Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection for a memorable holiday

Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection for a memorable holiday

In order for the wedding celebration to be perfect, you need to think through all the nuances in advance as scrupulous as possible. Therefore, do not forget to devote time to such an element of festive decor as wedding posters. They should be original, capacious, cheerful, and, of course, raise their mood to guests. In our article you will find many texts, slogans for wedding posters.

Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection

Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection
Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection

Texts, slogans for wedding posters - the best selection:

  1. At our wedding, the law is simple - drink, have fun and sing.
  2. The treasure is not needed, since the husband with the wife is fret.
  3. They did not fall in marriage on the third day, but raised the third year.
  4. A best friend than a faithful friend.
  5. Banding his wife in her arms until she sat on her neck.
  6. Beat my husband a teapot - the husband will be the boss!
  7. I quit drinking, smoking, swearing - we will be combined.
  8. There will be an agreement - there will be happiness! From now on, only “we” are not “I”, and there will be a strong family!
  9. Be patient, hubby, otherwise you will be lonely!
  10. Be, the wife for your husband - like behind a stone wall, and you, husband, do not fall into your wife!
  11. Everything is equally in the family: his wife is a fur coat, and her husband is a tie!
  12. The family has a wife’s neck, and my husband is head: where I want to turn there!
  13. Honest people have fun, Russian wedding is coming!
  14. A fun feast and for the wedding.
  15. He took up the guzh, do not say that he was not a dozen.
  16. Cherry color, lilacs smoke on the day of the wedding to our young!
  17. I chose the fellow - do not blame my father.
  18. I got married - dissuade your girlfriend.
  19. Where love and advice is - there is no grief.
  20. Where love is - there is advice, but at night the moonlight.
  21. Look at both - you take the teacher’s husband.
  22. Wife to her husband - friend, adviser and assistant, husband to his wife - everything else!
  23. The wife is not a mitten - you won’t shut up for the belt.
  24. He married himself - help a friend.
  25. To marry is not everything to have fun.
  26. You feel good today, you will marry today. Anyway, you will not go anywhere from me! (Image of a baby)
  27. Let's get into smoke. So that happiness is young!
  28. Give a marriage with a quality sign!
  29. Two boots of the couple are strong, beautiful, reliable.
  30. The girls of a handsome guy we blown up!
  31. Children are the flowers of life! Give a whole bouquet!
  32. For the bonds of marriage uz, you urgently need a peanut!
  33. Choose for a long time - not married.
  34. The house is kept not by a beauty, but by a smart woman.
  35. If there were no birches, there would be no grove, if there were no wife, there would be no mother -in -law.
  36. Another strong, smart, sexy handsome ... Dokaccar is!
  37. We wish you as many daughters as in the birch of the kidneys, we wish you as many sons as in the forest of forest penes!
  38. We wish you happiness and good, children with ten. Hooray!
  39. We wish you happiness young, and the rest - get drunk in smoke.
  40. To marry - do not bark on.
  41. The bride and groom, a hundred years together.
  42. The grooms are not mammoths, everyone will not die out.
  43. The bride and bride are 100 years old and together.
  44. Live among them like fish with water.
  45. Look into the eyes - a thunderstorm will move away!
  46. Legal marriage - love, agreement sign!
  47. Get married - look both.
  48. Here honey and beer foam, they love and get married here!
  49. Here is the place of the groom with the bride!
  50. Healthy children young, such as apple trees fruits!
  51. Know, fungus, your place, husband and wife - one dough!

Slogans for wedding posters for ransom the bride

Slogans for wedding posters for ransom the bride
Slogans for wedding posters for ransom the bride

Slogans for wedding posters for ransom of the bride:

  1. Welcome to a beautiful country of love!
  2. In this dungeon, the bride-lunch languishes!
  3. In this tower, a green -eyed (brown -eyed, blue -eyed) girl languishes.
  4. We sell the bride, we take it very expensive.
  5. Our bride is invaluable - we will not give cheaply.
  6. You don’t want, as you want, we will always find the bridegroom.
  7. You will not insure from a love fire.
  8. Wait, groom! Not a step from the place, your bride lives here.
  9. Tili-Tili dough-the bride lives here.
  10. Hi-hee, ha ha! We will rob the groom!
  11. It was necessary to fall in love so much that they decided to get married!
  12. Give the family life of the highest and reference quality!
  13. He brought the bride into the house - forget your favorite place ... On the sofa, at the TV!
  14. Let you have children as many children as shouted “bitterly”!
  15. Who is very bitter - kiss a neighbor.
  16. The ring on the finger is a sign that the man is busy!
  17. Let's get into the smoke - so that there is happiness to young!
  18. The wife is not a mitten - you won’t shut up for the belt.
  19. Bachelor, do not yawn - choose your bride!
  20. We wish the couple a young man to live to the golden wedding!
  21. She has a wife in her arms until she sat on her neck.
  22. We wish you happiness and good, children with ten. Hooray!
  23. The path to the heart of the husband lies through the stomach.
  24. Do not look for easy life, got married - not food!
  25. Do not look at someone else's wives, but look after your own.
  26. Favorite parents! Do you give you to Lexus?
  27. Husband with a car nonsense, husband in the kitchen - yes!
  28. So that the family has an eternal world, drink not vodka, but kefir!
  29. I want love to not end, happiness that it never leaves, and the flight so that the feeling remains, that the time of miracles does not pass.
  30. Subtle, like a doe, proud, like a lioness, the goddess of eternal beauty!
  31. Our bride is the best, cool, cool! Very tender, sweet, just beautiful!
  32. Our bride is unsurpassed and incomparable, brightest and most awesome!
  33. Our bride is spectacular, fashionable, beloved by the very heart!
  34. You are as beautiful as a star, that only for the sky is created! Each of your eyes is enchanted, any outfit to your face.
  35. Smiling, sweet, continuous charm, like a cat, playful, charm itself
  36. Our beauty bride is more beautiful than the dawn over the rose garden, brighter than the farthest stars in the sky!
  37. Our beauty bride is a sweet charm that can defeat at least a regiment!
  38. To love is to open your world for someone and meetings of romantic to wait with impatience again.
  39. To love is to divide grief and joy into two, to forgive each other and always understand at a glance.
  40. Two in the boat is you and I are now connected by one fate.

