How to prepare for an extract from the boy’s maternity hospital? Clothing for a newborn, discharge script

How to prepare for an extract from the boy’s maternity hospital? Clothing for a newborn, discharge script

In this article I would like to illuminate the issue of extracting from the hospital with my son in his arms. An extract is a rather complicated process that includes both the care of the baby and the organization of the holiday.

Do you know that every country has its own traditions regarding newborns? And this is not surprising, because the appearance of a new life is a real event in every family. And, of course, I want to make such an event unforgettable. Let's see how to meet a young mommy with an heir in her arms from the hospital.

Kit, a set for an extract from the boy’s maternity hospital

Going to the hospital, parents begin to think nervously whether they purchased everything they needed. However, now in stores you can find special sets that already include everything you need. Let's look at the advantages of such sets:

  • All things are selected in one tone, one style, which is very thoughtful and allows parents to significantly save their time on the acquisition of things that would suit each other
  • This item stems from the previous one - thanks to the harmony and thoughtfulness of things from the set of photography from the extract, they always turn out to be bright and beautiful
  • Basically, a silk or cotton is used for the manufacture of clothes from sets - that is, natural materials. You are unlikely to find synthetics that prevents the body from breathing and capable of causing allergic reactions. If you want to be sure of the quality, do not stop choosing on bright things, as they mainly contain unnatural dyes

Important: if you decide to purchase a ready -made set, take your time with the purchase. It is best to wait for the baby to be born - this is how you, at least, will definitely know its dimensions. After that, you can ask a husband or one of relatives, friends to buy a ready-made set.

But, of course, there are shortcomings:

  • High cost - of course, since the purchase will include several things, and it will be not cheap. So, the cost can be 5000-6000 rubles, but, of course, the price varies depending on the place of acquisition. In any case, the low price should not be expected
  • Lack of practicality - such a set as a whole is unlikely to be used often in full force
  • Despite the fact that it seems that a certain set of things is already present, still, as a rule, you have to additionally buy some

So, if you still prefer such a product, let's see what you can see there:

  • Envelope and tape
  • Diapers in the amount of three pieces - practical light and warm, as well as elegant in the shape of a corner with ribbons
  • Blanket - bike for summer, cotton for winter and woolen for spring and autumn
  • Corner with lace
  • Swear or overalls. The swing should be flannel
  • A cap or hat, preferably on the ties. In general, it is desirable to have two caps - chintz and a bay
  • Socks or booties
  • In addition to these mandatory components, a hat, a bow, a spare diaper, and antitsarapy mittens
  • The most expensive sets are gifts. As a rule, this is usually received from relatives or friends. The cost varies from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. As a rule, these are models, Italbaby. Contain all sorts of pleasant little things like plaid, saliva, toys, soap, children's cosmetics

An envelope for a summer discharge for a boy

The discharge envelopes look quite festive and are often made of high -quality materials - cotton, silk. Blue, milk and white colors are wonderful for boys. A similar envelope, wrapped in ribbons and lace, will look great in the photo. They are released by “My Angel”, “Crybia”, “Eco Line”.

Important: it is recommended to purchase the so -called universal envelopes, which can be useful in the future - for example, they can be placed in a sled or a stroller for heat. Such envelopes are large in size.

The rules for choosing an envelope are as follows:

  • Security, first of all, means that no large seams, excessively small beads or fasteners that can injure should not be. In this case, there should be sufficiently fixing elements - they allow the child not to slip away, but at the same time, good elements will never give the baby. Unlike the same blanket, the envelope will not constrain the movement. Pay special attention to the seams - the external should be strong and without protruding threads, and the internal ones should be as hidden as possible, otherwise there is a risk of irritation and diaper rash
  • Appearance - since you decided to opt for an envelope, you should take care of its beauty, because the festivities for discharge from the hospital is required. Even an everyday envelope can be made elegant. There are also special ribbons and bows on Velcro, which quickly turn the festive version into everyday
  • Seasonality-as for the summer, it is recommended to buy models, which are light, but to which you can attach insulated lining in case of cold weather. In this case, the lower part of the envelope should be spacious, given several layers of clothing on the baby in cold weather. If there is a lack of space, it is possible to overheat
  • Fabric - a practical one is necessary, easily cleansing of dirt, not absorbing moisture. All this will allow you to walk with the baby in any summer weather and not worry about his well -being. Please note that after washing and subsequent drying, the material should not lose these qualities. In addition, the material must be hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, natural - especially for internal details

