How to cure oily hair: Trichologist's tips for treatment and care. Overview of shampoos for oily hair. Special products for the treatment of oily hair. Folk recipes for oily hair

How to cure oily hair: Trichologist's tips for treatment and care. Overview of shampoos for oily hair. Special products for the treatment of oily hair. Folk recipes for oily hair

Ways to cure oily hair.

Bold hair is a fairly common problem in our time. This is due not only to the deterioration of the environmental situation, but with the abundance of harmful products on store shelves. In this article, we will tell you how to care for oily hair according to trichologists.  

Causes of oily hair

What you should pay attention to? First of all, girls are trying to purchase the best shampoo from oily hair in a pharmacy, and spend a lot of money on care cosmetics. In fact, this is not the right approach. The fact is that the hair reflects the situation that has developed inside the body.

The reasons:

  • Thus, if sweet, flour, fatty foods are often consumed, the hair instantly responds to this. All this produces a huge amount of skin fat, which is associated with violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Very often, hair responds to internal problems, chronic diseases. Often, increased oily hair is suffered by people who have gastritis, ulcer, as well as intestinal disorder and dysbiosis. Thus, getting rid of fat content will be obtained when you remove the main reason for the appearance of excessive amount of skin fat.  
  • Hormonal imbalance also affects the condition of the hair. Therefore, girls who have difficulties with the menstrual cycle, it is irregular, should establish precisely the hormonal balance. This can be done with hormonal drugs, and combined oral contraceptives. When stabilizing the hormonal background, the problem with oily hair is leaving.
  • Often the cause of excessive oily hair is improper care of them. This is due to the fact that girls for washing their hair use a creamy shampoo with a large amount of nutrients.  
Greasy hair
Greasy hair

Trichologist Care for Bold Hair Care


  • Trichologists recommend in no case to increase the frequency of washing. Many girls, in order to get rid of fat content, wash their hair every day. This is by no means worth doing. The optimal hair washing mode is 2 times a week.
  • If you make the process more frequent, you will achieve only an increase in dry hair, but the fatty will not go anywhere. That is, the epidermis will peel off, a huge amount of dandruff, scales will form, but the hair will still look sloppy, oily.
  • If you have oily hair, we advise you to use absolutely transparent shampoo, without dyes and matting substances. That is, a cream -shaped tool cannot be used. It is also worth abandoning the use of funds with a large amount of nutrients, silicone additives, as well as oils.
  • They additionally increase the fat content of hair. That is, the best option will be the easiest shampoo without unnecessary additives. It is best if he is without a sodium lauryl sulfate. Such care products can be purchased at the pharmacy. They should have an inscription for oily hair. In addition, when washing the head, you should not use very hot water, because it stimulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • It is best to wash with cool water or at room temperature. Please note that improper combing also stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Many girls with thick and long hair, often use brushes with plastic, thick cloves. They believe that massage of the skin improves blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. In fact, this is so, but it also stimulates the production of skin fat and carries fat on the surface of the entire hair. That is, thus, it accumulates not only at the roots, but along the entire length.
  • Accordingly, if you have oily hair, we recommend using scallops with frequent cloves, and not contact with oily scalp. That is, start combing from the ends, approaching from the middle, and directly to the roots. Try to use styling products in minimal quantities. The fact is that foam, hair varnishes, also cause excessive pollution and oily hair. They do not allow the skin to breathe, so a significant amount of skin fat accumulates at the roots.  
Mask application
Mask application

How to cure oily hair: simple tips

What care products can be used for oily hair? It is best to purchase special shampoos in a pharmacy.


  • An ideal option will be the use of shampoo with extracts of seaweed, as well as with vitamins. It is very good about the state of health of the hair content of zinc in the shampoo. The fact is that it regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also kills pathogens.
  • To improve the condition of such hair, it is best to use a detergent with tannins and antibacterial substances. They reduce fat content, and prevent the release of a huge amount of sebum. The use of vitamins inward, as well as retinoids, will not be superfluous.
  • To get rid of oily hair and bring it to normal, you may need to sit on a diet. That is, you will need to abandon fatty, fried food, sweets, as well as flour products. This will all lead to an improvement in the general state of health, including hair.  
  • Many advise, in order to avoid excessive oily hair, it is necessary to dry them with cold air from the hair dryer. That is, in no case can you turn on a hot flow. He will only stimulate the production of sebum. During washing, try to so that air conditioning, a mask, caring for oil does not fall on the roots of the hair. It is necessary to apply such funds exclusively to the ends.  
Hair care
Hair care

Effective folk remedies for the treatment of oily hair According to trichologists

Basically, masks are used as such substances. They may contain a huge number of components that reduce fat content.  

Traditional medicine also offers a huge amount of means to get rid of excessive fat content. These are not only herbs, but also medicinal components. Basically in folk medicine, masks are used that are applied to the roots of the hair, also rinses and decoctions.  