Recognition of love for newlyweds - texts for wedding posters

Recognition of love for newlyweds - texts for wedding posters
Recognition of love for newlyweds - texts for wedding posters

Recognitions of love for newlyweds - texts for wedding posters:

In my heart, only you
In every cell of the soul.

I love you forever
My loved one!

Do not be afraid to love, believe in love,
Follow her forward!

The one is unhappy
Who did not like
He just does not live.

Hand in the hand, and the gaze of your favorite eyes.
How sweet is a moment when with you next to you!

As if the world is all the best for us.
Everything is perfect. There is no more necessary.

I will not stop loving you,
Even through many years.

I will change, I will become anyone,
If only to be with you forever!

I have tender feelings for you
It is impossible to convey everything
It's very empty without you at heart,
And you have to suffer to the heart.

My love is pure for you
And maybe a little naive.

I never stop loving you for me
I love tremblingly and strongly.

I love! And nothing else is needed.
You are light, hope, joy in every day.

You are the most coveted reward
You are the best that is in me.

You are my light and obsession,
You are love and pleasure.

I think only about you
You are a ray in my fate!

It’s good that we found each other!
How good that I know you!

Minutes without you - such flour ...
You are nearby - and my life is beautiful!

Every moment you are in my thoughts.
I can't help but think about you!

After all, stronger than my love
There is simply no on this earth!

You can't buy love by order ...
You can't tast and color ...
She comes to one at once ...
To others - in decades ...

One love burns ... the other smolders ...
Yes, let's just say, without melting:
"Love has no standards!" ...
Everyone has its own.

Love to store is completely difficult,
The family is even more difficult to save.
And there are no answers to questions
How to make a marriage even stronger.

We need both wisdom and patience
To live together for many years,
To appreciate the wonderful moments
And cherish this happiness ...

Fate leads us to each other ...
God himself finds his soul mate ...
After all, the main thing in life is all its time ...
Be at the right time and at the right time ...

Love is the only feeling
What gives us joy and sadness.

Emotions of different colors riot
Life in a bright color will painted.

Love does not judge, she argues ...
And if they are offended, he suffers terribly.

Love does not pass, it freezes ...
From sincere tears, he always resurrects.

No, I'm not a bitch ...
But since they called it, apparently similar ...

Do not spend your nerves on reputation ...
For everyone you will not become equally good.

My love is stronger than the wind!
My love is wider than the sky!

You know, my love is always there,
Always with you, wherever you are!

You are not Romeo to me, I know.
And I'm not your juliet ...

In love, do not let the advice,
And don't listen to them,
Unique, know it
It happens for two.

My love does not know the borders
And every year it grows stronger again,
Let it light in your heart
She is retaliatory love.

You are the main thing to play a role
In my fate, I identified it!
Please do not hurt me
Love me like I love you!

Love is both happiness and suffering,
The fall into the abyss, and the rapid take -off.
The struggle without rules, and - for survival.
The strongest - he will survive, and the weak - NIC will fall.

The salt of the Earth is only in love!
She is the foundation in the world.
Man, take care
This is an important word!

Like my love ocean,
It cannot be expressed in words

There are only you
There is only me ...
And this tenderness between us.

For your sweet smile
For your beautiful eyes
Angels fight in the sky,
And on Earth I suffer!

If you want, I will be anything:
Darkness of the night, the light of the day,
And rock and water surface,
Only you love me!

Your soul is bright!
And your whole look is sweet.
I thank the creator -
He gave you!

If you are with me,
The world around!
You are not only my beloved
You are my closest friend!

My dear, my gentle, beloved, dear,
Stay, beloved, forever with me!

How many stars in the sky,
Shine brightly and vigorously,
So many sweet kisses
I send you, love!

Sorry, but I won’t pick such words.
To tell you about love in the world !!

Take the heart in your hands and squeeze it to pain,
There is no stronger flour than to love and wait.

Birds miss in the spring - they are cold in winter,
And I miss you when you are not with me!

I'm not surprised that I'm in love with you -
I am humble to your beauty forever.

I breathe with you next to you
I am burning next to you next
I sin with you next to you,
And without you I die ...

Phrases for wedding posters for decorating cars in a wedding motorcycle

Phrases for wedding posters for decorating cars in a wedding motorcycle
Phrases for wedding posters for decorating cars in a wedding motorcycle

Phrases for wedding posters for decorating cars in a wedding procession:

  1. Without us, do not start, otherwise we will be offended!
  2. Here is the place of the bride and the groom - the future husband and wife!
  3. Who is bitter, but we are very sweet!
  4. Who goes where, and we marry, amuses, admire love.
  5. Caution dear pedestrians - fiery all -consuming love!
  6. Who has a regular day, and we have a noisy and funny wedding!
  7. Madam Love is going in this car!
  8. The places are booked by the bride and groom.
  9. Caution - you can look at and want to marry too!
  10. To preserve the world in the family, patience, love, understanding and at least two laptops are needed.
  11. The wedding must be a analyst. Which will check whether everyone is poured.
  12. Happiness is when in the house, in bed and in my head - the same person ...
  13. Our wedding is the best wedding in the universe.
  14. In the family, let the husband solve the problem, but the wife solves everything only sweetly.
  15. All guys, you got once - you became a wife and husband.
  16. Let it be hot at night without a blanket, so that the passion of fatigue does not know.
  17. Neither satisfactory so that there is no boredom, so that your grandchildren envy you!
  18. You voluntarily put on yoke, so now drag - you yourself wanted to,
  19. We wish happiness without limit so that love and tenderness should be warm.
  20. I wish a young family to receive gifts with W.E.
  21. Live calmly without a mortgage and that love is forever.
  22. You live without quarrels and fights, let this marriage be possible
  23. Children - at least three to entertain you two.
  24. Vivat, newlyweds! Let tons be happiness.
  25. Revenues - in millions and you are always in love.
  26. Things - always let them be successful. The problems are all incompetent.
  27. Success and happiness are indecent, and happiness is enchanting.
  28. Let health enjoy health, let the feelings grow up.
  29. And joy blooms, and the ancestors do not interfere!
  30. Today the main thing at the wedding is not to get drunk on strangers not to marry
  31. The wife of her husband would not beat with a rolling pin, and her husband is comfortable with his wife.
  32. So that you are still in love with the diamond wedding.
  33. You loved date and flowers, now learn to cook borsch, cutlets ...
  34. I wish you passionate love, and a strong reliable family!
  35. So that my husband gave flowers to his wife, wore the salary in time!

