The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriend, mother -in -law, mother -in -law, mother -in -law, father -in -law, aunts, uncles, godparents, sisters, brother, grandparents, grandfathers

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriend, mother -in -law, mother -in -law, mother -in -law, father -in -law, aunts, uncles, godparents, sisters, brother, grandparents, grandfathers

Original ideas for a comic presentation of guests at the wedding.

Comic representation of guests at the wedding - examples

Comic representation of guests at the wedding - examples
Comic representation of guests at the wedding - examples

The comic presentation of guests at the wedding - examples:

The eyes sparkle with happiness. Beautiful, chic, smart!
Let's applaud everything together, charming (name) - the bride!
An example worthy for others is our amazing groom.
We extend the wonderful moments. In honor of the groom - applause
This woman is a soul!
________ - A miracle is good!
I say easier for you - applause is mother -in -law!
STATE BRAY - Everyone likes her here!
Everything in her hands burns, just a woman - a magnet!
How ______ concerns blood - our sweet mother -in -law!
There are 2 more relatives. Father's father -in -law and father father -in
But they prefer not to climb anywhere, for this and honor
Without them, it would be incomplete happiness
Applause to sisters and bride and brothers
From their care, warmth and the world become kinder,
We welcome - grandparents of young people as soon as possible!
The groom has a strong breed! He is a noble representative of the family!
Let the people admire - how glorious grooms are!
But we know for certain - has loved ones and the bride!
Glory walks around the country and about the true relatives!
If you have friends, then you lived not in vain!
You - good is full of this - we are happy to applaud them again!

Acquaintance with the staff
And those who came to the wedding to work, will take care of it.
By the way, get acquainted with them.
It will fall asleep, grind and mount the wonderful moments of tonight ...
Our video operator (Name).
He will ask to freeze in place or vice versa to hang in the air ...
Photographer (Name).
Will voice solemn moments and make your body move on the dance floor
Singer and sound operator (Name).
In 1 time it will not require anything, but starting from the second time to this “nothing”
zeros will be added!
The waiters will be tasty and clean your holiday tables
and cooks working in this beautiful institution (Name).
And finally, I will spend an unforgettable evening for our newlyweds
(if you help me) And the name is me - (Name).

Original representation of guests at a wedding in a comic form

Original representation of guests at a wedding in a comic form
Original representation of guests at a wedding in a comic form

Original representation of guests at a wedding in a comic form:

Game-acquaintance for guests.
Applause amicably to the ladies,
That the bride and the bride are mom!
Let the dads of the young get up.
We applaud in honor of them!
In Kaleidoscope family motley
The newlywed sisters fit!
And we must give tribute
Who is the bride with the bride!
Not for the sake of glory, honor for
The newlyweds will get up by uncle!
And we do not mind,
If the newlyweds will get up aunt!
We will play, or something, together in the shoulders
For noble grandfathers and grandmothers!
Let them get up to be noticed,
Witnessing family!
I would like to see more
The nephews of the newlyweds!
I will say just without going to it:
Applause - for friends!
And then, so as not to confuse you too,
Let's beat your hands
For all guests! For you, good!

Musical representation of guests:

Boys andgirls
As well as their parents.
Do not regret applause
For (name) parents. (song "Parental House")

There is always peace in my soul
When the children are next to you.
They have very good mom
Let's pat on this for this (the song "In every small child")

I want to present you soon
Beautiful, devoted friends!
They are also waiting for applause
Show where you are here! (Song ("For Friends")
And now daTITY we will beat your hands
For all guests, good for you! (guests)

Here, flirt without gingerbread
Favorite nephews came!
Pronounced, dressed up,
Combed, inflated,
Maybe even washed?
And for the holiday came to us
They came to you with the whole gourmet
Young people are dear!

Ouch! And ours (name) 
Does not come out, but floats
The male population
Will fall in a fainting here
Eyes, lips, heels!
Oh, hold on to men!

At our holiday
It is not that simple
Present here
Foreign guests!
He sent a representative
The famous Tatarstan!

Now one will come to us
Very important gentleman
He wants to congratulate him too
Cousin (name)!

(Names 2-3 guests) They endured for a long time
Very young people wanted to congratulate
Express your love
They are pleased again and again!

Toast is always ready to say
Our brother (Name and surname)!
(Name)in congratulations - champion!
Right now, he will tell us something!

And now I will present you
For young people to wave a hundred grams
It goes beautifully (woman's name)
We will listen to her with you!

Today is a holiday in our house!
We walk together, with a whole gourmet
We are so happy for you today,
That for a week we will go into a binge!
But! This is later! And now.
Hurrying to congratulate you!

So as not to miss this thought
To fully develop her
The second tribes are coming to us
What business he is!

And now, my friends
Friends of the family will congratulate you!
Hey! People! Do not regret it!
Pour the glass more completely!
Beautiful godfather young
You need to meet more fun!

I will tear you away from lunch
Look here
it (woman's name)
And imagine, not alone!
Let's say together
Hello! (name)
And her daughter is Nastya!

Well, now it will fly through the hall
A sigh of admiring and delight is a groan!
And in anticipation the whole country.
After all, a couple will come out alone:
Not Kirkorov with Pugacheva,
Not Angelina and Brad Pete,
Not Buzova and Tretyakov.
Well, who is this?
Pompeisen declare
We want them:
Glamorous pair:
  (names of her husband and wife)

What he knows for sure
And does not throw words into the wind
The bazaar is ready for the bazaar
The man is serious - (name)!

And for sweets with us
There is a couple - the upper class.
Continues the conversation
One, family-cherry choir,
We meet: Olga and Ruslan
So far, Ruslan is not very drunk!

Drink to drink forever
The whole family (surname guests)
And (name of husband and wife) 
Respect this dope!

