Viruses - biology: brief presentation, structure scheme, reproduction, types, history of the discovery of viruses

Viruses - biology: brief presentation, structure scheme, reproduction, types, history of the discovery of viruses

Description, structure, features of viruses in biology.

More and more information appears around viruses. In particular, this is due to the spread of coronavirus infection. In this article we will talk about the origin of viruses, their features. 

What are viruses in biology: definition

This is an infectious agent that is capable of breed in cells.

What are viruses in biology, definition:

  • The particle itself does not represent a cage. This is an agent that contains DNA or RNA, enclosed in a protein shell.
  • Viruses do not belong to live and inanimate nature. This is something average or borderline. To treat living organisms, the presence of a cellular structure is necessary, but the virus does not have it.
  • He can behave like a living organism, but only inside the host cells. Therefore, at the moment, viruses are not yet referred to any of the categories, they have been carried out into a separate kingdom. 
Determination of the virus
Determination of the virus

Viruses: Biology pictures

Below you can familiarize yourself with the structural features of some viruses.

Pictures of viruses
Pictures of viruses
Drawings of viruses
Drawings of viruses

Forms of viruses: biology

Viruses differ not only in structure, their appearance and effect on the body, but also in shape. There are several forms of viruses.

Forms of viruses, biology:

  • Broke -shaped. It resembles a regular cylinder, characteristic of tobacco mosaics.
  • Film. These are threads that can bend several times, with a fairly large length and small diameter. Typically, such viruses are characteristic of plants. They can wedge into the bacteria.
  • Spherical. They resemble polyhedra, most often they attack the body of people. Among them can be distinguished by adenovirus and rheoviruses. Sometimes they resemble deformed balls.
  • Cube -shaped. They look like parallelepiped, often with rounded edges. The representative of this form is the Ospes and Mixomas virus.
  • Bulavoid. For the most part, these are bacteriophages. They have a head and a tail. Viruses also differ in size. They can be large and small.
A variety of forms of viruses
A variety of forms of viruses

Signs of viruses: Biology

Below we consider the most basic signs of viruses, biology:

  • They are able to multiply, and reproduce particles like themselves.
  • They have heredity, contain DNA and RNA chains, can mutate, and adapt to other conditions of existence.
  • They have the ability to adapt, and evolution. There is no cellular structure, there is no membrane and cytoplasm.
  • These are peculiar parasites that are outside the owner of the owner and inactive particles.
  • They are unable to reproduction without the host cells, do not produce any metabolism products.
Signs of viruses
Signs of viruses

Viruses: Biology table

Below you can find a table of morphological classes of viruses.

Classification of viruses
Classification of viruses

Viruses in biology

Viruses are distinguished by their structure, and some features. They can contain as DNA, so RNA. Below we consider the classification of viruses by families.

The names of viruses in biology:

  • Poksvirus
  • Adenoviruses
  • Herpesviruses
  • Picornaviruses
  • Togaviruses
  • Ortomixoviruses
  • Paramixoviruses
  • Rabdoviruses
  • Separately distinguish the hepatitis virus

Virus functions: Biology

The diagram can be found with the functions of viruses.

Virus functions: Biology
Virus functions: Biology

Virus Life: Biology

Viruses cannot live, because they do not belong to live and inanimate in form. However, they have the ability to reproduce their own kind.

Virus life, biology:

  • They also carry a certain heredity. In addition, they easily adapt to various conditions. Usually wedging into the cage, the virus changes the metabolism in it.
  • Now all the function of the cell is aimed at developing proteins that are necessary for the propagation and reproduction of the virus. It is inside the cell that new fragments are collected, which are further formed into a separate particle of the virus. Most often, in the end, the cell dies, and particles of the virus come out of it. It is not known to the end where they came from and when they first appeared.
  • Some scientists believe that the cage was originally, and only then did the virus form as a result of dropping unnecessary particles. The virus began to carry only genetic information, but not containing nuclei, cytoplasm. It exists without metabolism. Some scientists believe, on the contrary, that viruses were the first to appear, because their structure is simpler than the cell.
  • There is a latent period during which the virus seems to freeze and does not show itself. Remember, the main task of the virus is the need to create your own copy in huge quantities.
  • That is, the virus is interested in fully enslaving the owner of the owner, in order to obtain offspring, a large number of copies. If for some time the virus freezes, falls into a latent state, it means that now it is not the most favorable conditions for the development and production of particles of the virus.
  • This happens due to therapy, taking antiviral agents, or as a result of some other disease that draws all vitality from a person. For the virus, there are no nutrients that are necessary for the development of offspring. During the latent period, the virus wedges into the cage, but does not share. He seems to be masked inside her. During this period, the virus may not show itself, often when taking a blood test, viral particles are not found, although in fact they are inside the cells. 
The life of viruses
The life of viruses

Classes and types of viruses in biology

There are several classification systems of viruses. They are divided by form, propagation method and action.

