Types and brands of real absinthe. How to choose a real absinthe, is it possible to make absinthe at home?

Types and brands of real absinthe. How to choose a real absinthe, is it possible to make absinthe at home?

Absent is a very ancient, unusual, mystical alcoholic drink that has survived ups and falling popularity - from a general hobby to a complete ban. Classic absinthe is a very strong alcohol tincture (from 50 to 89%) on the leaves of wormwood, anise and other herbs, and contains a hallucinogenic substance of Tuion.

Even in ancient times, alcohol wormwood tincture was used for medicinal purposes and was even considered a panacea for all diseases. There is a share of truth here - strong alcohol provides the body with support in the fight against colds, and essential oils have a healing effect.

Absent: History of Creation

  • The modern history of this drink begins in 1792, when, either the sisters of Enrio, or Dr. Pierre Ordiner, created on the basis of ancient recipes therapeutic tincture, like a medicine against a cold - but only. This event happened in Switzerland.
Created as tincture
Created as tincture
  • The inventors called their medicine the “green fairy”, it, in steady opinion, healed not only bodily, but also mental ailments, strengthened male power and helped seduce the beautiful floor. Of course, with such a reputation therapeutic the elixir quickly turned into an alcoholic drink.
  • The popularization of absinthe was facilitated by a crisis of classical winemaking, extraordinary sensations from absinthe due to the presence of thuyon, and the ability to intoxicate from very small portions. Gradually, other herbs began to be added to the drink: anise, mint, fennel, lemon balm, coriander and others, depending on the fantasy of the manufacturer.

Absinthe: color classification

There are a huge number of brands and varieties of absinthe, it is simply impossible to list them all, but we will try to classify the main differences.

There are many colors of absinthe
There are many colors of absinthe

So, absinthe can be of different colors:

  • Green absinthe. This is the most popular color, from emerald to delicate salam. This color is natural, it gives it contained in plant components of chlorophyll. However, this sign is unstable, chlorophyll can fade, so various food colors are often added to classic absinthe.
  • Amber-yellow absinthe. It turns out when the chlorophyll is faded, to which additives were not mixed. These are not defective products, but an original recipe with its own color scheme. Very little dye is added to give the brightness and juiciness of the yellow color.
  • Rubin-red absinthe. A grenade extract is added to such a product, which gives the drink an incomparable ruby \u200b\u200bcolor and a very long extraordinary aftertaste.
  • Blue absinthe. It is created by adding dyes, not natural extracts. It is appreciated exclusively for a beautiful color, his taste does not stand out in anything.
  • White absinthe. He is also called "Secret Absent." During the persecution and prohibitions on this drink, a product was released, although containing a tuion (because of which it was so appreciated and at the same time was banned), but devoid of chlorophyll color and having an innocent appearance of simple alcohol
  • Black and brown absinthe. For tincture, not the upper part of the wormwood is used, but its roots, but also of black acacia extract. In addition to an unusual color, this variety of absinthe has a sweet berry taste gamut

What is the fortress of absinthe?

The fortress of absinthe can also be different, but within a certain norm. There is such a division into categories:

  • Reviver: within 50-65%. True connoisseurs consider this category that is not worth attention, but among ordinary consumers it is very popular.
  • Extre-stained drink: 65-89.9%. Connoisseurs believe that only such tincture retains the aroma and beneficial properties of all components.
The drink can be strong or extremely strong
Different fortress

Do not know how to drink absinthe? Then we advise you to read this article.

Tuyon's content in the absorp

  • Without Tuyon. Such a drink does not have this important component in itself so that it does not cause a hallucinogenic effect. Strictly speaking, such a drink cannot be considered an absorption in the classical sense, but for commercial reasons, it bears this name.
  • Low content. This is 1.5-10 mg/l of absinthe. It has a rather weak hallucinogenic effect.
  • High content. From 25 to 100 mg/l of the drink. This amount of thuyon has the greatest effect, this type of absinthe is especially popular among connoisseurs.
Bitter wormwood extract in absorp
The most important component

Famous countries are absinthe manufacturers

  • Switzerland - It produces natural elite absinthe for connoisseurs, in very small quantities.
  • Czech - It also specializes in an extremely strong drink, but in large quantities, with a different content of thuyon.
  • Spain - It produces absinthe on an industrial scale, all types, including strong.
  • France - It produces drinks that are formally not considered an absorption, since in them instead of wormwood (and hence Tuyon), star anis is used. Only out of respect for the historical past, when this country was one of the homelands of absinthe, the drinks produced in France received the right to be called absorp.
  • Italy - It makes absent several items that belong to elite brands.
  • Germany Makes original drinks with low distribution.
  • A few produced USA, Netherlands.
Approximately 8 countries are the main manufacturers of absinthe
Approximately 8 countries are the main manufacturers of absinthe

Absent: Best brands

Now that we have introduced you to the characteristic features of the production of absinthe in different countries, we bring to your attention a small list of the best and recognized in the world of the best brands of absinthe from producers of these countries.