Texts of slogans for wedding posters in the banquet hall

Texts of slogans for wedding posters in the banquet hall
Texts of slogans for wedding posters in the banquet hall

Texts of slogans for wedding posters in the banquet hall:

  1. Beat the woman with a hammer - there will be a woman gold!
  2. Beat my husband a teapot - the husband will be the boss!
  3. There will be an agreement - there will be happiness! From now on only.
  4. “We” is not “I”, and there will be a strong family!
  5. If (the groom) is not dousing, there will be (bride), mother is a heroine.
  6. We wish you as many guys as they will deliver in the sea.
  7. We wish you happiness young, and the rest - get drunk in smoke.
  8. We wish you happiness and good, children with ten. Hooray!
  9. Legal marriage - love, agreement sign!
  10. Get married - look both.
  11. Beauty before the crown, the mind to the end.
  12. Beauty will take a closer look, but cabbage soup is not sipped.
  13. Who will not have fun - we will not let you dare.
  14. Ladushki-Ladushka will give a job to my grandmother!
  15. The son -in -law has a best friend, it is called father -in -law.
  16. Do not look for easy life, got married - not food!
  17. Love is a ring, but the ring has no end and there is no end.
  18. Love Patience, impatience - divorce.
  19. It’s not enough to get into paradise, we also have to get there. (Shalash, it has a refrigerator, TV, etc.).
  20. A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, light sea! We wish you to live without grief!
  21. A husband without a wife that a goose without water.
  22. Husband with a car nonsense, husband in the kitchen - yes!
  23. Husband Professor - nonsense, husband student - this is yes!
  24. The husband, although a raven, is still defense!
  25. The husband is the king - the heel of his wife is his crown.
  26. Do not look at someone else's wives, but look after your own.
  27. Our (bride) berry, our (bride) cherry, for whom she wanted - for that she went out!
  28. No need, stork, no need, bird, give our (name of the bride) to finish your studies!
  29. The treasure is not necessary, since my husband has a way with his wife.
  30. Not so happy that the father has, but she is happy that her husband has.
  31. Wear a mother -in -law in your arms - you will ride in the "Lada".
  32. Let the whole world know - a wedding feast passes here!
  33. Parents take care of the daughter to the crown, and the husband is to the end.
  34. Wedding - she is in Africa - a wedding!
  35. With the good wife, Woe - half a mountain, joy - doubly.
  36. Family is the key to happiness.
  37. A family without love is a tree without roots.
  38. With a cute paradise and in a hut, but it is better if the hut is in paradise.
  39. Wait, groom! Not a step from the place - your bride lives here.
  40. For those who came from under the crown, we wish you love to the end!
  41. Mother -in -law is a purring cat, if you do not stroke it against the wool ...
  42. You! I submitted an application to the registry office ...
  43. Kiss mother -in -law more often - cabbage soup will be sweeter!
  44. To be a durable alliance - you urgently need a peanut!
  45. So that the family has an eternal world, drink not vodka, but kefir!
  46. A brown braid is a girl's beauty.
  47. All girls are good, but where evil wives come from?
  48. You can’t stay without the sun, you cannot live without a sweet one.
  49. Every bride will be born to his fiancé.
  50. True love does not burn in fire, nor in the water does not sink.
  51. You love the rose - endure the spikes.
  52. With a cute one, it will appear with an hour.
  53. A good wife will please her husband, a good husband will please the world.

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the family

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the family
Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the family

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the family:

  1. In the family, one will necessarily imprude. The main thing is to have time first.
  2. Family happiness is when the wishes of the wife coincide with the size of her husband’s salary.
  3. Do not think about who is the main thing in the family - you or your wife. You better not know this.
  4. Marriage is on patience. Moreover, every spouse is sure that he suffers.
  5. Happy family life is when the words “wife” and “beloved” belong to one woman.
  6. Any marriage is the calculation - after all, everyone expects to find his own happiness in it.
  7. Not a villa, yachts, limousines ... Neither a proud look, nor muscles of the wall ... Nothing paints a man like a man ... Clever is a wife!
  8. A typical married couple: either they soar the brain to each other, then mate after reconciliation.
  9. They always wait for a married woman at home: a little Chekupa and Big Chepwo.
  10. Marriage, marriage and family relations are a system of redistribution of material goods from husbands to their wives and then to their children well-thought-out system.
  11. The best period of family life is pre -isteric times.
  12. If a woman is happy in the house, then the whole family is happy!
  13. We live quietly, but stock up on dishes ...
  14. Beauty requires sacrifice. I am beauty. Husband is a victim!
  15. You cannot find happiness in marriage if you do not bring it with you.
  16. The recipe for family happiness is pointless to give. Each family has its own set of products!
  17. A family hearth is a place where a wife prepares her husband for herself day after day.
  18. All families are divided into two types: in some wives they decide everything in other wives allow husbands to think that they decide everything.
  19. In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money is being taken from the nightstand, the husband - that food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children - that they were found in cabbage.
  20. The key to family happiness is when the grenade is in her husband’s underpants, and the ring on his wife's finger ...
  21. Marital status is a favorite "infection"
  22. And I love married ... married to me ...
  23. The only real happiness in this world is a happy marriage.
  24. Family happiness happens when the wife does not have time to spend the money that her husband earns.
  25. Happy is the one who is happy at home.
  26. While the husband is shaking enough, the wife does not saw.
  27. The motto of a happy family: Your dreams are my worries!
  28. If the family is not filled with childish shouts, they are more than compensated by adults ...
  29. The woman is happy when she sees the smiling eyes of her husband and knows that she is the cause of this joy.
  30. A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that his wife has not said.
  31. When a conflict situation develops in the family, immediately ask each other a question: "Do you want to be right or happy?"
  32. In family life, the main screw is a bolt.
  33. A happy marriage is when it is generally pointless to refuel the bed on the weekend ...
  34. In an ideal family, the wife does not know where the money comes from, and the husband has no idea where they go!
  35. An ideal family - dad works, mom is beautiful.
  36. Marital life is a war every day and a truce every night ...
  37. The husband is always right, but his wife is never mistaken.
  38. Next to a good man, a woman becomes happy, next to the bad - strong
  39. Be a happy family, it is so annoying!

