Hair falls out - what vitamins and trace elements are missing in the body?

Hair falls out - what vitamins and trace elements are missing in the body?

From this article you will learn from the lack of which vitamins the hair can fall.

Sometimes it happens that we, thinner, and exhausting ourselves with constant diets, deprive ourselves of vitamins important for the body, and then suddenly we notice that we started sharply, and in large numbers, our hair falls out. What vitamins are important for hair? What vitamins do your hair fall out from the lack of? We find out in this article.

Hair falls out: Causes

Hair can fall out for many reasons:

  • After severe stress
  • With vitamin deficiency
  • With hormonal failure that can occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause
  • After prolonged treatment by some drugs (antidepressants, heparin), and after chemotherapy
  • With skin diseases (bacterial, fungal)
Hair falls out due to a lack of vitamins, and trace elements

Hair falls out: what vitamins and trace elements are not enough?

Scientists have found that hair loss is associated with lack of the following trace elements and vitamins:

  • Gland
  • Zinc
  • Sulfur
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Silicon
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Iodine
  • Manganese
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamins of group B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12)

Hair falls out: iron lack

The daily rate of iron consumption:

  • Men - 9 mg
  • Women - 16-18 mg
  • Pregnant women - 25-35 mg
  • Women with breasts of a baby - 20-22 mg

But according to scientists, 93% of people on Earth do not receive this trace element. The lack of iron is caused by a disease called anemia - a reduced level of hemoglobin in the blood. And if anemia lasts a long time, then hair begins to fall out along with other ailments. If within a month the body receives a sufficient amount of iron, the hair will stop falling.

You can replenish the need for iron with food products. Most of the iron in the following products (iron content in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Sesame - 16
  • Sea cabbage - 16
  • Lentils - 11.8
  • Buckwheat - 8.3
  • Peas - 7
  • Beef liver - 6.9
  • Egg yolk - 6.7
  • Sunflower seeds (raw, not fried) - 6.1
  • Beans - 5.9
  • Gorky chocolate - 5.6

Hair falls out: zinc deficiency

If a not enough in the body of zinc, first of all, hair and skin suffer, and we can judge this by the following signs:

  • Often there is a dandruff in the hair
  • The hair has become thin and brittle
  • The appearance of gray hair at a young age
  • Hair falls out evenly throughout the head

The daily norm of zinc for men and women is 15-20 mg. It can be obtained from food that we eat every day.
Most zinc in such products (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Oysters-10-25
  • Sesamens - 7.7
  • Pumpkin seeds - 7.4
  • Chicken hearts - 7.3
  • Arachis - 6.6
  • Cocoa in powder - 6.3
  • Sunflower seeds - 5.3
  • Different types of liver - 5
  • Beef tongue - 4.8
  • Various solid cheeses - 4.7
  • Turkey - 4.3
  • Egg yolk - 3.4
  • Beef - 3.2

Hair falls out: disadvantage of sulfur

The disadvantage of sulfur in the body will immediately affect the hair: they lose strength, elasticity and shine. And the whole point is that Keratin, of which the hair consists, needs Sere.

We can get the necessary sulfur from food from food. The daily dose of sulfur for humans is 1500 mg. Most of this trace element in such products (data in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Hot smoking nasal (smoking on wood) - 254
  • Beef - 230
  • Cottage cheese of low fat content - 220
  • Kilka - 200
  • Herring - 190
  • Egg protein - 187
  • Chicken - 186
  • Egg yolk - 170
  • Walnuts - 100

Hair falls out: Calcium deficiency

With a lack of calcium, our bones, nails and hair suffer. The norm of calcium per day for men and women is 400-800 mg.  The exception is pregnant and breast -feeding women, athletes - they will need 1200 mg of a trace element close.

Food in which the most calcium (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Sesamens - 1474
  • Hard cheese and milk powder-880-1180
  • Suluguni cheese, melted and Brynza-630-650
  • Stone salt - 368
  • Sunflower seeds - 367
  • Soy - 348
  • Condensed milk (in low-fat)-307-317
  • Almonds - 273
  • Parsley Greens - 245
  • Dill greens - 223
  • Halva sunflower - 211
  • Milk - 120
  • Sour cream-85-90

Attention. Calcium is poorly absorbed if there is not enough phosphorus, vitamins A, D, C, B2, B6, as well as when using sweet carbonated drinks.