Important: deflect smooth materials immediately, since the baby will be inconvenient in such an envelope and, in addition, the risk of accidentally drop it from hands increases.

There are several models that are suitable for discharge:

  • The envelope bag is attractive to the simplicity of the design. The baby just needs to be placed there, and then fix it with “lightning” or Velcro. They are covered with waterproof fabric. Great for further walks with the child. True, from such an envelope it will grow quickly
  • The envelope-deed-light, thin, perfectly suitable for summer time. It is a transformer, turning in the form of a cone and fixed with the help of ribbons, fasteners and Velcro. However, when folding, you need to ensure that there are no cracks left
  • An envelope with a hard bottom - perfectly suitable for those parents who still do not know how to hold the newborn correctly. This problem is eliminated thanks to the removable mattress that holds the back

Blanket for a boy for a boy

The rules for choosing a blanket are as follows:

  • Take care in advance that there are summer and winter blankets. The summer should pass the air well, and warm the winter. However, in the winter, in no case should there be fluff or cotton wool, because they can cause allergic reactions in a newborn
  • Remember that the blanket should serve for a long time - even when there is a need to accustom to a new sleeping place, it is this thing that will allow the baby to get used to it faster
  • Pay special attention to the size - it should be larger than the size of the bed. As for the latter, these are usually 60x120 indicators

Important: Despite the fact that the size of 118x118 is considered standard, it is recommended to buy 110x140. Thanks to this, the child will sleep calmly without opening up.

  • Give preference to natural materials - such as batist, calico, satin, wool, silk. They are pleasant to the touch, perfectly pass the air, evaporate moisture, provide heat, after repeated washes still retain all their properties. Synthetic materials, such as fleece, acrylic and velux, pass the air not so good, but hypoallergenic and capable of passing heat

  • Pay attention to fillers - it is best to choose goose fluff, cotton, wool, buckwheat husk, eucalyptus, bamboo, silk. For children with sensitive skin, eucalyptus, bamboo are recommended
  • The most common are blankets with a filler from a silkworm silkworm silk due to wear resistance, softness. The wool will serve as a guarantee of the lack of parasites, will maintain the necessary temperature balance at any time of the year
  • It is especially worth highlighting the sheep’s wool that improves blood circulation. If we talk about a synthetic filler, then you should take a closer look at Hollofiber - it passes the air, retains heat, holds the form for a long time, hypoallergenic. But the bamboo is considered the easiest to care for - it is enough to give it to dry cleaning or to vacuum, and once a year well ventilate

Blanket3Beautiful clothes for a boy for a boy

We wrote above about practicality, but, of course, any parents really want their son to look beautiful on the day of discharge. Photos and videos in this case are bright and memorable.

In the future, in such clothes you can visit doctors with a baby or go to visit. For those parents who like to stand out, you can advise you to purchase not only panties, blouse, sliders, booties, caps and body, but also overalls, beret, vest.

Selected in the same color scheme, they will bring a lot of joy to others. Not only blue, but also yellow, beige, green, blue, gray, brown tones are suitable for boys. White color is quite universal.

In order for the clothes to be as elegant as possible, you need to choose models with lace, sewing or ribbons.

Kombinson for discharge for a boy

Moms who were born a very mobile son are appreciated, the overalls will be appreciated, which is an envelope with sleeves. It is a bag in the lower part with sleeves in the upper.

It is important: it is important that the lower part of the envelope with sleeves (overalls) is as wide as possible - thus, the baby’s movements are not constrained. Some babies begin to get nervous when they are completely limited in movements, so they simply need sleeves.