Already breathtaking
From the sisters of these two
What a wonderful picture?
To us, (names)
And with them, (no matter how anyone fired)
The guy was nailed - someone (name)!

Is of interest to what he will say
Someone (last name and first name)!
Very Shas will surprise us
This euro is an individual!
Together with his own (name)
Meet them while
They are not drunk yet.

Attention! Attention!
Great programs!
Meet the next guest!
Not a guest, but a guest, because she
Favorite aunt is named.

Cool representation of guests at a wedding in verses

Cool representation of guests at a wedding in verses
Cool representation of guests at a wedding in verses

Cool representation of guests at a wedding in verses:

To play the wedding here,
Everyone needs to know now
Who is who: who is the matchmaker, who is the son -in -law,
Who is mother -in -law, so to speak.
I ask everyone to take part
In the wedding presentation.
Tili-Tili dough,
And here is the bride,
Curd shoulders,
Cakes cakes.
We will welcome the bride,
(Name) dear,
The light has not yet seen such a sweet one.

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome the bride.

Our fiancé is more than ever
Coloring at least where,
For the family, the miner,
A mother -in -law is not an offender.
We will welcome the groom, (name) dear,
The world has not yet seen a young man.

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome the groom.

Mother -in -law is a kind soul -
Very good
He will not look at whom
What will give the ruble.
We will greet (name and patronymic), dear mother -in -law,
The light has not yet seen such a happy!

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome mother -in -law.

And the mother-in-law is a fool
It is also very good
Raised for the bride
Udaty fellow!
We will welcome again (name and patronymic),
Crushed mother -in -law!

Music. Applause. Everyone welcomes the mother -in -law.

Near the mother -in -law road
Father -in -law sits, happy like that.
Come on, all together
Well, all together
We will welcome (name and patronymic)
Glorious father -in -law!

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome the father -in -law.

Ladies and gentlemen, and here is the father -in -law,
It is more modest, but cheerful and kind.
We will welcome (name and patronymic)
The matchmaker is a Udlovy, the mother -in -law is expensive!

Music. Applause. Everyone welcomes the father -in -law.

And again a pleasant excitement,
Honorary guests performance.

Guests welcome the grandparents of the bride, then the groom.

We will also welcome the young family of benefactors,
Welcome wonderful witnesses!

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome witnesses.

What a wedding without guests
Without relatives and friends!
Welcome dear guests
There is no wedding without them.

Music. Applause. Everyone welcome each other.

So, friends, it's time
At this festive table
Fill everyone your glasses
Drunk wedding wine.

Interesting representations of guests at the wedding

Interesting representations of guests at the wedding
Interesting representations of guests at the wedding

Interesting representations of guests at the wedding:

From all over, from all tables,
I hear a lot of voices!
They came to congratulate you!
It's time to give them a word!

Pope's performance:
No more reliable shoulder
Than my husband is a strong hand.
He is a defender and a family man,
He is (name) he is so alone!
Let's all together with you
We will listen to the congratulations of the dad!

Mom's performance:
Dad - in the family head,
Well, who is mom at that time?
The hearth sheet she is the keeper,
And home comfort, the lord,
For dad (the name of one of the young) is a faithful girlfriend,
In general, mom takes a word here!

Brother performance:
He will never leave in trouble -
Because this is a brother!
The eldest, the youngest - at least some!
For (the name of one of the young) he is always a mountain!
And now I am glad to congratulate
Newlyweds (senior, medium, cousin) brother!

Sisters' performance:
How beautiful and fresh
Native sister!
We will give her a word
May she congratulate her sister! (Let her congratulate her brother!)

Parents' representation:
And now I want to imagine you
Those without whom it is impossible.
They gave life to the young (young),
And the first word for them we will give them rightfully,
You look at them rather!
After all, these are the best parents!

Mom's performance:
The most important in the life of the child,
Of course, dear, mom!
Her affectionate hands will be raised let the glass
And standing will listen, mother, (name)!

Father's performance:
He is the best parent
Which we are proud.
An example he was, remains and is.
And let's give the word to say,
The one who wears proud title is father!

The view of the groom:
He is your best creation
Your family is a continuation.
You raised him for glory!
And I want everyone here to know
What is the best of men,
Here of course, this is a son!
We will give him a word
Let his mother (dad) will congratulate in response!

Bride presentation:
Eyes, like a mother.
The character is from dad.
Or maybe the opposite is the contrary
But whoever sees, he will understand
What is the daughter of her parents!
And let's give the floor to tell her!

Representation of friends:
Young (young) has a family,
Colleagues and acquaintances
But there are also friends,
And old and new!
They are already in a hurry to say
For lovers congratulations,
It's time to give them a word,
And then they will burn with impatience!

Representation of colleagues:
At work, you are held in high esteem.
Everyone around will say it
And work colleagues,
They will not let us lie.
After all, they came here,
Friendly team
Congratulate you from the heart,
Fun and positive!

Presenting guests at the wedding - examples with humor

Presenting guests at the wedding - examples with humor
Presenting guests at the wedding - examples with humor

Presentation of guests at the wedding - examples with humor:

Bride: She is delightfully sweet today,
She is tender, like roses of white petals,
She is illuminated from heaven,
She is a bride and she is a slave of love.

Beautiful, dazzling,
Elegant, delightful
Bride! Like an angel you!
You are all views and flowers!

We will welcome the bride, ... dear,
The light has not yet seen such a sweet!

The groom: He is Staten and handsome next to her,
And the eyes of all guests are turned to them,
A man, all husbands around
He is the best in the world - he is her groom!

Our fiancé is more than ever, a paints, at least where,
For the family, a minister, a mother -in -law is not an offender.
We will welcome the groom, ... dear,
The world has not yet seen a young man!

The groom has a strong breed!
He is a noble representative of the family!
Let the people admire -
How glorious grooms are!

