On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant: dangerous days for pregnancy. When is it better to conceive a child - before or after menstruation? Contraceptive methods, if you do not need to get pregnant

On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant: dangerous days for pregnancy. When is it better to conceive a child - before or after menstruation? Contraceptive methods, if you do not need to get pregnant

What days of the cycle can you get pregnant? Look for useful information in the article.

For couples who want and plan their pregnancy, it is very important to know what days the highest chances. In this matter, the main thing is to be able to correctly calculate the menstrual cycle of any woman, since these important days will be discussed below.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What helps to get pregnant?". You will find a description of dietary supplements, as well as folk advice, signs.

The menstrual cycle is individual in every female body, and this depends on many factors. What days of the cycle can you get pregnant? Read further.

What is a menstrual cycle and menstruation?

Menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle - These are cyclic changes in the female body, a period of time from the first day of menstruation to the first day next. Menstruation - This is the rejection of the uterine mucosa, as a result of the non -fertilization of the egg, which subsequently did not attach to the walls of the uterus and, as a result, pregnancy did not develop. It is worth knowing:

  • Menstruation can also be called menstrual bleeding, although if you disassemble in more detail, this is not bleeding at all, but the release of the mucous membrane from the uterus with an admixture of blood.
  • Epithelial cells and endometrial cells also have also in its composition.
  • Blood is included in the composition because the integrity of the capillaries in the uterine cavity is disturbed.

The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 daystherefore, menstruation is also called "period", since it is repeated every month. But the norm is considered to be 21-35 days.

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle depends on the age, constitution of a woman and the presence of gynecological and endocrinological diseases.
  • Menstruation or menstrual bleeding, or “menstruation”, lasts, on average, 4-5 days, but the norm can be considered 3-7 days.
  • Any deviations in one direction or another are not attributed to the norm and a woman needs to be examined for the presence of diseases, both gynecological and endocrinological, because gynecology and endocrinology are very closely interconnected.

The menstrual cycle is divided into phases:

  • Menstrual phase. This is precisely menstruation. On the first day, the thinned layer of the uterine mucosa is rejected and comes out with an admixture of blood. It lasts about 5 days.
  • Folicular phase. It begins from the first day of menstruation and is characterized by the fact that during this period the follicle is ripened in which the egg is located. The duration of this phase is about 14 days. During this time, the endometrium (inner mucous membrane) of the uterus also restore. The follicular phase ends with ovulation.
  • Ovulatory phase. It lasts 2-3 days. During this period, a follicle rupture and an output of a mature egg, ready for fertilization. A follicle rupture may be accompanied by a small stretch pain in the lower abdomen, or on the left, or on the right, depending in which ovary there was a follicle rupture.
  • Luthein phase. Comes after ovulation and lasts 14 days. Hormones are actively produced in this phase: estrogen and progesterone. They, in turn, affect the quality and development of pregnancy.
    Often, at this stage of the cycle, a woman may appear PMS.

PMS is a premenstrual syndrome. It is characterized by changing mood, increasing appetite, irritability. As well as changes in the body: with the loading of the mammary glands and pulling non -intensity pains in the lower abdomen. This occurs against the background of a change in the hormonal background.

On what days of the cycle can you get pregnant: when dangerous days for pregnancy?

In the days of the cycle of the ovulatory phase, you can get pregnant
In the days of the cycle of the ovulatory phase, you can get pregnant

This question is asked pairs that plan pregnancy, or vice versa, who do not want a child in the near future and use a calendar method of contraception. Having dismantled what the menstrual cycle is, one can confidently attribute the days of ovulation to the most favorable days. What days of the cycle can you get pregnant? When are dangerous days for pregnancy?

  • On the days of ovulation The biggest chances to conceive a child.
  • These days are considered favorable, because a mature egg comes out of the follicle, mucus in the cervix channel becomes rare and easily passes sperm to meet the egg.
  • In other phases of the menstrual cycle The mucus in the cervix is \u200b\u200bmore thick, not so easy to pass through it.
  • Also in the phase of ovulation, the internal uterine pharynx and the entrance to the cervix is \u200b\u200bopened, which also contributes to the further progress of spermatozoa.

For those who do not plan pregnancy, it is worth refraining from sexual contacts these days. But do not forget:

  • Spermatozoa live in the uterine cavity 72 hours.
  • Therefore, conception can even occur if unprotected sexual contact was 3 days before ovulation.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

When is it better to conceive a child: before or after menstruation?

Any doctor will say that the best days to conceive a child are days of ovulation. This period gives more likelihood of obtaining the desired result.