How to wash curls
How to wash curls

Recipes of traditional medicine for oily hair:  

  • Mustard. It is necessary to use dry powder in the amount of 30 g. It is mixed with a glass of warm water. After that, it is necessary to moisturize dirty hair before washing with a sprayer, and apply the resulting product to the hair roots. Now you need to put a cellophane cap on your head and wrap it with a towel. Walking in such an application is necessary for 30 minutes. After that, everything is washed off with a large amount of water and shampoo.  
  • It is quite effective yarrow, oak and burdock. It is necessary to mix the grass of yarrow, bark of oak, and burdock leaves in equal quantities. Now a tablespoon of such raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 1 minute over low heat. This broth is used three times a week. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool in it and apply to the roots of the hair. It is worth performing manipulations three times a week. Rinse the broth from the hair, drying, drying, hair acquires a more fresh look.  
  • You can make birch and linden decoctions. It is necessary to mix birch buds in equal quantities, as well as linden flowers. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with half-liters of boiling water, left in a thermos for 4 hours. After that, cooled to room temperature. After washing the hair with this tool, the roots are rinsed. You can improve the shampoos existing in the arsenal for oily hair, complementing them with special essential oils. The hair content of citrus fruits, mint, as well as calendulas has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. You can add cedar or spruce oil. In total, you need to add one drop of each oil to a large bottle of shampoo.  
  • Black bread mask. It is necessary to take half a loaf of stale bread that no one eats. It is cut into small cubes, poured into a three -liter container, and poured with warm water. It is necessary to allow this composition for several hours. It is necessary that the cubes become soft and supple. Now all this is thrown back into a colander, and the pulp is kneading in a bowl until the gruel is received. The resulting mass is applied to the roots of the hair, wrapped with cellophane and left for one hour. After that, washing the shampoo without the use of shampoo. Please note that after manipulations, small crumbs can remain on the hair. The problem is solved quite quickly, by combing a scallop.  
Folk recipes
Folk recipes

What medicines can be used for oily hair?  


  • The use of zinc ointment will be an ideal option. The composition contains a zinc pyrithion that regulates the sebaceous glands, and reduces the production of sebum. This positively affects the general condition of the hair and slows down fat.
  • You can also use tar. Now there are a lot of shampoos that are sold in pharmacies, contain tar. One of them is Sulsen. It has an unpleasant odor and dark color. Such characteristics of this tool are due to the presence of a birch tar. Try to use it as it is written in the instructions.
  • If you have seborrheic dermatitis, which provokes excessive oily hair, while peeling of the skin itself is observed, then care shampoos and funds will not help you.  
  • In this case, the only possible option is to visit a dermatologist. For the treatment of this kind of ailment, a special approach and drugs are needed.  
Therapeutic shampoo
Therapeutic shampoo

Shampoos that help to care for oily hair  

Now on store shelves a huge amount of care shampoos, which allow you to slightly reduce the fat content of hair. You can give them preference. Here are a few of them:  

  • Heden Scholeders. Mint cools the roots of the hair and prevents the appearance of a huge amount of skin fat. A feeling of freshness and purity is created. At the same time, people with very oily hair can reduce the frequency of washing to three times a week.  
  • Also perfectly cope with excessive fat content with shampoo Shaum. It is worth choosing a special series for oily hair, which contains the right ingredients.  
  • Cosmetics have proven itself well Green Mama. This shampoo contains oak bark, as well as a birch broth. These components help regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent the appearance of excessive fatty hair. As a result, the curls seem to be more fresh, and this condition remains for a long time.  

Of course, all external funds, such as folk recipes, as well as special care cosmetics, do fat excellent. However, if, if the release of skin fat is provoked by internal ailments, the problem will be repeated. Therefore, the only right option is the treatment of internal ailments, as well as control of your diet. There are also some tips according to which the pillowcase must be washed at least once a week.

This also applies to the cap that you wear in the winter. Indeed, the pillowcase and hat absorb skin fat, so pathogenic microorganisms multiply inside the cells. This can provoke peeling, itching, as well as aggravate the situation with oily hair.  

In order to reduce the production of sebum, try to purchase hats made of natural fabric that are well erased. It is necessary to abandon the fur products, or lift a lining under the lower, which is easily attached, it can be washed. Regarding bedding and pillowcases, it is also necessary to abandon the use of synthetics in favor of cotton products, as well as silk.  

Video: Bold hair - Trichologists' tips

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Comments K. article

  1. Personally, I got rid of the oily hair very simply - I bought Naftaderm shampoo in a pharmacy and used 2 times a week. As a result, dandruff and fat content completely disappeared. And the hair now looks just stunning.

  2. For all issues related to hair, I turn to my hairdresser-stylist Vita. By the way, he and a trichologist and for any issue of hair will give valuable advice. Moreover, he himself treats hair, does care procedures and cuts and dyes stylishly. I am the owner of such a hair cutter only thanks to my stylist from the beauty salon Les Mains d’Or.

  3. i buy a dry shampoo of a seborrhelah liberma, it is ideal for oily scalp, instantly cleanses the excess sebaceous secretion, gives lightness and freshness to the hair without weighting.

  4. I can’t cope with oily hair, I have to wash your heads almost every day. And in order not to dry the scalp, I bought myself a shampoo Horse with collagen and lanolin.

  5. The aforementioned Naftaderm shampoo also helped me a lot. It is certainly not cheap, but really helps with fat seborrhea. For several months, she stopped using, and the hair and scalp are still perfectly healthy.

  6. My hair was always oily as I remember. But it is important to choose the right shampoo for such hair. I have this Berestine, which does not contain synthetic dyes and fragrances. And the scalp is very careful for the skin, and not just behind the hair. By the way, dandruff stopped appearing, as she began to use it.

  7. Not a single sane trichologist will advise to wash your hair only twice a week if the hair is prone to oily. This can lead to seborrhea and blockage of follicles.

  8. From the fat content of hair that no no, it manifests itself, the shampoo with wood carbon on the detox series 911 Twins TEK helps me. Shampoo provides soft purification, without breaking the natural balance, gives the hair a healthy shine.

  9. Hair soap with zinc shampoo from Twins TEK. It for all types of hair, cleanses the hair, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restores the water-fat balance of the scalp. For a week two of my hair and everything normalizes.

  10. An effective tool that helps reduce the fat content of hair is Naftaderm shampoo. Helps from fat dandruff.

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