Symptoms of influenza 2022-2023 in adults and children: Description. What is the flu virus now: flu strains 2022-2023. New flu-with temperature, without temperature, intestinal, bird, pork, Hong Kong influenza, coronavirus covid-19: symptoms, flu forms, treatment, latest news, prevention

Symptoms of influenza 2022-2023 in adults and children: Description. What is the flu virus now: flu strains 2022-2023. New flu-with temperature, without temperature, intestinal, bird, pork, Hong Kong influenza, coronavirus covid-19: symptoms, flu forms, treatment, latest news, prevention

From this article you will find out what new virus will be this year. Be sure to study the symptoms of influenza 2022-2023 to know when you need to urgently contact a doctor.

Influenza in 2022-2023 - This is an epidemic of new strains of the virus, which have already been mutated since past years. Because of this mutation, viruses and bacteria appear that affect the human body in a short time, with severe complications and a long period of recovery.

Virologists predict at least 3 new strains. In addition, this season, Coronavirus Covid-19 is also fed with similar symptoms.

  • The main peak of the epidemic falls on the autumn-winter period. In the spring, the second wave of the epidemic usually covers.
  • But in the fall, you should be careful and carry out preventive measures, although this may not help.
  • How to treat flu in 2022-2023 and what are the main symptoms of the disease this year? Look for answers to these and other questions below.

What is the virus now: flu strains 2022-2023

Symptoms of influenza 2022-2023
Symptoms of influenza 2022-2023

According to the prediction of virologists, this season people will suffer from a new type of flu, which will also include strains of previously known viruses: the line A/Victoria, A/Darwin and the line B/Yamagata, B/Victoria and mutated new ones.

Brisben, Michigan and Hong Kong strains also remain relevant. Scientists predict a real epidemic. It will be difficult not to become infected with this virus, since they mutated, and the virus turned into a dangerous and unpredictable strain. At this time, so far there are such common strains of influenza disease are viruses:

  • Influenza A (strains 2022-2023 A/H1N1, A/H3N2)-a dangerous virus. It is transmitted from a sick body to a healthy one. Even your home friend can get sick - a cat, a dog and others. This type of influenza has been successfully mutating for many years and has become resistant to drugs.
  • H1N1 (Pig flu) - 9 years ago, this virus caused an entire epidemic. Complications are manifested in almost every case, and lungs and bronchi are affected.
  • H5N1 (bird flu) - This virus is dangerous in that mortality occurs in 70% of cases. The mutation of the virus continues, so it is becoming increasingly resistant to drugs.
  • Flu c - This virus is not as dangerous as a bird or pork strain. It is almost not susceptible to mutations, easily tolerated and is treated.
  • Flu s - Units are infected with such a virus, so the risk of developing the epidemic is minimal. It proceeds without symptoms and in a mild form.

Now, in the autumn, there is no flu epidemic yet, but there are single cases of the disease. If the disease progresses, then without complications and acute symptoms. With the onset of cold weather, the picture will change. Therefore, you need to know about the symptoms of the virus, how to deal with it and whether prevention exists. Read about this below.

Symptoms of influenza 2022-2023 in adults and children today

The manifestation of the virus this year will directly depend on which strain will progress more. Each type of influenza has an incubation period when diseases are just beginning to manifest itself. At this stage, it is important to begin treatment and then a complication and unpleasant consequences can be avoided. The incubation period usually lasts from 2 to 4 days.

Almost always, symptoms of infection with the influenza virus in adults and children are similar:

  • Children's body It is more complicated to tolerate the disease due to not yet fully developed immunity.
  • Human organism of advanced age Due to age, it is already weakened and it is more difficult for him to fight viruses and bacteria.
  • If an adult of a middle-aged man can endure the flu “on the legs”, then the child or the old man will lie in bed, without getting up due to a lack of strength to fight strong virks and bacterial intoxication.

When the influenza virus gets inside a person, the symptoms will be such:

  • High body temperature, fever.
  • Painful sensations in the muscles, aches in the joints.
  • Weakness, chills.
  • Dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure.
  • Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite.

You should know: If these symptoms do not pass within a week, then the presence of viral or bacterial infection is assumed. Pneumonia, angina and complex concomitant diseases can develop, which are much more difficult to treat than the virus itself.

Remember: When the first symptoms appear, immediately contact a doctor to prevent the development of exacerbations!

Flu forms in 2022-2023 and their symptoms

High temperature is the main symptom of the flu of different forms. The main primary symptom coronavirus Covid-19 In most cases, the loss of smell, sometimes taste. Otherwise, the symptoms of flu and coronavirus Covid-19 are similar. However, with coronavirus with mild symptoms, there may be a significant lesion of the lungs.