So, in the program I have -
Bryshevov’s relatives!
Love splashes in their veins,
He boils, his native blood is seething.
We will listen to their congratulations

So, forward, dear people!

Mom of the bride

What can I tell about the family?
I and my husband, and three more princesses.
And we are happy in every day
I don’t care any stress.
And we have only one task -
Constant tails, dresses,
And when it is decided
Kisses are waiting for us and arms.
Dad stretch to at night and day
These fragile children's pens.
We live in love very strong in love
And we teach others to these values.
We even think - maybe more?
Let the new baby see the light.
We will love him or her
Very strong, from the first breath.

The father of the bride

I would like to tell mothers
Those who love children with all their souls,
Love and patience to you
Nowadays, it is completely difficult.
And his beloved wife
I say thanks again and again
For the girls donated to me,
And for the fact that life has become beautiful!

The father of the groom

Friends, all these are enemy stories,
That the family man cannot be a biker.
And he is also a hockey player, at that, the singer ...
What is there ... He is just a big well done.

"Blonde in chocolate", "Dulin", "Wing" -
What is a friend (name) from the language of “Suvorovsky”.
Yesterday a fellow soldier, and now a witness.
And why is he wondering today?

We want to hear unconditionally
TV star (name)
And you and (name) are very happy,
And we are waiting for at least a small tirade from you.

“Hami, guy”, “brilliance”, “iron”, “chic” ...
Her dictionary is very great.
Who speaks this way and then? -
But that is a completely different Ella,
Not the same as a faithful friend (name),
Which works in the notary.

Her wedding dress is so impressive,
What a word is asking for a grandmother from Transcarpathia.

Love is a disease, as clearly not one has already noticed, -
And by profession, the doctor is a witness.
And in this poetic stanza
We will invite Ufa to enter.
Although you will eat hundreds of different countries
There are no better witnesses than (name).

From all relatives
For young:
What they dream of -
Let everything come true
And what comes true -
Let not break
And what breaks - let everything be fixed ...
Who is toast? (Former surname young) No ... but there are (common surnames)!

Ah, Samara-Gorodok,
Where is the second cousin.
Let (name) here and now
Will calm us down.

At least in verses, although in prose
You need to say aunt (name).
And with her loved and desirable
All of us and aunt (name)
They are messengers from Yanaul.
Their celebration, of course, has not passed.
And Bashkorstan represents with them
Brotherhood of the bride (groom) - (name).

How young people are fastened to general home concerns,
So the newlyweds are also connected by a single job.
I honored us with my attention
Directorate and leadership (name of the company where young people work).

At the festive table we will drop off the shower of chain mail,
To listen to the toast from the guest from Kaluga.

The desire to congratulate the young languishes
(Name), friend of the bride from the capital.

The bride has said goodbye to the toys,
But not with long -standing girlfriends
(Call the names of all girlfriends)
And we really need to listen to them.

Twice two four, twice two four
More known than others, the chief accountant of aunt (name).

How to make the kitchen knows better -
The brother of the groom - (name).

And we will give this word to the publisher (name)
From the word "book" nicknamed
The hereditary "princess."

Apple and pears bloomed
Fogs sailed over the river
We will hear the word from (name) -
In honor of the family of a happy young.

From Volgograd, a friend of the bride (name)
He will utter his festive story.
Although he is called an orthopedist,
How he can become a large number of advice.

He knows how to build a house: stairs and doors ...
Congratulate the young friend of the groom (name).

Here (name). At least lazy
But there will always be strength
To create a jerk,
Having won the result.

This (name) - charm,
Here is both tact and upbringing,
Mind, soul and beauty -
Unique (name), yes.

Our anti -stress (name),
He is always satisfied with his life.
Maybe this is the whole secret
That the guy has no problems?

We have a musician (name),
Sanging every now and then.
His voice is like a sonorous anthem,
We will definitely win with him!

(Name) - Megaposit,
All tummy tears
If our guest is joking again,
A lot of joy in the minute.

We still have (name),
He will help us in everything.
Together we are always strong
And we will reach the embroidery!

Once again a beautiful family -
Brothers Kumovya!
From the waves barely breathing
His beloved kum - ……….!
He is not a carpenter, not a rescuer,
In life, he is an entrepreneur,
And the advice can give you -
How and what to do!
Well, nearby - half,
Beautiful (name) kuma,
And I will tell you, not a trifle -
Protect families of the hearth!
They have a daughter (name), they have
Congratulations to the young!

Guests from (city name)
Now, for congratulations, friends,
A friendly family will stand up!
Strong, united,
In love with each other!
These are guests from the glorious city ...,

Uncle with aunt!
We will listen to their performance,
So, forward, dear people!

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriend

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriends
The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriend

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is a best friend, girlfriend:

There is a lot of beauty in the world.
For example, you are a beauty!
You sparkle like a diamond
You delight us.
You adorn the world by yourself
You are beckoning, teasing, seduce
Beauty and charisma,
Indifferent optimism!

Yana and Vera are familiar with the "pot",
And at school they were even confused slightly.
Secrets were shared for a long time
In his own language as a secret

In the Art school number one
They tried to reach the peaks with the bride.
And after classes - to make up,
To admire the center of the capital.

In Anapa became friends of the last summer,
And with a bunch of children, yet,
Which folkrock on dancing included
And they were taught folk dancing.

Once rivals temporarily became -
When they entered the institute for a artistic and place.
Now colleagues and just friends
They help each other deliberately.

I remember, vaguely, but they say
That together went to one kindergarten,
Later, they would walk on each other when they called
Directly in the windows of each other knocked.

A friend of the groom at school is second,
Famous, by the way, on the pipe of the game.
Still in flowers, he understands great.
He took his fans ... Kirkorov.