Classification of viruses
Classification of viruses

Virus value: Biology

Viruses are pathogens of very dangerous diseases, both for humans and animals, plants. They can be transmitted with physical contact, and through saliva, or sexual secretions.

Virus meaning, biology:

  • They can be easily tolerated by organisms, for example, rabies virus is easily tolerated by dogs and other mammals. About 10 groups of viruses are pathogenic for the human body.
  • They cause serious diseases that often lead to death. It is difficult to treat, due to a high degree of mutation. It is believed that the main way to combat viruses is vaccination.
  • Now many studies are being conducted that are aimed at using viruses for the benefits of mankind. In the middle of the 20th century, the Mixatosis virus was used in Australia to get rid of a large number of rabbits.
  • It is believed that in the future, artificial viruses will be able to destroy pathogens that are in the human body without affecting healthy cells. Scientists are working on these methods, develop a gene that can be easily introduced into the cage using viruses.

Who opened viruses in biology: discovery history

Who opened viruses in biology, the history of the discovery:

  • Virology began to develop after 1892. It was then that the tobacco mosaic virus was found, which had previously been considered a bacterium.
  • However, numerous scientists missed tobacco juice through special filters, which should delay the bacteria, but the liquid still remained infected. 
  • The studies that were carried out over viruses were carried out not by one scientist, but by a whole group and in different countries. It is believed that after the opening of the tobacco mosaics, in 1898, Frederick Leffler and Paul Frosh opened another virus - this is an aphtovirus, which is the causative agent of a foot and mouth disease.
  • Scientists missed blood, which contains a viral agent through filters, which are very similar to those with which researchers who studied tobacco mosaics worked.
The opening of the virus
The opening of the virus

What the virus consists of - the structure of the viruses: scheme, drawing

Under the usual standard microscope, the virus cannot be detected, due to the fact that its size is very small compared to bacteria and cells.

What the virus consists of - the structure of viruses, diagram, drawing:

  • The virus itself is unstable, the main protection is a protein shell, which is covered with DNA or RNA information.
  • The translation virus means poison, but not all of such agents harm the body.
  • There are a large number of useful viruses that protect the human body, animals and plants from infection with pathogens.  
The scheme of the structure of the virus
The scheme of the structure of the virus


When the owner enters the cage, the protein shell is destroyed, and RNA or DNA of the virus is wedged into the cage. Only after that does the reproduction of the virus begin.

The scheme of the virus penetration into the cage:

  • Without donor cells, that is, the owner of the owner, the virus is not able to multiply. The resistance of these microparticles depends on the strength and resistance of the protein shell.
  • Some of them are additionally covered with a lipid membrane, which increases their resistance, and prolongs the lifetime without the host cells.
  • That is why some of the viruses are very persistent. This is due to the presence of a lipid, dense shell. 

Harmful actions of viruses

The main harm of viruses is that they change genetic material, can destroy the cell. In addition, they carry dangerous diseases that often lead to death.

Harmful actions of viruses:

  • They act on a healthy cell using it as an incubator to grow their own copies. They are introduced into this material, destroying and transforming it. The danger is that a person can get a huge number of fatal ailments, such as HIV, rabies, polio.
  • These ailments cannot be completely cured, so scientists have learned only to restrain the ailment to extend the life of a sick person. The main danger is that viruses are constantly mutating, and it is quite difficult to develop vaccines. When a new vaccine is produced, the virus can mutate, the medicine will become ineffective.
Harmful viruses
Harmful viruses

Useful viruses: Biology

Our body has a lot of useful viruses that mainly live on mucous membranes, and prevent infection with serious diseases. 

Useful viruses, biology:

  • In the course of the study, it was found that Peh-Virus prevents the reproduction of HIV virus. Thus, cells in which there ispEGA-Virus, do not let in the particles of HIV virus. The patient feels better, there is a high probability of a long life. Peh-Virus inhibits and slows down the action of HIV virus. 
  • There is a herpesvirus that does not cause symptoms in the human body, but at the same time helps to detect cells prone to cancer. In this area, a huge amount of research is now being conducted in order to invent a cure for cancer. 
Useful viruses
Useful viruses

When viruses appeared: examples, biology

Accurate information when viruses on Earth appeared, does not exist. There are several theories of the appearance and occurrence of viruses. The first of them suggests that this form arose even before the appearance of the cell. Only thanks to the viruses the formation of a cell occurs, and the development of full and living organisms from it. 

