pillow for feeding. It is unlikely that anyone will buy such a device for himself, but it is very pleasant to get it as a gift. The pillow will make the breastfeeding process more convenient for the mother and the baby. When choosing useful gifts, it is better to specify in advance with the young mother what she needs.

And more presentations for discharge from the hospital can be not only practical, but also memorable:

  • Set for creating gypsum blinds of the palms or legs of a child. With the help of such a set, parents will be able to save voluminous casts of the legs and palms of their child at such a tender age.
  • A beautiful elegant casket for storing memorable gizmos (tags from a hospital, a curl of hair, gypsum blinds).
  • Colorful book With tips for child care.
  • Designer photo album with pockets For curls of hair and pages for imprints of the palms. In such an album, you can record the dates when the child first began on the legs or began to talk. And there you can add various pictures and stickers. Such a gift will help to show the creative abilities of the mother.
  • Camera or digital photo frame, Where you can update photos and create a slide show. As you know, infants in the first months grow and change very quickly. Photo devices will help young parents capture each stage of growing a child and take many memorable pictures.

It is recommended to attach colorful rattles for a child for any gift for mom-rods. Just buy them in specialized stores in order to avoid Chinese fakes that can harm the children's body.

What to give wife for discharge from the hospital?

  • Become a father, especially for the first time, A big and important holiday for a man. Therefore, it is quite natural that he wants to marry this event with a kind of memorable and significant gift for his wife. In addition, the tradition of giving a spouse who gave the child goes from the depths of centuries.
  • But do not give the young mother the objects necessary for the baby: Car chair, stroller or crib. The present should be aimed exclusively to please and surprise the spouse itself.

The choice of a gift depends not only on the financial capabilities of the newly made dad, but also on his imagination. What to give a wife for an extract from the hospital:

  • Jewelry decoration. Traditionally, the young father gives his wife a memorable decoration, which symbolizes his love and gratitude for the birth of a child. In order for the gift to become more significant, you can make a commemorative engraving on it.
Gift to the wife
Gift to the wife
  • Washing or dishwasher. If the house does not have this technique, then with the advent of the baby in the house this becomes a real disaster. After all, no expensive gifts are able to replace a good washing machine-locomotive. It is also unnecessary to mention how much effort and time the dishwasher saves the woman.
  • Family photo session. Such an original gift will be an unforgettable vivid impression. The mother of mother with a newborn made by a professional will forever keep the touching period of the first days of motherhood in memory.
  • Certificate for visiting a spa. Give your wife a holiday of soul and body when she can relax during massage, aromatic wraps and other cosmetic procedures. Since at first a young mother may have no time to visit a beauty salon, the certificate should be valid for several months.
  • The portrait of the spouse, who will forever preserve her youth and beauty. It can be made from a photograph. Such a gift will be a pleasant and unforgettable surprise for your beloved.
  • Bouquet of flowers. Not a single extract from the hospital is complete without flowers. It is better for such a significant triumph to order a flower composition from professional florists. The bouquet should not be too heavy and bulky, as his mother will be inconvenient to keep it. Plants are better to choose delicate light shades. Please note that in your bouquet there should not be colors with a strong smell (they can cause dizziness in a woman who has just given birth), exotic (many of them can be poisonous) and painted (due to the likelihood of an allergy in the baby). In addition, in the bouquet, on the occasion of extracts from the hospital, there should not be rhinestones or sparkles. Also, do not give plants with thorns so that mom does not accidentally get hurt.
Do not forget to give a bouquet
Do not forget to give a bouquet
  • Thinking how to please your beloved, Remember that your help will be the best gift to Mom-Rozhenitsa. At first after discharge from the hospital, every woman needs to recover after childbirth. And at home, home chores are immediately piled on it. Therefore, if possible, take a vacation at work to help your wife with a child and give her the opportunity to sleep on arrival home. This will reduce the nervous tension, in which almost all women abide after the birth of a child.
  • And to create a festive mood when discharge of a wife from the hospital, decorate the apartment with bouquets from balloons. You can also organize a flash mob with friends, order a professional video or devote a song to your beloved.
  • However, remember that the holiday you organized should not be long (So \u200b\u200bthe young mother will probably feel tired after the hospital) and noisy (the baby can scare loud sounds).
  • Choosing a gift for a wife Remember what she did to you a valuable gift is a child. And so she deserves gratitude and a worthy present on your part.
A valuable gift in your hands
A valuable gift in your hands

We hope that our article will help you decide on the choice of a gift for the baby and his mother for discharge from the hospital. But in any case, the main thing in the delivery of any gift is your sincerity and sincerity.

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Video: Gift ideas for future parents

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  1. I gave my friend a metric, but not the same as everywhere, namely with her baby. In general, ask a girlfriend to send a photo of a baby and a tag with growth, weight. In Instagram, examples are indicated, I ordered the simplest. The girl drew in a day, and so far I bought a frame and everything, then printed and packaged beautifully. I just managed to write to the drink, now for the second girlfriend there is still time to think, I’ll probably order a photo album.

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