How to wear a baby for an extract from the hospital? Important rules for dressing the baby at home and on a walk

How to wear a baby for an extract from the hospital? Important rules for dressing the baby at home and on a walk

Recommendations on how to optimally dress a newborn child at a different season read below.

Young mothers are always afraid to freeze their newborn child. But you can’t overheat the baby either. Every mother should find a middle ground for her child.

How to wear a baby correctly?

A properly dressed baby is a baby who is not hot, not cold, and comfortable in clothes.

To achieve such a result, you need to wear a child depending on the weather and air temperature at home.

Some universal rules for dressing a child:

  • Clothing should not be too narrow or tight
  • All tags from clothes need to be removed
  • Do not dress a child in many layers of clothing, otherwise the child’s skin will not breathe. The investigation - pricking and the occurrence of atopic dermatitis (Read more about dermatitis Atopic dermatitis in a child)
  • It is better to put on 2 layers of warm clothes than 4 layers of light
  • If you collect the child in winter in cold weather, then first dress yourself, and then collect the child. It is unacceptable to overheat the child in front of the street
  • All clothing should be made of natural materials
  • Classes should not be too rude to the skin
  • Gum on pants or socks should not be squeezed

IMPORTANT: In more detail about the types of clothing and about the rules of choice, read it in the article How to choose clothes for a newborn? What is included in the kit for discharge from the hospital?

How not to overheat a child?

In order not to overheat the child, follow the general rules for dressing the child described in the article below.

During a walk (if the clothes allows) and after a walk, touch the back of the neck under the hair: if the skin is hot or wet, you overheat the child. So the next time in the same weather, dress a little easier.

Important: after such checks, you will understand in what cases and how to wear your baby. After all, the rules are common. Each child is individual.

Do I need to swaddle a child?

There is no only correct answer to this question. There are both ardent supporters of swaddling and opponents.

Watch your child:

How to wear a newborn house at a temperature of 20 degrees?

  • Cotton Cat Slip with closed handles and legs. If the legs and handles are open in your slips, then put on socks and mittens. Instead of slip, you can wear a sweater/body + pants/sliders
  • Flanel cap

Important: 20 s is the best air temperature for the child’s room. But it can freeze at such a temperature, so dress accordingly


How to wear a newborn house at a temperature of 22 degrees?

  • Long sleeve, thin pants or sliders. If pants are thin socks
  • Or thin cotton slope
  • Thin cap

How to wear a newborn house at a temperature of 24 degrees?

  • Body thin with short sleeve
  • You can wear thin pants without socks

Important: 24 s is the maximum permissible air temperature in the newborn room. Do not allow overheating in such conditions

How to wear a newborn house at a temperature of 25 degrees?

  • It is allowed to put a thin body with a short sleeve or without sleeve

Important: this temperature should not be in the room. This is not a comfortable temperature for the child. You can keep a child at this temperature in one diaper, but you can even without it

How to wear a newborn in the winter in a stroller?

Winter is different, therefore, the recommendations for dressing will depend on the air temperature on the street.

- 10 C and below.

It is not recommended to go outside with newborn at a temperature of air below 10 S.

0 C - - 10 S.

The jumpsuit can be replaced by an envelope.

Important: the recommended sets may seem to you too cool. If you are afraid to take the child in such clothes, then take a fleece blanket just in case with you. If you understand that the child is cold, you can always insulate him.

How to wear a newborn in the winter on the street?

We put a child on the street, following all the recommendations from the previous paragraph with only one addition:

  • Since without a stroller the child will not be protected from wind and snow, it is better to take a blanket with you, which can be covered by the baby


How to wear a newborn at home in winter?

We put on the child’s house depending on the air temperature in the child’s room. And this rule does not depend, winter or summer. The rules for dressing a child at home are described in this article slightly higher.

Important: the only digression, perhaps, is the process of ventilation of the room. During ventilation, it is better to take out the child from the room. If it does not work, then cover it with a blanket and add a cap.

How to wear a newborn in a clinic in winter?

In the clinic we put on a child as a street, but with some features:

  • Waiting in line, blanket, envelope/overalls and warm hat
  • Lower clothes should be comfortable for fast dressing and undressing so as not to detain the doctor

How to wear a newborn in the cold

It is not recommended to go to the street with a child in the cold - 10 C.

Recommendations for dressing, see how to dress a newborn in the winter in a stroller.

How to wear a newborn at 0 degrees

  • Thin slip
  • Fleas slip
  • The overalls insulated
  • Thin hat
  • Warm hat
  • Mittens

How to wear a newborn in March

In March, the weather can be changeable from winter to spring. Therefore, at temperatures below 2 s, see the recommendations above.

At temperatures above 2 s - as follows


Important: the first option is warmer, so choose according to the weather

How to wear a newborn in April?

Weather in April Land with temperature in March.

