Doberman or German shepherd - which dog is better, stronger, smarter: comparison of the breeds

Doberman or German shepherd - which dog is better, stronger, smarter: comparison of the breeds

A man has brought a myriad of breeds, but now we will consider only two of them - Doberman and the German shepherd, so to speak, the elite of four -legged, characterized by a rather high intelligence.

A dog is a friend of man, without these devoted friends, the world would undoubtedly become poorer. People, without thinking about what a miracle of nature it is, use dogs for their needs. Unlike many other animals, dogs are usually easy to train and often even become like family members, so their people begin to love. Guardians, rescuers, nannies, shepherds, bloodhounds. Yes, just pets who brighten up our lives.

Doberman or German Shepherd: Who is suitable for you?

  • When the decision on the acquisition of a four -legged friend has ripened, the family council often discusses the question: who is better - Doberman or a German shepherd? Undoubtedly, these breeds have some similarity, but at the same time, they are incredibly different from each other.
  • Each breed is inherent in its own characteristics and they must be taken into account by acquiring one or another pet.
  • Both Doberman and German Shepherd They take root perfectly everywhere. But the shepherd is more melting and in the light of this it can be recognized that doberman is more suitable for the apartment.
More suitable for an apartment
More suitable for an apartment
  • Dogs who live in private homes for the most part contain their pets in the aviary or in the yard. Smooth -haired Dobermans would hardly calmly endure the harsh Russian winters in the fresh air, while the shepherd of the frost is nothing, which means that it is most suitable for maintaining in private territories.
  • Pets of both breeds will enjoy eat both food, of course, high -quality, and food cooked with his own hands. However, in the second case, the meat in their diet should be at least half.

Doberman: What does the owner need to know?

Doberman characteristic

  • An animal of medium or large size; boys reach growth up to 72 cm, girls - up to 68 cm; Animals weigh - from 32 kg to 45 kg. The muscles and bones are greatly developed.
  • With a square body, wide chest and back have narrow head, In shape resembling a wedge and an elegant neck. The dimensions of their pretty faces are usually correspond to the length of the skull.
  • Their paws slender, muscular, without signs of curvature. They are short -haired, the color is purely black or with brown tan. In Russia, tails and ears usually stop them.
The development of animals
The development of animals

Positive and negative features


  • Friendly, usually in aggressive, he likes to walk with the kids, observes parity with other living beings living with them in the same family, since it is usually balanced and calm, well trained.
  • In addition, a rare handsome man, but what is the exterior!


  • The instinct of the guard and the understanding of his territoriality are extremely developed, the conviction that he is here - alpha male.
  • Only a person who has strongly developed leadership qualities can become his real master. Should be brought up in severity and understanding, That he is obliged to obey a person, otherwise you may encounter disobedience, whims and unpleasant antics, such as spoiled furniture, shoes, things to which he can reach the absence of his owners.
  • Usually, Dobermans are touchy and sensitive, They cannot stand a rude relationship. If you decide to purchase an adult Doberman, not a puppy, it is desirable that documents have been on it, because The dog may well be unbalanced.

Character traits

  • If Doberman shows aggressive attacks, then there were reasons for this, usually this breed differs balance and tranquility.
  • Often, when the owner walks him on a leash, and street Shavka tries to start him from all sides, Doberman performed pride and dignity, will not even look in their direction. It immediately becomes clear - this animal knows its price! At home, when there are no negative factors, Dobermans the affectionate and friendly.
  • You also need to know that the dogs of this breed are extremely energetic and mobile, So with them you need to walk as often as possible, providing them with physical activity, train. Otherwise, the dog may well become uncontrollable.
  • If you are used to rudely treating animals, then Doberman is not for you! They simply cannot take offense and remember them.
How to feed a pet?
How to feed a pet?

Video: Interesting facts about Dobermans

German shepherd: description of the breed

We all know them perfectly - these handsome men usually only cause admiration in people in their form. Naturally, if it is well -groomed, and the wool shines on it, and all of it is so independent and executed dignity


  • The beast is quite large, his body is, as it were, slightly elongated. Dimensions: the growth of the German shepherd up to 65 cm; the weight of the German shepherd - up to 50 kg.
  • The muzzle and skull parts are almost equal to each other in length. Correct, thoroughbred individuals, ears should be standing, triangular.
  • The neck is powerful, the withers are pronounced, the back is straight and slightly elongated, its front paws are even, muscular.
  • The back and cereals are somewhat scooped up, therefore, an abris inherent for shepherds with an inclined line of the upper body is created. Wool can be of different lengths. The color can be different: black or gray, black with tan, reddish, checkerel.

Positive and negative features of the breed


  • They are smart, it is easy to train - not without reason many films have been shot with the shepherds in the title role. In addition, they are devoted and faithful. It seems that the nature itself has an understanding that children and weak cannot be offended.
  • At the same time, she perfectly distinguishes, in which case it is necessary to attack the enemy, and in which - no. This breed can be safely called universal, since it can work perfectly in various fields.
Very smart breed
Very smart breed


  • In addition to proper training, the dog should have other classes that it would be allowed to engage in, because The role of only a pet is not for her.
  • If the dog has not received the right upbringing, then it can show aggression. Some individuals can be too slow, and some, on the contrary, differ in extreme activity.
  • If you try to re -educate an adult individual, then this can provoke a nervous breakdown from the dog.

