Homemade wine from gooseberries and black and red currants: recipe

Homemade wine from gooseberries and black and red currants: recipe

Wine recipe for gooseberries and black and red currants

Gooseberry in a plate before preparing a wine meshe
gooseberry in a plate before preparing a wine meshe
Connoisseurs of a homemade hop drink know that a berry bouquet will provide an unusual taste for the finished product.

By the way, gooseberries in the content of sugar and soda are equated with grapes. Therefore, it is able to replace the part of the water that is added in the manufacture of homemade wine from black and red currants.

You need:
  • red and black currant berries - 3 kg each
  • gooseberries - 2 kg
  • water in the proportion of half a liter per liter of wine material
  • sugar-100-150 g per liter of wort
  • wine or baking yeast - up to 2 g per liter of pulp
  • Prepare the berries of the berries separately from each other. Add water to the consistency of sour cream and yeast to currant product
  • Leave the berries filled with two -thirds with the pulp in a warm place with a temperature of up to +26 ℃ for 4 days. Stir the pulp daily with your hand or spatula
  • Gently separate the berry juices from the pendant and connect them in one bottle so that 15% of its volume remains empty
  • In a small amount of water, dilute half the sugar rate and pour into the wort
  • Install the water selection on the bottle. Put it in a warm place for a month and a half, checking once a week the fermentation process and sugar level, draining the wine from the sediment to the new container. Submake sugar at this stage once every 5-7 days until the source disappears in the product
  • Replace the hydraulic survey with a cork of cotton wool, and the place of ripening of the wort is a basement. During the next 3-4 months, watch the fermentation of the homemade hop drink and filter it from the sediment

If the wine remains muddy after all the stages of ripening, lighten it with egg protein and agar-agar.

For this:
  • beat the egg protein with a pinch of salt until the foam is formed and dilute with half a glass of water. Pour the resulting solution into the wine and shake the bottle with a hustle for five minutes
  • Combine 1 g of agar-agara with a third of a glass of water and melt in a water bath. Pour hot in a bottle with young wine and shake for five minutes
After two weeks, filter the finished product and pour it into containers for storage.

How much sugar and water do you need to prepare wine from currants and gooseberries?

Below the table is given the proportions of water and sugar for dessert and half -sweet wines made of red and black currants and gooseberries.

Video: Home wine from gooseberries and currants

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