Therefore, in order not to repeat yourself, see the previous point.

How to wear a newborn in May?

How to wear a newborn in the summer for a walk? a photo

In the summer, the child cannot be exposed to the bright sun. The best time for walks is from 9 to 11 in the morning and after 6 pm. If you are still forced to take the streets at another time, then try to look for shady places for a walk.

In the summer of the baby you can wear differently:

  • At a temperature of up to 20 degrees, put a thin slip/body+sliders/sweater+pants+socks. Put up the overalls from the fleece upstairs. Cotton Slightly insulated hat/cap+thin hat

  • From 20 to 24 degrees - dense x/b slip/dense body with a long sleeve and pants/sliders, socks, thin cap
  • From 25 degrees - thin m/b slip/thin body with a long sleeve and pants/sliders with thin socks, a thin hat

Important: it is better for a child to be 2 months old not to expose parts of the body even in the heat. After 2 months, it is permissible at a temperature above 25 degrees to put a body with short sleeves and shorts, without a hat

How to wear a newborn in the fall

In autumn, wearing a child on the same principle as in the spring (see this article above), but given the more frequent rains and strong winds:

  • Try to walk for a walk with a stroller, as it will reliably protect the child from bad weather
  • If you go without a stroller, then wrap your child in an additional plaid for additional protection against cool wind
  • Do not forget to have a stroller raincoat with you

How to wear a newborn in the spring for discharge?

Important: Before choosing clothes, except for an envelope, blankets and hats, check in your maternity hospital if they allow the baby to wear their clothes there. If not, then the baby is swaddled into warm diapers, and a warm envelope is upstairs

  • Body with long sleeve
  • Pants with socks or slider
  • Fleet overalls or on the lining (depending on the weather)
  • The envelope
  • Knitted hat

Important: in the spring the weather can change dramatically. Think about a warmer and lighter set of clothing

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How to wear a newborn in winter for discharge

  • Body with long sleeve
  • Pants with warm socks or sliders
  • Instead of 1 and 2 points, you can choose a loose slip
  • The overalls are fleece
  • Kombineson winter or warm envelope
  • Winter hat (woolen or fur) cap

How to wear a newborn for discharge in the cold?

  • Add a warm blanket to the previous point

How to wear a newborn in the summer for discharge?

In summer in very hot weather:

  • Long sleeve and light panties with light socks (or sliders)
  • Light envelope
  • Light cap or cap

In summer in cool weather:

  • Long sleeve and panties with socks (or sliders) cotton body boils and pants
  • Slip is light
  • Light envelope
  • Chepchik or hat (flannel or cotton)
  • Or instead of 2 and 3 points, the envelope is warmer

How to wear a newborn in the fall for discharge?

  • Act on the same principle as in the spring

How to wear a newborn boy?

We dress the boy, first of all, according to the weather and temperature of the air at home (read above).

The colors of predominantly blue and blue tones, but you can use neutral: yellow, green, purple, gray, red.

It is not convenient for a newborn child to wear fashionable clothes, but you can try to receive guests or photo shoots:

  • Fashion T -shirt
  • Fashionable shirt
  • Pinettes-Keds
  • Pants or jeans

Important: but all this clothing is very inconvenient for a child. It is permissible only for dressing for a short time

How to wear a newborn girl?

We dress the girl according to the same principle as the boy.

Neutral colors are the same. The main - shades of pink.

Clothing for a photo shoot or reception of guests:

  • Skirt
  • Beautiful T -shirt
  • Dress
  • Headband

How to wear a newborn before bedtime?

Before going to bed, you need to wear the child in the same way as being at home depending on the temperature (see above).

But at night the child should be covered with a thin diaper, flannel or blanket.

Important: the blanket should not be heavy. It should not be very dense because the skin of the child should breathe. Buy modern blankets for trousers

How to wear a newborn after swimming

After bathing the baby, you need to wear the same as usual at home. But for 15-20 minutes put on a cap or hat. This must be done in order to protect the ears of the child. The water that remained in the ears is absorbed into the cap. Then you will remove it.

Important: but if we are talking about very hot weather, when your baby lies naked at home, then after bathing it is still worth dressing in a lung slip with socks

How to warm the newborn warmly?

You need to wear the child warmly so that the child does not overheat. All detailed recommendations are set out in the article (read from the very beginning)

What to wear a newborn under a fur envelope?

The fur envelope is very warm and it passes little air.

Therefore, under the fur envelope, do not dress many layers of clothing, otherwise overheating the child is provided. Better dress less layers, but let everyone be warmer if we are talking about frost.

For example: thin slip with socks, fleece slope and fur envelope

In any case, the selection of clothing is an individual matter. Find the best option for you and your child.

Video: How to wear a newborn correctly?

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  1. How to wear a child (newborn)? Are you afraid that it will be hot or cold?

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