16 main reasons why you need to sleep naked

16 main reasons why you need to sleep naked

Warm pajamas, cozy night shirts, seductive peignoirs - there are many varieties of clothing designed for night rest. However, oddly enough, scientists have proved that it is much more useful for the human body - to sleep naked.

How do you sleep? Perhaps the information received will completely change your sleep mode and you will get rid of the night robe.

16 main reasons why you need to sleep naked

  1. The benefits of sleeping naked for prolonging youth.The physiological characteristics of our body are such that in a dream the body temperature invariably increases. If a person is dressed (and even in a warm soft pajamas), then the temperatures will be even higher, you will begin to sweat, and melatonin (sleep hormone, he is a hormone of youth) will be produced much more slowly. That is, sleep naked - prolong youth!
  2. You sleep without clothes - you will be tightened and fresh.You can significantly save on all kinds of anti -aging procedures if you sleep without clothes. Indeed, due to the night overheating of the body, the release of growth hormone slows down, which is responsible for rejuvenating the whole body and updating the skin, in particular. To look fit and fresh - sleep without clothes, and the body will fight the aging naturally. After all, the ideal temperature of the room for sleep is 15-19 degrees.
  3. The advantages of sleep without clothing are the radiance of the skin and shine of hair.We have already found out that sleep without clothes It stimulates the active production of melatonin, which, in turn, adds mineralization to the bones, helps to increase muscle mass, strengthens the immunity and positively affects the condition of the hair and skin, giving them a healthy brilliance and even radiance.

    Sleep naked
    Sleep naked
  4. Sleep naked improves family relationships.In contact with naked skin with our soulmate, we stimulate the production of another hormone - oxytocin, the presence of which in the body increases the mood, creates a general positive mood, makes you look at the world with a smile and find compromises when communicating with a native person.
  5. Night rest without clothes helps to have healthy children.It turns out that a group of American scientists conducted a series of experiments and proved that men who prefer to sleep without clothes acquire a more healthy offspring. If a man does not overheat in a dream, then the quality of his seed material improves by about a quarter!
  6. Sleep naked - prevention of mycosis.Overheated (and we have already found out that this is happening during sleep in clothes), ailments may develop on the human body that provocate parasitic fungi - stomatitis, candidiasis. For the prevention of these diseases, it is better to sleep naked, not allowing bacteria to multiply with coolness and ventilation.

    Prevention of diseases
    Prevention of diseases
  7. Fighting with diabetes during sleep without clothes.According to studies of Swiss scientists, metabolic processes are accelerated without night overheating in the human body, the blood sugar levels steadily decreasing. Hormones are responsible for this in the body leptin and adipiponectin, Which help to balance insulin - they love coolness. This is a plus, the rejection of flour and sweets at night is an excellent prevention of diabetes.
  8. We burn fat at night.It would seem that this is just nonsense, how can you burn excess fat during sleep? It turns out if The person goes to bed naked, then in his body the amount of stress hormone decreases - cortisol. This, in turn, normalizes the normal production of growth hormone, possessing and excellent fat -burning abilities.

    Fat burn
    Fat burn
  9. Night rest naked - natural anesthesia.Putting on pajamas or nightie, we force our body to experience discomfort, we find normal circulation of blood through the vessels. Perhaps you do not realize this, but the body will not be very convenient, so any pain (if it was before) will sound stronger. To slightly anesthetize the pain, dress before bedtime - Perhaps, thanks to this simple intake, it will be possible to get rid of pain.
  10. A dream without clothes - to increase self -esteem.According to experts, people sleeping without clothes are very harmonious, objective in relation to themselves and do not suffer from all kinds of complexes. They practically do not have depression, does not jump in the mood and it is very difficult to infuriate them.

    Self -esteem increases
    Self -esteem increases
  11. Sleep naked - save money.We spend a lot of time in a dream - ideally, the third part of every day. Therefore, if you buy clothes for a night's rest, then only from natural materials, and it costs decent money. Therefore, do not waste the extra thousands on the purchase of pajis and nightgown - sleep naked!
  12. Without clothing, the quality of sleep rises.Falling in close contact with a loved one (skin to skin - without clothes), the body experiences very positive emotions close to euphoria. Thanks to this, a person calms down, comes out of disturbing and stressful conditions, relaxes and falls asleep for a long time. In addition, during sleep, blood pressure decreases in coolness.
  13. The benefits of sleeping without panties are saving time.Preparing for bed and going to work in the morning, we spend a lot of time for dressing, search necessary wardrobe items. If you sleep naked, you can save the lion's share of your time.
  14. Morning vigor from sleep naked.Since we have already found out how many pleasant moments for the body bring a naked dream, which, moreover, improves sleep, becomes clear that in the morning a person, sawed by naked, he feels better, experiences vigor and a surge of strength.
  15. We increase the quality of life thanks to sleep naked.Human health, his spiritual calm and balance, happiness and success in life directly depend on a good, high -quality rest. Fitting to sleep correctly - that is, naked - you create for yourself the prerequisites for improving the quality of their life during wakefulness.

    The quality of life is increasing
    The quality of life is increasing
  16. In sleeping naked, the dream deepens.Cutting off normal thermoregulation in a dream due to clothes, we violate the depth of our sleep. After all, a deep dream as one of the phases of sleep involves a slight decrease in body temperature, which is greatly prevented by clothing. According to the research of the American Academy of Sleep, the presence of clothes during night rest can not only negatively affect the phase of deep sleep, but also lead to insomnia.

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