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the bride

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the bride
Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the bride

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the bride:

  1. Bride! We envy white envy!
  2. The bride will now recognize what groom the dough is made of!
  3. At least live in a forest hut, but to be loved
  4. If you consider your husband the head of the family, do not sit on his head
  5. Got married - tomorrow tell a girlfriend the truth ...
  6. With a good woman, a man can become a man.
  7. With the good wife, Woe - half a mountain, joy - in double.
  8. Be a husband’s lawyer, not his investigator.
  9. With a cute paradise and in a hut, but it is better if the hut is in paradise.
  10. Do not look for easy life, got married, not food!
  11. Hope on a stork, but do not flatter yourself
  12. There is no such capital so that the wife does not squeeze out.
  13. First year, wife is dear, the second year is a saw, the third year is a sawmill.
  14. I chose the fellow, so after not blame my father.
  15. Every bride will be born to his fiancé.
  16. To marry - not to bake the pie.
  17. Everyone is sleeping in the family, and they are drowning the daughter -in -law.
  18. The bride will be born, and the groom sits on the horse.
  19. The wife is not smart - the house of the hole.
  20. The female mind will not miss anything.
  21. Smart wife - that the sun is in the window, a stupid wife - that a fire in the yard.
  22. Women's mind is strong every house.
  23. Dear wife - half of good, smart wife - good head.
  24. Male power is in the shoulder, female - in the mind and soul.
  25. The female soul, that the sun will warm everyone.
  26. The wife is good that the husbands mean things.
  27. The advice of a kind wife and great men are strong.

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the groom

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the groom
Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the groom

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the groom:

  1. Ay, yes (the name of the groom), well done! Led (the name of the bride) to the aisle!
  2. Here (the name of the groom) and was jammed, (the name of the bride) in the delicate pens and came across!
  3. The groom, do not be a bustard to quickly become a dad!
  4. I waited, the groom, the first night, you will wait for your daughter!
  5. Groom, remember! The value of the husband is determined by the cost of the wife’s outfits!
  6. To marry - do not bark on.
  7. Goodbye fishing, goodbye hockey! I love (the name of the bride), I get married on her!
  8. Parents take care of the daughter to the crown, and the son -in -law to the end.
  9. A good bride is given to God, bring up a good wife yourself!
  10. Do not look at someone else's wives, but take care of your
  11. Returning with his wife from the guests, not skimping on a taxi: remember that you would not go with an extraneous lady.
  12. Hand and heart are already given. Head and wallet in line.
  13. Our (the name of the groom) is well done, leads (the name of the bride) to the crown!
  14. Be gentle and patient, do not forget respect!
  15. A man without a wife that a goose without water.
  16. A man without an ax is worse than a woman.
  17. The man takes his strength and with his mind, the woman is cunning.
  18. A man is not a woman, “said” - and not “said”!
  19. The man is stronger, and the woman is more resilient.
  20. The man looks like pepper: only after trying, you will recognize his sharpness.

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law
Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law:

  1. Mother -in -law are different. There are dangerous mother -in -laws, there are no, but there are - like mine, such ...
  2. My mother -in -law is Energiazer, do not try to slow down. If the mother -in -law is on the dance floor, she can overshadow everyone.
  3. I wish my mother to come true, which he dreams of: they were in the house to make money, and the grandchildren always obeyed.
  4. Mother -in -law is my authority, we have no disagreement with her, as she said, it will be! That's what the secret lies in.
  5. If you want to live easier, you have to be friends with my mother -in -law!
  6. To the mother -in -law - the stomach is more complete, further from the mother -in -law - love for it is stronger.
  7. If you want to live easier - look not for your wife, but a mother -in -law!
  8. Well, the mother-in-law is not Julia, don (the name of the groom) Zhiguli!
  9. It is very important for health to live without mother -in -law, and in order to preserve friendship, it is better to visit them!
  10. A good mother -in -law will not have a skinny son -in -law!
  11. Favorite parents! Wouldn't you serve Mercedesik?
  12. Kiss the mother -in -law more often, then the cabbage soup will be sweeter and fatter, and even with meat!
  13. Wear a mother -in -law in your arms - you will ride in the "Lada".
  14. My mother -in -law is gold! In a moment it will feed, drink. Every son -in -law wants such a son -in -law, but not everyone is so spard.
  15. I give my beloved mother -in -law a broom. Fly, mom, I say.
  16. Mother -in -law is in jokes, and in the family you are our mother. Independent personality and educated lady.
  17. Adam is the first lucky one, because he did not have a mother -in -law.
  18. You can’t spoil the mother -in -law with a stick if it is angry.
  19. The mother -in -law of my enemy is my friend!
  20. Not all the mother -in -law that looks at you with a wolf ...
  21. The top of a man’s egoism is proud of his mother -in -law.
  22. Nothing spoils the mood in the morning as the happy face of the mother -in -law.
  23. Each mother is a potential mother -in -law - good and understanding.
  24. You like to ride, love to swear with mother -in -law.
  25. The mother -in -law is not a gift, you will not give it, and therefore love what is the son -in -law.
  26. No matter how much feed, he still looks with a wolf.
  27. If the mother -in -law calls and asks how to replace the light bulb in the bathroom, the correct answer should begin with the words "Give a full bath of water ..."
  28. The family is a family, and the mother -in -law - to the cottage!
  29. The new wedding ceremony is the abduction of mother -in -law from the house of the newlyweds.
  30. If a mother -in -law awaits at home, then any official troubles are nothing!
  31. If the mother -in -law complains that she did not sat down for the whole day, advise her to squat.
  32. Who doubts that silence is gold, he never had a real mother -in -law.
  33. Mother -in -law is a treasure, and the treasure must be kept in the ground ...
  34. Whatever the mother -in -law is amused, if only she would not come to visit.
  35. Love for mother -in -law is measured by kilometers.
  36. Life with mother -in -law is like a chess party: sooner or later it will certainly end with obscenities.
  37. Mother -in -law is an external manager in the family.
  38. Every man who has achieved success is a proud wife and a surprised mother -in -law.
  39. If you want to please the father -in -law, ask if he wants you to help him. If you want to please the mother -in -law, ask if she wants to help you.
  40. Mother -in -law is not a person. Mother -in -law is a phenomenon.
  41. Double bummer: mother -in -law is a tax inspector.
  42. The mother -in -law does not sleep, then it is plotting!
  43. A good mother -in -law is not lying on the road.
  44. There will be a wife, there will be a mother -in -law
  45. A good mother -in -law has a son -in -law - the most beloved son
  46. A mother -in -law’s son -in -law and a mother -in -law - the first guests.
  47. To please my mother -in -law - it’s easier to please your wife.

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law
Texts of slogans for wedding posters about mother -in -law

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about the mother -in -law:

  1. The mother -in -law is the mother of the ideal son, who was terribly unlucky with his wife!
  2. Men are easier: their mother -in -law love them.
  3. The mother -in -law is not chosen - it goes to the load.
  4. Love for mother -in -law is measured by kilometers.
  5. A good mother-in-law always remembers that she was once a daughter-in-law.
  6. The mother -in -law is the external manager of the family, confidently leading her to self -destruction.
  7. Protect my mother -in -law with her daughter -in -law! The next one may be even worse!
  8. The mother -in -law is as strength, mind, honor, there is sincere sensitivity in it,
  9. The mother -in -law is not a terrible villain. The mother -in -law is not a monster, not a vampire. And just a loving mother, which protects the son of the world.
  10. So the lady is a clockwork, then my mother -in -law is my mother! And he will dance, and sing, and bake pancakes to us!
  11. Eh, the mother -in -law is good, she has a good soul! He will gather us all together, and Gilyanochka will go!
  12. Our sweet mother -in -law in the house does everything deftly. And the brusy socks are washed without longing!
  13. My mother is the second, you are a mother -in -law, like a native! I love you very much, no more charming you!
  14. The golden mother -in -law that carries love in the family. And respects the daughter -in -law, she indulges her whims!
  15. I have a mother -in -law - sorceress: as I look - tremble! Maybe girls, I am “bzdunya”, but I go around it ...
  16. My dear mother -in -law again shown "love." I baked me kalachi on Purgen and in the stove!
  17. I hear a steel heel, I feel the hearts of a knock. Then the mother -in -law goes and the “gift” carries!
  18. Eh, where did the blood go?! The mother -in -law is to blame! She took the "pipe" and drank a little!
  19. Good mother -in -law, second mother for the bride.
  20. A good mother -in -law is the best friend for the bride.
  21. An amazing phenomenon when understanding between her daughter -in -law and mother -in -law.
  22. The mother -in -law hits the cat, and gives the daughter -in -law advice.

Loofing texts for wedding posters for guests

Texts of slogans for wedding posters about guests
Loofing texts for wedding posters for guests

Texts of slogans for wedding posters for guests:

  1. More than three under the table do not get together!
  2. Enough to be true and grate! It's time for us to take up the mind! (friends and friends)
  3. To kiss the bride with the bride, but we should worry the whole night!
  4. Farewell, friends-girlfriends! Hello, beads-beasts!
  5. There is - so it is addicted, walk - so to the light!
  6. Guests, be careful! The wedding is not a series, in the morning it is not repeated!
  7. I waited, the groom, the first night, you will wait for your son and daughter!
  8. Newlyweds, kiss more often! And then the wedding will not be real!
  9. The bride will now recognize what groom the dough is made of!
  10. Walk, men! Tomorrow, young spouses will hang and amuse everyone!
  11. Newlyweds! Do not be afraid! It is difficult only for the first 20 years!
  12. Lovely parents! Would you like grandchildren?
  13. Sensor for the liquid is not considered. It is not supposed to raise it for us!
  14. Dear guests, do not be shy! Gather at the table more often!
  15. Newlyweds! In the case of disagreements, hold peace negotiations under the blanket!
  16. The season of hunting for brides is over. The seasoning season opens!
  17. If you want to live easier, you have to be friends with my mother -in -law!
  18. Young! The demographic explosion should begin with you!
  19. We meet young bread and salt, we’ll give a swan with a swan!
  20. Parents, don't stew! Kiss along with the young!
  21. The groom, do not be a bustard, to quickly become a dad!
  22. Who is "bitter!" He does not want to scream, he is a chick of the crown!
  23. We can kiss, you can’t keep up with us!
  24. Who will not drink himself - we will introduce intravenously!
  25. A good bride is given to God, bring up a good wife yourself!
  26. Today is the start, and the fins will be intermediate.
  27. Here Sasha was jammed, Ole in the delicate pens and got caught!
  28. To the mother -in -law - the stomach is more complete, further from the mother -in -law - love for it is stronger ...
  29. The ensemble of rattles will be heard louder than the guns to you!
  30. An unreasonable stack is a shame on the whole wedding!
  31. Who will not dance - there is no fault!
  32. The bride and groom - title. Husband and wife for calling!
  33. The husband’s wife feeds him to carry in her arms, her husband wears in her arms to feed!
  34. The family can have only two opinions: one - wives, the other is wrong.
  35. Successfully marrying is more important than to be born!
  36. The more fun it is, the easier the family life begins!
  37. Have you found a bride? Help a friend!
  38. We’ll cope with the wedding today and congratulate the young young people!
  39. Good wife - like the Internet, she will find an answer to everything!
  40. Subragency cools anger and gives the size of mutual feelings.
  41. In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.
  42. If you want to be happy, be them.
  43. The engagement ring is the first link in the chain of marital life.
  44. Divide cares equally: wife in a cosmetic bag, husband in a clamp and a harrow!
  45. Happiness is a fragile product. Take care of him carefully.
  46. It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to her husband is handkerchiefs, and he is a mink fur coat for her.
  47. When a man cooks, he does not tolerate anyone next to him. But if a woman cooks, he now and then climbs into the kitchen.
  48. The honeymoon ends when the dog brings home shoes to her husband, and the wife begins to grumble.
  49. A woman should not demand from a man to wash the dishes. After all, when she fell in love with him, he did not stand near the sink.
  50. Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate oaths.
  51. True and mutual trust are the first principles of love.
  52. Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect. Just do not confuse him with admiration.
  53. You will not insure from a love fire.
  54. The compliment increases the performance of a woman by half.
  55. If you consider your husband the head of the family, do not sit on his head.
  56. There are no mysterious women, but there are unhappy men.
  57. A man and a woman are two caskets in which the keys to each other are stored.
  58. The true measure of the virtues of the human heart is the ability to love.
  59. Old age does not protect against love, but love protects from old age.
  60. Happiness has been looking for years, but only once is found.
  61. In love we must act boldly. The tasks of solving yourself, and this serious matter cannot be trusted to anyone!
  62. Love and tenderness radiating, keep the alarm in reserve, so that the accident will never separate us in life!
  63. Welcome to a beautiful country of love!
  64. Guests from all volosts were gathered.
  65. The guest is not the road, the road friendship.
  66. At the first call, the desired guests go to the house.
  67. A good piece is for a good guest.
  68. Mercy I ask for our hut.
  69. The treats from the heart is sweeter than the Sahara honey.

Alcoholic slogans for wedding posters - words

Alcoholic slogans for wedding posters - words
Alcoholic slogans for wedding posters - words

Alcoholic slogans for wedding posters - words:

  1. Broke is a drink of tomorrow.
  2. White fever is a temperamental blonde.
  3. Yes, it will not end in the ground of the feast!
  4. Being in his right mind and solid memory, we decided to drink and forget everything.
  5. Smoking is harmful, drinking is disgusting, and it is a pity to die healthy!
  6. Vodka was created so that the Russians do not rule the world.
  7. Life is beautiful and amazing if you drink pre -drink.
  8. How much Muscovites drink! On the radio, they say that there are so many traffic jams on the streets alone that this makes it difficult to move vehicles!
  9. When I drink, I am deaf and him!
  10. Lies a fighter, could not cope with an alcohol attack ...
  11. We know the measure, how do you drink it?
  12. We will finish our own!
  13. We, Tatars, do not care - that vodka, that a machine gun. If only to get off his feet.
  14. Do not load me - I'm not a dry cargo. I am a tanker - pour me!
  15. Oh, how a hangover strip of mattress!
  16. Tea removes slag from the body. And vodka simply burns them there.
  17. Tea is not vodka - you won’t drink much.
  18. They served tea - do not wait for vodka!
  19. Tea, coffee - not on the gut, there would be vodka in the morning.
  20. I drink only in two cases: when there are cucumbers and when they are not.
  21. I'm not like yesterday today. And yesterday I was at all.
  22. H2o motto is not ours! Ours - C2H5OH!
  23. Champagne from a shoe is not you from Kirzach vodka.
  24. Oh, how beautiful it is for me to thump in the circle of comrade comrades and drink vodka, and we will probably roll beer here.
  25. I am ready to drink both day and night, let only arrive a circle of friends! With me always, everywhere and again, then I will be a lot of happiness.
  26. Cognac, whiskar, liquor, Martini - I am ready to drink everything at a time! I am sweet that life is a light! And for others that porcupine.
  27. Let's open vodka! We will flood her with a beer over! Then it will certainly be cool, and everyone will be the king.

Funny slogans for wedding posters - words

Funny slogans for wedding posters - words
Funny slogans for wedding posters - words

Funny slogans for wedding posters - words:

  1. It is very important for health to live without mother -in -law and mother -in -law, and in order to preserve friendship, it is better to visit them!
  2. Subragency cools anger and gives a scope to mutual feelings.
  3. Remember my dear lips so that they do not become others!
  4. Why are they having fun here, why do they drink vodka here? Because (the name of the groom) they get married, (the name of the bride) give married!
  5. True and mutual trust are the first principles of love.
  6. With a good woman, a man can become a man.
  7. I came to the wedding do not yawn, choose your bride for yourself!
  8. We ask you not to forget, more often we are bitter to scream.
  9. We ask the mother -in -law and mother -in -law not to spoil the blood!
  10. Let you have children as many times as shouted - bitterly!
  11. Wedding - she is in Africa - a wedding!
  12. The beetroot is a live piggy bank.
  13. Family is the first key to happiness.
  14. A family without love, like a tree without roots.
  15. The family entered the threshold! Today the world is at your feet!
  16. How many pennies in the forest are so many sons!
  17. How many bumps in the forest are so many daughters!
  18. Tip and love, this is where the light is.
  19. The people advise - to continue the glorious family!
  20. Agreement and trust will open the doors happiness!
  21. Resistance - female tactics, surrender - strategy.
  22. Stop stork, stand bird, let you finish your bride!
  23. He managed to get together for the wedding, then managed to get home.
  24. You are happy - happy the whole world!
  25. Happiness is to you, vodka - to us.
  26. Happiness has been looking for years, but only once is found.
  27. Let the whole world know - a wedding feast passes here
  28. For those who came from under the crown, we wish you love to the end!
  29. You yes I am now a family!
  30. A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness, light sea! We wish you to live without grief!
  31. We wish you love eternal and the joy of heart!
  32. There will be an agreement - there will be happiness!
  33. You are happy - happy the whole world! We glorify you and a wedding feast!
  34. The family enters the threshold! Today the world is at your feet!
  35. Our groom, the bride - is now everywhere together!
  36. Agreement and trust will open the doors happiness!
  37. Healthy children young, such as apple trees fruits!
  38. Family ship entered the sea. Let the storm subside, pass the grief!
  39. The bride and groom, a hundred years together.
  40. Wife to her husband - friend, adviser and assistant, husband to his wife - everything else!
  41. Be, the wife for your husband - like behind a stone wall, and you, husband, do not fall into your wife!
  42. The husband is good, the wife is beautiful, let everything be clear in the family!
  43. A kind wife will save the house, and smash a bad sleeve (shakes).
  44. A good marriage is a shift.
  45. A good marriage to the house accustoms, thin from home leaves.
  46. A good wedding - a week.
  47. A daughter in a cradle is a dowry in a box.
  48. To marry my daughter - not to bake the pie.
  49. Make your daughter - dragging on your mother.
  50. The bridegroom is cheerful - the whole wedding is joy.
  51. The bridegroom cheerful - the bride’s life will be in sweetness.

Congratulatory slogans for wedding posters - words

Funny slogans for wedding posters - words
Congratulatory slogans for wedding posters - words

Congratulatory slogans for wedding posters - words:

  1. Today is a guest at the wedding, I
    Friends are married today.
  2. I'm not a lover of "red phrases",
    My order will be specific - live happily.
  3. The bridegroom, take care of the bride.
    Buy boots for the winter,
  4. For the summer - a bright sundress ...
    Well, in general, you know the list yourself.
  5. Do not object to your wife -
    Everything will just worsen doubly.
  6. Her grounds are Tryn-grass.
    Wife - she is always right.
  7. You need to promise less,
    And then you have to perform.
  8. Do not forget about compliments
    And about "special" moments.
  9. Now I will tell you, the bride.
    You are not crowded with your beloved.
    Swear to endure him always
    At least it will be difficult sometimes.
  10. Get a delicious dinner with love,
    I will come to eat to you!
    Kidding! Of course, for the husband.
    He is a well -fed more obedient.
  11. Stell your mother, mother,
    To collect socks around the house,
    And if it drinks more than the norm,
    Do not send to addresses.
  12. And let the years fly ahead.
    Have you married? So forever.
    The words turned out a lot!
    What is missing? Bitterly!
  13. Let it always be a minute
    You and each other "shoulder" with each other,
    I wish you in romance
    To live deep gray hair.
  14. The main thing is understanding
    And the dishes? Yes, damn it!
    In a creative mess, after all
    Live much more fun.
  15. So you were "stamped"
    Rucked already.
    Family life will be spinning
    Let in a cheerful turn.
  16. Let the socks do not infuriate his wife,
    Beer with fish and football.
    The husband is tolerant of whims,
    If anything - cognac on the table!
  17. Look in love
    Live carelessly
    Appreciate immensely
    Love cordially.
  18. You have a special day today.
    You have become husband and wife.
    Love tenderly you each other
    Before your wedding gold.
  19. Love, tolerate, goodbye,
    Give yourself yourself
    And keep your love
    For long time you are.
  20. Young, congratulations!
    I sincerely wish you happiness!
    Let your union be strong,
    And also - healthy children.
  21. It will be sweet, it will be bitter -
    Everything will have to be tested.
    But hold on to each other
    Kohl decided to become a family.
  22. Two rings, two hearts,
    Two roads, two destinies -
    Everything has now become one.
    So live in love!
  23. Congratulations on your wedding
    I wish my family happiness
    Living in harmony always,
    We are wealth and good!
  24. I wish you to shine always
    Store love for all years,
    Gently appreciate each other,
    In contentment and sufficient to live.
  25. I wish the joy of the bride
    Field focus warm.
    And the groom - courage, honor,
    Love wife and protect.
  26. Wedding is not an easy matter,
    The wedding is a young business.
    Kohl decided to live together,
    So, so be it!
  27. Congratulations from the heart!
    Let there be kids
    House, car, cottage,
    Love, fidelity and luck.
  28. So that life does not separate,
    To get married tightly.
    So that there was only happiness,
    For that, let's say - bitterly!
  29. Congratulations from the heart!
    So that there were kids
    House, car, yacht, cottage,
    Happiness, fidelity and luck.

  30. So that the wedding goes with a bang and excellent,
    Let us offer champagne to drink decently!
    And so that the head does not make noise in the morning,
    Tuck, citizens, you need to skillfully!

  31. To become happy in life
    You need to smile
    Every day and always
    Passion to give, fall in love.

  32. If there is a quarrel suddenly,
    You, wife, take an iron!
    If the husband has taken up the vodka,
    You take the frying pan!
  33. I will have fun
    I will not go to the end.
    After all, they were going to get married
    Your ardent hearts!

  34. After quarrels, it is more to put up
    It is better to turn into a joke.
    And when the baby is born
    Content to put together!

  35. Wedding, pigeons, priest,
    Oaths, rings and veil,
    Round from the dress price tag
    And in the pockets of emptiness.

  36. You are now not someone nearby
    And the bride and groom.
    No need to hide now
    There is an apartment for two.

