Wedding 2022-2023: What to give to the newlyweds this year? A selection of gifts from which the young will be delighted

Wedding 2022-2023: What to give to the newlyweds this year? A selection of gifts from which the young will be delighted

We select young gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023: ideas of non-banal gifts.

Have you received an invitation to the wedding? Congratulations! In the near future you will go to an unforgettable triumph of love and unity of fate. Want to please the newlyweds with a unique, unusual gift at the wedding in 2022-2023? We know what to give the newlyweds so that they are delighted with your presentation.

Cool gift for a wedding
Cool gift for a wedding

What to pay attention to when choosing a gift for a wedding of 2022-2023?

So, there are three gold rules, following which you will probably learn what to give the newlyweds so that they are delighted. What to pay attention to when choosing a gift for a wedding of 2022-2023:

  • The amount that you allocate for the gift. Yes, and yes, this is one of the most important criteria that allows you to remain in reality. Maybe you will reach the idea that the newlyweds dream of a car or apartment in the capital, but the point of this, if the budget for a gift is $ 200-300? At the same time, even with an amount of $ 100, you can choose such a successful gift that the young will remember him all their lives! In this section, it is worth mentioning the calculation of the minimum amount. The costs of your service at the celebration, plus 30 %. This is considered a reasonable approach from an economic point of view. So, if a wedding in a modest cafe or a light buffet, then you can stop at a minimum of 150-200 dollars per person, if it is an elite restaurant, then the amount should be at least $ 700;
  • Material or emotional gift. Some 50 years ago, an emotional gift was a ticket on a wedding trip. Parents made such a gift, and everyone else, presented material gifts in the form of carpets, dishes, bedding and other elementary positions of home life. Today we are still happy with material gifts, but the values \u200b\u200bhave changed dramatically. We will talk more about this in the following sections;

  • Values \u200b\u200band interests of the newlyweds. And not everyone is in an individual format, but their common interests. For example, you can’t give a ball with signatures of legendary football players for a wedding, even if the bridegroom is an ardent fan of football. It will also be inappropriate to look a gift for an annual subscription to the spa for the bride. At the same time, the husband will enjoy the gift? Moreover, if the newlyweds adore computer games, the newfangled game console will cause a storm of emotions in both.

And a little more about values, especially for those who have already become an older generation. When choosing a gift, look at what the newlyweds “breathe”, turning a blind eye to an attempt to rebel in an inner voice. Also, do not guarantee blindly on the advice of friends and friends who will “tell” what they gave for weddings in recent years.

Today we have more individuality, and you need to choose based on this, since the enthusiasm of one pair does not mean that the other young couple will be delighted with the same gift. By the way, today there are couples who enthusiastically accept a set of pots as a gift, especially if they adore culinary shows and experiments in their kitchen. So study the question - and the enthusiasm in the eyes of the young is guaranteed!

Original silver spoons with engraving for young
Original silver spoons with engraving for young

Emotional gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023: Ideas

We will not make a discovery if we say that in 2022-2023, generation Z generation is already in full swing. These are people born and grew up in landscaped houses with all the benefits of civilization, living in the digital world and fundamentally reviewing the world's views. Bouquets of flowers? Young people are increasingly indifferent to them and in the invitation they often ask to give soft toys, animal food or other things instead of flowers, which can then be sent to charity.

Another feature of the generation Z is the cut off excess. They cost a minimum of things, a minimum of clothing, indifferent to tea service, but they really value emotions. If you wondered what to hand over older newlyweds - the gift emotion is also suitable. But be sure to take into account the features of the couple.

Emotional gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023:

  • Gift-travel. Do you know that the young dreams of flying to Bali? Give them such an opportunity, but consider certain nuances in choosing such a gift. The presence of passports if the tour is beyond the country. The desire of the newlyweds to go on a tour in this direction. The plans are young. For example, if you are parents or close friends, you can tell young people that you are planning a surprise for such dates. And if you want to make a real surprise, without any warnings, order a tour, 2-3 months after the wedding date. This will be a pleasant continuation of the honeymoon.
Gift-travel newlywed
Gift-travel newlywed
  • Flight on a balloon. If the gift is intended on the wedding day, discuss all the details with the organizers of the wedding. They know how to hide a surprise from the young, and beautifully lead to the presentation of the flight. It is important to consider factors such as fear of heights. If it has at least one of the couple, give up this idea. Wedding is not the best time to overdo fear.
Balloon flight on a wedding day
Balloon flight on a wedding day
  • Weekend for two. A romantic camp site in the forest, a luxurious spa salon with paired procedures, a year to the year or a descent underground. In our immense country, there is so much interesting and new that you easily pick up such a gift even with a modest budget.
Weekend for two
Weekend for two
  • All kinds of master classes and gifts giving experience. If the newlyweds love to sing, a coupon for recording a song with professional processing. They love eco-control-a master class on pottery or weaving from a vine. They love the television show - a subscription to visit your favorite television show. The same paragraph include the preparation lessons from eminent chefs, writing paintings and knowledge of sensuality. Anything that can bring delight in a joint pastime.
Song recording in the studio
Song recording in the studio

