Tripophobia - what is this disease? Signs, causes and treatment of tripophobia

Tripophobia - what is this disease? Signs, causes and treatment of tripophobia

An inexplicable panic desire to escape or hide, accompanied by dizziness, vomiting and weakness, occurs in tripophobes at the sight of several holes located close to each other.

Tripophobia - The state of panic in a person, to whom the type of accumulation of small holes (cluster holes) leads. This phobia is one of the most “young” - it was first discovered in 2000 by Oxford specialists, and in 2004 it received its name from two Greek words: Tripy - fading and phobos - fear.

A photograph of Coral can cause an attack of fear with tripophobia
A photograph of Coral can cause an attack of fear with tripophobia

What is three -pophobia in humans: symptoms

Many holes gathered in a separate group cause a panic fear in some people, in most cases accompanied:

  • rapid heartbeat
  • vomiting
  • paying the skin
  • violation of coordination of movements
  • dizziness
  • sweating
  • tremor limbs
  • difficulty breathing
  • skin itching

It is noteworthy that this fear arises both before the holes of a living and inanimate nature.

Tripophobia in humans can cause a natural natural accumulation of holes
Tripophobia in humans can cause a natural natural accumulation of holes

The most frightening objects of the tripofobes are called:

  • the moves of worms, caterpillars, larvae, bee honeycombs
  • plant seeds, or rather, the recesses in which they ripen (sunflower, corn, peas)
  • holes in food (cheese, bread, veins in meat)
  • violations of the integrity of the skin in the form of acne, advanced pores
  • geological formations in the form of holes

Important: unexpectedly frighten a person suffering from tripophobia can completely safe objects or phenomena in all respects, such as condensate, rain drops on glass or bubbles in a cup of coffee.

An absolutely safe object can cause a tripophobia attack
An absolutely safe object can cause a tripophobia attack

Why does the fear of cluster holes and holes appear?

Tripophobia is often a kind protective reaction of the body. Subconsciously, a person tries to hide from many holes, from which something may appear and harm. However, sometimes the emergence of tripophobia is facilitated by the experienced unpleasant events.

For example, a swarm of bees attacked a man in childhood, and after his whole life he carried the pain of fear that he felt then. Since then, any holes resembling a honeycomb cause him panic attacks.

Cluster holes cause tripophobia
Cluster holes cause tripophobia

The factors contributing to the development of tripophobia also include:

  • heredity
  • social conditions
  • habits and traditions
  • age -related changes
  • biological disgust

Important: according to statistics, elderly people suffer from tripophobia one and a half times more often than young people. Obviously, this is due to the accumulated life experience.

Negative experience of treating dermatological diseases can cause the development of skin tripophobia
Negative experience of treating dermatological diseases can cause the development of skin tripophobia

Tripophobia on the skin: photo

Threepophobia, which occurs at the sight of skin lesions, is associated with the fear of dangerous skin diseases. Scars, wounds, sores on the body give rise to impressive people a sense of disgust.

Tripophobia on the skin
Tripophobia on the skin

Even decorative, artificially applied to the skin, “wounds” can give rise to panic at Tripofobe.

Decorative holes on the skin causing tripophobia
Decorative holes on the skin causing tripophobia

Treatment of tripophobia

The goal of treatment of tripophobia is to restore the normal mental state of the patient. At the psychotherapy sessions, the doctor offers Tripofobu to consider pictures. Immediately before the patient, soothing landscapes of mountains, rivers and forests appear, and then a “terrible” picture.

At the treatment sessions of tripophobia, frightening photos are used
At the treatment sessions of tripophobia, frightening photos are used

Based on data on the degree and severity of the reaction, the doctor is adjusting further treatment.

Some helped some to get rid of tripophobia hypnosisand some - group classes. Each case is individual and requires a special approach.

Treatment of tripophobia hypnosis
Treatment of tripophobia hypnosis

Despite the fact that tripophobia is not an officially recognized disease, tens of thousands of people around the world suffer from it. Panic fear lies in wait for patients with tripophobia at every step, making their life unbearable.

Video: Tripophobia, or why are people afraid of holes?

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Comments K. article

  1. the goosebumps went and the palms combed .... It turns out I am Tripofob !!!

    1. And which picture is most annoying? I even like these holes)))

  2. this fruit (or this is a flower) on the screensaver and forearm in the hole .... Just horror !!!! Goosebumps again ...

  3. It is like a kind of test for tripophobia. It is this picture that people are most afraid of. This is a lotus flower, by the way)

  4. I started hysteria😭 and trembling
    Am I a tripophobe?

  5. 😖 now I know what my phobia is called 🙀

  6. I do not consider this a disease, just in healthy people it has a protective mechanism from all kinds of diseases, information is transmitted at the level of genetics. That's all. If there are some pores, holes, then this is clearly a deviation from the norm, and can be contagious. As in the case of parasites on the skin (see Miaza or Slepny)

  7. I do not consider this a disease, just in healthy people it has a protective mechanism from all kinds of diseases, information is transmitted at the level of genetics. That's all. If there are some pores, holes, then this is clearly a deviation from the norm, and can be contagious. As in the case of parasites on the skin (see Miaza or Slepny)

  8. An amazing plant is a lotus. His flowers are one of the most beautiful in the world. But seeds are really quiet horror.

  9. and if you want to squeeze acne right away, what is it?

  10. It's just that the subconscious is all like the larvae of worms, viruses and because of this, fear and disgust appear

  11. I will not fall asleep now

  12. A photo with a palm is just some kind of kapets !!!

  13. And I like it. Dosage, what it was unpleasant to look at is a hand and a face with acne. I don’t understand how you can be afraid of honeycombs, etc.

  14. Lord read this wretched comments, and I understand that people will begin to sleep, eat food, walk with each other in the fast time of time. For one simple reason that everyone is fighting, and our common talk gives birth to this fear, creating wool ones here are pictures. Vita as it was right not as terrible damn how it is drawn.

  15. Damn, I became a tripophobe due to this article

  16. and what is it called when exactly such pictures pleasant already saliva flowing ??

  17. It happens the same. I had never thought.

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