It also happens that with the help of lightning, the lower part can be converted into trousers, which allows the overalls to serve the baby further. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such an option that the car seat sometimes holds the child with the help of a strap that passes between the legs.

In this case, the overalls is what it is necessary, since it is necessary to transport children, according to the rules of the road, even immediately after birth should be exclusively in a special cradle.

For small fashionistas, there are overalls with butterflies. In any case, it is easy to fasten such a thing - lightning passes from neck to legs on both sides or obliquely.

Do not forget about such an important component of the wardrobe of a newborn as a slip - a underwear overalls. It is extremely convenient in that there are many rivets that stretch from heels to neck, so you can not stretch out clothes over the head. For winter, it is preferable to choose a flannel model. Give preference to a model with turning sleeves that can be converted into “scratches”.

Important: whatever material you choose, keep in mind that on the crumbs the slip should not hang.

Spend for discharge for a boy

When choosing a suit for a boy for discharge, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • First of all, the suit should be worn and removed easily. For this, clothes should not be back. It is advisable to select a suit for size or two more, as the baby will quickly grow out of it. Pay special attention to the seams - they are needed either external or internal, but soft. Tight rubber bands are not allowed
  • The suit, like the rest of the clothes, is preferable from natural materials - they are hypoallergenic and safe in whole. In the summer it is linen and silk, in winter - wool
  • What should the costume look like? It can be pants and a jacket on fasteners or buttons. Can be either knitted and fleece

Board for a boy for a boy

Two hats should be stock up: the first is made of a bike or dense knitwear and is worn under the second - a ear with a heater made of natural materials. Both hats should be behind the ties, because a tight fit to the head is necessary.

Often, you can find a scarf in the earflower kit - it is especially good when the envelope is a little larger in size than it should have been, and there is a need to take extra space.
The main problem that young parents face is a mistake when choosing a cap size. Keep in mind that on average the circumference of the head of the newborn is 35 centimeters. But just in case, it is recommended to have a needle and threads in the color of the hat - so it can be quickly bent.

Which bow to prepare for an extract for a boy?

The main criterion when buying a finished bante for discharge is compatibility with an envelope. You can also purchase a tape in accordance with this requirement, and the Bant will establish the staff of the maternity hospital.

Important: the tape should be wide enough and long-on average 4-5 meters. Only in this case, the decoration can be really impressive.

A large elegant bow will look chic in the photo and video.

You can also make a bandage in the form of a heart, which is quite unusual.

The blue gamma is quite diverse.

Such flowers also look excellent.

And it is not necessary to be blue - because envelopes for boys can be of different colors.

How beautifully to tie a bow for an extract for a boy with your own hands?

Needlemen can please their first -born with a bow made independently. And this is what you need:

  • Blue satin ribbon 2.5 centimeters wide. Of course, the color can be chosen and another, we show the standard blue as an example
  • White satin tape is the same width
  • Furner for wood work
  • Transparent glue, for which you need a special warming gun
  • Blue rhinestones that will be used as the middle for flowers
  • Metal line
  • Scissors

So, we start work:

  • We start work with the design of the main bow. It is a large flower with petals in several layers. For him, prepare pieces of tape of both colors of 8 centimeters long. Most often, the tape is cut off with scissors, and then the edges are cauterized. Alternative option - cut out under the ruler a burner

Important: it is best to burn on a glass surface or tile.