When viruses, examples, biology appeared:

  • There are several more theories, among which the initial form of life were bacteria that did not develop, but degraded, leaving certain debris that were enclosed in the protein shell.
  • However, for the first time about the viruses, it became known even before our era. Then, in ancient Egypt and Rome, a large number of people from unknown misfortunes and diseases died. Scientists suggest that it was possible about Ospes.
  • The most interesting thing is that the vaccine that contains particles of the virus was invented before the virus was found. It was at the end of the XVII century, when the smallpox raged. People who were ill with cow's smallpox in a mild form had a kind of immunity, did not get sick at all, or easily tolerated human OSPU. It was then that for the first time it was proposed to be introduced to people as a vaccine the virus of cow smallpox so that they would not get human. 
Benefits and harm
Benefits and harm

What diseases can cause viruses: Biology

There are a lot of epidemics from which STADalo Humanity provoked by the spread of viruses. Below we highlight the most dangerous well -known of them.

What diseases can cause viruses, biology:

  • Swine flu. He appeared in 2009, although his predecessors were known long before the appearance of a particular virus. This is the type of H1N1 viruses, which in 2009 took a huge number of lives. 
  • Bubonic plague. It is believed that the virus, which is the pathogen of this disease, reduced the European population by 50%. 
  • HIV/AIDS virus. For the first time, it became known about him after 1981. It was then that the first sick in the United States were registered. It is believed that the virus appeared in 1920 in Africa, among monkeys. In 2017, every fourth deceased man in South Africa was a bearer of AIDS virus. 
  • Spanish flu. It was first registered in 1918. Oddly enough, but this is a virus like H1N1, exactly the same as pork flu. This virus was nicknamed the Spanish, he carried away a huge number of lives, and disappeared in the same way as he arose - from nowhere. The virus is not Spanish, but it was so nicknamed because of the lack of censorship in Spain to disclose such information. In other states, the virus information was hidden. 
Viral diseases of a person
Viral diseases of a person

Interesting facts about viruses: Biology

Scientists have found about 40% of different scraps of viruses in DNA of people. That is, it is safe to say that 40% of human DNA is the consequences of viruses. Scientists have tried many times to highlight such viruses on their own, but they were absolutely not viable, despite the fact that their particles and fragments of nucleic acids are in human DNA. 

Interesting facts about viruses, biology:

  1. There is a virus, the size of which is quite large. Such organisms are able to be introduced into the structures of other viruses, enslaving them. 
  2. Scientists suggest that the virus could become the basis for the emergence of human life. Initially, these were small scraps of viruses that enslaved the cage, as a result of which the core formed in it. It was thanks to this that life appeared on Earth.
  3. Viruses can be introduced in people, animals, birds, insects, as well as mushrooms. These are the only agents who are able to live almost everywhere. 
  4. Now scientists regularly use viruses to introduce genetic information into organism cells. In this way, genetic engineering develops. Many ofgenetically modified Products obtained by introducing various RNAs, DNA of chains using various viruses. They are called retroviruses, it is with their help that information is introduced into the cells of people, animals and plants. 
Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts

How the breeding of viruses occurs: Biology

There are several ways to propagate viruses. It all depends on a particular virus, and the cell in which it is introduced. For example, the immunodeficiency virus is introduced into immune cells, and only there is capable of reproduction. He does not touch other particles of the body, since they do not have the necessary substances for its reproduction and division. 

How is the propagation of viruses, biology:

  • There are several ways to attach viruses to the shell. Some of them join the cage membrane and, as it were, are absorbed inward.
  • After that, the protein shell of the virus is torn, and nucleic acid is injected into the cytoplasm. There is another situation, during which viral cells fall intohyaloplasm. Depending on this, the method of propagation of viruses changes. 
  • The most popular is the explosive method. After nucleic acid has entered the cytoplasm, a new virion is prepared for the exit, which comes out of the cell by gap. As a result of this, the owner’s cell is destroyed, releasing new virions. However, another method of reproduction is possible, in which the cell remains intact, as it were, it is separated from itbud, which is a new period of the virus. 
Papilloma virus
Papilloma virus

Read on the topic:

Osopa is considered the only virus that managed to eradicate. This is the first biological weapon that was used in hostilities. Now the causative agent of the smallpox is in one of the institutes of Russia, as well as the United States. Success in the fight against the virus was achieved thanks to the development of the vaccine. 

Video: The benefits and harm of viruses in biology

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