How to dilute and drink absinthe: methods of safe use at home. How to eat absinthe?

How to dilute and drink absinthe: methods of safe use at home. How to eat absinthe?

How to dilute and drink absinthe that it is safe for health? Look for recipes in the article.

Each alcoholic drink has a drinking culture, and absinthe is no exception. This drink has a high degree of fortress and a bitter tint of taste, so it is not possible to drink it in the usual amounts for many.

However, there are several methods of proper and safe use of absinthe at home. Many of them are used in bars, restaurants and other similar institutions. Read about this below.

Methods of safe use of absinthe at home: how to dilute and drink correctly?


The emphasis when drinking a green strong drink is placed to reduce its piquant taste and degree, as well as on the entertainment of this process. Everything should go fascinating, stylish and exciting. In addition, it is important to choose the right glasses (piles) from which you need to drink, and sometimes specially designed for this may be needed.

There are many different methods invented specifically in order to be able to enjoy the absenter correctly and safely. In any of these methods, it will be described what accessories and details you will need to pour alcohol into a glass or drink it. So, all these methods are described below.

In pure undiluted form

Absent is an aperitif that can be drunk without diluting. But for this you need to purchase narrow and high piles. This method may not be suitable for you, since only experienced absorption usually use it. Before drinking, you need to do the following:

  • Cool alcohol to almost zero temperature.
  • Pour into a high pile and drink with one gulp.
  • You can drink no more than 30 ml at a time.

Classics of the French


To drink this method, purchase a special small spoon with holes and a small glass of small size - up to 100 ml. Perform the following:

  • Cool a little water to zero temperature.
  • Pour 30 ml of strong alcohol into a glass.
  • Place a spoon with round cuts on top of a wrapper.
  • Put a cube of the rafinade sugar on it.
  • Now on a sweet piece with a thin stream of water, until alcohol, the ingredient begins to cloth. For residents of France, this is called the effect of "Louche".

Thanks to the ice fluid, the essential oil components fall in the form of sediment to the bottom, and drinking alcohol becomes much nicer and safer. Dilute by observing the proportions of 5: 1 (5 parts of the liquid, 1 part of the strong “potion”). Preparation for drinking with this method is very exciting and exciting.

Fire method

This method is used in the Czech Republic. It is also very impressive and makes everyone admire the beauty of the presentation and preparation. Here's what you need to do:

  • Fill a small glass with an absorption of 1/4.
  • Dip the sugar cube in this container (you need to keep it not with your hands, but with a special device - forceps).
  • Put a spoon with round cuts on a glass, and on it a sugar cube that you dipped in alcohol.
  • Now light a sugar piece and let it burn for 1 minute.

Sugar will drown, and sweet grains will begin to subside to the bottom of the container. When the flame goes out, put a spoon with the remaining sweet piece in a container and mix the contents. Now you should add a little ice water to add the taste shade of the drink more softness. To use this method, you will also need a special lighter, but you can use matches.

Russian method with syrup


A simple and fast method. You do not have to cook something for a long time, but there is no special sight. The usual method of drinking is not in a bar or restaurant, but at home in your kitchen. It is as follows:

  • Buy or buy classic sugar syrup without additives and flavors. To cook the syrup at home, you need to take 1 part of the sugar and dilute it with 2 parts of purified water. Cook until sugar crystals dissolve.
  • Pour one part of the absinthe and one part of the syrup into the glass.

If it seems to you that the absinthe is too sweet, then you can add one part of the ice water.

The popular way "Two glasses"

Despite the fact that this is a popular method, there is an opinion that it is a little uncomfortable. But still we offer to try it, many lovers of “exotic” and something original like it.

  • In a small glass, but tall and narrow, pour a green drink.
  • Put a filled glass in a larger glass.
  • Now in a glass that is inside a glass, slowly pour chilled water. The liquids will begin to mix and flow into a glass.
  • The cocktail is ready for use, when only water remains in the small fuher.
  • You need to drink from a glass without pulling out a glass.

The inconvenience of this method lies in the fact that a small container in a glass interferes with drinking a cocktail. But no one will forbid you to shift it simply into another clean container.