From the tenth grade with a female they are friends.
In McDonald's, he serves day and night
Combining with study at the institute cleverly.
To the same-appetizing cooking.

From the 1st year friends and competitors
Geochemists have other accents:
Much more in the country is knitted,
The traveler is noble among the guys.

Beautiful, cheerful, crazy -
You stay like this every day.
The soul, which never discourages,
Neither in the rain, nor in a fierce snowstorm.
You can support advice, business,
A smile that shines on the face.
We inexhaust the flow of energy,
There are so few people like you on Earth.

You are smart, beauty,
You are a bright ray.
You always smile
Like light, in the middle of gloomy clouds.
As if you were singing a song
Easy, lightly live.
You are sweet, wonderful,
You bring joy to everyone.
You can instill hope
And you will help in difficulties!

A clear look, iron nerves,
Beautiful outfit, useful thoughts,
The smile of the bitch, the eyes of the tigress -
Every wise girl should have!

Be always beautiful and careless!
Throw your household chore
So that everyone who is oncoming
"Ah, what a woman has passed!"
And don't forget about makeup, of course,
Even if you go home
So that everyone who is oncoming
"Ah, what a lady, my God!"
And yet, the advice is permanent to you
Take a little glass
So that everyone who is oncoming
"Ah, what a woman, damn it!"

You are a girlfriend so different:
Either moody, then beautiful
Then the monster is intended
Then the beauty Miss Universe,
Either a flexor, then with a character,
Then you are silent, then you swear obscene,
Then in burning horses on a horse
Then you desperately require help,
You will slap the door, put all the points,
You put up, then swear with a girlfriend.
You are not sick, not in the psyche a crack ...
It's just that you are one hundred percent woman!

Friend with his wife.
Here is the family - ……… and ………,
No friends in the world are better!
Funny and cool,
They are beautiful friends!
To them - both with joy and with pain,
Will always meet with bread and salt,
Always hello and understand,
Friendly advice will give
They have a strong family
Congratulations to the young!

Friends of the family.
Well, a noble assembly,
I ask again a minute of attention!
I have further in the program -
Families long -standing friends!
Get up all together, give an example,
And congratulate the young people as soon as possible!

Witness, friend.
He knows the north, knows the south,
…… is the best friend!
After all, only the groom was able to entrust
At your own wedding to be a witness!
Witness ........., worried, waiting,
When the people will notice him!
He came from Russia,
Where lives under the sky blue,
To congratulate the young
Personally look at them!
And then, like a pioneer,
From a friend take an example!
He has all this yet ahead
What will he say now, we will all look!

A close friend of the groom.
He wants a friend, finally
Say a few words (name).
Praise his bride,
What he chose from the whole country,
Happiness in life will wish
And it is useful to give advice!

With whom the young man was lucky - this is with a friend!
With such a wonderful person.
And let the human blizzard mean
And envy rages the rivers.
No matter how, he believes in friendship,
You can be with it.
At least at night he will open the door
And it’s so warm to live with this!

Imperative, delicate,
How strong and how is heated
There is not a gram of black spots
And the whole hall is in love with you!

Dexterous, slender, smart, peppy,
I will give the competitors to the heads!
Look at the proud profile!
This is whose handsome man? Our!
The whole family should be celebrated,
The fact that their son is like that!
For friends, one reward -
You stop and sing!

You are a wise Solomon - resourceful and smart,
And in anger like Ares - dangerous like a demon,
Beautiful as Apollo - at the same time strong,
As a miracle of miracles - I need you all:
Strong, smart and beautiful,
But the main thing is indispensable.

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law
The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is mother -in -law, father -in -law:

The mother of the groom
Close, dear and caring most
Who is on Earth? Well, of course, mom!
Beautiful, good, good as a picture,
The mother of the groom Mom ....!
Dedicated days, sleepless nights
She is her dear son!
Years rushed, not to hide from them,
And before us, the handsome man is the groom!
Mom is strict, of course,
But otherwise she can’t,
Being a boss is not easy
You know everything, friends!
I want everyone to find out here now -
The whole bus station is obeded to her,
She often has to quickly solve -
Who and where and how to send!
And, of course, now
Mom will give you her order!

And the mother-in-law is a fool
It is also very good
Raised for the bride
Udaty fellow!
We will welcome again
Crushed mother -in -law!

Ladies and gentlemen, and here is the father -in -law,
It is more modest, but cheerful and kind.
Greet ____
The matchmaker is a Udlovy, the mother -in -law is expensive!

Beetroot Father are you glad?
The bride has a good look
And the figure ... and the soul
It is also very good.
You have been awarded from now on
The title of father -in -law in this world.
And for the father -in -law this time
We ask you to raise all of you!

The mother -in -law is like a creation of paradise,
You see what yourself!
But doesn’t the blind not notice:
It will pass - as if the sun will illuminate
Look - it will give the ruble!
Well, just a divine look!
The nature of the mother -in -law and appearance
Always coincide, of course.
Well, they prepared all the palms and greeted, a beautiful mother -in -law!

Our father -in -law is the best of men!
He is the strongest, the most daring ...
On the whole earth is one!
Beautiful both soul and body!

You are a noble man
Gentlemen from all sides,
Your profile is highly
I was born for exploits!
Etiquette was written with you,
You are tactful and smart.
Compliment to your motto.
The best minds are glorified!

Dexterous, slender, smart, peppy,
I will give the competitors to the heads!
Look at the proud profile!
This is whose handsome man? Our!
The whole family should be celebrated,
The fact that their son is like that!
For friends, one reward -
Sweet a cute father -in -law and sing!

The soul is beautiful and very kind,
You are strong talent and with your heart are generous.
All your ideas, dreams of beautiful
Lessons, ventures will not be in vain!
You managed to find the road to children,
May success on this path await you!

