Three most important challenges for modern fathers: problems of adult development in the modern world

Three most important challenges for modern fathers: problems of adult development in the modern world

This article describes three tips for modern fathers in terms of raising children.

Every year there is more and more information indicating the connection between the involvement of the father and the positive results of the development of the child. The presence and active education in the family affects all spheres of the well -being of children.

  • Fathers play a unique role in the life of their child, and as the time and evolution of roles changes, new problems arise.
  • The upbringing of children, in general, has never been as difficult as now.
  • This is due to an increase in the number of options for choosing, technology and loss of many family and communal protective factors.

While the desire for the better for families is on the front edge of our thinking, three important aspects of development will help fathers realize this vision from the inside. Below you will find 3 most important calls for modern fathers. Read further.

Problems of modern fathers: it is important to develop as a parent

Problems of modern fathers
Problems of modern fathers

The roles of parents continue to develop, and many fathers play a more active role in raising children. Studies of the styles of raising babies clarify that the fathers show both support and exactingness. Any dad begins to appear after the appearance of his paternity instinct.

  • Relations require constant attention, and the presence of rituals that form a connection between parents and children is crucial.
  • Trust, autonomy and initiative - all this develops within the framework of this connection and the sensitive course of communication.

Remember: Active education of children means that discipline is training, not punishment.

The problem of modern fathers is to have a significant influence, focusing on the principles of authoritative education of children. This includes teaching what you want to your children knew and did, and not the concentration of attention on the management of negative behavior.

Now, in the modern world there is a large amount of information. This indicates the advantages of the warmth and responsiveness of the fathers, while ensuring the consistent structure, choice and limits of opportunities. It is worth knowing:

  • Children are better regulated, socially oriented and capable of solving problems when their fathers adhere to a balanced approach. It is important to develop dad as a parent.
  • But this authoritative style should develop as children develop and requires adaptation in the learning process.
  • Understanding the needs of children within the framework of development is crucial for a healthy connection between the father and the child and ensuring stability at the transitional stage.

Thus, certain principles of education permeate each stage of childhood. However, as children develop, fathers should adapt to the challenges of the current stage, which sets new tasks, both to the child and to the father.

Fathers in the modern world: development in adulthood

Fathers in the modern world
Fathers in the modern world

The stages of development of the child are well documented. Less attention is paid to the stages of the development of adults, which are often presented as a whole, starting from the pretext and further. The deep reason is that at some point adult development is optional and requires an active choice based on vision and potential. A father in the modern world can choose this developing arc, which enriches experience, and expands knowledge and abilities in this role.

  • Such a path of self -development and development in adulthood deepens and increases awareness of itself, relationships and how the world works.
  • Adults who participate in this process reflect on their experience and actively consider goals, personal growth and deepening relationships.
  • Becoming more informed and capable, we can see others more and more clearly.
  • And this development space allows us to truly see our children, their needs and unique gifts, and not get involved in their history.

Although this process is complex, it should be noted:

  • There is only a small correlation between age and stages of adult development.
  • In fact, most adults do not develop to such an extent as to think about roles such as paternity, about what they learned from their own experience.
  • Few people think about the values \u200b\u200bof the education of children in the society.

The development path requires the fathers to consider these aspects and take on a more independent role based on the values \u200b\u200bof self -identification. While this concept is simplified, development occurs in the complex intrapersonal and interpersonal spheres, concentrated on our way of knowledge and creating meaning (socio-emotional).

The role of the father in the upbringing of a modern child: we understand first in history

The role of the father in raising a modern child
The role of the father in raising a modern child

Studies of affection and development taught us that we weave the stories of our life based on meaning. A wise saying says that the best that we can give our children is roots and wings. But first we must realize our own roots. Understand first in your history.

Important: The role of the father in the upbringing of a modern child should begin with the understanding of his childhood and the experience of education. This is a powerful predictor of your ability to raise your children.

Read more:

  • Reflections on these years of formation help the fathers to be confident at the moment.
  • What you do not understand has a tendency to invade the present and intervene in the relationship between you and the child.
  • All this will manifest itself in emotionally charged forms or in the absence of communication.
  • You can even find yourself as a person using the exact phrases or ultimatums of your parents.

It is important to note: The presence of a clear personal story relieves you from responsibility to your father, regardless of the past. No childhood is perfect - even if there are idyllic scenes in the memories.

In the light of thoughts and understanding, the continuity of experiences becomes clearer, starting with pleasant memories and ending with anxious times. And you can study and feel support or negative experience, freeing yourself from the need to choose who you want to be as a father at the moment.

Fathers and children in modern society: conclusion

Fathers and children in modern society
Fathers and children in modern society

The above three development paths require retreating fathers and consideration of how their own growth, vision and early experience affect relations between parents and children. When solving these problems in the field of development, each dad can provide his children with an open and rich space for life and growth.

In general, the relationship of fathers and children in modern society is no different from such a relationship at the past time. After all, even if you read the novel Turgenev "Fathers and Children", then in its lines the same problems are traced as now that the modern parent still arises. The heroes of the novel are trying to establish relationships, and in this they are right.

Accordingly, we can conclude: although these paths are complex, such efforts are worthy investments in themselves, paternity and their most expensive that every person has his family and children.

Video: The development of the child: the role of the father in raising children. Dr. Komarovsky | Question to the doctor

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