"Otherwise" is the comma is distinguished: rules, examples

This topic will be discussed for the isolation of the phrase "otherwise."

In the style of the text, the term “isolation” is often found. This is a way to distinguish the secondary parts of speech and semantic load. That is, the communicative significance of not particularly significant members of the sentence is increasing. But sometimes punctuation is superfluous. Therefore, in this material we want to make out the union “otherwise” and its punctuation.

Separation "otherwise": is it always and when in the letter it is released by a comma?

To increase our literacy, we will carefully study this issue. After all, “otherwise” can act as an annexing and an introductory union. And in order not to get confused in these issues and correctly highlight them with commas, we will analyze each situation separately.

The meaning of the words "otherwise"

Remember - all three words are written separately. After all, other meanings of words cannot arise. But before you understand the signs of punctuation, we will determine the values \u200b\u200bof the phrase. "Otherwise," is:

  • when it will be the other way around;
  • back to what was planned;
  • the opposite is what was supposed.

Examples, which confirm that from sentences of different structures and semantic load the sound of the same phrase is differently distinguished by commas.

  • So, otherwise, we would still go there.
  • Otherwise, it is helpless, because she has long been sick.
  • It’s easier to praise the child for the truth than to reproach otherwise.
"Otherwise" has several options for isolation

When in the letter "otherwise" is focused with commas

When this union is in the text acts as an introductory structure,then it always stands out with commas. If in this case the union is in the middle of the proposal, then it is necessary to put commas on both sides. After all, the phrase shares two finished thoughts.

  • Every day cucumbers demand watering, otherwise, we will be left without a crop.
  • It is necessary to be honest with nature, which, otherwise, can leave the population without a livelihood.
  • We need to go for products today, otherwise, we will stand tomorrow in line tomorrow.

During the arrangement “otherwise” at the end of the sentence, entering the turnover or explanatory structure, one comma is used in front of the phrase. Clue - It is replaced by synonyms such as “other”, “otherwise”, “or”.

  • It is better to travel with driven roads, otherwise you can turn the wrong way.
  • It is worth sitting on a minibus until 10 pm, otherwise you can stand at a bus stop for a long time.
  • It is better to cook more food in advance than otherwise stand on vacation by the stove.

If such a phrase at the beginning of the text acts as a dialect or union for motivation, a comma is placed after the structure. Otherwise, it is used in the text as a description of alternative situations, one of which is undesirable.

  • Otherwise, we could not protect them.
  • Otherwise, we will turn to guardianship authorities.
  • Otherwise, prices are jumping above the permissible limit.
Analyze the sentences carefully
Analyze the sentences carefully

When the design "otherwise" is not isolated

When a phrase acts as an independent member of the proposal, it does not require isolation. Then he is a phrase, which means circumstance, and you can ask him the question "when?"

  • Otherwise, a big scandal will happen.
  • Otherwise, refuse such a venture.
  • Otherwise, bankers will increase interest by 60%.

Also a certain An exception is consideredthe structure of the proposal, when the union acts as a separate part of the continuation, which is its semantic continuation.

  • Prizes will be paid at the end of the year in the event of a general plan and will not be counted otherwise.
  • The robber demanded not to resist and threatened the death penalty otherwise.

Now, thanks to the above, you can use the union in practice without punctuation errors, in writing.

Video: “Otherwise” and excretory punctuation marks

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