What to tie on a discharge from the maternity hospital: ideas, tips, schemes and description of knitting an envelope, blanket, dresses, boots, hats, sets for newborn

What to tie on a discharge from the maternity hospital: ideas, tips, schemes and description of knitting an envelope, blanket, dresses, boots, hats, sets for newborn

Ideas and schemes of knitted things crocheted for newborns for discharge from the hospital.

What to tie the newborn for discharge from the hospital: ideas, tips

An extract from the hospital is an important and exciting event. It is customary to wear a newborn in beautiful elegant clothes for discharge. There are no problems with the choice of beautiful children's clothing, in the store you can buy things for every taste and color.

But if mom knows how to knit, she wants to tie something with her own hands. Mom puts the whole soul into a knitted product, she thus shows love and care.

Important: not only mom can knit clothes for a newborn. If a grandmother, sister, aunt or girlfriend knows how to knit, then she can also tie a beautiful thing for the baby. Such a gift is very valuable, because it is made manually, and handmade, as you know, is always held in high esteem.

In this article, we have collected the ideas of knitted things for kids crocheted. You can tie many beautiful products and knitting needles, but crocheted things are also very beautiful, interesting and non -uniform.

You can crochet many different things:

  • Booties
  • Socks
  • Hats
  • Sets, costumes
  • Dress
  • Plaid

Before knitting, you need to choose a good yarn. The baby's skin is very delicate, it is easy to injure. Therefore, the yarn should be soft and hypoallergenic.

Tips for choosing yarn:

  1. Choose yarn marked nursery, it is hypoallergenic.
  2. It is better not to knit for a newborn made of wool, such yarn is pricked.
  3. The best choice will be cotton yarn, cotton with acrylic, acrylic, microfiber.
  4. If you still want to tie a warm thing from wool, it is better to choose a merino wool. Such yarn almost does not prick, but at the same time very warm.
  5. If the product allows, it is better to make a lining of knitted soft fabric. For example, a hat with a lining.

Consider how to tie various things with crochet for a newborn.

Tips for choosing yarn for a newborn

How to tie a crochet discharge envelope: diagrams, description, photo

From the list of things necessary for the baby, the envelope almost always takes first place. In the envelope of the newborn, they are prescribed from the hospital, and then they walk in it on the street.

The envelope is a convenient and practical thing. You can choose a transformer envelope, in which there will be holes for handles. You can also choose a regular envelope without unnecessary details.

While the baby is very small, it will be quite convenient for him in a regular envelope. Growing up, the baby can feel more comfortable in the transformer envelope.

Important: if the newborn is extracted in winter, then it is necessary to insulate the envelope. To do this, the fur or fleece lining is sewn inside.

A simple envelope can be tied in the form of a regular long canvas. Then sew a zipper or buttons so that the envelope takes its necessary appearance. It is also necessary to tie the hood.

Below is a model of an envelope with handles. How to knit this kit, you can understand by reading a description.

Crochet newborn
Crochet envelope: Description
Crochet envelope: continuation of the description

Another version of the envelope with buttons on buttons. It is convenient to fasten such a kit, the baby is practically not to disturb, because many children are very capricious when they are dressed for a walk.

DIY crochet envelope

The original envelope in the form of a star. You can find out how to knit such an envelope in the video.

Envenue for a newborn in the form of a star

Video: How to knit an envelope for a newborn?

How to crochet a plaid plaid?

A blanket is not only a beautiful thing, but also very practical. If you think that you are needed only for discharge you are mistaken. It is convenient to cover the sleeping baby in a crib or in a stroller for a walk with a blanket. It can also be used as a litter, for example, during a trip to the clinic or visiting.

Important: a light and small knitted blanket in volume will be useful to you more often than you may think. This is a practical thing, and it is very easy to crochet it.

The blanket can be tied with openwork. Such a plaid is incredibly beautiful, but relevant in the summer. Although resourceful mothers know how to use it in the cold season. For example, tie on top of the blanket, if you want to demonstrate beautiful manual work.

There is nothing complicated in knitting the plaid. They begin knitting from the center or from the edge. The advantage of knitting the blanket is that you can independently decide what its width and length will be.

A multi -colored blanket can be tied from the remains of yarn. Below is a knitting pattern.

Crochet multi -colored plaid
Knitting pattern of multi -colored plaid
  • Start knitting with the center. Type five air loops and combine them.
  • Knit the next row with crochet columns, alternating every three or four columns with two air hinges.
  • The third row is the connecting loops.
  • The main pattern begins with the next row. It consists in knitting three crochet in one base. Every three columns alternate with two air hinges.

Below is another option for a delicate snow -white plaid discharge. Such a blanket is suitable for both the boy and the girl.

Snow -white plaid for discharge

You can knit such a plaid according to this scheme.

Office of an openwork plaid

At the end, do not forget to tie a blanket beautifully so that it has a complete neat look. The bandage of the plaid can be made according to this scheme.