  • Before planning pregnancy, you need to contact a doctor, who examines partners, considers the menstrual cycle and finds out when the most favorable days for conception.
  • The doctor also notes that neither before nor after menstruation (specifically 7 days before the start of menstruation and after it for 7 days), it will not be possible to get pregnant. The lowest chances of conception these days, since they are not favorable.
  • But the middle of the cycle (ovulatory phase) gives the biggest chance.

It is worth considering that this works with the complete health of both sexual partners and a regular menstrual cycle in a woman.

How to find out when ovulation for conception: calculation, signs

Ovulation for conception
Ovulation for conception

It is important to know when ovulation occurs to those women who plan pregnancy or choose a calendar protection method. The ideal time for conception will be two days before ovulation and the first day of ovulation. During this period, the highest chances to get pregnant. To calculate ovulation, mathematical simple formulas are used. Only this is possible in the presence of a stable and clear menstrual cycle.

  • So, the second phase of the menstrual cycle is stable and is 14 days, But the first can fluctuate within a few days. So you need to calculate ovulation in the second phase.
  • For this, it is necessary to take away from the length of the cycle (for example, 28 days) 14 days (lutein phase) and get in the end 14.
  • This means that ovulation will occur on the 14th day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

This method will be unreliable if the cycle length is not stable. For example, it can be 24 days, then ovulation will come on the 10th day. If the menstrual cycle 30, or 32 days, then ovulation will come on 16, or 18 days, respectively.

Signs of ovulation:

  • Changing mucus texture in the cervix. Usually it is thick, but in the days of ovulation it becomes very rare and viscous (it can be stretched by 30-50 cm). You can take a sample of mucus for evaluation during the allocation from the vagina. Sprinking of mucus is due to the production of the hormone estradiol. After the end of ovulation, the mucus thickens again.
  • Swelling and increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Lower abdominal pain - On the right or left. A pulling pain, non -intensive, can intensify. Localization of the pain is curled in which the ovary matured the main follicle.
  • Improving basal temperature. During ovulation, the temperature in the vagina becomes higher than body temperature. For the correct result, it is necessary to measure it in the vagina immediately after waking up without getting out of bed.

Method for determining ovulation using temperatures Pretty accurate only if the rules described above. The basal temperature must be measured throughout the entire menstrual cycle. At the time of the rupture of the follicle and the onset of ovulation, the basal temperature will sharply jump up to 0.5-1.0 ° C. from previous indicators.

For a more accurate detection of ovulation, it has become very popular home testwhich can be purchased at any pharmacy. The principle of its work is to determine the amount of luteinizing hormone. In the phases of the menstrual cycle, the amount of hormone is different, but at the time of ovulation, its concentration reaches the highest numbers. This and the next day can be considered the most favorable for conception.

Another method for revealing the onset of ovulation - folliculometry. This is an ultrasound diagnosis during which the size of the ripened follicle is found out. And when the size of the follicle reaches 18 mm in diameter, this day and the next are days of ovulation.

What needs to be done to increase the chance of pregnancy?

When the couple thinks about the continuation of a kind, the question arises of pregnancy. Some women get pregnant in the near future from the start of planning, and some need to work hard, calculate the days of ovulation to see the coveted two strips. The days of ovulation in medicine are also called "Farm window".

Before starting pregnancy planning, it is necessarily necessary:

  • Pre -visit the doctors
  • Take the necessary tests
  • Undergo ultrasound diagnostics of a small pelvic organs for a woman
  • To refuse from bad habits
  • Take vitamin complexes

What needs to be done to increase the chance of pregnancy? Here are some tips:

  • To increase the chances, you need to enter into sexual contact in 2-3 days before ovulation and on the days of ovulation itself.
  • But this does not mean that you can get pregnant only through the fertility window, you can also conceive the baby on other, the coming days to ovulation.
  • The sexual life of the couple should take place without any contraception.

All the doctor’s recommendations should be followed to increase the chances of conception.

Contraceptive methods, if you do not need to get pregnant

Contraceptive methods, if you do not need to get pregnant
Contraceptive methods, if you do not need to get pregnant

If the couple does not plan a pregnancy in the near future, then it is worth taking care of the contraceptive method. At this time, there are a lot of different methods proven and proven in effectiveness. Types of contraception:

  • Of the most popular and affordable methods, this condom

This is a membrane of rubber or latex, which is dressed on an erect male genital organ, before the sexual intercourse. After the ejaculation, sperm remains in a condom, thereby fertilization. This method of contraception not only prevents an undesirable pregnancy, but also protect the partner from transmitting infections, such as: syphilis, gonorrhea, toxoplasmosis and a very dangerous disease of the 21st century- HIV infection.

  • Birth control pills

These tablets in their composition have hormones. They affect a woman’s body differently to prevent pregnancy. This is curl of the type of hormone. Some make a delay in the onset of ovulation, while others thicken mucus, which prevents the further advance of sperm on the cervix. Tablets are available 21-22 pieces in a blister. Each pill is numbered and these numbers coincide with the dates of the month and even days. Tablets are of different shapes and colors.

