Which bird has the largest wingspan: top 10, description, photo

Which bird has the largest wingspan: top 10, description, photo

In this article, we suggest looking at the beauty of birds with the largest scale of wings.

The world of animals is amazing, and the world of birds is incredibly exciting. Especially their beauty is revealed in flight. After all, the larger the wingspan, the faster and stronger the bird can fly. By the way, all the birds themselves have wings themselves and their shape depends not only on the class, but also on the lifestyle. We bring to your attention birds that have just a huge scale of wings.

TOP-9 birds with the largest wingspan

It is not sacred that birds have a large scale of wings, which in themselves are quite large. But the first thing is to stipulate what is the scope itself. This is the distance between the two peaks or the ends of the wings that are in the wave of the wave. That is, when they are straightened.

The representative of the Griff family -black or brown bar

Terrible in appearance of birds of prey, which can often be seen in cartoons as villains. They belong to the hawk family, and live on all continents of the Northern Hemisphere. These birds are able to overcome a distance of 400 km daily thanks to their huge wings, which in a scale reach 3-3.1 m. To soar in the air these birds allow flows of warm wind, like all representatives of their species.

The genealogy roots and explain such a formidable appearance
The genealogy roots and explain such a formidable appearance

Another predator with a beautiful name continues the rating -pink pelican

These are waterfowl, which feed on large fish or even chicks of other birds. Their wingspan can reach 3.1 m. A characteristic feature of this class is the beak itself, or rather its lower side, where you can place its prey.

A very bright representative of not only his class
A very bright representative of not only his class

Mountain predator with several names - Himalayan or snow vulture, or kumai

In the Himalayas you can observe another majestic and very beautiful bird. Its wingspan sometimes exceeds 310 cm. It is such a large wave of a wave of a wave that makes this bird soar at an altitude of up to 8 thousand m.

He even resembles mountain slopes with his coloring
He even resembles mountain slopes with his coloring

Long -liver with surprisingly low mortality orsouthern Royal Albatros

The wingspan varies a little from 275 to 310 cm. Therefore, it is inferior to previous competitors. But on the other hand, this bird has an incredible life expectancy, as for all birds-58 years, and about 2-3 individuals dies per year according to average data. But this is such a natural compensation for the long development of chicks and a very low class fertility.

Because of its habitat, it hurts the seagull painfully
Because of its habitat, it hurts the seagull painfully

Baba-bird orcurly pelican

This bird not only flies perfectly, but also swims, since the basis of its diet is fish. The wingspan of this large bird is 3.1-3.2 m. The flight of curly pelicans is quite measured. The bird is very similar to the pink relative, but is distinguished by color and curly feathers on the back of the head.

Expressive representative
Expressive representative

African representative who feeds on carrion -african Marabu

If you observe such a bird, it seems that it seems to soar in flight over its habitat in the African savannah. In this way, they are looking for a carrion that they eat. These birds have two records at once, which relate to the largest wings and the largest and largest beak. Thanks to his power, Marabu is able to crack even animal bones. The wave of this bird reaches 3.2 m

Many representatives have such an extremely unattractive
Many representatives have such an extremely unattractive "neck pillow"

The bird of the Western hemisphere, which stands out also by a very high flight -andian Condor

This is a slightly formidable and even frightening in appearance, but a rather large bird, which has a body length of 115-135 cm. In addition, the condor belongs to long-livers, because their average age is about 50 years old. The scope of the wings of these birds is also large and corresponds to the size of the body, therefore it reaches 275-320 cm. The main diet of Andian condori also represents carrion.

Another bird with an interesting appearance
Another bird with an interesting appearance

The first three opensamsterdam Albatros

This is a large sea bird, which can reach 120 cm in length. And the scope of the wings of such a bird is 340 cm. The peculiarity of this species is a territorial belonging to the Indian Ocean, namely, to the Amsterdam Islands in the south of France.

Compared to previous candidates, a very elegant bird

Another copy of the Albatrossov family -tristan Albatros

Sorodich was overtaken by 10 cm, having a wingspan of 3.5 m. It also lives in one place-on the Tristan de Kunnya archipelago. They know how to fly very well, rushing over the ocean surface itself. They feed exclusively by sea fish, squid and crustaceans.

Another bright representative
Another bright representative

The wandering albatros is a bird with the largest wingspan in the world

  • He is a representative of one of the largest feathered game on our planet. The body of these birds reaches 120 cm in length, and the weight of an adult male is almost 11 kg. These large, beautiful and majestic birds are able to overcome a distance of 1000 km in a day. After all, their wingspan reaches 363.4 cm.
  • An interesting fact - they are able to fly even against the wind. As a rule, the flight of these birds is quite low, they rarely rise above a height of 15 m, especially low above the ground can be observed in calm, cool days.
  • Wandering albatrosses have not only large and beautiful wings, but also a rather powerful beak and a very beautiful white plumage with a rare black border on the rear of the wings. Haging from eggs, chicks of this species have a brown color.
Really the biggest scope
Really the biggest scope
  • The basis of the diet is fish and seafood. However, wandering albatrosses can eat discharges that leave floating bases for seafood processing. Albatrosses are known for their ability to accompany ships, which are very far from the sea, precisely because of the search for food.
  • The life expectancy of wandering albates is quite high, it is an average of 40-50 years. But albatrosses begin to multiply at the age of no earlier than 7-8 years, but if you are lucky. Albatrosses are most often looking for a couple for life, and they can take up to 15 years for this.
  • These birds chose the entire Southern Ocean from the islands of South George and Tristan-da-Kuna to the Indian Ocean and the submarine belt of New Zealand. To create a nest, albatrosses choose places that are well blown by the wind, most often these are slopes or cliffs.
  • This choice of place for the nest is due to the fact that albatrosses do not know how to take off from the ground. They need to jump from the cliff and catch a gust of wind. By the way, therefore, albatrosses never land on ships.
But only large, but also incredibly beautiful
Not only big, but also incredibly beautiful
  • Albatross nests are very large. As a rule, the width of the nest of this bird is 1 meter, and the depth is 30 cm. Flowers, moss and grass are considered the main building material for the nest. Sometimes they can use old nests.
  • The only egg that the female albatross lays is quite large and weighs about 500 g. The process of hatching of the egg lasts from 75 to 85 days, which distinguishes them among other birds. In a pair of albatrosses, both partners alternately are engaged in the hatching of eggs.
  • In the nest, the Albatross Chick is located until 8-9 months, after which it begins to study. However, parents do not stop taking care of him in the continuation of at least 275 days. Such a custody over the chick enabled these birds to nest no more than 1-2 times a year. This causes a slight birth rate among wandering albatrosses.

Video: Which bird has the largest wingspan?

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