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law
The comic representation of guests at the wedding - mother -in -law, father -in -law

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is mother -in -law, father -in -law:

The mother -in -law is like a bride herself.
From the most butt dough,
The mouth is like honey sugar,
Eyes - they are ready to argue with the sun.
Words - that halva - this is necessary
And the voice is delighted for hearing.
I will say more clearly and easier -
Lucky bride and mother -in -law.
We will welcome everything, dear mother -in -law,
The light has not yet seen such a good.

(Patron name) - Get up - show yourself to good people and all honest people!

For mother -in -law:
You are now not easy - mother's mother
But also mother -in -law, by the way.
Our mother -in -law is good -
There is a beauty, and there is a soul.

For her health and success -
Drink a spell, is not a sin at all!
Now it’s easier to talk:
You can call a mother, you can just mother -in -law.

Tender and attractive,
Always charming.
Funny and sweet
Wonderful, beautiful!

What kind of charm (name) is ours -
Good without makeup!
Apparently blue blood
And worthy of kings!

For father -in -law:
Your wife has become mother -in -law
And you haven't gotten behind
You are father -in -law! And then there is one conclusion:
You now have a son -in -law and a son.
And there is still a matchmaker
Expand wider the arms!
For a father -in -law, I ask you to drink standing
He is simply worthy of this.

The man is in the most juicy form
Your fragrance, like honey, beckons,
And women, like a magnet,
They fly their love to give.
Gait Lionia, unhurried
Close the car.
- Are we delighted?
- Yes. Of course!
You have a unique style!

How the lion is strong and beautiful,
Galanten with ladies, teaching,
The soul is gentle and beautiful
And for offenders is dangerous.
Cares and love are full,
He does not humiliate the weak,
The defender is brave and soldier,
Everyone is happy with the father -in -law.

The character is kind and playful,
It is noisy in burning.
In ideas - he is invincible,
How right - it will chop everything from the shoulder.
And shoulders, torso - from Apollo,
Eyes shine, a smile is not easy.
Following women sigh languidly
Well, not a man, but a dream!

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - Aunts, uncles

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - Aunts, uncles
The comic representation of guests at the wedding - Aunts, uncles

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - Aunts, Uncle:

Look, with a parade
Aunt here, and nearby - an uncle.
This couple is good
Any company soul!

You are today, uncle with aunt,
You won’t leave congratulations!
I hasten to notice you friends,
This is a great family:
Uncle - AS, driver.
In the best races the winner,
And the aunt has his own gift -
She is a wonderful cook!
These make cakes
That just open your mouths!
How delicious in kind, in kind,
Judge by uncle's figure!
Well, dear, get up,
Congratulate the newlyweds!

Aunt (name), uncle (name)
The neighbors were for a long time
Souliness and kindness are not measured.
Borsch, bread, salt, their family is famous
Everyone likes such relatives!

Uncle (name) and aunt (name)
The bride’s relatives are a cousin,
No one will say, looking at the aunt
That they have four grandchildren at home - a quartet!
And the grandmother, by the way, is also a poet!
The main chief chief of grandchildren - (name),
The sister is a second cousin, and just a picture!

Uncle (name) and aunt (name)
Relatives with my mother's side
The bride remembers glorious days,
How her relatives accepted her,
And here - at the wedding I walked with you.

But the uncle (name, you can with the last name)
He knows the bride from the first year.
At the wedding of my parents, I walked
Now the paparazzi has become their daughter!

Meet: uncle (name)!
He is so good!
I managed to help everyone in life!
Kukaryamba sang the bride.

The famous needlewoman is!
And she raised her daughter with an artist,
And became the inspirer for the bride.

Look at the parade
Aunt is here, and next to the uncle.
Only there is weakness - loans
Well (name, patronymic, surname)
Tell us certainly
Tell us what you want.

Here's another uncle with aunt
You won't get away from congratulations
I hasten to notice you friends
Here is an unusual family

Look at the aunt (name)
It always looks excellent
She's just a lighter, but if it is tipsy,
It will dance like at a wedding, straight on a festive table
Next to her spouse (name)
Before everyone in sight
Kohl uncle is very angry
Wait for him to send all (far)
Well, the mechanic get up
Try to drill a speech.

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - godfather, godfather

The comic representation of guests at the wedding - godfather, godfather
The comic representation of guests at the wedding - godfather, godfather

The comic representation of the guests at the wedding - the godfather, the godfather:

And again a pleasant excitement
Honorary guests performance
We have a lady here
Cross bride (bride) Mom
In the godson (godson) she does not have a soul
And he loves his wonderful garden.

He loves and boxing, loves the guitar.
In computer games, it will give the heat to anyone.
We will say honestly-without sin
The name is the beloved godfather.

Here is a family friend - another godmother
She is trusted by people without doubt
Brothers, joy, fit of mood.
The military meets at work every day
The eastern dance will dance so - you will fall.

It is not easy to call it - the line is loaded
The husband and he sees it nearby only during dinner
Not the last person in an important company,
We meet a clever man, beauty - a godfather (name).

He is a strict boss and loving husband,
In the workshop, you will not beat him a buck.
He is a special shipbuilding, the frame is good
The best godfather in the world - (name)

Who will come to my aid, who will always help?
With a kind word, it will calm down, and even by business too.
Furniture will make you in the last fashion for you
And now the applause is the godmother (name).

I will spend all evening with you next
And I will delight the guests with a wedding rite.
And I hope that you are all terrible to me,
Today I am a godfather - I command a parade!

The bride has a godfather that you can’t take away your eyes
Laughing and jokingly put an injection
(Name and patronymic) - our Panadol.

Uncle Victor is her husband, he is a driver with us.
I see him in the eyes - he will be watching us all.
And then he jokes a little, he will get to laughter
And the gift will give you the keys to the new Bahe.