  • Bend each of the pieces in the middle so that the ends of the tapes are perpendicular to each other, and the bend itself is angular. If you do everything right, one end will become facial, and the second - the wrong side


  • Gently holding the middle, connect one end to the other - while pulling the wrong one to the front. Attach the lower edges to each other so that they coincide. As a result, two front sides will look at you. Try to apply the edges carefully - the accuracy of the petal itself depends on it

  • The coat of the petal is decorated, so you can proceed to putting it in order of its lower part. At the base on the sides, make bends - the base will be put in order, and the veins at the petal will appear. Bends are found in the middle of the petal

  • The bottom must be fixed. To do this, put the ruler 2 millimeters above the cut line, and then slowly go down from top toe. Thus, all petals are created. Try to make them the same in size and form

  • Now cut a circle of 5 centimeters from the atlas. False the edges - this will be the basis for the bow. To its very edge, glue the first tier of the petals of the same color. In our case - blue. In this case, each subsequent petal must adjoin the previous one, slightly superimposed on it


  • The turn of the second tier has come - it will be white. It will be attached closer to the center of the base. Do not be afraid that the lower petals will not be noticeable, because both lower and upper are the same in size. And this means that the lower ones will perform. To make the bow as beautiful as possible, put the upper ones in the joints of the lower ones - this will not be visible gaps between the petals

  • Well, to achieve contrast, do the third tier again blue. Get the petals into the very middle. As a rule, only a few of them should fit

  • In order to hide the places of joints and glue, you need to place a decorating part in the middle. At the same time, it will give brightness. It will be the middle of the bant flower-rhinestones or bead

  • Now turn the bow and glue a piece of tape in the form of a loop on its basis. As for the length of the piece required for the loop, 4 centimeters will be enough. A similar loop is needed as a holder of the main tape, which will encircle the blanket or envelope

  • A tape about 1.5 meters long is threaded through the loop. But, of course, the length can vary depending on individual needs. The ends of the tape decorate in the form of a triangular flag

Important: it is best to cauterize the edges at once with a burner is much easier than processing a pre -cut figure. In addition, the result is more neat.

  • Also, the edges of the tape should be decorated with small bows. They will need 4 petals for each edge - 2 white and 2 blue. You need to glue the bows by retreating from a cutting-thread of 15 centimeters. First, attach white petals so that they are located opposite each other at a distance of 1 centimeter

  • Blue petals will go the upper tier, the lower edges of which will come in touch. The junction is like a central bow, disguise with a rhinestone or bead. Although such a solution will give aesthetics, but remember that you are doing a bow for a boy, so there should be a minimum of brilliant jewelry

  • As a result, it turns out such an elegant, but sufficiently restrained bow for the discharge of the boy, which is in no way inferior to the purchased option

Car for discharge from the boy's maternity hospital

The decoration of a car that will take a young mommy with a son in the arms of a hospital is sometimes paid no less attention than decorating a wedding machine. In the variety of accessories, you can safely get lost, however, it is not so difficult to choose what is needed:

  • If you give preference to restraint, you can purchase stickers with the inscriptions “Thank you for your son”, “We are going from the hospital”. Some mothers do not have time to recover before the discharge, including morally. In this case, the riot of colors is completely useless. If you want to express my feelings, but at the same time not to overdo it, it is better to purchase such stickers with newly made dads. Believe me, they will still make the passers -by smile after the car

  • However, mother may, on the contrary, want more brightness and positive. In this case, stickers and magnets are what you need! Saturated colors, a variety of drawings will bring brightness as well as possible. In addition, such jewelry, as a rule, can be used repeatedly, especially if the paint was used for their manufacture of high quality. You can pick up something not just motley, but also suitable for a specific car. You can choose not only individual pictures, but also purchase a harmonious set

  • You can use volumetric letters or images - so happiness will become even more noticeable

  • By analogy with wedding machines, in this case, you can use dolls. For example, a doll of a child or stork - it will look even more elegant

  • Balls are a bright and constant attribute of any holiday. If you want to show individuality, you can attach not just balls to the car, but whole figures from them

  • Bows - will give chic. They can be used in the future and to decorate the children's room

  • Flowing ribbons will give the triumph of grace. They can create whole compositions, and it is not necessary for a boy that you need to purchase blue ribbons. You can try other color schemes

Beautiful discharge of a boy from the hospital. A photo

Of course, a young mother should get a lot of positive emotions when discharge from the hospital. A brightly organized meeting will be remembered for a long time.

