Psychology: Resentment of Father, Men and Women's Diseases

Psychology: Resentment of Father, Men and Women's Diseases

The causes of female resentment against men, psychology and psychosomatics.

All women are inclined to be offended by men. This is due to the fact that we were not entirely raised. The main task of the woman, according to our mothers, cook food, clean the house, give birth to children. At the same time, there was not a word about a good mood and a smile on his face. Accordingly, a woman often feels notdemocent, offended, due to a large number of responsibilities. In this article we will talk about the psychology of resentment against men, father, and how this affects the health of a woman.

Female grievances against men: a way to get the desired or path to illness?

Oddly enough, but in most cases, women still choose resentment. Although, in fact, a man could not even try to offend. If you disassemble the word “offend” into the components, it will turn out to “offend yourself”.

Than dangerous yensky grievances against men:

  • In fact, this is what happens, because with a feeling of constant resentment, the energy of a woman changes, she becomes gloomy, which greatly affects health and beauty, relationships with loved ones. Of course, according to psychologists, the main task of a man is to provide a woman, leads her, try to make her happier. He can do all this, but he is not able to inspire her feeling of happiness.
  • After all, a man is not able to climb into the brains of a woman, and make her think differently. That is why even a harmless incident, a woman perceives bayonets, she evaluates this as a personal resentment. For example, presenting a bouquet of yellow roses. Few men are generally familiar with floral etiquette, aware that yellow is to part.
  • Therefore, if a man gave a similar bouquet, he did not want to part with you at all, or somehow spoil the mood. The main trouble is the perception of a woman. That is why all the insults occur. In fact, there are no incidents that happen, but their perception. Accordingly, different people react differently to the same situation. One will perceive this as a kind of lesson, the second will be angry, and will be in a depressed mood for a long period of time. 
Female resentment
Female resentment

Many women believe that being offended by a man is useful. In this case, they usually give gifts and ask for forgiveness. However, few people think that a man begins to ask forgiveness for the reason that he realized his mistake, or wants to make a woman happy. He is unbearable to be in conditions of aggression and emotional stress.

After all, usually women are closed, silent, angry and deprive men of rewards, such as dinner or sex. That is why it is necessary to reconsider your attitude to resentment. Constant being in a state of resentment spoils the relationship, kills them and can lead to their complete destruction. Accordingly, this is bad, since in the end a woman does not worse than her man, but only to herself. 


Resentment of father: psychology, influence on the health and life of a woman

Many girls are looking for a man like a father. What to do if the relationship with his father was not the best way? After all, often in the family, the father does not like her daughter, as he wanted a son.

Resentment of father, psychology, influence on the health and life of a woman:

  • Father controls the girl, not allowing her to engage in her own life, and not giving freedom. In this case, when the girl reaches the 18th anniversary, she can go into all the heavy ones, thereby trying to prove that she is free and can do what she wants to meet with the guys he herself chooses. 
  • Father rudely treated the girl, terrorized her, was a tyrant. Usually in families where assaulting, tough emotional pressure practices, children try to protect themselves from communication with the opposite sex. That is, a girl from such a family will avoid male attention. Very often, old virgins grow from such girls who cannot find normal relationships. 
  • Father ignores her daughter, paying her upbringing very little attention. He is not at all interested in her life, he is absolutely all the same for all the achievements of the girl. In this case, usually daughters are trying to earn their father’s attention, trying to study well, getting prizes at the dance school, on acting circles. All this is not for their own satisfaction, but to earn the praise of the father. In this case, the girl is trying to find a man who can reward her with her attention as soon as possible. The girl gets married early, due to pregnancy, or vice versa, relationships fall apart at the stage of their creation. In fact, such girls are afraid first of all to stay in proud loneliness. For them, loneliness is flour and heavy burden, this leads to awareness of their own uselessness. 

In all these cases, despite the difference in situations, the girl receives loneliness, misfortune, and a dysfunctional personal life. That is why it is necessary to work out the resentment against the father, to get rid of her. After all, a girl who is not angry with her father is happy, can build a personal life without looking at the mistakes of the past and the relationship with her father. 

Resentment at the father
Resentment at the father

Resentment against a man: Psychology

Men often do not understand why a woman is angry with them. For more than a hundred years, the fairer sex is considered very strong, matriarchy reigns in many families. The man is used to the fact that a woman can enter the burning hut and stop the horse at a horse. However, they forget that by nature a woman is a very weak creature that needs love and care.