There are 4 forms of influenza that differ among themselves by the clinic:

  • Light - body temperature does not increase above 38 degrees, a decrease in appetite and slightly noticeable headaches are observed.
  • Medium severity -The body temperature is steadily kept for 3 days, but does not exceed 39 degrees. The development of a virus of this form is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, sore throat and dry cough.
  • Heavy - body temperature up to 40 degrees, fever, nausea, headaches.
  • Hyperxic - The danger of influenza of this form lies in the fact that the disease develops very quickly with the appearance of severe runny nose, headaches, and coughing. There may even appear bleeding from the nose, vomiting, or a sickening state, hyperemia of the face.

You should know: With some types of influenza, even a gastrointestinal disorder, for example, prolonged diarrhea may appear.

It is necessary to immediately call a doctor at home or ambulance if there are such symptoms:

  • Sealness.
  • The temperature is 40 degrees, which lasts for three or four days.
  • Strong headache.
  • Red spots, pimples on the skin.
  • Convulsions.

In 2022-2023, each of the influenza viruses will manifest himself individually in each person. A large role is played by human immunity. People with chronic ailments in the lungs, heart and vessels are at risk of exacerbations.

At the risk group of infection by one or another virus are children, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases, old people, and medical workers.

New flu - with temperature, without temperature, mutating intestinal, bird, pork, Hong Kong flu: treatment, latest news

The flu, like many other viruses, is transmitted by airborne droplets. On the forecasting of virologists and bacteriologists, in 2022 and early 2023, in a short period of time, a large number of people will be affected.

  • A person will feel all the symptoms of a flu disease, except for one of the most important - an increase in temperature.
  • The new virus is an infection of the body that will proceed without temperature.
  • Although the children's body and the body of older people can react precisely with an increase in temperature.

Last news: What a virus it will be - intestinal, bird, pork or Hong Kong influenza is still unknown. But experts already say that viral infection will proceed without temperature, especially in adults - young and middle -aged with good immunity. Do not forget that with coronavirus with similar symptoms, the sense of smell most often disappears, a person does not feel smells.

The new virus will have such symptoms:

  • Sore throat
  • A hoarse voice
  • Coughing
  • Weakness, breakdown
  • Nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Lomota in the body

Already when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately begin treatment in order to avoid exacerbations. Be sure to take antiviral drugs: Kagocel, Arbidol, Cycloferon and others. Some category of people helps to cope with the disease at the first symptoms of the drug " Rinza«.

But when the first signs of complications appear, the doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs:

Antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for flu 2022-2023
Antibacterial drugs that are prescribed for flu 2022-2023

How to distinguish SARS from influenza 2022-2023, Coronavirus Covid-19?

Distinctive features of the virus and ordinary colds
Distinctive features of the virus and ordinary colds

The influenza disease is easy to confuse with the usual cold, as the symptoms are almost similar. The influenza appears as a result of the penetration of rhinovirus into the body. A cold is a slight inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat without complications. The virus develops more often in winter, since it is active in the cold season. To distinguish the flu virus from SARS or Coronavirus Covid-19, attention should be paid to the details:

Symptoms Flu SARS Coronavirus Covid-19
The first symptoms The first symptoms of the virus noticeable immediately after infection. The head, throat begins to hurt sharply. A runny nose appears, weakness. Incorrect treatment can lead to complications and even death. With a cold, the first symptoms They appear a gradually increasing character and pass a few after treatment days. Loss of smell and possibly taste
What is characteristic of diseases Strong cough, sore throat and chest. Light cough, sore and small runny nose. Secondary symptoms of different people can be similar to both symptoms of influenza and SARS
Pain in the head: whiskey, nape, frontal part Migraine Mild pain Migraine
Lethargy Strong discomfort Light breakdown Varying degrees
Muscle pain Strongly manifested precisely with influenza Almost not Often strong aches in the body
Unpleasant sensations in eyeballs, lacrimation Such symptoms arise due to the poisoning of the body with viruses Almost not Different people can be similar to both symptoms of influenza and SARS
Terms of treatment Long -term with complications Disappears within a week, without complications From an asymptomatic 2-week quarantine to several months of intensive therapy in the hospital.

Usually already on the 2-3rd day it becomes clear-the flu in a person or a regular cold or Covid-19. In the winter, it is better to start taking antiviral drugs, Rinza on the first day of the disease, in order to prevent the development of complications, because dangerous viruses and bacteria can already progress in the body. The activity of viruses on mucous membranes can reduce zinc and vitamin A. Immunity will support vitamin D., with throat diseases, it is necessary to support the thyroid gland with iodine and selenium. After all, it is with a throat in one pool. Also do not forget to support the detoxification ability of the liver.