Sweet combination

Many people, in order to reduce the strength of green alcohol and remove the bitter taste, use it, diluting it with sweet soda and other similar liquids:

  • Coca-Cola
  • Juices: from orange, pineapple, lemon
  • Tonic
  • Natural sweet lemonade
  • Sprite and so on

Juices are better to use freshly squeezed. So you get a cocktail with a more interesting and pleasant taste. If there is no way to make natural juice, then you can use it from the store. Choose proportions yourself, relying on your taste preferences. The proportion of 1: 2 - 1 part of the absinthe and 2 parts of the sweet drink is more often made.

The method from the bartender


This method is often used when drinking sambuca, but it is also suitable for absinthe. This method even has a name: "Powerful spectacle and effect". You need to buy a glass-boner (sniffer), a glass with wide and straight walls (Rox). You will also need a paper napkin, a cocktail-sleeve, a small plate and a lighter. Make the following:

  • Put the napkin on the plate without turning. Pre -make a hole in the middle. Swell in this hole a short part of the straw.
  • Put the brandy glass on a thick -walled glass.
  • Pour a little alcohol into it.
  • Warm the cognac with fire outside and set it on fire what is inside.
  • Now rotate a glass with a green “potion” around your axis for several seconds.
  • Then pour the flaming alcohol into a straight glass and cover with a cognac fierra to go out the flame.
  • Put the cognac glass upside down on the plate, which we prepared in advance (with a napkin and a straw).
  • Drink the cooked drink and breathe with the aroma from the cognac through the straw.

A very interesting cooking technique. She leaves no one indifferent. Pour absinthe just a little bit-no more than 30 ml and drink it with one sip.

Crystal method

The simplest way, but also fascinates in a barmanly stylish. Here's what you need to do:

  • In a refractory glass with thick walls, pour absent.
  • Light and wait a bit while the fiery “tongue” goes out.
  • Drink one sip.

Method "Fruit in Sahara"


Before that, a method of setting fire to sweet sugar cube was described. The fruit method is similar to it. We need to do the following:

  • Pour absent into a small glass of absinthe.
  • Take a fruit slic (orange, lemon, pineapple, and so on) and roll it in sugar.
  • Warm the fruit in the sugar over a stack of absent. Hold sugar slices with special forceps.

When the fruit burns a little, take it to the side, and mix it in a stack and drink it.

Korzhevsky harsh way

In this method, the absinthe is drunk almost in its pure form. Although the bitter taste will be softened by slight sweetness from sugar. What should be done:

  • Put a spoon with cuts on the edges of a small puree.
  • Place 2 sugar pieces on it.
  • Pour 30 ml of absinthe through the accessory through the accessory.
  • Now remove 1 sweet and already impregnated cube on a plate.
  • Light absinthe in a fuher. The sugar cube should light up immediately, which lies on a cognac accessory with cuts. If this does not happen, set it on fire with a lighter.
  • Under the influence of a fire flame, the sugar cube will melt and drain in the form of drops in a glass.
  • Put off the flame with a plate on which another cube of sugar is laid. Stick it and let it burn within a few seconds. Then put out the fire with any spoon.
  • Now a hot drink is drunk with one sip and is bite to a melted sugar cube from a plate.

Before drinking, absinthe in a fuher can be stirred with a spoon to mix sweet drops and drink.

An interesting method of "parachute"


The complex and multi -stage method, but fascinating and exciting. Prepare cognac and a glass for whiskey, as well as a cocktail straw (for inhalation of vapors), a small plate. It is also important that someone else helps you in the process. This method is as follows:

  • Pour 30 ml of absinthe on the bottom of the brandy, on the bottom of a glass for whiskey - sweet fruit juice or carbonated sprite or stake (not more than 50 ml).
  • Place the cognac glass on the rim of the glass so that it sideways on the top of the container with juice or soda.
  • Warm up the absinthe and neatly, rotating cognac, pour it into the juice. With the last straw, cover the glass with a brandy glass.
  • There is no more flame, but there are many absent vapors that are “smoked” with a straw through a click between fuepers.
  • While you are enjoying the pairs of absinthe, someone else lights up a sugar cube, which is already laid on a plate and it must be watered in advance by absorption.
  • When all the chlorophyll aromas are “smoked”, remove the cognac and drink absinthe with one sip. If you poured soda instead of juice, then while the glass is covered, shake it. Then remove the cognac, and after the carbonated “boom”, drink the drink.

When you drink a cocktail, cover a burning sugar cube with a fierra, hang a tube and enjoy the aromas of absinthe.