Emotions also include presentations as invited stars, magicians, dance groups and other entertainment at the wedding. But again, making such a surprise is worth only with close cooperation with the organizers of the celebration.

Material gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023: Ideas

Asking the question of what to give the newlyweds, most people still want to make a material present. And if you need to cut off the tea service in the root, then what to buy? If you remember a simple rule - the gift should give positive emotions, then the choice of material gift will be much easier.

So, the first point is how to turn a banal wedding gift, into the one that will remember for many years. Make it unique! Let's move on to the examples.

Material gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023:

  • Bedding set - A wedding gift, old as our world. They will necessarily thank him, maybe they will even go to sleep on him, but he will not crash into memory at all. And if you order an individual design, with personalization? Embroidery of names, common surname, wedding dates and other features. Photo, from their common photo shoots and so on. And do not forget about the bedding of the KamaSutra. If you are brave, and the newlyweds with a sense of humor, they will not only approve such a present, but will also operate to holes.
Original bedding set
Original bedding set
  • Appliances. If you often visit young people, see what you would like young from innovations in recent years. Dishwasher, robot vacuum cleaner, deep fryer or funds. Even a LED lover with all the colors of the rainbow with remote control can become a “this” gift that will cause a storm of emotions.
Household appliances - a great gift for a wedding in 2022-2023
Household appliances-a great gift for a wedding in 2022-2023
  • In a separate item, it is worth highlighting Entertaining equipment. These are TVs, game consoles, films, acoustic systems and much more.
Projector for films
Projector for films
  • Painting - A chic way to congratulate the young. Especially if it depicts the young themselves. It can be both a classic solution and modular paintings that fit perfectly into a modern interior.
Picture - portrait of the newlywed
Picture - portrait of the newlywed
  • Their personal book. If you are close friends and are familiar with the history of their love in detail, order a novel in which the newlyweds are the main characters. Illustrations with their photos, high -quality binding and glossy pages will conquer not only young, but all guests.
Personal book
Personal book
  • Paired things. It can be paired t -shirts with an original personalized print, or there may be chic bathrobes from a famous brand. In this case, learn about your favorite color preferences of young people, as well as about their beloved heroes, cartoons and films. Perhaps they just need pajamas in the form of their favorite superheroes?
Paired things - a chic gift for a wedding
Paired things - a gorgeous gift for a wedding

Gifts with humor and meaning for the wedding in 2022-2023

Wedding is a time of laughter, positive emotions and all kinds of jokes from friends. Gifts with humor are most often a penny, and envelopes with money are attached to them. But there are also options that are worth it to spend a decent.

Gifts with humor and meaning for the wedding in 2022-2023:

  • You can put on the table young brick, with the words: “The first brick, for the construction of the house and family happiness. And if the husband does not delight his wife - it will come in handy as education. ". This will cause laughter, but if you pre -take care, and order an individual brick with the names of the bride and groom, as well as the date and time of the wedding - this is a gift with a meaning that will be preserved for many years.
Brick - a gift for a wedding
Brick - a gift for a wedding
The first brick of family happiness
The first brick of family happiness
  • Also, gifts with humor include Toilet paper, a pack of napkins or a deck of cards with the image of dollars or euros. First, it is worth presenting this gift, and when the first emotions come in - supplement with a present or an envelope with money.
  • A great gift for those who go with humor in life - a belt of fidelity with a huge lock.
Toilet paper with jokes
Toilet paper with jokes

Wedding plate
Wedding plate
Cool gift for a wedding
Cool gift for a wedding
Wedding Sberbank
Wedding Sberbank

A savings book for newlyweds for a wedding with their own hands: ideas, master class.

Jewelry gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023

Gold and silver have not lost its relevance today. A gorgeous gift can be a jewelry or an original set of paired jewelry. For example, a male gold chain and a female necklace made in a single style.