Meeting1 Meeting2 Meeting3 Meeting 4 Meeting5 Meet 6Extract from the boy’s hospital in winter

  • Body is not enough. Of course, on top of it you should wear a overalls from fleece, wool or cotton with a lining
  • There should also be several caps - the upper warm can be worn on a lighter. You can even use a cap as light as easy.

Important: both hats should fit tightly to the ears, otherwise the newborn with easy them will stand.

  • The fur envelope will not damage even if you already have a jumpsuit. In finished sets for discharge, such envelopes already have
  • As for the size, then, of course, everything is very individual, but remember that in any case, outerwear should be size larger. And best of all, to purchase clothes two sizes more
  • The skin of a newborn is extremely sensitive, so carefully avoid pompons of sharp fasteners and even rough seams. The buttons on the back will not bring any benefits either - it is better to ignore such clothes at all
  • The envelope, like outerwear, should be spacious enough - remember that the baby will fit there, previously wrapped in a blanket

  • The material that is desirable as a heater for winter envelopes is a shepherd heating to the required temperature and then holding heat, and bamboo, which does not roll and does not cause allergic reactions. Shepherd is generally considered the best thermostat, as it does not miss the cold, but it protects against overheating
  • If unpleasant odors or moisture are absorbed, it does not matter, since after ventilation all this goes away. And what can we say about the magnificent therapeutic effect of sheepskin! It is not recommended to acquire duck or goose fluff due to its knocking out and risk of conjunctivitis, allergies or runny nose. The synthetic winterizer is very poorly held by heat, so you can’t advise it either
  • The legs should also be well insulated. Nocks are necessary, preferably terry. Sizes 6-8 are considered the most optimal. Such socks will complement woolen booties on ties

Extract from the boy’s maternity hospital in spring and summer

  • In the summer hot season of things, it takes a minimum, however, despite this, a chipper from a sittz or cotton is simply necessary. Even in the heat, it is important to close the ears
  • As for the costume, you can do with slider and blouse. You can wrap a chintz diaper or just put in an envelope. However, the blanket and a warm blanket are worth stocking up, since even in the summer the weather is different, and even more so in the spring
  • If the baby was destined to be born in early spring, when the sun could shine brightly, but at the same time not to heat, it is worth dressing it in knitted blouses, sliders, a body, a hat. Overalls and envelope should be insulated
  • You can replace the blanket with a light knitted shawl if the weather allows

Important: in general, it is better to stock up on various sets in case of any weather, especially if the extract falls on the offseason.

Scenario for discharge from the boy's maternity hospital

  • We wrote about the decoration of the car above. But the exit from the hospital will be remembered not only by the decorated means of movement. It is worth stocking up with a large number of balloons, which will more than replace flowers
  • The latter, by the way, is best to give as little as possible - to annoy the excessively sensitive nose of the newborn with strong smells. The balls can be decorated beautifully - for example, launched them into the sky with a spectacular cloud or order balls in a grid, which is opened when a special lace is pulled


  • It is worth taking care in advance not only about the solemn meeting of mom with the baby at the door of the maternity hospital, but also about decorating the court. For example, you can use giant figures from balls, chains of them, letters and numbers, arch. If the family does not get to the apartment with the help of an elevator, it is worth decorating the railing with ribbons from balls
  • And you should not worry about the cost of such an idea - these same balls can be hung in the future at home or distributed to their guests so that they collectively release these airy symbols of the holiday into the sky. It will be just great if the launch is accompanied by wishes in words

  • A memorable photo shoot is just a great idea! Several standard photos of the hospital - is that enough? Go to the task with fiction, give yourself and your loved ones a photo shoot, which will be remembered for a long time. This can be done, for example, thanks to giant letters of foam or other similar material
  • Against their background, you can have fun. As a rule, such letters can be decorated as you like, as well as arrange them - for example, it is recommended to add a little negligence. You can make phrases like “Thank you for your son!”, “We were waiting for you!”, “This is your house”, “You were born”, “Family” and so on

“Important: the price of letters and figures for a photo shoot depends on many factors - their alleged decoration or its absence, on size, width, thickness, complexity.”

