Hair removal on the face. Ways to remove hair at home. Video

Hair removal on the face. Ways to remove hair at home. Video

The face of every woman is covered with a small hair fluff - these hair is small, soft, bright, inconspicuous and do not cause any discomfort. Another thing is when the excessive growth of rigid, long and dark hair begins, which affects such areas of the body as the upper lip, chin, cheeks, chest, back and stomach, known as female disease - hirsutism.

The reason for its appearance is:

- violation of the hormonal background
- violation of the work of the adrenal glands and ovaries
- genetic deviations and heredity
- Stress
- Climax
- wrong diet
- the use of therapeutic drugs containing corticosteroids
- puberty
- improper use of cosmetic drugs
- Ecology

Important: in order to find out the true cause of hirsutism, you need to consult with a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

The face of every woman is a reflection of her external and internal beauty, and when any problems appear on it, it is closed in itself, a bad mood appears and a great desire to correct this situation.

How to remove hair on your face at home

With the advent of such a problem, every girl is looking for a way to cope with her. To resort to help in beauty salons often turns out to be expensive, so many decide to fight with hair on their faces at home.

Important: there are many home recipes for removing unwanted vegetation on the face, the main thing is to choose the right and sparing.

Removing hair on the face with plucking

Removing hair follicles with tweezers. The method is ineffective and painful, because In case of damage to the hair follicles, the hair becomes even more stringent and thick. It is possible to irritate and scars. Hair growth slows down in this method, but it is better to use it only with small hairyness.

Hair removal on the face: depilation

Use the cream depalator option is affordable and painless. Method of use: apply the required amount of cream to the problem area, wait 15-20 minutes (the instructions are indicated in detail) and remove with a special spatula. But not every type of face is suitable for this method, individual intolerance to components is possible.

4. Wax hair removal
A simple cosmetic procedure with a long-term effect (3-4 weeks), requiring patience. Wax penetrates deep into the hair onion and deprives its nutrients, causing death. To start the procedure, you need to purchase wax or wax strips in a cosmetic store.
Rules for conducting:
- Pre -clean and degrease the skin.
- Then apply warm wax with an even thin layer.
- Let him cool for a little time and tightly attach a cosmetological special strip.
- After which, with a sharp movement of the hand, drag the strip in the direction against hair growth.
- Process the place of removal with a moisturizing cream to avoid irritation

5. Sugar hair removal (shugaring)
A similar wax removal procedure. The only thing that the mixture can be prepared at home.
Cooking method: You need to mix 10 tbsp. spoons of honey, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of water and half the lemon juice, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool.
You can use in two ways:
- roll a sugar ball and walk through the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin;
- apply an even layer to vegetation and using special strips for hair removal, remove it

Important: postpone the epilation procedure if there are any kind of inflammation, infectious and viral diseases (herpes), as well as wounds and warts on the face of the face

Hair removal on the face shave

Hair removal on the face with bleaching

An effective method, if hirsuting has just begun to manifest itself. He will not remove his hair, but will make it invisible.

Elementary method: Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a 3% peroxide solution, wipe the unwanted area of \u200b\u200bthe hair for 5 minutes. Repeat daily (you can replace peroxide with lemon juice).

There are also recipes for making home cream for discoloration:

  • Recipe No. 1: take the container, pour 1 tsp into it. 3% of the peroxide of the peroxide, add 5 drops of ammonia and a drop of liquid soap to create a cremic consistency. Apply the mixture to the hair growth place for 15 minutes, then wash off
  • Recipe No. 2: Take 3 hydraitite tablets, open them into powder, add 1/2 tsp. ammonia, 1 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. shaving foam. Stir, apply to the problem area for 15 minutes, then rinse.

Important: with prolonged contact of these drugs with the skin, it is possible to obtain a burn, so it is not recommended to keep the mixture for more than 15 minutes. And if a burning sensation immediately appeared after application, wash off immediately.


Is it possible to remove the hair on the face forever?

The solution to this problem really exists, it can help in this repeatedly conducting cosmetological procedures (laser hair removal, photoepilation, electro -epilation). The struggle with folk remedies at home will only lead to a slowdown in the hair growth process.