Character traits

  • Good controllability, concentration, to strangers - alertness and incredulity - this is all about German sheepskin.
  • They obey only the orders of their master, and they can also attack a person by his orders.
  • Decisive and bold, for “her people” she usually experiences only goodwill and affection, while demonstrating her mild disposition and obedience. She also treats children well, but she prefers adult society - because they feed it and raise it

Doberman against the German shepherd: comparison of breeds

  1. Similarity:
  • Germany is the homeland both breeds. They were brought out for the performance of security and official functions. The mind, quick wit, fast reaction is all inherent in both breeds.
  • It will not be necessary to apply a lot of effort and bear any special costs so that these representatives of the fauna look great. Both of these harmonious handsome people are perfectly trained. They must be more often loaded physically, train - it will benefit them. They need to be qualitatively professionally trained and well loaded. They are friends with the kids and during the proper training do not lift up with the rest of the pets.
  1. Differences:
  • If the German shepherd can be seen in many areas of our lives (it is considered universal), then Doberman is more often used as The search, guard, He can also serve bodyguard.
  • The hair of the shepherds can be different, but in the pre -workers - only short. This also applies to colors - they are more diverse in shepherds, while more stringent standards are applied to the Dobermans.
A variety of coloring
A variety of coloring
  • The shepherds "on the shoulder" are the most different climate, and their smooth -haired brothers Poorly tolerate cold.
  • German shepherds are not as touchy as Dobermans. They, as a rule, are not so excitable and do not take revenge for her offense than the Dobermans often “sin”.
  • Activity.They are both active, but German shepherds are more relaxed.
  • A feeling of fear for strangers.Aggression aimed at strangers or animals is more likely to show german Shepherd, But, as a rule, she does this only when encouraging her master.
  • How many dogs live. Dobermans were more fortunate. Their lifespan is from 12 to 16 years old, Shepherds live from 10 to 14 years.
  • Dressure. Both Dobermans and Shepherds amazed perfectly. Moreover, as one of the dog handlers said, they even like it - they perceive training as a game.
  • Who is stronger: Doberman or a German shepherd?If the German shepherd was not specially dragged for fights or service, then a more evil and trained Doberman has every chance to overcome his “brother”, and vice versa. Everything solves the level of preparation, physical data and, of course, the age of each dog.

Metis of Doberman and German Shepherd Usually friendly and very calm, not prone to manifestations of aggression. And although they are very incredulous about outsiders, without the command of the owner they will never attack the first. At the same time, such dogs are beautiful guards.

They show ingenuity and quick wits, which indicates the presence of a remarkable mind. And since they are perfectly trained and at the same time show obedience, such a dog, undoubtedly, can become a good friend and assistant for a person.

Doberman and German shepherd: choosing tips

  • They are very similar to each other - both in character and in working qualities.
  • As we already understood, shepherds belong to a universal breed, “on the shoulder” any service for any climate.
  • But this cannot be said about the Dobermans, they can be used as guards, bodyguards or search, but in order to graze cattle or distill it, they are unsuitable.
  • Dobrovs cannot be forced be served in severe frostssince they do not tolerate them well. Therefore, it would be preferable to choose a shepherd to work in cold parts.
It does not tolerate frost
It does not tolerate frost
  • If you need watchman at home/apartments, Then Doberman is preferable - this is in urban conditions.
  • If it is assumed that your pet will live on the street all year round, then there is nothing to think about - you need to purchase german shepherd.

And if you need a dog just “for the soul”, then you can safely acquire any of them who are more to you in your heart. After all, both the shepherds and the Dobermans are beautiful and faithful friends who will always expect warmth and affection from their owner!

German shepherd and Doberman: reviews

  • Oleg Ivanov, expert kinologist. In some special, complex care, neither the shepherd nor Doberman need. Usually they are unpretentious in nutrition (if there are no allergies or any other health problems). They do not need to do neither a haircut nor trimming. In the event that Doberman’s puppy stops the ears, then for some time you will have to take care of the seams, and then put your ears so that they meet the standard.
  • Anastasia Kazakova, passionate dog girl.To protect the territory of our cottage, she acquired two Dobermans. When it was warm, no one knew grief - Sanka and Vanka (as I called my pets) perfectly carried their service. In addition, they made friends with the children, and with the cat glamor. And I just don’t have a tea in them, I treat them, to family members. But we did not take into account one, cold came, and our guards froze so that we had to let them into the house. The same, as you know, is fraught with unnecessary troubles, which I admit, did not count on. So it is worth it to weigh again, which pet is the most suitable for you.
  • Galina Dubinskaya, pensioner.We started a German shepherd, and never regretted it. Jack of strangers will not let strangers into the courtyard, but demonstrates devotion to his own, he treats patronizing children, and perceives the elders as games comrades. He is affectionate and playing at the same time, and we all love him very much.

Video: German shepherd - interesting facts

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