  37. Silence more
    You are a chisel and a cutter.
    Waiting for relatives and you are more likely
    Propagent, finally.

Texts for wedding posters of the Soviet era

Texts for wedding posters of the Soviet era
Texts for wedding posters of the Soviet era

Texts for wedding posters of the Soviet era:

  1. The golden rule of marriage - patience and condescension.
  2. Marriage is a means of salvating yourself from old age in love.
  3. Marriage is the result of not cohabitation, but consent.
  4. The best way to make children good is to make them happy.
  5. A bachelor is a man who is deprived of many joys out of fear to find them forever.
  6. All happy families are similar to each other, every happy family is happy in its own way.
  7. The bachelor is a man married to his dream.
  8. Every kiss of the spouses is a recognition of gratitude, every insult is a cry of disappointment.
  9. The marriage union is the first stage of human society.
  10. If you break firewood somewhere, it is better not to carry them to the family hearth.
  11. Where love and advice, there is no grief.
  12. Where love is consent, there the yard is red.
  13. Who loves someone, he is listening.
  14. Love is a ring, but there is no end in the ring.
  15. Love for all ages.
  16. Marry is not to attack, no matter how married it is not to disappear.
  17. Love and advice, there is no grief.
  18. Without love, as without the sun, you can’t live.
  19. The night is always short in love.
  20. To kiss your beloved that to revel in honey.
  21. Lovely scolding, but only amuse themselves.
  22. With dear and paradise in a hut.
  23. With a lovely one, he will appear to be an hour.
  24. With your beloved every bush is a house.
  25. With a lovely friend and grief you will break in half.
  26. At least live in a forest hut, but to be sweet.
  27. I would like cute, we will live in a hut.
  28. True love does not burn in fire, nor in the water does not sink.
  29. Good feelings are neighbors of love.
  30. Eat with hunger, and love your young.
  31. Living in separation is worse than flour.
  32. Dear is far away - the heart is not easy.
  33. A dear friend - for a month, and the husband - for life.
  34. For a cute Vanya - dumplings and shanges.
  35. Family is not a cell of the state. Family is the state and is.
  36. There are only many relatives, there are always few related souls.
  37. Marriage is the only war during which you sleep with the enemy.
  38. If you want your husband to adore you, start feeding him 3-5 minutes before he is hungry.
  39. Herry of a person as he is, with his habits and views - the highest wisdom of family life.
  40. The dependence of the family life makes a person more moral.
  41. The main meaning and purpose of family life is to raise children.
  42. The main school of education of children is the relationship of husband and wife, father and mother.
  43. In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot continue for a long time.
  44. How much patience is needed to love one woman all my life.
  45. Beauty is needed at the wedding, and love is everyday.
  46. Happiness is when you have a big, friendly, caring, loving family.
  47. A good wife is a salvation of life.
  48. You can get used to the mother -in -law, but not to her advice.
  49. A man needs a woman more than a wife, and a woman needs a husband more than a man.
  50. If the wife scolds, this is normal if she praises - think about what her fault is.
  51. Who marries according to the calculation, he is happy only during the day.
  52. A man to this day would be the head of the family, a woman would not appear in her.
  53. The woman is worried about the future until she gets married. The man is not worried about the future until he marries.
  54. Marriage is what a man pays for sex, sex - what a woman pays for marriage.
  55. Marriage opens the woman's eyes to herself.
  56. Incompatibility is when a man wants love, and a woman of happiness.
  57. An ideal family is an oasis of love and good in the desert of everyday evil.
  58. An ordinary man who is happy in marriage is much happier than a genius living alone.
  59. A wife, who does not lead her husband forward, certainly pushes him back.
  60. Family dialogue is a woman's monologue.
  61. Teach your children to be silent. They will learn to speak themselves.
  62. Do not argue with your husband, and you will always be right.
  63. Family is a crystal of society.
  64. If a man marries only because it's time, then it's too late.
  65. Everyone has such a wife as he needs.
  66. A good woman, getting married, promises happiness, bad - waiting for him.
  67. It’s hard to be a father, but becoming easy.
  68. Nothing can unite the family like a TV.
  69. They lived happily until they began to find out who made anyone happy.
  70. Normal life begins when the wife’s point of view becomes the husband’s support point.
  71. Marital love, which passes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.
  72. My family is my castle.
  73. To marry is to half reduce your rights and double your duties.
  74. You can sleep under one blanket, but breathe air of different planets.
  75. A good family is the one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers, and at night - that they are spouses.
  76. In family life, keeping your dignity, one must be able to give in to each other.
  77. It is bad if there is no one to care about you. Even worse, if not about someone to take care of you.
  78. To create a family, enough to love. And to save - you need to learn how to endure and forgive.
  79. Happiness is when there is someone to wish good morning, good night ... And just know that they are waiting for you and you have where to rush.
  80. The girl will be truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say “beloved”, and the second-“mother”.
  81. Family is a great work that cannot be postponed or abandoned, having gone on vacation, but a reward of this is happiness.
  82. Happiness is when you have people who can tell about him.
  83. A real family gives the strength to live and wake up every morning in a good mood.
  84. In the family, where the way, happiness does not forget the road.
  85. In family life, the most important screw is love ...
  86. The wife creates a climate, and the husband makes the weather.
  87. Family is a refuge in the heartless world.
  88. The family living in harmony will flourish in everything.
  89. Family is not just a stamp in the passport, it is a look in one direction.
  90. The family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth. And in this place you are really happy!
  91. A happy family is the one in which the husband and wife forget about the day that they are lovers, and at night that they are spouses.
  92. Family life is an attempt to exist two “I” under one blanket.
  93. The key to family happiness is when the grenade is in her husband’s underpants, and the ring on his wife’s finger.
  94. It is better if someone alone leads in the family. And it is better if this "someone" is love.
  95. If a woman is happy in the house, then the whole family is happy!

Video: Bitter, bitterly young. Congratulations on wedding Day. Wedding posters

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