How to remove the stomach with self -massage? Self -massage for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

How to remove the stomach with self -massage? Self -massage for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Massage at home is not only pleasant, but also the opportunity to lose extra pounds. Moreover, you can do it yourself.

Massage is an effective struggle procedure. Unfortunately, not everyone can find extra money for this non -cheap way to create the body of their dreams. But, self -massage can always come to the rescue. Everyone can master its technique.

Important: self -massage can accelerate reduction of excess weight, as well as improve the quality of the skin. Only 10-15 sessions of massage of the arms, legs, abdomen and hips at home will significantly increase the effect of diets and training.



  • The effectiveness of home self -massage is identical to the benefits of professional massage.
  • During such a procedure, obsolete scales are removed from the skin. Which helps to improve skin breathing and increase the synthesis of the gear and sebaceous glands.
  • Home self -massage helps to improve blood circulation and nutrition of the skin.
  • During such a procedure, lymph flow improves. This helps to remove swelling from the fabric.
  • With independent massage of certain parts of the body, you can improve the work of internal organs.
  • Which leads to an improvement in all metabolic processes in the body.

Important: self -massage is the most affordable way of massage, which acts not only on the body, but also the psycho -emotional state of a person. With the help of such a procedure, you can relax and feel "mental" comfort.

Home self -massage for weight loss

Thanks to the “acceleration” of blood and lymph flow, the fat layer breaks. Which allows you to easily "burn" fat. So, lose weight.

Any nutritionist will say that it is impossible to remove fat from individual parts of the body. And it will be right.

But, with self -massage aimed at losing weight, you can

  • firstly, act on individual parts of the body, improving metabolic processes in them.
  • And, secondly, to have fat-burning actions on the whole body at the same time.
  • Therefore, self -massage is one of the most important parts of the complex aimed at reducing excess weight.

With self -massage for weight loss, it is necessary to warm the problem areas with slight presses and rubbing. An even greater effect can be achieved if you adopt various warm -up creams and ointments. For example, "ballet". You can also use special oils for this. They will be described below.

Self -massage techniques


Self -massage can be carried out using such techniques as:

  • Stroking
  • Trituration
  • Squeezing
  • Kneading
  • Shaking
  • Shock techniques

The easiest and easiest to receive such a procedure is stroking. With its help, there is practically no pressure on the tissues located under the skin, but its value is very large. By stroking, you can warm up the body, feel it and relieve tension.

Important: stroking increases the skin temperature, accelerates blood flow and lymph. This helps the skin get more nutrients.

Self -massage of the abdomen remove the fat apron

Self -massage cannot do more than overweight alone. But, it can be used to improve the effect of diet and training. And do not worry if after 2-3 sessions the body does not become visually slimmer. The thing is that with the help of such a procedure, processes are activated in the body that can lead to a positive result after a while. This is especially true for a fat apron on the stomach. After all, it is very difficult to remove it.


Important: with self -massage, everything is important. Do not neglect preparations for this procedure. In front of her, it is advisable to take a warm bath and grease the stomach with an anti -cellulite gel. It will help improve sliding on the skin, and also feeds it with useful substances.

With self -massage of the abdomen, techniques are used as: rubbing, stroking and tapping your fingers. They begin to influence the problem area by stroking. At this stage, it is important to warm up the body and configure it to further work. The degree of pressure in such actions should be regulated by their own sensations.

After stroking, you can proceed to rubbing. At this stage, the upper and lower tissues of the abdomen are displaced, which leads to the release of fat cells. In this case, blood flow improves and fluid outflow occurs.

SCHEME: Rubbings are carried out from the bottom up. In this case, you can use both the palm and the fingertips. These techniques can be alternated for an even greater effect. To stimulate the brutally, the lymph nodes use a spiral scheme.

You need to move from the navel clockwise increasing the radius of the circle with each turn. One session of such a self-massage of the abdomen should consist of 3-4 “circles”.

During self -massage of the abdomen, you need to turn on relaxing music and magical use the power of aromatherapy.

Visceral self -massage of the abdomen

Viscera translated from Latin means internal organs. Fat tissues lie not only under the skin, but also envelop internal organs. Visceral fat is even more dangerous than subcutaneous. After all, he negatively acts on the work of important human organs. To reduce fat on internal organs, you can use the technique of visceral self -massage of the abdomen.

IMPORTANT: If, during the massage of the abdomen, seals (“stone” stomach) are felt under hand), then most likely this means that the capillaries are clogged. Ordinary procedures for “breaking” these zones will not help. Here you need to use a special equipment - visceral massage.

With the help of such a self -massage of the abdomen, the capillaries are “uncorked” and substances stuck in them move into the intercellular space. That is, the usual work of blood on the delivery of beneficial substances begins to the abdomen. Metabolic processes improve, stopped regeneration mechanisms are launched, etc.

SCHEME: Visceral self -massage of the abdomen is carried out in a certain sequence.

  1. Start with the area of \u200b\u200bthe gallbladder,
  2. then you need to affect the liver,
  3. pancreas and
  4. the rising branch of the large intestine.
  5. Then you need to pay attention to the descending branch of the large intestine,
  6. small intestine,
  7. reproductive organs,
  8. stomach and spleen.

Important: with any sense of discomfort, and even more pain, it is necessary to stop the self -massage procedure.