  • The courtyard or entrance was decorated, but you should devote a lot of time and the baby's room. So, it is very popular to launch helium balls with ribbons under the ceiling. At the same time, you can not limit yourself just with balls - figures, chains, bouquets will look excellent
  • The boy’s name laid out of the balls is also a good idea, and if you want durability, you can order elegant letters made of wood. But if you want to add more lightness, it is recommended to hang special clouds of paper above the bed called pompons
  • Small pompons should be attached lower to the crib, large - higher. They will look especially nice, selected in pastel colors to soften the brightness of the balls. You can do otherwise and, highlighting a separate corner under paper clouds, arrange them as if they are growing from pots for flowers

  • And, of course, how without treats? You can, of course, bear the guests of treats after they are comfortable at home, but let's borrow from the Americans such an idea as Candy Bar. It consists of sweets and confectionery pastries, which themselves become an element of decor
  • There are all the goodies on the table decorated with an elegant tablecloth. The dishes are desirable porcelain, clay. Moreover, everything should be selected in the same style, in similar tones, making up the overall composition. Near each type of treat, you can leave small signs with an explanatory inscription
  • It is advisable to even pick up dishes that will visually harmonize with each other. They should also be laid out with an idea. Moreover, the overall idea of \u200b\u200byour Candy Bar can be either narrowly focused-say, an attempt to beat any cartoon, and general. Paper garlands, balls, ribbons - this is not a complete list of decor elements that are suitable for use

Important: the idea will be more chic, if you focus not only on trifles, but also against the general background - cover the space at the table with elegant cloth, preferably monophonic - for example, organza.

Stepness is what is recommended for the visual effect and quick search for treats. If there is no step table, but you can use step trays or arrange dishes accordingly. Lollows, dragees and marmalade should be kept closed, but, since the aesthetics are in high esteem, it is even worth the glass dishes for them to choose a beautiful one.

Decorate the table with volumetric letters, figurines, flowers, decorative candles, toys, ribbons, serpentine. You can add festive caps and decorations for paper cupcakes


  • Many are interested in the secrets of the name or date of birth. Beat this moment with the guests. It will be especially entertaining if, in addition to the name and date of the child, you will tell you something interesting and about guests. It can be anything - both psychological characteristics and stories about which of the famous people was born on a certain date, what happened on the specified day. Such a minute of education will have to taste
  • Following the example of well -known cookies with predictions, you can make notes. And you can get notes more interestingly: let each guest write how, in his opinion, the baby will be in a year regarding weight, eye color, behavior. All these pieces of paper are carefully stored by parents, and a year later they are solemnly read out at the birthday of the son in the presence of the same people. Guessing can be distributed prizes
  • Where is our man and without posters! However, you can come up with fiction and leave a place on the poster for the wishes of all those present. The baby, when he grows up, will probably be interested in reading all these wishes. You can insert such beauty into a frame


  • Guests need to leave any souvenirs as a keepsake. It can be anything - magnets, mugs, calendars, chocolates

Congratulation for discharge from the hospital for a boy

New parents will definitely have a smile if they read the birthday congratulations to them:
Let this day be not a noisy holiday
Not a red day in the calendar,
But he is happy and beautiful -
You have become a mother! Best mother on Earth!
And we cordially congratulate.
You with such a wonderful day!
And we wish you
Health, joy in everything.


You will bring up the baby with dignity
So that the whole family is proud of you,
Live together and don't know worries,
Let the faithful friends be nearby!

Poems for discharge from the hospital for a boy

The culprit of the celebration should also be greeted with poems:

The third day lives a child
Full citizen,
Let the diapers still
But your dear son is growing.
Angels arrive
In his children's pure dreams,
Glows pull a smile
On the happy, on the waves!


Your baby is such a miracle!

We will congratulate today!
So that he grew up, he was healthy,
He was strong and hardened,
I ate porridge with appetite,
Mom with dad always listened!
So that he masters English,
The diplomat became Russian,
Traveled around the planet,
I did not forget about relatives!