The comic performance of guests at the wedding - grandparents

Comic show of guests at the wedding - grandparents
The comic performance of guests at the wedding - grandparents

The comic performance of guests at the wedding - grandparents:

Who walks together in a row?
These are grandmothers a detachment!
Who walks together in the leg?
Grandmothers give the road!
Experienced, wise,
Gold, emerald
Smart, calm,
The most worthy!

Who is the grandmother?
Not an old woman at all.
Grandmother for grandson (or granddaughter)
Best girlfriend.

Grandmother cooks compote
Grandma leads on a campaign
Everything will be able to, everything will have time.
Never down

Grandfather is always wise father
And more reliable and kind.
He will be able to understand the grandson (granddaughter)
Becoming a boy again.

Like lines from the verse:

Two Grannies of the groom!
Grandma wants ... ..
Wish for mutual love,
Well, and grandmother ……
He wants great -grandchildren, of course!
We very much ask the young
We fulfill their requests!
Come on, grandmothers, get up,
Wish the young happiness!

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is sisters, brother

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is sisters, brother
The comic representation of guests at the wedding is sisters, brother

The comic representation of guests at the wedding is sisters, brother:

Following Mom here, undoubtedly
There will be a brother and wife
The youngest brother as an example,
The elder is an engineer.
They are with ... - All attention! -
Work in construction companies!
... .. makes projects,
Well, and ... builds it!
So, people, do not be embarrassed -
You can safely contact them,
Kohl will think about who
Build a new home!
Well, and most importantly, notice,
That they live a strong family,
There is a daughter ....
What is slim, like a ballerina!
……, the time just
To give his order to the groom.
Like from the elder from his brother,
Well, bolder guys!

I will tell you without deception
What is the groom ....
There are reliable guys -
Cousins \u200b\u200bare four brothers!
Brothers cousins! Very noble

Brother ... .. with his wife ........
Find it better -
Brother cousin ... ..!
Here on the territory
He is with his wife …….
They will tell you honestly,
Very friendly family!
In general, on behalf of two
They will congratulate the young!

Brother with the bride.
At our wedding, everything is not so simple -
Foreign guests are present here!
Brother cousin ... ..,
He is from ....... .. - right to us!
With his bride ... ..,
Beloved beauty,
So you can be proud of
There are guests from abroad!
We, of course, ask them
Hurry up to the young!

Brother with his wife.
You can safely have fun -
There is a police next to us!
Reliable guard ours -
That cousin ... ..!
And spouse without flaw,
His dear ………!
It is reliable with her, as if in a tank,
After all, she is a bank employee!
They also have a son, ……,
In general, a strong family!
Get friendly sooner
Wish the young happiness!

They beat drums, fanfares rattles,
Next in line is a cousin again!
And let's say right - here he is:
……. - He is a student, a gold man!
Soon he will completely finish studying
And there will be a whole family ........ be proud!
Come on ......., don't be shy, get up!
And congratulate the young people!

For Zolovka
Who sings and dances deftly?
We will tell you - Silka!
Brother's sister is good -
Beauty, rich in mind.
And when it's time to come
For the daughter -in -law, it will become
Not as a sister, but a sister
And a girlfriend's native.
Tamada-show a dexterity!
Let's drink together for our sinking!

For Dever
Dever is a husband brother
Respect him a hundred times,
He will come to visit the holiday
He is a joker and he is a prankster
He loves to give gifts
Sometimes two cups will drink
And in general, our maiden is
He is a brother for that and husband!
For him on a glass right away
Let's drink without blinking and an eye.

For Shurin
Wife has a brother too
And he is with us here too.
He will not give offense sister
This is clear even in appearance.
And for Shurin friends
I will drink this glass
I'll ask you not fussing
Pour and join

Characterization of guests for a wedding for the host - examples

Characterization of guests for a wedding for the host - Examples
Characterization of guests for a wedding for the host - examples

Characteristics of guests for a wedding for the host are examples:

Relatives of the bride.
We know for certain -
It has loved ones and the bride!
Slava walks around the country
And about the true relatives!

Canceling things, abandoning them away,
The bride of relatives came to visit us!
Hello they brought you a lot
From the Ukrainian and Transnistrian land!

Mom of the bride.
Pretty and lovely,
Mom is a sweet bride,
And beautiful, like an actress,
Mother…….., ……..!
I will say more clearly and easier -
Lucky bride and mother -in -law!
She was not easy for her lot,
After all, her calling is children!
In a month she was just
Again to school, to first grade!
And today, I know for sure
How worried about my daughter!
Wants to wish happiness
Everything is ready to give her!

Near my mother is the best friend
Her devoted husband
He is not a locksmith, not an actor,
…… .. - valiant miner!
We wish them in love to live.
They and the word say!

Grandmothers of the bride.
Our bride has ours,
That in the world is more charming
Two beloved grannies
Two grannies are beautiful!
The first is granny ....... ..,
How she wants to be
Everything is fine with the young
Life flowed, as if in a fairy tale!
I would like to start
To download your great -grandchildren!
Well, and grandmother …….
Also wants to wish you
So that blood is seething in veins
You have two with happiness!
Together, grandmothers, get up,
Congratulate your grandchildren!

The first teacher, a friend of mom.
The first teacher,
Mom's friend is true
With a son who loves ....... .. -
He is the best with mom!
……… .. we want to say:
Thank you for teaching the bride to read and write!
She will be able to save the hearth,
To my husband love letters write,
The family budget will be able to calculate!
Well, now you congratulate the bride,
For her groom, (as in school), put an assessment!

The neighbors and friends of the family.
Good people, friends and neighbors -
…… .., ………, and their son ..........
More sincer, you will not find kinder in the world,
A good neighbor is given to us only from God!
A neighbor and a friend is so difficult to be together!
............, ....... .., get up more,
For the young congratulations, take it!

