At what speed does the hair grow and what affects their growth?

At what speed does the hair grow and what affects their growth?

In this article, we will consider how quickly the hair grows, and find out the factors that affect the speed.

From time immemorial it is known that hair is female beauty. It was a long oblique in ancient times that the girls fascinated the guys. But not every person is given to have a chic hair, because it all depends on the capabilities and structure of the hair. Therefore, we propose to study the factors from which the hair grows more actively in order to use it in their favor.

At what speed does the hair grow?

No matter how strange it sounds, it is the hair that grows the fastest in our entire body. Just with the naked eye, this is not so noticeable. But let's study in more detail how quickly the hair grows for a certain time interval.

How do women grow up?

  • Scientists have found that the hair grows about 0.35 mm per day.
  • And if you compare the length a month later, you will see that the hair has grown by 1 or 1.5 cm.
  • For six months, braids can grow 6-10 cm, but in a year-15-20 cm. As you can see, a different interval of a length of length increases in proportion to the time period.

Important: if you use any means purchased on the Internet or a store, in the hope that your hair will grow by 10 cm per month, then know that this will not. So the structure of the head and the curls themselves are arranged.

In women, hair grows faster than men
In women, hair grows faster than men

But what about men?

Women often come such a thought that the stronger sex has more eyelashes, and the hair is thicker and longer, and they grow better. But it was not there! It turns out that men's bulbs are only 2 mm deep under the skin, so they grow much worse than female hair. Let's take a look at the visual numbers:

  • during the day they grow by no more than 0.3 mm, the minimum chapel 0.15 mm.
  • per month 0.7 mm or 1 cm will come out.
  • for the year-10-15 cm.

Few people know that there is hair growth cycle.It is divided into three stages:

  • continuous growth or anagen,which covers 90% of all curls. Its duration is 2-5 years, but sometimes it can drag out to 6 years;
  • the stage, which is between the two states - Katagen. In this phase, hair growth slows down a bit. They, as it were, enter a state of peace and regression. This lasts 20-30 days and affects no more than 3%;
  • final stage - telogen. There is a complete, but gradual cessation of hair growth for 120 days. But the hair falls only in case of complete follicle drying under mechanical exposure. That is, this is a random capture of a comb or removed sweater. Covers approximately 7-10%.

Important: but for men, these phases work more actively. That is, after hair loss, he needs only 2 years to appear a new rod. But on the female head it will take about 5 years.

But the phases themselves are not so active in women
But the phases themselves are not so active in women

And on other parts of the body?

  • Every woman probably noticed that the hair grows faster on the legs. Therefore, getting rid of them is quite difficult, given that they grow in a maximum of three days, and the stubble appears the next day.
  • In men such a fast -growing zone is, of course, a mustache and beard.

What hair grows from: factors affecting growth rate

Each person has a different hair growth rate-someone was more fortunate, and someone less. But if your hair does not grow in the same way from any of the acquaintances, do not panic. You can only accelerate growth on your own using various natural masks, etc. We offer to study the main factors affecting hair growth.

Heat and light activates hair growth
Heat and light activates hair growth
  • The season and the daily phase. More precisely, in the afternoon and summer, hair grows a little faster than in winter and night. Moreover, in the warm season, their activity increases by 20-30%.
    • By the way, keep in mind that from hypothermiahair growth worsens. Therefore, do not forget to walk in hats in the winter. But here scorching rays They also do not affect them in the best way, so in the summer they should also be covered.
  • Heredity: The condition of your parents or other close relatives has a very strong way.
  • Food:if you are a lover of not quite useful food, then this will definitely affect your hair. Those people who eat right, and everything will be in order with their hair.
    • A special role is assigned to the main construction component - squirrel. Therefore, do not forget about the proper dose of fish, meat and dairy products.
  • Also affect the condition of the hair and bad habits. And not only smoking or alcohol, but even excessive love for coffee. And you can read about its effect on the body in the material "What will happen if you drink a lot of coffee?".
On the growth and activity of hair, bad habits do not affect the best way
On the growth and activity of hair, bad habits do not affect the best way
  • Hygiene:hair always needs to be nourished with various oils and pamper masks, because in the air a lot of gases are in the air that your hair absorbs like a sponge.
  • Moreover, they are also affected by various Mechanical influences. For example, curling, alignment with an iron or drying with a hairdryer. By the way, various elastic bands, rims and other clamps are also not in the best way reflected on the structure of the hair.
  • Repeat that floorhe plays a role. In women on their heads, growth rate is an order of magnitude faster than in men.
  • Ageit also affects. Up to 50 years, hair growth is much more intense than after. Since the hair is thinner, vitamins are needed more and more, and it falls more intensively. The peak of their activity falls for 15-30 years.
  • Stress- This is one of the main factors of poor hair growth and their rapid loss, and other problems in the body.

What means can be used to speed up hair growth?

  • It is very important to choose the right shampoo and other hair care products. It also does not prevent the use of folk remedies in the form of masks. By the way, you can read about them in the article "Masks from hair loss".
Do not forget to take care of your hair
Do not forget to take care of your hair
  • It is important to remember a few more basic rules:
    • find out what type of your hair and select the funds according to only your type;
    • if you like various styling products, then you must definitely add to your set air conditioner. It also needs to be selected according to the type of hair;
    • try to consume more liquids, Or rather, simple water. But the calculation should be approximately 30 ml per 1 kg. A sufficient amount of fluid in the body activates all metabolic processes;
    • also do not forget about their tribute and balanced nutrition and vitamins. Try to avoid fried and harmful food;
    • start playing sports or at least a small scumbag during work;
    • love a device like massage brush. It is better to take it from a tree. It does not damage the skin in the way, and it has a beneficial effect on the hair;
    • massage the scalp every day. This is one of the simplest, but also effective means. Then you will simulate the blood circulation of hair follicles, which activate their growth.
The blondes have the thick and active hair
The blondes have the thick hair

An interesting fact: density and growth rate depends on the color of the hair. The amount of hair in redheads becomes 80-85 thousand. This is the smallest amount. In brunettes, the amount of hair is approximately 100-105 thousand. The blondes have the thick hair-about 140 thousand, but they have them the thinnest.

As you can see, we cannot radically affect hair growth. But to take care of them is able to everyone.

Video: How quickly our hair grows?

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Comments K. article

  1. They didn’t want to grow for me at all ... that I just didn’t try ... but the additives helped! I took the triple omega-3 from Evalar, collagen, and multivitamins (a, e, d). Now they stopped climbing, and cm by 5 have definitely grew up ... So dreams of long hair are slowly coming true)

  2. Hair grows 1-1.5 cm per month. I have a BLL period when they almost never grew up. Horse massage and shampoo Hors on the basis of oatmeal surfactants helped. It has plant extracts that stimulate hair growth

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