Resentment against a man: Psychology

  • A woman is just getting tired, that is why she builds herself out of timeAngry. This does not mean at all that she wants a showdown. Most likely, she just needs care, comfort and love. That is why try to talk more with your soul mate, walk with her, communicate, and arrange a weekend. It can sometimes take on some female duties in the house, thereby comforting the woman, allowing her to relax and calm down. Often, a woman because of resentment makes herself worse. 
  • The main mistake of the woman is that she does not want to seem weak, tries to hold her face. This is due to the fact that the girl was brought up in childhood so that she knew how to look good, and in no case do not show resentment. As a result, the parents of such girls usually say: “Hold your face to not happen”, “You should look good.” The girl burns out her grievances deep inside. Outwardly, it seems very calm, although resentment accumulates inside, which affects health. 
  • If the girl is told “Wool tears, you do not know how to behave”, in this case, in adulthood, a woman cannot cry, although tears in this case are one of the mechanisms of purification, and control of emotions. Thanks to tears, it is possible to lose the negative, to avoid the appearance of diseases that provoke resentment. 
  • If your parents say “you behave not like that,” or “you can’t behave like that”, then in the end a person becomes like a robot, and tries not to show his emotions at all. However, it is emotions that help a person feel, want to achieve some goals, and strive for something. As a result, the girl becomes like a doll or puppet that is not able to live independently. 

Why is there offense at a man?

The main problem is that it is necessary to give out this resentment so that it does not accumulate. But the whole point is that it is necessary to figure out why the woman was offended. 

Why is there a resentment against a man:

  • Inconsistency of expectations. That is, you expect some certain actions from a person, you will not get it, and you are offended. It is necessary to understand that a person is not at all obligated to do what you like and want. He should not fulfill your desires, and satisfy the vagaries. A person acts as he needs. The main problem is you, because you have set certain requirements that a person could not satisfy. 
  • Manipulation. Often a woman uses resentment to get what she wants. She sticks out emotions, shows what is angry to get what she wants. It is necessary to forgive a person, and try to get what you want not to manipulate, but a request. It is necessary to approach a man, formulate your request, say what you want. That is, it is not necessary to blow lips to get the desired care.
  • Just explain that you are tired, want to relax, Or you have not been pampering for a long time in the park, going to the cinema. Of course, it is very difficult to do this initially, because it is easier to close in yourself. However, the resentment just does not go away, it is usually manifested by two types of emotions: sadness and anger. That is, a person screams, breaks down at everyone, or vice versa, cries, closes in himself and accumulates resentment. In this case, resentment manifests itself in the form of diseases. 

Resentment against men: psychosomatics, female diseases

Below we consider the main ailments that are associated with resentment.

Resentment of men: psychosomatics, female diseases:

  • If you feel, something gnaws, and you can’t specifically say what the problem is, you feel constant depression and depression. Most likely this will subsequently cause cancer. 
  • If you constantly repeat that the bowl is crowded, patience to the limit, or stones are lying on your soul, then this will subsequently provoke the occurrence of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  • If you constantly substitute resentment in yourself, and you cannot express your opinion, or you are not allowed to do this, while there is a lump in your throat, then subsequently diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis, laryngitis and pneumonia may occur. 
  • If something is upset, it hurts to look at it, then in the future it can cause cataracts and glaucoma. If after a quarrel, and as a result of resentment you pounds you, patience bursts, later it will cause high pressure and heart problems. 

Resentment against Father: Psychosomatics

In order to cope with resentment, you need to show your emotions. Even if in childhood you were forbidden to scream, angry, destroy everything around, you need to learn how to express your emotions again.

Resentment against father, psychosomatics:

  • If something delights you with mental pain, the heart is torn, then subsequently this will cause the development of cardiovascular diseases. 
  • If some grievances knock the soil from under the feet, the legs are touched, then subsequently this can cause arthritis. 
  • If your parents do not take into account your opinion, they say that they did not ask, then in the future you will prove the importance of your own point of view. Subsequently, this will become the reason for the development of obesity, and problems with weight. 
  • If the girl is forbidden to show her feelings, then in adulthood such a woman usually says that he is fed up with her throat or to nausea. In this case, serious diseases with the digestive system occur, and anorexia appears. That is, a person suffers from excessive thinness. 

How to work out a grudge against a father, men?

In no case do not forbid your children to be angry, scream, fall on the floor and poke your feet. Of course, others can cause surprise and bewilderment, a large number of comments. However, it is quite normal that the child shows his anger and negative emotions. This is one of the ways not to accumulate resentment in yourself.

How to work out a grudge against the father, men:

  • It is necessary to rethink and give the opportunity to resent from you, and not accumulate. Next, you need to try to draw some useful conclusions. If you are offended, you need to try to figure out what exactly caused you a resonance, and hit the living.
  • No need to think why a person has committed a certain act, it is necessary to evaluate his reaction and understand it. If you understand the reason because of which you are offended, you can live calmly, get rid of diseases.
  • In no case should you perceive a person as a performance executor. None of the people must comply with your expectations, fulfill desires. If the child was often spoiled in childhood, they performed all the whims, he usually has an opinion that that everyone should do as he wants.
  • In adulthood, this does not work. Alien people do not read thoughts, they need to explain, be able to express their feelings and emotions. And of course, a person has his own opinion and therefore is not obliged to agree with you. He should not fulfill the whim.

To be offended by the fact that he does not fulfill your desires in no case. Try to put yourself in its place. First of all, it is necessary to build a border between others, and try to learn how to negotiate. 

Video: female resentment against men

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