Family from Donetsk.
Attention! Attention! Programs Nails!
Meet the next guests!
In the middle of bright wedding colors,
And wedding shine -
The best representatives of the city of Donetsk!
Here is the Donetsk family,
Bosom friends,
They arrived in Odessa
Congratulate the bride and groom!
…… .., husband - a brave miner,
Maybe this is not everyone!
And the second half
True spouse ………,
An important person is also -
Under her beginning - ZhEK!
There are kids - ....... .. and ...........
In general, a complete idyll!
Get friendly sooner
Congratulate the bride and groom!

Family from Moscow.
These are guests from Moscow,
The city is big, notice!
Uncle ……., ………,
Has an entrepreneurial gift!
What's what, is always ingenuating
And then - undertakes!
……… are working on the shift,
Though a woman, imagine!
So whatever you say
There is courage in her blood!
Daughter ......... is growing and giving hopes!
Get up, cute, get up
You will congratulate the young!

Witness and girlfriend.
Although she is not from abroad, she is also called lyrical ....!
The honorary role has now had a role -
Looks like a password knows to the bride’s heart!
And there is no mission on earth more interesting -
The witness to be the sweetest bride!
Her task - they have not seen more difficult:
Make sure that the bride is not stolen from the groom!
So that there were shoes in place, veil -
She should always remember this!
But we allow her to raise a glass,
To his friend to say to his girlfriend!
Let them get up to be noticed,
Witnessing family!

Now we will all show us the class,
Girlfriends of the bride, I'm talking about you!
Goodbye ... ... for a long time with toys,
But not with your favorite girlfriends!
With friends, everything is common - and sweets,
Soul secrets, big secrets!
Girlfriends ... .. and ......... - -
Try to find more beautiful in the world!
Get up, say boldly your word!

Comic characteristics of guests at a wedding for the tamada with a brief description

Comic characteristics of guests at a wedding for the tamada with a brief description
Comic characteristics of guests at a wedding for the tamada with a brief description

The comic characteristic of guests at a wedding for the toastmaster with a brief description:

Native groom
Well, in the program I have
Brothers relatives!
We will listen to their congratulations
So, forward, dear people!
They carried your childhood in their hands,
They fed, cherished, took it to school.
Taught work and care
Although they were tired of difficult work.
Parents of the groom _______
The following are my aunt uncle
You are very happy to congratulate you
We give them a word
And of course we pour
Now we will be boldly given the word
The roots of the genealogical tree
The power of wisdom in the roots
The family is kept on the feet
Grandmothers and grandfathers
Here is a holiday today!
We walk together, with the whole gouns!
We are so happy for you today
For the whole week we will go into the binge!
But this is later, but nowgodparents
Hurry to congratulate you!
Aunt Nadia
Attention! Attention!
Great programs!
Meet the next guest!
Not a guest, but a guest, because she
Favorite aunt is named
We have aunt in the Hall of Aunt
Aunt, just the upper class!
Aunts we have
When will you start applauding them?
Aunt is native blood. Everyone heard about this.
You are stronger with your native, more significant and higher,
Especially when your dear is your brother ...
Ready to give the word to the brother,
So that he can congratulate you on love
Brother with his wife
And for sweets with us
There is a couple - the upper class!
Sister and her we
I am always happy to see you
So as not to miss this thought
To fully develop her
Native tribes are coming to us
What business he is!
Who will continue our story?
Who are the next?
Brothers and sisters cousins!
Sibly noble!
And then the presentation of this plan
Following the sisters and brothers Swach!
We will decorate our banquet from the eagle duet!
Among our among guests
A family of close friends!
Souliness and kindness are not measured.
Their family is famous for their kindness,
Everyone likes such people!

Friend of the groom

He knows the north, knows the south,
(Name) The most faithful brother and friend!
If he slams a glass
On the chest will tear the vest
Well, if he pounds, the whole regiment will re -be it!

Native brides
We continue the performance!
Gift gifts a hand!
And to the below relative
We are quite favorable!
There is a person in the life of everyone is the main one,
Each of us agrees with this here.
This, of course, is a dear mother ...
Let's give her a word now
The bride’s mother ....
This is who is the elegant
Who has such an outcome?
This is (name), our brother
Smiles sitting!
He drinks vodka in a gunsar-
He gives her sister to marry!
I think friends that you do not mind
Grease your native aunt!
Aegee! People! Well, don't regret it
And a glass to the edges pour
Respectable wise grandmother
We meet more fun!
The youth suffered for a long time
I wanted to congratulate very young
Express your love
They are pleased again and again!
(Sergey, Tanya, Anya.
Zhenya, Sveta, Julia).
What the godfather knows for sure
And does not throw words into the wind
Reply for the bazaar is quite ready
The godfather uncle is smart, brave!
Toast to say, be glad to congratulate.
Our guys in love.
Aunt dear, native uncle
We ask you the Lord!
I will tear you away from lunch
Look here
This cute lady
Bride sister
Her husband Andrey with her
What would be more fun.

