How to cut York, a large, small, aggressive dog at home? How to cut the dog with scissors, a machine yourself?

How to cut York, a large, small, aggressive dog at home? How to cut the dog with scissors, a machine yourself?

Examples, instructions and types of dog haircuts at home.

Caring for some pets is quite simple. Typically, short -haired dogs are combed with a pudder, long -haired soft comb, a comb, and is thoroughly washed using shampoo against the stiffons. However, in most cases, both long -haired and short -haired breeds need a haircut. In this article we will tell you how to cut a dog at home. 

Do I need to cut a dog?

Decorative dogs, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, Poodle, most often cut in special hairdressers for animals, or at home with masters. It should be understood that dog haircuts are significantly different from human cutting of hair. This is due to the fact that the wool is more rigid.

Do I need to cut the dog:

  • In this regard, it is necessary to try to take professional tools created for hairdressers for haircuts. It can be scissors that are regularly dragged, as well as a special dog machine.
  • Typically, a standard haircut machine is not suitable due to low power. Dog wool is very stiff, so the machines knives will quickly dull. Special knives and steel blades are needed, which is resistant to abrasion and ditches.
  • In this regard, it is easier for many dog \u200b\u200bowners to take your pet to the hairdresser. However, the haircut is expensive. That is why many owners of the doggies, try to learn how to cut on their own.
  • However, the complexity is not at all in the haircut itself, but in the calm of the dog, so that he feels calm, protected, and does not move during the haircut. Any movement can negatively affect not only the haircut, but also cause damage to the skin with scissors or other sharp objects. 
Terrier haircut scheme
Terrier haircut scheme

How to cut a dog at home?

In most cases, experienced breeders cut dogs on their own. The exception is only the period before the exhibitions, when the dog needs to be put in order, and make a really beautiful haircut.

How to cut a dog at home:

  • Special scissors with sharp blades 
  • Pucker 
  • Metal crest with frequent teeth 
  • The comb is soft massage 
  • Machine 
  • If necessary, Coltunoresis 

All these devices can be purchased in a pet store. Of course, the initial cost of such a set will be approximately one haircut in the salon for dogs, but over time, such acquisition will justify itself.

Haircut geometry
Haircut geometry

Types of dog haircuts

The main task is not to cut the dog at all the first time. It is necessary to gradually accustom it to the haircut. It is best to do this, starting with the age of the puppy. To do this, put the dog in the bathroom, calm it down and turn it on.

Types of dog haircuts:

  • It is worth noting that dog haircuts are not the same, they can be hygienic and model.Hygienic They are carried out in order to improve the health of the dog.
  • Usually, wool is trimmed near the eyes, around the muzzle, and in the genital area.
  • This is necessary so that after a walk, going to the toilet and food, it is not necessary to scrap the remnants of sewage or food, stiffons were not formed around them. In some dogs, vision may deteriorate due to constantly overhanging wool. 

Decorative haircuts
Decorative haircuts

How to cut a dog York at home?

This breed needs hygienic haircut every 3 months. Wool grows very quickly and interferes with the dog.

How to cut the dog York at home:

  • It is best to wash the dogs in some noisy conditions, including a radio or a mobile phone. It is necessary that the dog is not distracted by noise, this will greatly simplify the task.
  • Including the machine, there is no need to try to cut the dog. The main task at this stage is to accustom the dog to the sound of a buzzing machine and not to disturb it. Thus, the dog gets used to the sound of technology.
  • It is necessary at the same time to apply scissors to the dog’s wool. That is, you can tighten the wool slightly, apply a cold blade of scissors to the back. Or just do it with handles. It is necessary that the dog’s skin is used to the cold touch of metal.
  • This is most often concerned with the doggies. When the dog ceases to be afraid of technology and scissors, you can start a haircut. It usually takes about 3 months. Such manipulations must be done a couple of times a week so that the dog does not forget what it is.
Before and after
Before and after

How to cut a dog with a machine at home?

The main task- this is Complete the dog during the haircut. Please note that in the same way, adult dogs are accustomed. That is, it is necessary not to immediately start a haircut, when you decided or the wool of sufficient grew, and initially accustom the pet to the instruments. 

How to cut a dog with a machine at home: 

  • The dog must start cut from the back and tail. For these purposes, choose the largest nozzle, and move from the tail to the withers. It is necessary to move the machine against the direction of growth of wool.
  • Try to press hard enough, press the skin so that there are no steps. One flat strip from the tail to the withers is immediately made, and then the following departs from it, towards the sides.
  • For the abdomen, as well as the anus, a medium -sized nozzle is made. It is necessary that the wool about 1 cm long remains there. The shortest nozzle is taken for haircuts in the paws, ears, muzzles.
  • Please note that all cutting manipulations are carried out in the direction from the danger zone to safe. For example, from the side of the anus, to the area from it. This is done in order not to injure the dog in the most sensitive places. Thus, cutting the legs is carried out, from pillows to the free area.  
Haircut of the dog
Haircut of the dog

How to cut a large dog at home?

It is necessary to take a rough comb with frequent cloves and comb out the dog. Next, you need to takepucker And completely remove the undercuts that sticks out or interferes. Next you need to usecoaton cuttingIn order to cut the formed lumps of the wool that are confused.

