How to get married quickly, in one day: conditions, documents. Is it possible to sign on the day the application is submitted?

How to get married quickly, in one day: conditions, documents. Is it possible to sign on the day the application is submitted?

Marriage in one day: what needs to be presented for painting on the day the application is submitted.

The marriage is the moment when the two fates are intertwined into a single whole and form a family. In this article we will tell you how to get married in one day and how much it will cost.

How many years can you get married, marry officially in Russia?

The generally accepted norms of age for marriage in Russia is the achievement of the 18th anniversary of young people.
This age is called adulthood, when young people reach the necessary psychological level of development at which they can get a job and psychologically support their family, adequately responsible for their actions, which means they can marry and marry.

From the age of 16 it is allowed to marry the Russian Federation In the presence of some reasons - the bride’s pregnancy or accommodation in the region where the local administration can independently push the wedding age.

Russia is a multinational state and in some regions a marriage is reduced.

From the age of 15, it is allowed get married local administration c

  • Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
  • Murmansk region
  • Chelyabinsk region

From 14 years of age is allowed  get married local administration c

  • Chechen Republic
  • Republic of Adygea

Foreigners in Russia marry According to its rules and at the age that is allowed in their country.

Where do you need to sign the young if they want to marry?

Have you met your fate and decided to legitimize relations? Want to get married in one day? You will need to contact the registry office with the passports of the bride and groom. Do not know where the registry office is located in your village? You can find information on the official site.

Please note that you can choose any registry office without paying attention to the place of registration.

You can also apply through the service " My documents" on the site.

We just want to sign quickly - for how much and how to submit an application?

Do you dream of getting married in one day, but there are no good reasons? If you plan a celebration, then the registry office given by the state structure can be turned into a magical preparation of the celebration. If you submit the application to the registry office in the usual order - we'll have to expect a month.

If you apply through internet on the website of public services - The term can be either equal to the 1st calendar month, and exceed this period. By the link, above, on the website of the State Services, you will find detailed instructions for submitting an application.

How to sign at the registry office immediately, on the day of circulation, for 1 day: Conditions of urgent registration of marriage

Currently, more and more young people want to draw up relationships as soon as possible and do not plan a solemn part and a banquet. It is difficult to get married in one day, but if you can confirm this need for documents, it is quite possible.

Marriage registration conditions for 1 day:

  • Pregnancy. Confirmation - a certificate from the clinic about the gestational age. Employees of the registry office are not doctors and do not carry out painting on the highlighting abdomen. Therefore, without documentary confirmation, they may not go to the meeting;
  • Already born children from both scolding. Confirmation - birth certificate of a child with the name of the parents in the document;
  • Military service. Confirmation - the agenda;
  • A business trip or a long departure of one of the young. Confirmation - documents confirming departure and long stay.

Get married in one day in connection with pregnancy

Many couples are formed in student life, and live for a long time without legitimizing relationships. Often they reach the last moment, and then they solve the question of how to get married in one day in order to switch to a new stage of relations.

This is especially important if young people do not want to tell parents and friends about replenishment in the family, until they officially become husband and wife. But it happens that the condition of the pregnant woman is very unstable, and in order to be able to visit the hospital, resuscitation - you can’t do without confirmation of marital communication. In this case, even doctors can recommend getting married, in order to avoid difficulties in the future.

The bride is in position
The bride is in position

For such a marriage in one day, a certificate of pregnancy is enough from 12 weeks and above. The certificate indicates:

  • Surname, name, patronymic of a pregnant woman;
  • The term of pregnancy in weeks (set relatively);
  • General recommendations of the gynecologist that the pregnant woman needs sparing and loyal conditions;
  • May be “at the place of requirements” or with the registry office;
  • The complete data of the gynecologist: name, signature and seal of the doctor, as well as printing a medical institution.

Do not forget to attach the passports of the bride and groom to the certificate.

Get married in one day in the presence of one or more common children

The Russian Federation actively supports the creation and strengthening of families, therefore, according to the law, if there is a common child, the state does not make delays for a young family and combines marriage on the day of treatment. Do you have common children and you are interested in the question of how to get married in one day?

To do this, contact the registry office with your passports and the birth certificate of the child, which is indicated by both parents.

In this case, the registry office employee will accept the application of the situation and draw up for several hours as soon as the free “window” appears. If young people want to draw up relationships with a solemn part, they will be recorded for the next few days.

Who has a joint child who has a joint child
Who has a joint child who has a joint child

How to get married on one day in cases of long separation, the upcoming service in the army?

Employees of the registry office, like no one else, know how in a hurry to apply for a wedding of lovers, especially if they are on the verge of emergency separation. If the young man is being called into the army and he has a document confirming this - the groom and the bride will be signed at the time of filing the application, or in the coming days, if young people wish the solemn part with the guests.

The same rule is valid for cases if one of the partners plans a long business trip or departure. To do this, it is necessary to take the confirming document that the delay per month is not possible.

Full package of documents for marriage on one day: List

The government is actively moving away from paper documentation, but it still requires it in the field. If you want to know how to get married in one day and not drown in paperwork, prepare all the documents in advance:

  • Originals and copies of passports of those who are scolding;
  • Application in accordance with the model for registration Form No. 7;
  • A receipt of 350 rubles, from one of the newlyweds. This is the payment of the state fee;
  • If you are registered in another village, stock up on a certificate of temporary registration;
  • If this is not the first marriage - the original and a copy of the divorce of the previous marriage.

As you can see, a small package of documents, but it is best to prepare them in advance.

The price of marriage in one day

The question is concerned for many who are marching - how to get married in one day and how much will it cost? Indeed, if the cost is high, it seems to wait a month to wait. But unlike other CIS countries, in the Russian Federation, the cost of marriage in one day also is 350 rubles for the state fee. In this case, you must have a document confirming the need for an ambulance.

Marriage contract - the most important document that will eliminate many disputes in the future
Marriage contract - the most important document that will eliminate many disputes in the future

Otherwise, you will have to agree in the registry office itself, and here the price will depend directly on the region, the popularity of the registry office, its prestige and other factors. But it is still worth noting that the classic expectation of 30 days will only benefit the spunning, since during this time you can thoroughly prepare for the triumph and invite the closest, to note such a memorable event.

Is it necessary to wait a month in the registry office if young people just want to sign?

If you do not have a documentary confirmation of the urgency of the painting, you will most likely have to expect a month. Of course, you can always contact the registry office and “ask” for an earlier date, especially if you do not plan a solemn part. But it is worth noting that family life is a long road requiring patience and endurance. Therefore, a vivid idea can also get married in one day, but to check feelings in four weeks and go to the registry office consciously and preparing a very bad idea.

The restriction of the 1st month of the registry office did not come up with “from the ceiling”, but only established certain time frames in which young people can thoroughly consider their decision and avoid many misunderstandings. Also, a period of 1 month is good in order to draw up and issue a marriage contract that protects the rights of the parties in case of omissions.

And in conclusion, we add the video, with a detailed instruction, how to get married and conclude a marriage contract.

Video: marriage. How to conclude a marriage contract?

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