Railway tablets with the content of just one hormone are produced. They are called mini-saw. How to take contraceptives:

  • In the blist, each tablet stands under the number. it from 1 to 21 or 22, or even 24.
  • It is necessary to start from the first day of menstruation 1 tablet per day, in a row.
  • You need to take at the same time.
  • After the end of the tablets in the blister, you need to take a break 7 days. During this period, menstruation will come and pass.
  • During a weekly break, a woman is protected and do not resort to additional methods of contraception.
  • After the break, you need to start taking the same tablets, only from the new blister or packaging, even if the menstrual discharge has not yet ended completely.

When fulfilling the above rules for taking contraceptive tablets, it is guaranteed 98-99% security. Factors in which the effectiveness of the tablets is reduced

  • Pill Pilles
  • If in the course 1-2 hours After taking the tablet, there was vomiting
  • Medication was performed that reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive tablets

If one of the factors occur, then you should see a doctor for advice.

  • Contraceptive injections

Contain sex hormones that prevent ovulation. They are introduced intramuscularly into the hand or buttock for a certain period. A rather reliable method of contraception.

  • Navy

An intrauterine product in the form of a spiral, rings, or T-shaped. It is introduced into the uterine cavity, prevents the movement of sperm and thickens mucus in the cervix during ovulation. The Navy is with copper and silver threads. They are established only by giving birth to women without gynecological pathologies, in the presence of a permanent sexual partner. Has from 85% effectiveness. Depending on the type of Navy, they are installed for 3, 5 and even 10 years. The method for married couples is very convenient.

  • Spermicides

Produced in the form of creams, vaginal tablets and aerosols. Used, specifically, before sexual contact. The substance that is part of the spermicides destroys spermatozoa even before they penetrate the uterus. The effectiveness of spermicides is low, but some species protect partners from sexual infections.

What to do if the use of contraceptives was missed: how not to get pregnant?

Birth control pills
Birth control pills

In life, there are various situations that a person can not always control, for example, a woman forgot to accept a contraceptive tablet. What to do? Of course, this is better not to allow, but not so scary.

  • If it was 1 tablet is missed, you just need to drink it as soon as they remembered, and the next in normal mode, even if the number of tablets in a day will be 2. There is no need for additional contraception.
  • If it was missed 2 or more tablets, then immediately you need to drink the last of the forgotten pills and continue to take as usual, even if you need to drink 2 tablets per day. During the week, you need to use a different method of contraception, for example, a condom to avoid pregnancy.

Mini-saw differ from contraceptive tablets:

  • Have 28 tablets And when the blister ends, you need to start the next package without a break.
  • If the reception was forgotten 1 pill tablets Already increases the risk of pregnancy.

Mini-saws are similar with other contraceptives that the reception is performed at the same time-once a day. If a mini-drink tablet was missed, the forgotten one must drink immediately, and the next one is planned.

What to do if the barrier method of contraception did not work: how not to get pregnant?

In the event of a condom break during intercourse or interrupted sexual contact, it was still not interrupted, it is necessary to take care of additional contraception. Emergency contraception is suitable for these cases. This is the intake of special drugs that prematurely affect the rejection of the uterine mucosa, and this, in turn, prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall. This type of contraception cannot be used on an ongoing basis. Frequent intake of emergency contraceptives carries serious consequences for the woman's body. Although this is a rather serious medicine, it is in the public domain at any pharmacy.

What should you pay attention to when using emergency contraception?

  • The first tablet should be accepted no later than 72 hours After sexual contact. In general, the sooner the better.
  • Taking the drug later 72 hours It will already be ineffective. It is necessary to pay attention to this.
  • Side effects after taking: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, delay in menstruation or their early occurrence.

How does emergency contraception work?

  • Emergency contraception preparations include: Postinor, escapel and others.
  • They contain hormones in various dosages. For example, postinor needs to take 2 tablets, and the escapel is enough only one pill.
  • These drugs affect the delay in ovulation, which in turn prevents fertilization and further implantation.
  • Some drugs of emergency contraception immobilize spermatozoa.
  • In any case, when using the emergency contraception method, it is necessary to consult with the doctor so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body.

It is worth knowing: Reception of contraceptive contraceptives, the use of an intrauterine agent and emergency contraception - does not protect sexual partners from the transfer of sexual infections. Only a condom gives protection, subject to its integrity.

As you can see, it is important to know how to get pregnant and how to prevent its onset. In the life of a couple, both of them may need. Therefore, for conception, calculate the days, but to protect against pregnancy, mathematics may also be needed.

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