How to cut a large dog at home:

  • After these procedures, it is necessary to wash the dog. What was the dog to be clean, very often, after walking on its wool, there are dust particles, songs of particles of earth and leaves. All these small mechanical particles can cause a car breakdown, and scissors will dull.
  • The dog washing is best carried out with shampoo against the formation of tangles. Typically, it includes special components, butter and balm, which make the hair slippery and more obedient. This prevents the formation of stiffons.
  • After that, it is necessary to dry the hair of the dog. It is best to do this with a hairdryer. If the dog is not afraid of cars, most often does not react to the hair dryer either. After all, the noise is approximately the same. If the dog is worried, rub it with a towel and wait for the complete drying of the wool. As soon as it dries, be sure to comb the strands with a brush with frequent teeth to smooth the wool. After that, proceed to the haircut.
Before and after
Before and after

How to cut the dog with scissors at home?

If you plan to make a haircut with scissors, since you do not have a machine, then you need to adhere to exactly the same rule.

How to cut a dog with scissors at home:

  • The haircut begins with the back and sides area, gradually moving into the abdomen and muzzles.
  • It is necessary to capture the strands of wool, stretching through the comb, capturing with your fingers.
  • Try to measure the same distance from the fingers to the tips of the wool.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal opening, as well as paws, the wool is cut almost completely, leaving up to 1 cm. 
  • With the eyes, things are exactly the same, it is necessary to direct the blade of scissors from the eyes.
Scheme of haircuts
Scheme of haircuts

How often can you cut a dog?

The frequency of the haircut is determined by the growth rate of wool, as well as the features of weather conditions.

How often you can cut a dog:

  • The fact is that Peskov, who differ in very long wool, must be trimmed before the summer season. This will improve air exchange, also protect the dog from overheating.
  • In no case should you cut the dog very briefly, since in this case you can harm. Thermoregulation is disturbed, the dog can freeze, or vice versa, overheat a lot. There are breeds of dogs that need to be cut regularly.
  • Among them, it is worth noting the Yorkshire terriers, poodles, and spaniels. Usually they are trimmed once for 2 months. During the haircut, wool is shortened throughout the body, also on the muzzle.
  • Before the summer, you can radically remove the wool on the stomach, the paws of the animal to protect it from ticks. In some cases, a hygienic haircut is needed, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the dog from ticks and fleas. 
  • In this case, it is recommended to leave a small length of the wool, cut the dog almost completely. A hygienic haircut involves the elimination of wool on the muzzle, ears, beard, also on the paws, in the genital area. During a hygienic haircut, wool on the ears, muzzle, on the paws, between the pillows, and also in the genital area are trimmed. This simplifies the care of a pet, prevents the emergence of stiffs. 

How to cut a dog yourself?

The main task during the haircut- this is Ensure convenience for yourself and the dog. Accordingly, it is necessary that the surface on which the haircut is carried out is smooth, with a rubberle rug.

How to cut the dog yourself:

  • You can choose a regular tourist rug that does not slip on the table. It is best to haircut not in the bathroom, but on the table, so as not to bend.
  • Indeed, in a bent state, it is quite difficult to cut the dog efficiently, evenly. Therefore, it is best if the dog is approximately at the level of the belt. This will help evenly remove the wool in different parts of the body. 
  • It is necessary that one person carry out a haircut, and the second stroking the dog, caresses it, and treated it to. It is necessary to praise the dog for the fact that it stands calmly, does not twitch, calm it down and feed it with goodies.
  • Thus, it is necessary to develop a certain chain according to which the dog’s haircut should be associated with something good. That is why it is important to haircut constantly, in the same place. That is, in the house on the table or in the cabin. 

Please note that there are dogs that are very afraid of unfamiliar places, for them it is severe stress. Therefore, find a master who can go to the house so as not to carry the dog to the salon. Professional Grumer knows how to behave with fairly aggressive dogs. In no case should you carry out actions of a violent nature. 

Dog haircut
Dog haircut

How to cut an aggressive dog at home?

There are some tips that will help you cut a dog even an aggressive nature, without loss and problems. In no case should you do it by force, force the dog. What can be done? We must try to calmly explain that he needs to be cut.

How to cut an aggressive dog at home:

  • As soon as the dog begins to growl or get angry while touching it with tools or cars, it is necessary to press slightly on the withers and, as it were, press it to the bottom, continue to cut it.
  • Thus, the dog will understand that you are the main one here. In no case should you finish the haircut on the initiative of the dog, so it will understand that discontent, grin or aggression towards the host will not stop working the owner. Accordingly, the host in this process is the owner and only when he wants, the haircut will end. During the haircut, a muzzle is put on very aggressive dogs.
  • If the dog strongly resists, ask someone from close relatives to help you. This should in no case be an outsider, and an exceptionally familiar personality for the dog.

The dog does not allow to cut - what to do?

There are dogs with dominant behavior, they are trying to be the leader of the pack. In this case, it is best to take the pet to the salon. The fact is that he shows dominant behavior in his house, considering himself a master.

The dog does not allow to cut what to do:

  • In a strange place, the dog feels not so confident, so behavior in the cabin will be much calmer than in the house. 
  • If a dog with dominant behavior, it can be cut at home, but for this it is necessary to perform a number of manipulations, to carry out constant work. The most interesting thing is that the most aggressive are small breeds.
  • This is due to the lack of a sufficient degree of training. Indeed, it is with large rocks, such as a shepherd, or a labrador, that a dog handler is carried out, and training. These dogs are more disciplined, obedient.
Dear dog
Dear dog
Small breeds are almost never trained, rarely trained teams. After all, they wear a purely decorative function. That is why such dogs behave aggressively during a haircut. 

The best dog haircuts: photo

Video: dog haircut at home

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