Jewelry gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023:

  • An interesting gift - pair bracelets with the initials of young. It can be both silver and gold bracelets made by individual order.
Jewelry gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023
Jewelry gifts for a wedding in 2022-2023
  • For young people who value luxury can be chosen as a gift table silver, gilded designer box, original figurine. Or Faberge's egg, if the funds allow.

In 2022-2023, the value of Metal still takes the background, and the main note of the jewelry gift for the wedding is personalization. Therefore, choosing what to give the newlyweds for a wedding in 2022-2023, focus more on individual orders, and not positions from the mass market. But if you stopped at the latter, complement the present with a unique engraving.

How to give an original wedding money in 2022-2023?

And no matter how carefully there was a search for a gift, sometimes choosing what to give the newlyweds for a wedding in 2022-2023, money is the best solution. But at the same time, you should not dwell on the laconic envelope with money.

Tips on how to give an original wedding money in 2022-2023:

  • So, if you have creative potential and a couple of evenings - build a cake from money. Change dollars for small bills and get down to business. The main thing here is not to get carried away, and not to glue the bills tightly. Choose a method by which the newlyweds will be able to restore a pack of money if you want.
Cake from money for a wedding
Cake from money for a wedding
  • An interesting idea is bouquets of money, as well as cash trees from this currency.
  • There is no time to work painstakingly? Bank with "women" It will solve all issues. Do not forget to glue a cheerful inscription.
Bank with greens
Bank with "Greens"

Bouquet of the newlyweds
Bouquet of the newlyweds
Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding

Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding
Cash gift for a wedding

List of ideas of original and cool gifts for a wedding

  • The film-congratulations for the wedding. Wishes of guests and video photography mounted in a single whole;
  • A game-quest with a wedding theme for the bride and groom;
  • Playing book for housekeeping with photos of young;
  • For courageous - a gift from a kamasutra;
  • Rooms for a baby stroller;
  • Paired things with funny inscriptions;
  • A huge T -shirt, which both with the inscription "Family" will fit;
  • A double sleeping bag with a family print;
  • Huge family piggy bank;
  • Room for the newlyweds in the best hotel in the city;
  • A set of dishes made of unpacked glass with the inscription "To clarify the relationship";
  • Electric carfire for cozy tea parties;
  • A blanket with sleeves for two;
  • Anti -Changes that show the time of sleep, love, rest, walks, etc. They can count the time in the opposite direction;
  • Original bedding with photos of spouses;
  • Large mittens for two;
  • Dolls with the faces and figures of the participants in the celebration;
  • Sculpture depicting a pair;
  • A huge certificate for the purchase of home goods or children in an eminent store;
  • Product with a photo and the logo of the young: an alcoholic drink, chocolate, a jam bank, etc.;
  • Murals with photos of young;
  • Subscription for a year in cinema, theater, etc.;
  • Paired velor robes;
  • Planet or site on the moon, with a personal certificate;
  • Extreme certificate for two;
  • Vacation certificate for two;
  • Certificate of training for young;
  • A bottle of wine with the date of the wedding and a photo of the young, which must be opened on the anniversary (5.10.25 years of the wedding);
  • Certificate for a photo shoot of the anniversary of the young from the eminent photographer;
  • Composition in honor of the young (words of the song associated with young);
  • Fireworks for young;
  • Horoscope for the family;
  • Decorated family tree with a place for future children;
  • Heraldry with symbols of a young couple;
  • Original sweets for young;
  • Bicycle tandem - a bicycle with two seats for her husband and wife;
  • Castle Castle Heart;
  • Show with the online manufacture of the picture "Voice";
  • Magician with a show;
  • Dance number from the star;
  • Invited star to a wedding;
  • Picnic set;
  • Travel set;
  • Paired suitcases;
  • Picture on numbers with photos of young;
  • A picture with zones for the wishes of young people (filled with guests);
  • The floor lamp shown by the photo of the young;
  • Luxurious key holder;
  • Certificate for the work of the designer at home;
  • Family cookies;
  • Paired headphones;
  • Family thermos;
  • Home simulator if a sports family;
  • Compass of love;
  • Family tent;
  • Folding gazebo;
  • Inflatable pool;
  • Sunlocks;
  • Country furniture from a rattan;
  • B-B-Q;
  • Pair decoration;
  • Light music;
  • Garland with iridescent names of young people.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video with ideas what to give the newlyweds for a wedding in 2022-2023.

Video: What to give for a wedding? 8 cool and original ideas. How to give money?

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