She will hear the hearts of a measured knock,
Will feel the slightest excitement
She is at any time your best friend
It has so much tenderness, participation and patience ...
Anyone is ready to help at a moment.
The best friend will give the word

Comic representation of relatives at a wedding in verses

The comic performance is related at the wedding in verses
Comic representation of relatives at a wedding in verses

The comic performance of the relatives at the wedding in verses:

Presenter: And here is a big friendly family -
Matchmakers and Svivay, spouse and spouse.
Now they are all new relatives
So let them hug each other.
(turns to son -in -law and mother -in -law).
We know - our mother -in -law
It will not be a skinny son -in -law.
Son -in -law, you respect the mother -in -law,
Come and hug!
Son -in -law and mother -in -law: We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.
Presenter: Growed up, hugged,
They dispersed for a short while.
(Turns to the daughter -in -law and mother -in -law).
Daughter -in -law, love his mother -in -law,
After all, her son is your love.
Mother -in -law, take the bride,
Like a daughter, hug tightly!
Son -in -law and mother -in -law: (they say or read):
We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.
LeadingGrowed up, hugged,
They dispersed for a short while.
(Turns to his son -in -law and a father -in -law).
Father -in -law for a son -in -law is the best friend.
Everyone knows it.
Together in garage, football and fishing,
You are father-in-law, son-in-law, hug you soon!
Son -in -law and father -in -law (they say or read):
We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.
LeadingGrowed up, hugged,
They dispersed for a short while.
(Turns to the daughter -in -law and mother -in -law).
The daughter -in -law of the father -in -law will be called,
Sit and treat the table.
The father -in -law will take care of her,
Back, hug you the father -in -law soon!
Bride and father -in -law (they say or read):
We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.
LeadingGrowed up, hugged,
They dispersed for a short while.
(Turns to the fucking).
So that the young people would not know,
Now two sivates will hug.
They will help their grandchildren to educate
Cover on the table and take everything in the house.
Fucks (they say or read):
We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.
LeadingGrowed up, hugged,
They dispersed for a short while.
(Turns to the matchmakers).
There are two more close relatives,
This is a father - a father -in -law and father - father -in -law.
But they prefer not to climb anywhere.
For this, they honor and honor.
Come on, match, you hug a matchmaker,
And the guests, pour complete the cup!
Matchmakers (they say or read):
We are now relatives now
Hug it soon!
Once, two - hug
Three, four - I press.

Presentation of guests at a wedding in verses

Vedas: Now we give applause together
The names of the young, e.g. Svetlana with Igor, our beautiful couple!
Vedas.: Welcome guests of the honors of the most,
Parents in love with our couple!
Vedas: Fanfares will be overtaken, do not hide!
Native brothers, sisters, get up!
Vedas.: Now we welcome relatives of all!
Well, where are you aunts, uncles? Hands up!
Vedas: I will ask you not to hide my emotions,
Welcome cousins \u200b\u200band brothers!
Vedas: And again we will repeat the greeting in a circle -
All relatives-wave to each other!
Vedas.: We are all now
Friends of the family! Ovasions in honor of you!
Vedas.: Ah, how many cute girls around,
Welcome brief friends!
Vedas.: Hey girls, do not regret your hands!
We will look at the groom!
Vedas: And where else will you find such
Great work colleagues?
Vedas.: Well, we will fix the acquaintance with a toast
I wish you all health, happiness, growth,
May the guests become all mighty and one
The family is happy, strong, indivisible!

IMPORTANT: The name and name is proud can be replaced.

Friends, today, without deception,
With the culprits of the wedding ball.
Without preface, at the same hour,
Let me introduce you.

So she was the name Julia
The bride in Omsk was born,
Innocent charms are full
In the eyes of her parents she
They bloomed like a lily of the lily of the lily of a hidden.

Always modest, always obedient,
As a kiss of love Mila;
Eyes like the sky, gray-blue
Smile, linen curls
Movements, voice, gentle camp,
The bride is just an ideal!

The bride graduated from the School of Arts
Then the pedagogical college, the “guideline” courses.
Various circle of Julia interests
Sewing, advertising, in the store consultant cashier

From the hobbies of modeling, drawing
Crafts, wedding decor.
She is thin, she needs a special understanding
Comfort has always appreciated romance.

According to the sign of the zodiac Julia "Cancer".
Calm, comfortable, homemade.
And even if something is wrong with the mood
Everything will be smoothly smooth.

She, like a cat is elegant and tender
Purr in the ear, creates comfort
Cinema, theater loves, coastal recreation areas
The guys take them to their wife and take it!

And, despite the fact that the lady,
In all, he will achieve what he will outline.
I fell in love, - got married
He also dreams of traveling about children.

And what about our groom Alexander?
Brunette green-focused, pretty
Board in the best
He is home and energetic!
Family replenishes the budget.

Our groom is also from a pedagogical college, a scientist
Works in the organization "Instazhspetsstroy"
And the welder and the builder, he is passionate about forging
He cooked a table for the wedding, dismantled the window.

And by nature cheerful and perirable
And was a member of the KVN team
Once he was engaged in volleyball.
A fan of playing in a computer in a computer.

The guys from the college knew each other
After studying, together went to stop
But only then good friends
And only after the army, the groom began to carefully care for.

Gave flowers, walked around the park,
He drove in the cinema, skates and skis in winter.
And in the summer the sun, the beach was very hot
And every day they became closer to each other.

They communicated easily, understanding with a half.
Two halves of the whole one.
And the groom does not need the happiness of other
Just hear, see your beloved every day.

What to do with them two does not matter
"Let's get married" to watch or walk around the park
Such love only happens once
She became a gift for them for them

And on the great Victory Day,
At the temple, kneeling before the bride
Our groom told about his decision
The wedding ring was so to the place!

It happened! Let there be happiness
For many years, for many winters.
Love to you, peace and agreement
Under the sky always blue.

  Presenter: Gathered ladies all together
They shout loudly: "Hurray to the bride!" (Guests scream)
And now only men
Shout to the groom: "Well done!" (Guests scream)
And now we chant it together: "Congratulations!"
Such a beautiful pair in a triple copy (guests shout three times “Congratulations!”)
- Of the events today, the event!
We welcome the power of the marriage ties!
And we stand on the threshold of the opening:
We meet a family union.
- Dear newlyweds!
Everything is ready for us. Smiles on the faces!
Dreams of all the cherished ones obviously come true!
Let everything that is conceived be successful!
Applause sound newlywed! (applause)

Video: Presenting guests at the wedding

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  1. Wow, a cool selection. I will use.

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