"Sweet Tarhun"


This method is so called because the taste of the green “potion” will resemble the taste of this carbonated drink from childhood. The ability is simple, and the drink is tasty:

  • Pour 50 ml of absinthe into a stack.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • Light the surface of the drink and simultaneously stir sugar crystals with a long spoon.
  • When sugar particles stop dissolving, put out the drink and pour into another stack.
  • Now drink in one gulp.

The drink is so tasty that the main thing is not to get carried away and not to overdo it with the number of drunk-no more than 3-5 such portions in one evening.

The "Zhabka" method

A fascinating and masculled method. Known among young people as a "toad effect." You will need:

  • Mint liquor drink - 15 ml
  • Champagne - 100 ml
  • Vodka - 30 ml
  • Absent - 30 ml
  • Cognac (glass) and Rox (thick -walled glass)

To create such a strong masterpiece, do the following:

  • Pour a liquor, champagne, vodka to the bottom of a glass. Pour a little in a hurry in a hurry, as if afraid to stir. Pour absent on the bottom of the cognac.
  • Put the glass on the glass, set it on the absinthe, and rotate carefully for 10 seconds.
  • Then pour abs into a mixture with other drinks and lower the glass on top.
  • Bubbles will appear due to the flowed micro-activation.
  • After the bubbles stop appearing, transfer the glass to the plate with a paper cloth and put up the bottom.
  • Shake the glass abruptly, but carefully, so as not to pour and drink the contents.

Now you can raise a glass and enjoy the inhaled aromas.

"Milk pleasure"

This method is designed for surprise. This is a feeling that will arise in everyone who sees how drinks incompatible for our understanding are stirred: absinthe, whiskey and milk. Mix equal shares of these drinks in one glass. For the effect of surprise, slowly pour every ingredient in front of the audience, pronouncing that it is whiskey, milk and so on. You can drink just sips or through a tube, enjoying.

Method "Bright Paints"


For this method you will need the following:

  • Small glass, glass
  • Champagne - 250 ml
  • Grenadin - 5 ml
  • Absent - 45 ml

When everything is ready, you can start creating a cocktail:

  • Pour the sparkle alcohol into the glass, and the absinthe and grenadin into the glass.
  • The contents of the ingredients in the fuher, set it on and carefully lower it into a glass with hissing alcohol. Make sure that the glass does not overturn.
  • The liquid will first be painted in a bright-bearded color, and then acquires a bluish tint.
  • Now interfere with the cocktail straw and drink the contents of two glasses through it.

"Cheshire Cat"

To create this cocktail, according to this bartender method, you will need ice for whiskey, absinthe and juice from green apples (better from the store - clarified). Prepare this "strong pleasure" as follows:

  • In a large glass for whiskey, lower several ice cubes.
  • Pour a green drink on top of ice cubes - 30 ml
  • When the ice begins to thaw, pour chilled juice from apples - 50 ml.

Now proceed to sawing.

How to eat absinthe?


As you understood from the above methods of drinking absinthe, it is customary to create a special unique atmosphere during this process. This drink is preferred by those people who love to quickly get drunk and adore the “pinworm”. The correct selection of delicious and suitable food will complement the taste pleasure of drinking such a strong “potion”.

The most famous option for eating absinthe is fruit. This method is used for women.

It is worth knowing: If you prefer to use pure absinthe, then you must bite. It will be more good for health and safely. Cool the cocktail before drinking and complement fruit slices.

It is believed that absinthe in the form of a prepared and diluted mixture can not be bite. But, if without it, then give preference to such food:

  • Different types of cheeses, including molds.
  • Green olivesbut you can also black.
  • Pickled mushrooms - Any.
  • Caramel, candies.
  • Chocolate tile With a high content of cocoa - in small quantities, so as not to interrupt the aftertaste of the drink. A great combination is a slightly bitter and sweet chocolate and strong absinthe.
  • Pieces of fruitSprinkled with sugar grains and cinnamon.

Many years ago, people of different countries began to bite absinthe with sugar. You can use the following sugar:

  • Slices
  • Sprinkled with different spices or cinnamon
  • In molten form (burnt)
  • Lima or lemon juice

Remember: It doesn’t matter how and with what you use absent. Remember the sense of measure, as a too high dose of the drink can lead to deplorable consequences.

Video: how to drink absinthe correctly at home - 3 ways

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