Paternal instinct - when a man is ready, what to do if the instinct is excessive: the type of fathers

Paternal instinct - when a man is ready, what to do if the instinct is excessive: the type of fathers

The paternal instinct is not manifested in all men. Let's look at what this is connected and is it possible to develop it?

Many believe that there is no such thing - paternal instinct. But if it is not, what factor affects men so that they begin to think and protect their kids? At the stage of upbringing and growing up, it is impossible to predict what your beloved your father will be.

Paternal Instinct: When will he be ready?

Quite often, this issue is raised on the forums in discussions. Some women are trying to describe which man is worthy to become a father. Others agree that the paternal instinct awakens from hibernation at the moment when the child starts to agile, crawl and take something in pens, carefully examine, that is, when they are interesting and with them you can, at least somehow play.

Some mothers share their own experience, telling how the husband was present at childbirth, how he put the baby to sleep, got up at night to the child, fed him, bathed. One half of the women wants to see a “daddy” who will earn money and not delve into the upbringing of the child. The other half expects from a man of everything and money, and household assistance, and on the care of the newborn. This happens extremely rarely, but it happens that this state of things like both. But there are times when such a placement of the issue does not suit anyone. What to do then?

Father's love
Father's love

What to do to wake up in a man paternal instinct? But he still has it! First of all, this is a man’s instinct to protect mom and child from all threats from the outside. Thus, he and his offspring will be calm. And since diapers or swaddling is not an external threat to life, he does not think about them. This can be characterized even purely as a physiological phenomenon, because a man and a woman, different not only externally, but also inside, they think differently.

  • Therefore, for you, your baby is a ball of happiness, which you can admire 24 hours a day, and for a man his baby becomes relatives, when he shows some result, wins in competitions, and achieves some skills. He rejoices when the child is just happy because his mother is nearby, and he is protected, clean and fed.
  • The most important thing in all that you think at this moment only about the child, and not how to feed him, how to pay for housing and for what to buy him more things or the same diapers, the father of the family thinks about all this. And you just need to enjoy the beautiful moments of motherhood.
With Father
With Father
  • But there are women who do not like it at all, they do not want to endure such a balance of power. It is worth acting wisely to open in her husband paternal instinct. Do not rush in such a thin business, immediately transfer all the responsibilities of caring for the child to her husband. Hassing here is not the best assistant. Do not load your father with a change of diapers or feeding the crumbs, this will not even be withstanding this. Let him just play with the baby. Do not leave them alone for a long time, at any time dad will need help.

Paternal Instinct: What to do if it is excessive?

It also happens that mothers do not like excessive activity on the part of the father in relation to the baby. He wants to know and do everything himself. It is quite happy with some, for others it is a kind of replacement of dad mom. The man is too developed paternal instinct, he is trying to take all the roles of himself and the role of the earner, and the role of his mother.

A woman may have a feeling that she was betrayed for another or another, because before the birth of a child she was one single unique, and now she is jealous and feels loneliness. Such behavior of the father does not allow the mother to enjoy motherhood.

  • Sometimes men, so that their woman is happy, watch and play with the child not for the sake of themselves, but for the sake of the happiness of others. The studies have proved that often, men who prevail the female hormone.
  • It is also visible in the behavior of any person, that hormone, which is mostly reflected in the character of a person. But each person has both female and male hormone. Not a single person can have 100 % male or female hormones. This is unnatural.
  • If female hormones prevail in a man, he will show his feelings and care for the child, he will be more developed paternal instinct. That married couple will be happy, in which the number of hormones is complementary.
  • For example, when a mother cannot abandon his career for the sake of a child, and a family in this regard is the role of a mother is taken by a man who has the number of female hormones for the most part, and this role is satisfied with. For the current rhythm of life, this ratio is acceptable.
Excessive love
Excessive love
  • Problems arise in those pairs where hormones cannot be completed. This situation, when my mother led an active lifestyle before the birth of a child and built her career, but when the baby was born, she lost all this. At this moment, she tries to achieve equality with a man and forces him to engage in female affairs, but he cannot, since he is a prey and male hormones prevail in him.
  • If you tried to reach a compromise and do everything in turn, complementing each other, then such a family will be happy.

Paternal Instinct: What is the type of father?

Both fathers and mothers are different and you cannot clearly distinguish a particular type. A family is a mechanism that requires constant work, both on desires and the needs of each family member. If you constantly think that I'm better, and you are worse, then you can’t build such a family principle. In each situation, you need to look for compromises and discuss the problems that arise. But before drawing a conclusion, it is necessary to determine the type of father.

  • Papa-suit-his father's instinct is not developed. This dad makes money to provide his family, he gives himself to his work and, coming home, he wants to relax, and not do household chores. When a woman does not suit a woman, she has two exits: either get a divorce and find a suitable man for herself, but as they say, "they are not looking for good." Or another option to remake the existing one, but will it bring joy to a man, can you maintain past relationships? And then who will earn money if everyone is busy housekeeping and walk with the child?
  • Dad-foreigner-his father's instinct is not developed. Such a man seems to be helping, but it feels that he, from another planet, does not understand why all this. He has not yet played enough and spends most of his time with friends than in the family circle. Often these are fathers who received this status randomly, rash, their psyche is not yet ready for such victims. They are still children who, although they look adults, but behavior does not justify this. Such a father cannot be in the family for a long time, he runs away and leaves his wife alone with the child. This is a common phenomenon in our country, but not in Europe, where they do not enter into marriage at a young age, but in conscious and start children when they are morally ready for this. If you want to save your family, try to help your husband become an adult. Reproaches in this case will only harm. In this matter, admiration for even small actions will help. Constantly remind him of his achievements, praise and encourage him.
  • Papa-child-the father’s instinct is developed relatively. This father loves children of any age, he plays with them, he has fun. However, classes select only those that he himself likes. Children adore such dad. It’s interesting, fun with him, he never screams, always cheerful, he has no problem, and he is not worried about the problems that after such games he will have to remove. In this case, the father for children is a dad-holiday, he will allow everything, even if mom forbade. And mom is always bad and harmful. If you manage to agree with the father of the family, everyone will be satisfied and happy.
Loves children
Loves children

Paternal Instinct: What to do if dad lives outside the family?

Quite often, you can find the situation that a man throws a pregnant woman or a woman herself wants to raise a child. How to make the family complete, and the child received the care of both parents? It is worth looking at this situation from the other side and find pluses so that the behavior and experience of the mother is not to be transferred to the child.

The child feels everything and after a while it can give everything in an instant that they do not like him, nobody needs him. Very often, a man is to blame for the parting of the parents and the woman already has the opinion that all men are bad and everything around is bad. This is all sees for a child and adopts your behavior, especially if it is a girl.

If there is no father nearby
If there is no father nearby

In order to somehow make up for the absence of a man in the family, let's be the opportunity to communicate with the male sex. It can be grandfathers, your friends of a man. So he will see how to behave in order to grow up with a worthy man and a loving father. And it doesn’t even matter a boy or girl growing in you. After all, it is also important for girls to see how worthy men behave, the manifestation of their paternal instinct.

Video: Father instinct: how to arouse it?

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  1. Dear author of the article, did you check the text for errors? Illiteracy of the eye cuts, it is impossible to read to the end!

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