Grinding scheme of plaid

A delicate pink plaid with hearts will look great at the discharge of a newborn girl. Then, such a blanket can be covered by the baby's bed.

Openwork plaid with hearts

The main pattern is knitted according to this scheme.

Knitting pattern

Knit heart according to this scheme.

Knitting pattern

If you follow the scheme, then difficulties should not arise. After all, the advantage of crochet schemes is that everything is clear here. The main thing is to follow the scheme.

Important: we recommend choosing simple schemes in which there are no complex interweaving to beginners. A navigating needlewoman will be able to master the knitting column knitting technique quickly.

If you want to make a plaid warm, from the wrong side you can sheathe a blade with a fleece in tone. Such a plaid can be used as a blanket.

How to tie a dress for a girl crochet on an extract from the hospital?

Important: beautiful dresses crocheted will not leave anyone indifferent. If you supplement the sweet knitted dress with a hook on the head in the tone, you get a wonderful kit for a photo shoot.

A snow -white dress in the photo below looks airy and tender. It is very suitable for a small newborn baby.

Tie such a dress is not very easy. The knitter should already be experienced in his skill. However, nothing is impossible. The scheme, which is given below, describes the knitting process in detail. Follow him, and everything will work out.

Fashionable and beautiful pattern - pineapples. The main pattern of the pattern is shown in the photo next to the dress.

Crochet dress for baby

But also in this model you will need to knit a coquetle, that is, the upper part of the dress. The circuit of the coquetr is given below.

Knitting pattern

The next model of the dress is very beautiful, but to repeat such a product for the power of experienced knitters. The diagram shows that the details of the flows are knitted separately, at the end they are sewn with each other.

Knitted dress with a circuit

Incredibly light, tender, as if an air dress can be tied to the baby according to this example. Of course, you can’t dress up on a naked body in such a dress. But you can put on a body at first, and on top it is a gentle dress.

White light dress for girls

First you need to tie the required number of colors. It should be noted that each flower is knitted separately.

White dress knitting pattern

Then the flowers must be connected into a chain, tied the neck with connecting loops.

Detailed knitting scheme

In the end, proceed to knitting the lower part of the dress - skirts. The pattern consists of double crochet columns.

Knitting scheme for the main pattern of dress

How to crochet a hat on an extract from the hospital?

Regardless of the time of the year, when the baby is born, he will need a hat. If the baby is born in the summer, you need a light thin hat made of cotton yarn. If the appearance of a new person falls in the winter, the cap, respectively, will be warm.

Knitting hats for the newborn begins with the center. Further in a circle.

Knitting pattern with ties

The openwork cap fits a little differently. First you need to tie an oval base, then according to the layout of the openwork pattern.

Openwork cap for discharge from the hospital
Knitting pattern of a cap

Video: How to knit a hat for a newborn?

How to tie the twists of the newborn for discharge from the hospital?

Pinettes are a necessary thing for a newborn. The baby’s legs should always be warm, why not knit warm booties with your own hands?

It only seems that connecting booties is not easy. In fact, newcomers in needlework will cope with this product. Below are schemes through which you can tie booys for a newborn.

The booties can be decorated with bows, beads.

Important: the length of the insole in booties for the newborn is 10 cm.

Knitting twine: Step 1
Knitting twine: Step 2
Knitting twine: Step 3
Knitting twine: Step 4
Knitting twine: Step 5
Knitting twine: Step 6
Knitting twine: Step 7
How to knit booties: description and diagram

Video: Crochet booties

How to tie a crochet discharge kit?

The kit tied from one yarn looks advantageous at the discharge. The kit can consist of different things:

  • Book, cap, booties.
  • Kombinson, booties, cap.
  • Plaid, suit, hat.

You can safely show imagination and make maximum efforts so that the kit comes out beautiful.

If a newborn girl, you can knit her pink kit from a blouse, dresses, hats. The scheme is given below.

The set for discharge
How to knit a pink kit: description
Continuation of the description

For a boy, you can knit a set of openwork blouses and shorts.

Crochet boy set

You can supplement the set with a plaid in tone.

You can tie a gray vest, hat and booties. The vest is connected by crochet columns.


What to tie the newborn for discharge: photos, ideas

We offer to see a selection of ideas for inspiration. Simple, but very delicate rugs for the boy and for the girl. Twins in such plaid discharge will look beautiful.

What to tie on an extract from the hospital: ideas

Children's blanket associated with motives with muzzles of animals. It looks cute.

Crochet children's blanket

A set for a boy in white-brown color. Such a kit is perfect not only for discharge, but also for baptism.

Discharge for a boy

Direct pink booties with bows for a newborn baby.


A set for a boy consists of a blouse, hats and boots.

Set in white and white color

Booties for a boy.

Bright booties

If you are facing the question of what to tie the newborn for discharge, you are sure you will not be confused. After all, there are a lot of ideas, a lot of beautiful works of various talented craftswomen. It is not necessary to knit the product as if under a carbon copy, come up with something of your own, some trifle, then your product will be unique.

Video: Knitting for newborns Crochet

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