Ebru drawing technique: Features. How to draw in the style of Ebra a beginner?

Ebru drawing technique: Features. How to draw in the style of Ebra a beginner?

Ebra is a very interesting drawing technique. In our article, we will tell you what it is and how to use it correctly.

Ebra is a special drawing technique when water is used instead of ordinary paper. Of course, the usual one is not suitable for this, the water must first be prepared in a special way. As for the colors, they are also not entirely simple and must have a special natural basis. As a result, the drawings are extremely interesting and beautiful, and it is almost impossible to repeat them.

Drawing on the water will be interesting to everyone, regardless of age. This original way allows you to take a little fidget for several hours. In addition, with the help of such technology, you can develop imagination and creative skills, and this is very important for each baby. In our article you will learn what kind of technique it is and how to bring it to life with the help of simple actions.

Ebru drawing technique on water - the history of the occurrence

Drawing Ebra
Drawing Ebra

Despite the fact that Ebra was recognized as Turkish technology, it arose in the eastern countries. She takes Japan in the 12th century. At that time, the art of Suminagashi actively developed there, which means “floating ink” in translation. In this way, the monks painted unique patterns on thin rice paper or fabric, which was then used for jewelry. This has become very popular especially among emperors and their close circle.

At the moment, there are many versions, where exactly the technique of creating drawings on the water came from. The sources mention different countries and despite the fact that the technique itself began its life in the 7th century, its name began to be used only in the 10th century.

Turkish craftsmen were big artists and created not only abstractions and flowers, but also more complex compositions. The word itself is translated as "air clouds." And it’s true, if you look at the finished paintings, it immediately becomes clear why this name was used.

What is EBRU: features of technology, review, characteristics

What is Ebra?
What is Ebra?

Drawing Ebra involves the use of fluid instead of the usual paper. This is not simple water from the crane, and the watercolor paints will not work. Givey extract is added to the liquid. It allows you to thicken it so that the drops do not mix with each other and do not settle at the bottom.

As for the colors, they are created on the basis of bull bile and special minerals. There are no clear boundaries for drawing, the patterns are arbitrary and they do not need a outlined border.

Liquid paint is perfectly distributed on the surface, and special tools allow you to set beautiful patterns. After drawing, the image can be printed on paper. Professionals for these purposes can use surfaces from other materials.

What is needed for drawing on the water of Ebra: Tools

Tools for Ebra
Tools for Ebra

Drawing Ebru, in fact, is not a very complex technique that every newcomer can independently master. This is one of the best classes for the child, as it allows you to develop. The process of drawing can be carried away by an adult. To learn how to create beautiful drawings will be required:


As we have already said, drawing fluid requires dense and thick so that the paint does not sink to the bottom and does not dissolve. For this, special thickeners are used. They are powdered or liquid for cooking, or already ready. The packaging of each of them indicates the instructions for use, which must be clearly observed.

Sometimes the surface can be covered with bubbles with air. They must be removed and a regular newspaper is used for this. Put it for a few minutes on top and then carefully remove the newspaper over the edge.

Cover the solution thus every time after using the solution. To prevent the thickener from draining, put a leaf or a newspaper sheet upstairs. This will allow the liquid not to evaporate.

By the way, if you have no goal always to engage in such drawing, but you just decided to try, then you can use starch or flour instead of purchasing a thickener. A specific quantity cannot be called, but the mass should turn out like a paste.


Paints for Ebra
Paints for Ebra

The paint for this technique has a natural pigment, water and bile. It is quite liquid, we can say that colored water, and therefore it spreads perfectly on the surface. You can purchase it in a special store, where both Turkish and Russian brands are presented. Moreover, there are special concentrates for breeding.

Before starting to create a drawing, it is better to pour paint in different containers or you can use disposable cups for this. Before use, shake the bottle to mix the pigment and pour a little into the container. Do not pour paint immediately into the solution, because then it will fall into the thickener. Better use an awl or a brush.

Just for experiments, it is not necessary to buy paints, you can make them yourself. This will require simple oil paint, as well as a solvent. Dilute all colors in separate containers so that they do not mix. By the way, you can even use gouache, but then instead of water there should be milk.


For water, you can use any deep dishes. If you purchase a ready -made set, then usually there is a tray in the format of the album sheet. It can be bought separately. The larger the container, respectively, the greater the pattern, the more since the liquid will be used as a canvas.


Brushes for Ebra
Brushes for Ebra

Any brush is not suitable for Ebra. It must be made of horse hair. It can be a simple brush or brush. For each color, its own brush is used so that the paints are not mixed. According to the technique, you do not need to touch the surface directly, otherwise the paint will drown. From it, the paint is sprayed and abstractions are created. When drops touch the water, they spread and create interesting patterns.


Croes are a special tool that is designed to create patterns. Outwardly, these are small robberies or comb. It looks like a number of needles fixed to the flat base. They allow you to set background and symmetry ornament.


Shilo can also be used for drawing. It allows you to draw smaller details and with its help beautiful drawings, for example, flowers, butterflies or birds are obtained. You can replace it with knitting needles. When you draw this or that detail, then wipe the end of the tool so as not to mix the paint.


Drawings on paper
Drawings on paper

It is required to fix the picture. You can buy Ebru soil paper. Although, you can use simple. So that the image is not lubricated, do not use too dense paper while you are a beginner.

How to draw on water using EBRU technique: Instruction

Now that you know about all the necessary devices, you can begin to draw directly. First, prepare the solution according to the instructions, let it brew and pour it into the pallet. Divide the paints into the glasses and prepare all the necessary tools.

Stage 1. Create background

Before starting to create a pattern directly, prepare a background color. It will hold all the colors that will be applied from above. Take paints in the brush and spray at the top. Do not be afraid that the first drops dissolve. This is a normal reaction. After that, you can not worry that the paint will drown. She will remain at the very top.

You can make a background in one tone or use several colors. The paint is not mixed and the patterns are unique. Try to use a comb to create complex compositions. By the way, it is better not to take more than 2-3 colors for the background. If there are a lot of paints, then the layer will be fat and it will be difficult to transfer the pattern to paper.

Stage 2. Create the main drawing

Drawing Ebra
Drawing Ebra

The meaning of drawing Ebru is to create a circle on the water, and then to create patterns from it. At first it is better to draw simple drawings, and only then try complex ones. The more in the image of small details, the more skills to create it will be required. Start trying with butterflies or flowers. For example, the scheme of creating a simple flower is as follows:

  • We collect a little paint on the awl and lower it into the water. The very surface of the awl does not need to touch
  • You will get a small circle. If you want it to become more, add more colors in the same way
  • After that, we make another circle from the center, but another coloring
  • Place the tip of the sewing near the edge of the circle inside and begin to remove the petals from it
  • Remember that the paint from the awl should be washed every time, otherwise the paint shifts
  • To get a clear drawing, do it every time

Using different tools, you can create a variety of drawings, it all depends on your imagination.

Stage 3. Transfer of drawing to paper

When the image is ready, you can print it on paper. To do this, gently put the sheet on the surface and leave for 10-15 seconds. To make the drawing well imprinted, spent carefully on paper.

After that, you can carefully remove the sheet through the side of the container so that the excess water remains in it. Wait until the image dries and place it in the frame.

Video: Ebru drawing technique

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