Such the same Schneuszer in three different roles: Features of the breed

Such the same Schneuszer in three different roles: Features of the breed

This article describes the features of the breed of dogs Schnauzer.

Schnauzer belongs to the breed of dogs, which is deservedly considered among dog breeders one of the most suitable for the role of a pet. After all, all the charm inherent in this animal can forever captivate the one who was lucky enough to become its master once.

The representative of the shanauzer breed can have any size, which will not affect the originality of his character: a small zverg and a large risen in terms of seriousness of the attitude to life are not inferior to each other. Read more about the schnauzers and the features of different types of its breed further.

Features and specifics of the Schnauzer breed: Three sizes


All shnauzers are not only very smart, but also filled with courage and despair in achieving the goals. There have never been analogues of their devotion to the family-hundred. But even with all its desire to dominate, this dog will always respect the authority of the owner. According to the data International Kinological Federation, there are three breeds of schnauzers. Here are their features and specifics - three sizes:


  • The largest dog compared to other shanauzer breeds.
  • With growth in the withers to 70 cm, weight can reach 50 kg.


  • A medium -sized shnaucer breed.
  • In growth can reach 40-50 cm, and in weight no more 18-20 kg.


  • The smallest Schnauzer. It is also called miniature or small.
  • With a weight no more 8 kg, growth does not exceed 35 cm along the line of the withers.

Interesting: Only that dog can be considered a schnauzer, which resembles the shape of a square - when the length of the body approximately corresponds to the growth to the line of the withers, and the back is straight and hardy.

A particularly aesthetic look of the Schnauser gives a proudly planted head, despite the long neck. And if the ears and the tail are trusting with this dog to stop, then this will give its appearance a more collected, elegant and attractive appearance. This is even given the fact that in European countries the fashion for stopping has long passed.

Among the schnauzers there is no other color, except for black and white gamut:

  • Risen exclusively with completely dark hair.
  • Mittel and tsverkshnauzer You can find not only black, but also white - colors “pepper with salt” or “coal with silver”.
  • Recently, Schnauzers of pure white suit are widespread.

In terms of stiffness, the dog’s hair resembles a wire. Considering that the representatives of the Schnauzer breed during the molting period does not ripen, it requires manually removal by trimming. This will have to be done twice a year. Additionally, in accordance with the recommendations for caring for the dog, it must be trimmed several times according to the established standard.

The story of the excretion of schnauzer: origin


The country of the origin of the breed is Germany.The story of the excretion of schnauzers is surrounded by a large number of traditions and legends. According to the most plausible version, medium -sized schnauzers were the first to be born. They found their application in the protection of stables and cattle breeding farms, which protected from small pests and predators, like rats.

  • Tsverg and Risen appeared later and became respectively giant and miniature varieties of the Schnauzer breed.
  • Often you can find arguments in favor of the fact that in the process of breeding a risenchneutser there is a role and Russia.

For example, there is evidence that the very first risen was bred in early XX century in the Russian Empire And they were called "Russian bear shnauzer." This large variety was intended for police service, which makes this version quite convincing.

Individuality of schnauzer: the same character


The main quality of the schnauzer, making this breed in its own way attractive and unique, is its character. But with him there may be problems for those owners who want to acquire a dog blindly and thoughtlessly obeying the given orders. Schnauzer will require a different approach. Here is the individuality of these dogs of three varieties with the same character:

  • The dog understands everything the first time. But, in order to achieve the performance of commands, the owner will need the ability to position his authority as indisputable and the ability to gain a pet’s trust, which not everyone is capable of.
  • The fruits of such zealous labor will become worthy, since Schnauszer loves and is devoted to his owner undividedly and fanatically. He almost lives and breathes with his owner in a single rhythm. In some cases, such love can acquire a shade of despotism.
  • The dog follows the owner on the heels throughout the house, regardless of where it goes. In the case of the owner leaving home, he will be ready to completely refuse to eat food.
  • Schnauzer belongs to the breed of dogs that are capable of breastfeeding their owner and all available forces and means to break free to go in search of him.

This dog is distinguished by the presence of its own point of view on the items surrounding it, and it makes no sense to wait for the blind execution of commands from it:

  • Schnauzers by nature are prone to dominance and try to achieve the role of a leader in any pack.
  • Let them be grumpy, but fight according to the rules, since it is important for them to demonstrate their strength and superiority to the opponent, and not to cause critical injuries.
  • Twice such dogs do not fight each other.
  • Schnauzers show patience and tenderness for children, and not only their own or other people's puppies, but also to people, and even to kittens or to the cubs of other animals.

Such a pet is a born guard. He is engaged in this case at the level of instincts. But training is still required. It should be aimed at training an energetic dog to manage its reflexes laid in genes. Their development and strengthening is better not to conduct. For all his courage and strength of the nervous system, Schneuszer will never lose his head.

Interesting: Due to the fact that such a dog came from the terriers, it leads a mobile lifestyle, and long walks should be happiness for her. Expressing the love of games, jumps, run and just thirsty to do anything, snouters are suitable for sports, just to run next to the owner.

Health Schnauser


Pets of this breed are not subject to specific diseases. Healthy health is inherent in them, and in food they are unpretentious, even taking into account the love of to eat occasionally.
Schnauzer accepts absolutely everything from the master's hands, and even tasteless medicines. Thanks to this, it can also be trained with the help of ordinary crackers.

Conclusion about the Schnauser breed

Schnauzers will become wonderful pets, both for a city apartment and a country house:

  • Little Tsverkshnauzer, With its indomitable military spirit in a miniature body, it will take root well on a small area.
  • Mittel Medium-sized sizes will perfectly cope with the role of a companion-companion, friend or defender, both his master and his children.
  • Risen, due to strength and large size, will find its place in any service. After all, the acute sense of smell is complemented by brilliant abilities for training, endurance, incidence and durable jaws.

But Schnauzer will be able to show his positive qualities only following the results of the correct education. The training is required, otherwise the dog will begin to skillfully manipulate the owner. It is good to educate the schnauzer by the power of even an inexperienced lover, patiently and consistently the next recommendations that managed to arouse interest in the training process in the dog.

But as partners, they may not be suitable for the elderly people. But for their families and their children, prone to an active lifestyle, a shnauser of any type is suitable due to their natural mobility.

Video: Schnauzer (Tsvergshnauzer, Mittelshnusur, Rizenshnutuzer)

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