What days of the week you can and cannot be cleaned in an apartment, house: signs

What days of the week you can and cannot be cleaned in an apartment, house: signs

Cleaning a house is a mandatory action, but so that it brings not only cleanliness, but also benefit, it is important to choose the right day.

Since ancient times, people have endowed the days of the week with a special meaning. This or that case had to be done on a certain day, and each day has its own task. These traditions and signs spread widely in the modern life of man.

The people had the opinion that Monday was not the time to undertake any business, it is better to transfer the next day, but as for the order in the house, a favorable day is Saturday. Where did these distributions come from the days of the week and how to follow them correctly - signs will be told.

Cleaning signs by day of the week

Putting cleanliness in living space is not only to get rid of the house from dust and garbage, but also energy purification from negative programs and manifestations of evil spirits. Folk signs will be able to give a hint - how and when, choose the right time and day to clean the house in order to achieve consent and prosperity in it.

  1. Monday. It is not recommended to plan a lot of things. Monday is not considered the best day to implement new ideas in the implementation of new ideas. The energy of the day cannot be called easy, hence such an opinion about it. In the old days, it was believed that the first day of the week is closely connected with the other world and can negatively affect a person, and therefore his home. People tried to avoid any undertakings on such a day as not to be disappointed. To start cleaning on Monday - to call on the house of lack of money. This also applies to the initiative of the repair or move to a new house - do not excite the energy of housing. Otherwise, a person risks beckoning in confrontation with evil spirits.

    Do not plan a lot of things on Monday
    Do not plan a lot of things on Monday
  2. Tuesday - The most favorable period of the calendar for restoring order in the house, purification of living space. The impact of negative power is already weakened, and it's time to proceed with the rituals of filling the home with positive energies. Not only standard housing cleaning will have a positive impact, but also the installation of a charm for the home. Any housework symbolizes farewell to failures and stagnation in the financial sector.
  3. Wednesday - To increase profit. A businessman experiencing difficulties in business is recommended to pay attention to the cleanliness of not only home space, but also a working room. This will let in new energy and help to establish a connection with the financial channel. The ancestors considered this day favorable for working with plants - planting flowers in flowerpots, attracted an increase in success and well -being. However, it is unsafe to change the place of residence on Wednesday, you can bring trouble. The energy of the day, rather intended for small changes in the situation in the house than for radical changes.

    On Wednesday, we increase profits
    On Wednesday, we increase profits
  4. Thursday - A controversial day. Numerous sources disagree on Thursday. Some say that it is better to postpone any lesson for later, and even more so such a time -consuming business - cleaning the house. Other sources, on the contrary, advise using the day with maximum benefit and work hard to work. If there is a cleaning, it is better to do it with open doors and windows, letting fresh air into the house and releasing the energy of stagnation. It is also recommended to lay off for a while to the vacuum cleaner and fold the floor with a broom. Cleaning using natural means and objects for restoring order will not violate the balance of power and increase the cash flow. Particular attention should be paid to gifts donated for the home interior, if they are still in the box, it's time to find their application. By decorating the house, you can enhance the effect of positive energy.

    We use a broom
    We use a broom
  5. Friday - Absolutely inappropriate time for cleaning the house and washing things. It is believed that taking your hands a broom on such a day means to doom yourself for debts. Things started on Friday will go slowly and with obstacles: objects will break, there will be a lot of deficiencies, which will be done on this day will have to be redone after. But if there is a desire to buy or sell something for a house, Friday promises a profitable deal. On such a day, it is better to go to the fair or to the store for purchases of things for household needs and repair - the purchase will be successful and will last a long time.