Hair falls out due to a lack of calcium

Hair falls out: lack of phosphorus

If our body does not enter enough phosphorus with food, hair loses its shine, elasticity, become dull, and fall out.

The norm of phosphorus for humans per day is 1000 mg. It can be obtained from foods rich in phosphorus.

The richest phosphorus are the following products (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Surcharge bread - 950
  • Dumplings-790-920 mg (more phosphorus in low-fat products)
  • Sesamens - 720
  • Solid and melted cheese-600-700
  • White dried mushrooms - 606
  • Soy - 603
  • Egg yolk - 542
  • Sunflower seeds - 530
  • Red caviar - 490
  • Beans - 480
  • Almonds - 473

Hair falls out: Silicon lack

With a shortage of silicon in the body, hair becomes thin, brittle and falls out.

The standard of silicon per day for a person is close to 30 mg. The products that we eat every day can replenish our body with silicon, you only need to know what is most of all.

List of products richest silicon (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Dark rice - 1240
  • Oats - 1000
  • Barley grains - 600
  • Soy - 177
  • Chickpeas, beans - 92
  • Rye grains - 85
  • Lentils - 80
  • Wheat cereal - 50
  • Oatmeal cereals - 43
  • Green peas - 21
  • Sange cereal - 6
  • Apricots - 5

Hair falls out: lack of copper

With a lack of copper, the hair becomes brittle, an early gray hair appears, they stop growing, and fall out.

The norm of copper per day for people is 1 mg. This trace element can be obtained from food.

Food table, richest copper (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Arachis - 1.14
  • Wheat bran - 0.99
  • Pasta - 0.7
  • Buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils - 0.66
  • Peas - 0.59
  • Beans - 0.58
  • Rice - 0.56
  • Walnuts - 0.53
  • Oatmeal - 0.45

Hair falls out: Magnesium flaw

With a lack of magnesium, the hair becomes thin, break and split, then fall out. If the problem with magnesium in the body is eliminated, then after a month and a half the hair will stop falling.

Magnesium deficiency can be replenished with food. The norm of magnesium per day for humans is 400 mg.

List of products richest with magnesium (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Sesamens - 540
  • Wheat bran - 448
  • Sunflower seeds - 317
  • Almonds - 234
  • Soy - 226
  • Buckwheat - 200
  • Arachis - 182
  • Halva sunflower - 178
  • Sea cabbage - 170
  • Gorky chocolate - 133
  • Oatmeal - 129

Hair falls out: lack of iodine

With insufficient iodine, the hair becomes brittle, dry, and then falls out.

The norm of iodine per day for humans is 150 μg. It can be replenished with food.

Table of the richest iodine products (data are given in the ICG per 100 g of the product):

  • Sea cabbage - 300
  • Squids - 200
  • Cod - 135
  • Shrimp - 110
  • Sea perch - 60
  • Flounder, pink salmon, salmon, tuna, milk powder - 50
  • Mackerel - 45
  • Herring - 40
  • Egg yolk - 33
  • Stavrida - 30
  • Champignons - 18
  • Beans - 12

Hair falls out: a flaw of manganese

With a lack of manganese, the hair becomes thinner, break. There may be a change in their color.

The norm of manganese per day for humans is 2 mg. It can be replenished from the following products (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Wheat bran - 11.5
  • Oat flakes, wheat cereal - 3.8
  • Rice - 3.6
  • Soy - 2.8
  • Rye flour - 2.59
  • Wheat flour - 2.46
  • Chickpeas - 2.14
  • Sunflower seeds - 1.95
  • Peanuts, almonds, walnuts - 1.9
  • Garlic - 1.67
  • Buckwheat - 1.56
  • Beans - 1.34
With a lack of vitamins, the head can first itch, dandruff appears, and then hair falls out

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin D

The lack of vitamin D for a long time can lead to partial or complete baldness not only in men, but also in women.

The norm of vitamin D per day for men and women is 10 μg. It can be found in such products (data in the ICG per 100 g of product):

  • Fish oil in the liver of the quantity - 250
  • Fat herring - 30
  • Mackerel - 16.1
  • Salmon - 11
  • Egg yolk - 7.7
  • Tuna - 5.7
  • Chanterelles - 5.3
  • Freshwater perch - 3
  • Red caviar - 2.9
  • Flounder - 2.8
  • Pike - 2.5
  • Butter - 1.5

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin E

A small drawback of vitamin E affects the slow growth of the hair, the appearance of dandruff, and with a prolonged lack of vitamin, the hair can fall a lot.