  • Xenta (Spain and Italy) - an elite drink of an old recipe and a natural emerald color without dyes.
Like a tear
Like a tear
  • Xenta Superior -a type of class-luxury of the previous brand of the same manufacturer. Available with a twig of natural wormwood in a bottle. It has the taste of anise and honey, designed for true connoisseurs and gourmets.
For connoisseurs
For connoisseurs
  • Jacques Senaux (Spain). It is produced in four colors: emerald, blue, red-brown, black. It has a bright bouquet of wormwood and anise.
4 options
4 options
  • TEICHENNE (Spain) - Perfectly verified proportions of the recipe for this drink make it truly elitist. A rare type of absinthe, which is often used in its pure form.
  • Hill’s (Czech Republic) - This country is one of the leading world manufacturers of absinthe. The Hill’s brand is characterized by the addition of, in addition to classic wormwood and anise, also lemon balm, juniper and fennel, which gives the drink a unique bright taste.
  • King of Spirits (King of Spirits) - Czech absinthe, considered the most expensive and appreciated experts. It contains a huge number of different herbs, as well as the high content of the thuyon - up to 100 mg/l, which gives it a unique taste and action.
  • Absinthe Red (Czech Republic) - A very beautiful and with a refined taste of a drink, which is very popular in fashionable clubs of Prague and other cities of Europe.
  • Swiss la Bleue (Switzerland) - The middle fortress, the content of the thuyon in the drink can be different, came from white smuggling absinthe.
  • Logan Fils (Switzerland) - Classic absinthe with a slight content of tuyon and a fortress of 68 degrees.
  • Jekyll (Germany) -absinthe for this drink of a fortress (55 degrees), pale salute color, with a bright wormwood-anis taste.
Strong with bright color
Strong with bright color
  • Russian absinthe van gog. Produced from Czech raw materials. The fortress is 60%, there is no more than 16 mg/l. As part: besides traditional wormwood and Anisa are also Badyan, Diagil, oregano and thyme with mint. The taste is original, it has already been appreciated by lovers of drinks stronger.
The first Russian absinthe
The first Russian absinthe

Of course, this is not a complete list of good absinthe, but here the most popular brands of this drink of production of different countries are presented here. Unfortunately, post -Soviet manufacturers have not yet achieved success in the production of absinthe.

Video: How to cook absinthe and how to drink it?

How to choose a real absinthe?

There are many different ways that help to determine that in front of you is a real absinthe, or a fake:

  • The name will say a lot. So, if it is France or Switzerland, the drink will be called the drink "Absinthe". The name is accepted in the Czech Republic "Absinth", And in Italy and Spain - "ABSENTA".
  • The marks of “Thujone-Free” or “Absinthe Refined” mean that there is no thujon in this drink. This does not mean that the absinthe is fake, it just refers to purified varieties.
  • This absinthe cannot have a strength of less than 50%, but drinks of a higher fortress are most common-70-80%. This indicator can be displayed not only by the usual degrees, but also by the concept of “Proof”, which is twice less.
Look at how the drink looks and what is written on the bottle
Look at how the drink looks and what is written on the bottle
  • There should be a word on the label "Distilled". It denotes that it is distillation, not tincture. Only distillates can be a real absorption, it has a unique taste and excellent quality.
  • The content of Tuyon is an ambiguous indicator. Refined connoisseurs can assume that this component must be a lot, up to 100 mg/l., But this is rather a matter of taste. There are absinthe brands that do not contain thujon (marking - "Refined" or "Thujone-Free"), however, related to the brand "Absent". Sometimes it is customary to do without this indicator on the label, which means that this component is present in an amount allowed by international standards.
  • Price. As you already understood, a high -quality drink cannot be cheap, so do not flatter yourself at a low price. If you want to enjoy a real, high -quality absorp, you will have to fork out. The cost of the bottle ranges from 230 rub. per 0.05 liter, and can reach up to 12,000 rubles.

How to make absinthe at home?

You don't want to overpay for the brand or do you just want to learn how to make absinthe yourself? And we will help you with this. Just follow the recommendations indicated in the picture.

Preparation yourself
Preparation yourself

Now you know what absintin is, how it appeared on the market, how it happens, where it is produced, and how not to buy a fake instead of the original! Surely you should try this completely unusual drink at least once. However, we still do not recommend that we get involved in its use!

If, in addition to strong drinks, you also prefer wine, we advise you to read this topic:

Video: How to make absinthe at home?

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