    On Friday we do not remove
    On Friday we do not remove
  6. Saturday - The most successful day for housework. If you plan something with permutations and crossings, then on Saturday. The day is filled with a positive atmosphere. Cleanliness in the house will bring monetary profit, health and harmony into the life of households. Observing traditions, on Saturday everything must be clean - house, clothing, body. Therefore, Saturday also has its own warnings: it is better to postpone heavy physical labor the next day, the lesson in some time-consuming business involves to carry the dirt around and smear itself. And this contradicts the principles of Saturday - the purity of space and man. For the initiation of long -term repairs - it’s good to choose another day. There is a version, if you still decide on this, the case will not go along on the rest of the days and you will have to carry out the planned only on Saturday.
  7. Sunday. It is strongly allowed to engage in physical labor. Tradition originates for religious reasons - the ancestors devoted the day to campaigns to church, in holy places, spiritual practice. People, fearing the retribution of the Higher Forces for excessive passion for worldly affairs, believed that to bother with mud - to communicate with evil spirits, to sweep - to wash or trouble, to wash and wash - to be convicted and agreed. There was also an opinion that on such a day the gates into the other world are open, and any unclean force can enter the house of a person who has violated traditions. To avoid such a fate, they brought consecrated water from the temple and sprinkled a dwelling, poured on the windowsill and under the threshold of the house of consecrated salt, went around all residential and non -residential premises with candles and prayers. Sunday was intended for spiritual and energy cleaning of housing.
Cleaning is prohibited even from religious beliefs
Cleaning is prohibited even from religious beliefs

At the present time, traditions have not lost their relevance, on the contrary, gain great popularity. Modern hobby for other spiritual practices makes its color in adjusting the purity of human domestic space. On Sunday, it was instructed to perform all kinds of rituals of cleaning the room: to say goodbye to old things, fill the house with amulets, pronounce and listen to a protective mantra for home, prayers, conspiracies.

The connection of the energy purity of the house, health, well -being of the inhabitants has long been noticed. All this is an inevitable part of maintaining accuracy in the house, both at the material and energy levels.

Video: Proper cleaning by feng shui

Favorable and not favorable time for cleaning in the house

It is important to decide not only on the week of conducting harvesting work - it is necessary to take into account the daily time of restoring order for home, apartment. Having chosen the day, the necessary business for cleaning the room should start after sunrise, and finished - before sunset. The same applies to the removal of garbage or old things - all the unnecessary should be eliminated to sunset.

  • The habit of enduring garbage in the evenings can attract a number of troubles. Any discarded subject, including garbage, contains the energy of the residents of the house.
  • The ancestors believed that in the dark, the influence of a negative essence is aggravated, and such things in its possession become direct sources of influence on a person. In such a house, diseases and scandals often occur.
  • It was also believed that the collected garbage should not be stored in the room until the next day - you can cause illness. A completely rational explanation is not related to superstitions - the collected garbage contains a certain amount of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, from which it is more logical to get rid of as soon as possible.
  • And in ancient times, people believed that in this way they sweep out of the house all the bad - failures, lack of money, malaise. Adhering to these old traditions, a person can protect himself and his housing from negative manifestations and attract prosperity and prosperity to his house. All these signs are based on religious and astrological teachings and help streamline human life.
  • Do not treat fanaticism for example. Any tradition over time is transformed, and since it was adopted in the ancient centuries already unacceptable for the modern world.
You need to have time before sunset
You need to have time before sunset

It is important to listen to the inner sensation and common sense - the main thing is that the traditions accepted by man do not contradict the generally accepted human norms of morality, do not cause damage to the laws of the universe, and do not harm the environment.

Video: Cleaning in the house: signs

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Comments K. article

  1. here I read all these signs and they contradict themselves. When, on what day of the week to wash, wash the windows, change the beds. (On one information on Friday, and on another information on Saturday) and so on. In one information they write to wash on Monday, and in some sources it is said - to wash on Monday - to remain a widow. In all this information, you can get confused who says that weddings on Friday to do, and who speaks on Friday. How to understand all this?

  2. Thank you! Great article. I will definitely adhere to signs.

  3. It is easy to read and easily remembered. Thank you. Interesting

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