Visceral self -massage begins with light pressure on the stomach. Then the pressing intensifies. They can be made both with the whole palm and with individual fingers. The whole procedure should last no more than 15 minutes.

Video: Self -massage of the abdomen

Self -massage of sides for weight loss


Another problematic place with excess weight is sides. Self -massage of the sides is carried out simultaneously with exposure to the entire stomach. You can act on the sides of various methods that are described above. For example, you can delay the folds of the skin, clasping them with two fingers and let go. With such “pinch” actions, the blood flow can be increased in this problematic place and “break” adipose tissue.

Self -massage of hips for weight loss

In order to ensure weight loss, you need to sit on the sofa, put the straightened leg on it, and lower the other to the floor. The muscles are prepared for work using stroking. Then you need to go to such a technique as squeezing. The first sessions of such a massage must be done with one hand. As soon as the muscles understand the load, you can squeeze with both hands.

SCHEME: With self -massage of the hips, you need to move from the outer thigh to the inner. The pressure on the muscles is caused by the thumb and palm when they are drawn closer to each other. After squeezing, you need to use rubbing the outer surfaces of this part of the body, and then knead them. For thighs, you can use shock massage techniques.

Self -massage of the back muscles

Self -massage of the back does not directly affect the reduction of excess weight. But, since the largest muscle groups are on the back, the effect on them can improve many processes in the body. Including exchange. Which are directly related to the excretion of excess fat from the body.

SCHEME: To conduct self -massage of the back, you must sit on a stool and grab the right side of the back with your left hand, and the right with the right. To massage this part of the body, you can use stroking, patting and rubbing. In order to “work out” inaccessible sections of the back, you can use a specially designed massager for this. You need to move from the sacrum area as high as possible to the shoulder blades.

Self -massage from cellulite

The described procedures from cellulite have no fundamental differences from the self -massage of the abdomen, sides and hips. In order to get rid of the "orange peel", it is necessary to periodically improve the blood circulation of the skin. For this, all of the above methods are suitable.


Self -massage of the face from wrinkles

In order to smooth the skin and get rid of wrinkles, you must use self -massage every two days. The first procedure must be carried out no longer than 5 minutes. Then the time can be increased. The maximum effect on the skin of the face with self -massage should not exceed 15 minutes.

Self -massage of the face is best carried out two hours before bedtime. To do this, use stroking. For the best effect, you can use olive or other vegetable oil. Stroking should be light and smooth.

SCHEME: Self -massage of the face is carried out in three circles. The first circle is a light shaving of the skin of the face with your fingers, the second circle is pressing with your fingers, and the third is vibrational movements. They begin to move from the lower point of the middle of the chin and end with the earlobe. The next scheme from the corners of the mouth to the ear.

  • Around the eyes, all massage movements should be light and tender. You need to move from the temple to the nose. In the opposite direction of the wrinkle line.
  • Fall massage is carried out from the middle of the nose to the temples. Here you need to use the eyebrow line.
  • Then along the oversight line from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  • End movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples along the line of eyebrows.

Contacting self -massage

With the help of anti -aging massage, you can cleanse the skin of dead scales, increase blood flow, normalize the work of sebaceous and sweat glands. Only a few such procedures will help make the skin elastic, increase its tone and improve color.

As a rejuvenation of the body, you can adopt visceral massage. After all, it not only helps to remove internal fat, but also has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver, kidneys and other organs of a person that directly affects not only health, but also on appearance. Without the correct work of these organs, it is impossible to extend youth.

The best oil oil oils


With most types of self -massage, you can use any natural plant and aromatic essential oils. Almond oil, jojoba, avocado And enorers are not only able to nourish the skin with useful substances, but also add the effect of aromatherapy to sessions of self -massage. Which will be better to affect the effectiveness of such procedures.

The best massagers for self -massage

The above procedures are best carried out without improvised means. For the effectiveness of this procedure, it is important to learn how to feel the body. And with the help of manual or strip massagers, this is not always possible to do this. But sometimes they can give a strong effect.

Today, the belt for weight loss is very popular. They work on the "principle of vibration." Inside such devices are special vibration engines that are able to compress and unclench muscles. You can verify their effectiveness by the example of the Vibra Tone belt or AB Gymnic.

Self -massage can also be carried out using hand massagers. For example, with the help of a vacuum massager "Cellules" or the massager "Relax and Tone".


Self -massage for weight loss: tips and reviews

Self -massage can really help if you use it in combination with diet and training. The first 3-4 sessions visually may not lead to the desired effect. But, even if there are no changes visually, then this does not mean that self -massage does not work. If such procedures are carried out regularly, you can significantly improve your appearance and improve health.

Adelia. I regularly do the prophylactic self -massage of the abdomen and hips. To do this, I use Clarins oil. I like the condition of my body after such procedures.

Olga. It still seems to me that it is better to entrust this procedure to a real massage therapist. Although, my belt for weight loss seems to work. But I did not use the remaining self -massage options. Need to try.

Video. Self -massage from punctine ears and inner thighs

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  1. Periodically I practice this ... I believe that the approach should be complex, then the result will be. Additives, for example, are also very important. I myself accept l-carnitine from the sports expert, sometimes I replace it with the berries of the Geria berries ... so loses it is much better) and the tummy leaves)

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