Song for discharge from the boy’s maternity hospital: words

The song of Mikhail Boyarsky is very well suited for this case. You can sing it with small changes - if a woman has become a mother only a son, it is better to remove the verse about her daughter:
Sweet sleep extinguished the eye of affectionate flame,
Quiet lips are a little thunder with my lips.
And on your lips, a tired day fell silent,
You sleep sweetly, and I whisper to you, dear.

Thanks for the day, thanks for the night
Thanks for the son and for the daughter,
Thanks for the fact that in the midst of pain and evil
You saved our cramped world.
Mmm, you saved me.

Thanks for the day, thanks for the night
Thanks for the son and for the daughter,
Thanks for the fact that in the midst of pain and evil
You saved our cramped world.

You, my flesh and blood, sleep so happily,
If the Lord sees, let it be a protection for you.
And more, maybe I have nothing to pray about,
You sleep sweetly, and I whisper to you, dear.

What music to choose for a boy’s discharge?

If no one knows how to sing among friends and relatives, you can simply record suitable music. For example, it can be “mother is the first word” from the film “Mom”. Of course, one cannot help but remember the cartoon about the mammoth with the corresponding song. If you want to bring positive and enthusiasm, Irina Muravyova’s hit “in every small child” will be an ideal option. And if something lullaby is required, then the “Lullaby bear” should be turned on from the cartoon “Umka”.

Cake for discharge from the hospital for a boy

Important: Remember that the cake is contraindicated during the discharge during the discharge.

If we talk about guests, then the idea of \u200b\u200ba cake for this celebration is limited only to your imagination, but it is worth considering several common points:

  • The size depends on the number of guests. In the same way as taste filling from them-someone loves sandy cakes, greased with cream, and someone is crazy from the chocolate biscuit. It is worth studying the tastes of all those present and find a compromise solution
  • The appearance of the cake should remind of the event that collected everyone. In other words, you need to depict children's shoes, overalls, strollers, birds, animals, fairy -tale characters, toys. The inscriptions are also encouraged

Balls for the discharge of a boy

We wrote about the variety of options for decorating both the court and rooms of the baby above. In addition, do not forget about the car, releasing clouds from balls into the sky with wishes. There are many options for using this decoration. Like the varieties of the balls themselves - gel, ordinary, with drawings, inscriptions, plain, different shapes and various colors.

Balls1 Balls2 Balls3 Balls4Extract from the boy’s maternity hospital: tips and reviews

The state of newly made mothers after childbirth is different: some women say that they do not want to see anyone but husband and parents, others want a holiday.

At the same time, the bearers of the first explain the unwillingness to arrange a great celebration not so much by moral fatigue as the need to physically adapt to the house as well as yourself and the baby as best as possible.

The same disagreements concern literally everything: for example, some prefer to buy ready -made clothes for the baby right away, others enjoy the separate acquisition of each thing.

However, several general recommendations can be given:

  • Moms should not think that a couple of days after childbirth they will look vigorous and beautiful. Taking yourself in order in the maternity hospital is quite problematic. In addition, the tummy does not disappear anywhere - in a woman who has just given birth, he looks most often like a pregnant woman at 5 months. Therefore, the clothes should be selected corresponding to that period, and take cosmetics immediately with you
  • As for the guests, it should also be neat - you need to consult with the future mother about what exactly she would like. If mom wants silence and peace, then friends and acquaintances can be invited to christening
  • If the street is not frost, it is not recommended to wrap the crumbs too much, since the baby will not stay long on the street, but in the car and at home it can sweat
  • If there is no personal car, ask friends or relatives to give up. In extreme cases, call a taxi. Public transport for the baby is contraindicated

As you can see, the preparation of mom and baby for discharge is a whole event. The first days of the boy’s life will be remembered by his family with special warmth, and show him in the form of photos and videos. Therefore, try to do everything possible so that these days are remembered.

Video: Clothing for discharge from the hospital. Clothing for a newborn. Clothing for the girl

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