Important: do not forget that excess hairy on the face is a disease! In order to achieve the desired result, you need to fight in combination with drug therapy.

Cosmetological methods of hair removal on the face

The beauty industry does not stand still. So regarding the problem of undesirable hair growth on the face, there are modern cosmetological procedures.
1. Laser hair removal - the local spot effects with a thin monochrome bunch of light on the hair pigment - melanin, as a result of which, light energy turns into thermal, which helps to remove water from the cage and leads to the death of a hairline follicle. The process is safe, painless and multiple. The time of one session is from 20 minutes. To completely eliminate the hair, you will need about 10 visits for 3-4 weeks.
2. Photoepilation - The principle of exposure is the same as the laser. The difference consists in the use of special lamps of a larger spectrum of exposure, which reduces the time of the procedure (7-20 minutes).
3. ElectroePilation - exposure to electric shock on the root of the hair, using a thin needle (electrode), which is introduced into the growth part of the follicle, destroying it. The procedure is painful, but from a destroyed bulb, the hair is no longer growing. The session is repeated to remove neighboring follicles that previously "slept". Of cosmetological procedures, this is the cheapest.

Important: laser, photoepilation and electric power is contraindicated:
- Pregnant and nursing mothers
- Girls under 17 years old
- Women suffering from coronary heart disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus
- as well as those who have inflammatory skin diseases and oncological diseases

Folk methods of hair removal on the face

Not only modern girls and women are worried about how to get rid of unwanted hair, this was the problem of our grandmothers. Folk methods were probably quite effective, since they are still talking and using. What recipes did they help them then?

  • Recipe No. 1. Using green walnut: Take green walnut, cut it in half, juice should act. Grind daily a problem area of \u200b\u200byour skin, so that the juice falls on the hairs. After a while, you will notice that the hair has become lighter and softer. If the course is made longer than two weeks, the hair will disappear completely.
  • Recipe No. 2. Alcohol tincture from a septum of walnuts or cedar shells: You need to take 150 ml of 70 % of alcohol and pour it with partitions of 50 grams of walnuts. Place a dark color in a glass bottle and leave for 7 days to infuse in a cool place. As soon as the tincture is ready, every day before bedtime, lubricate the site with hair with a moistened cotton pad and over time there will be less.
  • Recipe No. 3. Based on alcohola: You need to mix 35 g of 70 % alcohol, 5 g of ammonia, 5 g of castor and 2 g of iodine. Apply the mixture on the hair area 2 times a week and the hair will fall out yourself.
  • Recipe No. 4. Influenza infusion: Take 40 g of interpreted dioecious nettle seeds and pour them 100 ml of vegetable oil. We place the mixture in the darkness for 2 weeks, and then grease the problem area with infusion.
  • Recipe No. 5. Soap with ashes: Initially, take the laundry soap and rub it on a fine grater. Pour the ash sifted through the sieve with boiling water and add the prepared soap shavings. You will get a thick paste, which must be applied to the hairline.

Important: Before using one of the folk methods, try the selected method on a small area of \u200b\u200byour skin to check the allergic reaction of the body.

Hair removal

In addition to wax and deputy cream, there are several more hair removal drugs. The most popular of them is Rivanol (1% solution of boric acid and lactate ethcridine) is an antiseptic. Using it is very simple - you need to moisten a cotton pad with a solution and wipe the problem area every day. The effect will be visible in two weeks.

Important: contraindicated to women with kidney disease and individual intolerance to components.

Also, drugs are used to combat hirsutism Spironolactone and Ketokonazolewho block the effect of male hormones in the female body, thereby slowing down the growth of unwanted hair. And contraceptive tablets are effective against increased hair over.

Tips and reviews of hair removal on the face

There are many ways to combat unwanted vegetation on the face, which is better for you, to choose only you. But do not forget that this problem itself does not arise, so a specialist consultation is necessary.

Important: and if you prefer to do this at home, follow all the recommendations on the use of certain drugs, so as not to harm yourself.

Video: WHICH ADSERS WHAT WHAT ARE? How to remove hair on your face?

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Comments K. article

  1. Never use creams designed to remove hair on the body, since their composition is several times more aggressive, can lead to undesirable, and sometimes deplorable consequences in the form of burns, persistent redness, allergic reactions

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