The norm of vitamin E per day for humans is 10 mg. It is most in the following products (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Sunflower oil - 44
  • Sunflower seeds - 31.2
  • Almonds - 24.6
  • Hazelnuts - 21
  • Peanut oil - 16.7
  • Olive oil - 12.1
  • Wheat grain - 10.4
  • Arachis - 10.1
  • White dried mushrooms - 7.4
  • Kuraga - 5.5
  • Sea buckthorn - 5

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin A

From a lack of vitamin A with the hair, the following is happening:

  • Dandruff appears
  • The hair becomes dry, brittle and dull, then falls out

The norm of vitamin A per day for humans is 1 mg. It is most in such products (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Fish oil in the liver of the serpent - 25
  • Beef liver - 8.3
  • Carrots - 2
  • Red Rowal - 1.5
  • Parsley - 0.95
  • Egg yolk - 0.92
  • Dill, celery, spinach - 0.75
  • Butter - 0.65
  • Kuraga - 0.58
  • Rosehip - 0.43
  • Spring - 0.41
  • Broccoli - 0.38

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin C

With a prolonged lack of vitamin C, hair falls strongly.

The norm of vitamin C per day for humans is 70 mg. Most of it in such products (data in mg per 100 g of finished food):

  • Dried rosehip - 650
  • Berries of sea buckthorn, blackcurrant of black, Bulgarian pepper - 200
  • Kiwi fruits - 180
  • White dried mushrooms, green part of parsley - 150
  • Young dill - 100
  • Cabbage (Brussels, broccoli, colored, red-legged, white)-45-100
  • Red Red - 70
  • Green salad - 69
  • Pomelo fruits - 61
  • Orange, strawberries - 60

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B2

The deficiency of vitamin B2 can cause serious damage to our hair. Judge for yourself:

  1. The hair at the roots begins to fat quickly.
  2. And the ends of the hair are dry.
  3. As a result, the hair in small areas falls ill seborrhea (the disease is caused by a yeast -like fungus).
  4. Seborrhea spots increase, then peel off, hair falls almost completely on them.

The norm of vitamin B2 per day for humans is 1.8 mg. It can be found in the following products (data are shown in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Mushrooms of dried white - 2.45
  • Beef liver and kidneys - 1.8–2.19
  • Cream of low-fat, powder natural milk-0.9-1.8
  • Egg squirrel - 0.6
  • Soft and hard cheese-0.39-0.5
  • Mushrooms (champignons, openers, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms, boletus)-0.35-0.45
  • Chocolate - 0.45
  • Red fish caviar - 0.42
  • Condensed milk - 0.38
  • Sesame seeds - 0.36
  • Sea fish (mackerel, herring)-0.3-0.36
  • Loof cottage cheese - 0.3
With a prolonged lack of vitamin B2, the scalp can get seborrhea - a dangerous disease from which hair falls in whole areas

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B3

With a lack of vitamin B3, the hair gets gray early, stops to grow. The norm of vitamin B3 per day is 20 mg.

Most vitamin B3 in such products (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • White dried mushrooms - 69.1
  • Non -ardent peanuts of peanuts - 18.9
  • Sunflower seeds of non -ardent - 15.7
  • Sea fish (tuna, macrel) - 11.6–15.5
  • Bran brans of wheat - 13.5
  • Meat turkey, chicken, rabbit-11.6-13.3
  • Liver (beef) - 13
  • Sesame seeds - 11.1

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B5

With a lack of vitamin B5, the condition of the hair gradually worsens, and then they begin to fall out. The norm of vitamin B5 per day for humans is 5 mg. Most of it in the following products (data are given in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Egg yolks - 4
  • Natural powder milk-2.7-3.3
  • Legumes - 1.2–2.3
  • Wheat grains - 2.18
  • Peanuts of nonsense - 1.77
  • Red fish - 1.6
  • Avocado fruits - 1.4

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B6

At first, the lack of vitamin B6 is manifested by dandruff in the hair, dry scalp, itching, and then the hair falls out.

