How to distinguish natural wine from powder? How to check the quality of wine to distinguish from a fake?

How to distinguish natural wine from powder? How to check the quality of wine to distinguish from a fake?

This article will talk about ways to check the naturalness of the wine.

Wine is an amazing drink whose history is as old as civilization itself. Judging by archaeological excavations, the ancient inhabitants of the interfluve, the Caucasus and Asia Minor already knew the taste of wine. But for the first time, the Egyptians who passed their experience to the Greeks, and those in turn, the Romans, which spread it further around the world, achieved significant success in winemaking.

Unfortunately, with the development of civilization, powder analogues began to arise that cannot convey that natural sophistication. Therefore, in this topic we want to raise an important question, namely how to distinguish wine by naturalness from fake.

How to distinguish natural wine from powder?

  • Natural wine is a divine drink containing many substances and trace elements that have the same acidity as in gastric juice, which makes it possible to improve digestion. The Rubidiy's natural wine is part of the elimination of harmful substances from the body.
  • The essential oils contained in the fault reduce pressure and favorably affect the nervous system, and the tannins normalize the activity of the stomach. Wine is also used in the treatment of colds, bronchitis - for example, warm mulled wine. And you can see in more detail about all the qualities of the red drink in our article "The benefits of red wine."

There is even such a direction of medicine as enotherapy - wine treatment. And as doctors say, only the measure will determine the benefits or harm of wine.

Extremely useful product with moderate use
Extremely useful product with moderate use

But only natural wine made of high -quality grape varieties has all these useful properties. Currently, it is difficult for manufacturers to resist not reducing their products using all kinds of technologies for the production of cheap fakes. Moreover, all the components of such a “wine” passed certification and are defined as harmless. As a result, up to 30% of the wine produced in our country is a fake. Fortunately, the matter is to determine the wine for such a “error” each of us.

  • The production of “powder” wine most often consists in preparing a mixture, which, in addition to ordinary water, includes ethyl alcohol, citric acid, yeast and various dyes and flavors, which ultimately determines the “variety” of fakes.
  • The first sign of such a fake is cheapness, which cannot correspond to a natural product that has a high cost. And it is laid down in the cultivation and collection of grapes, its long -term processing, production storage and its sale.
  • Natural wine in boxes or cheap bottles is never stored! You should not even take them for the experiment. This is the case when only the name remains from the drink.
Pay attention to the modesty and accuracy of the bottle
Pay attention to the modesty and accuracy of the bottle
  • To protect yourself from buying a falsifier, purchase wine in specialized or branded stores. Wherein You should pay attention to the bottle:
    • high -quality stroke wines have Dark containerfor protection against sunlight;
    • on the label is obliged contain all the information about the product.Namely, the manufacturer, the factor, the composition of the wine, the content of alcohol, sugar and other ingredients, as well as the inscription "natural wine". The “Special Product” line means that the wine is made of concentrate;
    • print quality On bottles with natural wine is always extremely high. The label is stuck evenly, there are no scuffs or stains from glue;
    • also, expensive and natural guilt is characteristic noble modesty.There are no colorful and elaborate images on the bottle. The same applies to intricate forms of the bottle itself. After all, the emphasis should be on internal components, and not on external data;
    • in addition, with the help of a factory stamp, separately from the total line on the label should be placed the date of bottling.And it must be identical to the data on the stake (label on the neck) and on the cork of the bottle. If the date is easily erased, this is a fake!
Learn the labels and compliance with the information on the cork
Learn the labels and compliance with the information on the cork
  • Now back to the sugar again. Firstly, the information must be indicated about it if it was not added artificially. By the way, the powder concentrate is always a little sweet, so there are practically no dry "fakes". Now in service:
    • dry wines have up to 4 g/l;
    • semi -dry - up to 18 g/l;
    • a semi -sweet product has a sugar percentage up to 45 g/l;
    • but sweet - more than 45.

Important: But if there is an application for a greater percentage of sugar content, then this indicates artificiality! It is possible a high sugar content if there is a note “fastened”.

Each type of wine has its own supplies of sugar
Each type of wine has its own supplies of sugar
  • Too bright color and strong aroma, Which can only be achieved using artificial dyes and flavorings are also testimonies of fake.
  • Well, of course, taste! Our taste receptors have a striking memory - having tried real wine, most people already easily distinguish it from fake even after a long time. But recently, some technologies for the manufacture of falsifications have already reached such a level that it becomes more difficult to do. But all The powder analogue has no aftertaste!
  • And one more important point - sediment. For real wine, he cannot be completely absent! But it should not be in the excess. At the same time, see the thickness of the sedimentary layer in the light. Now turn over the bottle and look at the sediment. In a real product, it will quickly settle, and in the powder product - it will be a lot, it will make the liquid muddy and will settle for a long time.
Pay attention to the sediment
Pay attention to the sediment

How to check the wine for naturalness and quality?

There are several ways to distinguish wine from a fake analogue. But, unfortunately, they need to be carried out at home after opening the cork.

  • The easiest option is Checking water.For her, we need any glass container, for example, a glass and water. Pour just a spoonful of wine, and you will see how the red liquid will be on the surface. And all because the particles of grapes are lighter than water. For a deeper experiment, you can pour wine into a small bubble, and then immerse it in water and observe how natural wine rises to the surface with beautiful patterns.
    • When it is clouded and stained in the color of “wine”, you can doubt - in front of you is a fake! Remember - natural wine does not stain water, due to their different densities! In any case, without active forced mixing.
Experiment with water
Experiment with water
  • Natural wines are left On the glass, tracesdue to the content of glycerol in the drink, and artificial ones are devoid of this property. Therefore, if you “get a little” a glass or tilt to the side, then natural wine, as if a film would slowly drain along the walls of the vessel. Naturally, not like oil. But without a trace it does not slide down, like painted water.
    • Also on the walls “Wine legs” will remain,as the French say. These are the remnants of yeast of fermentation, which is almost impossible to completely exclude even the most precise by filtering. The thinner these traces, the greater the age of the drink.
The first check is the aroma and consistency
The first check is the aroma and consistency
  • Another verification method - Using glycerin.Pour a little wine into a glass and immerse a couple of drops of glycerol into it. In natural fault, it will plunge to the bottom, and its color will not change. In the falsifier, it will also drop, but will change the color - from purple or red to a yellow shade.
  • On a similar principle, it acts and soda.Just throw a pinch of soda into a glass with wine and stir. The natural product instantly will become blue-green with a dirty bluish-gray tint. Of course, it all depends on the original fluid tone. But the powder product will not change its color at all! Since it does not have natural fruit starch.
Experience with soda
Experience with soda
  • Another simple and effective verification method - With the help of foam.Well, shaking the bottle of wine, pour the wine into the glass. In a natural product, the foam will concentrate in the center of the glass, and it will quickly “sit down”, and in surrogate it will remain at its walls for a long time.
  • And another method of real wine gourmets - This is a traffic jam. It should be of high quality and pleasantly smell of notes of wine.

As you can see, with the proper approach to buying wine in the store, it is possible to “calculate” the fake. At the same time, you can easily verify the naturalness of the drink at home by even fascinating experiments.

Video: How to distinguish natural wine?

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