Remember: Any medicine with the correct dosages should be prescribed only by the doctor. Doctors know about the epidemiological situation and on the basis of this, they make a preliminary diagnosis, prescribing treatment.

Prevention of influenza and coronavirus Covid-19 in 2022-2023

The main and effective way of prevention is vaccination. But the vaccine must be done no later than October, otherwise antibodies will not have time to develop in the body and a person will still get sick in winter, in addition, after the flu vaccination, it is necessary to neutralize against the Covid-19 coronavirus.
In addition, you can increase the body's defenses:

  • Take vitamins with trace elements, is especially important zinc and vitamin A (protects the lungs), with and vitamin D (He is responsible to a large extent for immunity, and in the season of lack of sun, more than 70% of the population is deficiency).
  • Follow hygiene rules: wash your hands with soap after going outside, before meals and so on.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: do morning gymnastics or engage in other physical activity, walk a lot in the fresh air, eat right.
  • Night sleep should be at least 7-8 hours.
  • Improve the psycho -emotional background, do not be nervous for trifles.
  • Remove to the minimum contacts with infected people.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Follow the density, viscosity and oily blood. Keep hemoglobin, cholesterol, prothrombin. The upper and lower boundaries of the norm indicators are undesirable. The golden middle is better.

At the first symptoms of the flu, it is better to muffle it immediately in the bud, prevent it from developing in full measure with the entire spectrum of complications.

Influenza 2022-2023 is a new viruswho has mutated over many years and in recent years spreads together with the Covid-19 coronavirus. The disease is dangerous and poses a threat to people with weak immunity. But still, complications and unpleasant consequences can be avoided if, in a timely manner, already when the first symptoms appear, seek help from doctors and begin treatment. Flu vaccination 2022-2023 and coronavirus Covid-19- The best prevention against the disease.

Be healthy!

Video: How are the symptoms of influenza differ from the symptoms of coronavirus?

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Comments K. article

  1. Of all the symptoms, I had a rash and high temperature. I infected itself and infected my son. They launched together, I prescribed treatment myself, drank Kagocel. But she went to the pediatrician with her son, she appointed us candles, washing the nose and another meditonzin. I have never heard about him before. It turned out to be a German drug, can be used from influenza, SARS to children from 1 year. With him, his son was much easier, on the 3rd day was already more cheerful than me.

  2. Yes, a sharp increase in temperature indicates that it is most likely flu.

  3. thanks! good article!

  4. What a horror, where all these influenza viruses come from, every year they are more and heavier and heavier tolerate, I think that it is not the only one that I have the impression that these viruses are specially taken out in the laboratories, and after introduce people later. This year I got so hard ((I thought I didn’t get out at all, antibiotics pricked!

  5. Viruses or bacteria, you will decide. Fuck only heads to people. Therefore, it is difficult and tolerated that viral infections are trying to treat with antibiotics weakening your own immunity. If only they would think for themselves, and did not believe blindly advertising.

  6. SARS is a viral infection, not a cold

  7. In 2015, he fell ill with a cold as it seemed to me, as a result, a cough with sputum, a terrible state of intoxication of the whole organism, loss of strength, was healed with improvised means from the pharmacy, in fact transferred to his feet. Cases periodically worsened with sputum and intoxication with any cold and intoxication. Chronic crap was visible. He drove sports. Beg, the bicycle is constantly.

  8. Viral bacterium? Seriously

  9. Where is the bacterium?

  10. viruses are not bacteria !!! I wrote a boner article

  11. Terrible illiteracy! Bacteria are not viruses, but viruses are not bacteria !!! You have everything mixed in one vinaigrette. Claims - what is it ??? Teach Russian, teach biology. And then write.

  12. The flu bacterium ???? Are you seriously????!!! I didn't even read

  13. As for me, the most important thing is to alleviate the symptoms in the disease. Personally, I have more than one season with a cold antifungal from the nature of the product, because He removes the temperature and the nasopharynx congestion becomes easier and even does not need to go to sick leave.

  14. Thanks

  15. Also the last time she was sick, she took an antifgrippin from his nature. The cool remedy turned out to be. I did not have any side effects when taking it, and all the unpleasant symptoms of the common cold have decreased. Now I feel good.

  16. Now there is a worse flu, so it is better to take care of.

  17. Lera, I agree with you, it’s better to take care now. It’s good that I had nothing more serious than a cold. And then, with a cold, I take anti -agippin from the nature of the product, and the symptoms begin to decline.

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