The norm of vitamin B6 per day for humans is 2 mg. Most vitamin B6 in such products (in mg per 100 g of product):

  • Sunflower seeds - 1.34
  • Choppers from wheat - 1.3
  • Garlic teeth - 1.23
  • Legumes-0.85-0.9
  • Nuts (forest, walnut)-0.7-0.8
  • Sea fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna) - 0.77–0.8
  • Sesame seeds - 0.79
  • Porridge (barley, rice, millet)-0.52-0.54
  • Kuritz - 0.52

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B7

With a lack of vitamin B7 or biotin, the hair gets gray early, skin diseases develop, including seborrhea, from which the hair then falls.

The norm of vitamin B7 per day for humans is 50 μg. Most vitamin B7 in the following products (data in ICG per 100 g of product):

  • Soy - 60
  • Egg yolk - 56
  • Ovsyanka - 20
  • Dry peas - 19.5
  • Dairy product of a powder -shaped natural - 15.3
  • Cereals (dark rice, wheat, from corn) - 6.6–12
  • Kuritz - 10
  • Fish cod - 10
  • Curricular natural product-5.1-7.6 (in low-fat)
  • Wheat flour-4-4.4

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B8

The shortage of vitamin B8 leads to alopecia for a long time - the complete loss of hair in certain areas of the head not only in men, but also in women.

The norm of vitamin B8 per day:

  • Children under 6 years of age- 30-100 mg
  • Children and adolescents 7-18 years old- 200-500 mg
  • Adults - 500-900 mg
  • Athletes - 1000 mg

Most vitamin B8 in such an edible provisor (in mg per 100 g of food):

  • In young flakes of cereals - 724
  • Ovsyanka - 266
  • Citrus fruits-151-249
  • Fresh peas green - 241
  • Peanuts - 178
  • Dried fruits (raisins) - 133
  • Legumes (lentils) - 131

Attention. Vitamin B8 is poorly absorbed if there are not enough vitamins E and B4. And yet, if you want vitamin B8 to be better absorbed, do not drink strong teas and coffee, sweet sparkling drinks.

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is responsible for hair growth. The lack of vitamin leads to early graying of the hair, and then falling out.

The norm of vitamin B9 per day is 400 mcg. Most vitamin in the following food supplies (data are given in the ICG per 100 g of the product):

  • Non -ardent peanuts - 240
  • Sunflower seeds - 227
  • Soye grains - 200
  • Dried boobs - 140
  • Green parsley - 110
  • Fish liver - 110
  • Sesame seeds - 97
  • Beans and lentils - 90
  • Avocado fruits - 89
  • Green vegetables (spinach, salad leaves) - 80
  • Beijing cabbage - 79
  • Wheat grains - 79
  • Walnuts - 77

Hair falls out: deficiency of vitamin B12

Thanks to vitamin B12, our hair is growing faster and updated. The lack of vitamin leads to hair loss.

The norm of vitamin B12 per day:

  • Children under 3 years old - 0.9 mcg
  • Children under 13 years old - 1.8 mcg
  • Adolescents and adults - 3 μg

Most vitamin B12 in such products (in mcg per 100 g of product):

  • Mollusks - 98.9
  • Beef liver fried or stewed - 70.6
  • Bowed beef boiled - 24.9
  • Fried chicken liver - 21.1
  • Baked mackerel - 19
  • Fried or stewed pork liver - 18.7
  • Baked herring - 13.1
  • Salt herring - 4.3
  • Baked pollock - 3.7
  • Boiled egg - 1.1
With a lack of vitamin B12, the hair is not updated, but falls out

Hair falls out: what to do - the first steps?

If you eat correctly, and still every time you comb, hair falls out in large quantities ( hair loss rate 100 pieces per day), you need to consult a doctor occupied by hair - a trichologist. The doctor will establish the cause of hair loss, prescribing the following:

  • General blood analysis
  • Blood test for hormones
  • Hair research - trichoscopy

You also need to consult a doctor if the hair does not fall out, but there are already signs of the disease:

  • Dandruff in the hair
  • Itching skin on the head
  • Hair is split strongly
  • The hair suddenly became dull, brittle

Hair falls out: what to do - treatment?

When the doctor reveals the causes of hair disease, the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy along with therapeutic means of hair treatment:

  • Laser comb, which affects the hair and skin onions with laser rays, and stimulating hair growth
  • Mesotherapy - injections of preparations under the hair under the scalp
If hair falls out for a long time, a laser comb will help them cure them

Now we know from the lack of which vitamins the hair can fall out, and we can prevent this disease.

Video: Super Hair

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Comments K. article

  1. I use a melting mask from horsepower against hair loss, always once a week. I also use shampoo from the same line.

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