Date with a girl: the most common mistakes that lead to failure

Date with a girl: the most common mistakes that lead to failure

In our article you will find out what mistakes on a date with a girl can lead to a break in a relationship.

The union of two people is not built at once. In order for a man and a woman to understand that they are ideal for each other, they need to get to know each other better. As a rule, for this they regularly spend time together - go on dates. And very often it is precisely such meetings that decide the future fate of the couple. Sometimes representatives of the stronger sex do not behave on dates in the best way, and this repels the girl. Therefore, we decided to tell you about the most typical mistakes on a date with a girl so that you do not make stupid mistakes.

A date with a girl - general mistakes that lead to failure

Date with a girl - general mistakes that lead to failure
A date with a girl - general mistakes that lead to failure

A date with a girl - general mistakes that lead to failure:

  • Late as a sign of a bad relationship - Probably, each of the men heard that girls like to be late for dates to force the guy in love to be nervous and worried. But sometimes men behave in this way. In such a strange way, they try to check how much the woman is attached to them. It seems to them that if she is waiting for them for an hour, then he is probably already conquered by male charisma, and you can not strain to win it. Sometimes, of course, it happens, because no one canceled love at first sight. But still, sooner or later, the girl will tell about her dissatisfaction, or simply leave and will not wait for a always late guy. Therefore, always come to a meeting with your lover at the appointed time.
  • A date without a plan will clearly not like the girl - A common mistake that men do not pay attention to. Especially if they meet with their soulmate for a long time. Men relax so much that they stop planning a date in advance. Therefore, when they come to him, they begin to ask the girl what she wants to do. Of course, a couple of times a girl can offer an idea for a joint pastime, but if you act in this way constantly, this can lead to problems. With your behavior you will show the young charming man that you do not treat her in the most serious way. Therefore, always plan in advance the day you will spend with your beloved, and do everything to remember him.
  • No need to behave too defiantly - Many men make such a mistake, and all in order to show her coolness to the girl. Probably, each of you saw a couple in which a man attracts attention very much. He says too loudly, laughs from his jokes, trying to indicate how to behave to strangers. In short, with all its appearance shows its significance in this world. Now think about what impression this person makes you. Most of us will safely call him a poorly educated upstart. Therefore, on a date with a girl, always behave as calmly and restrained as possible, your brutality and courage must be shown only if the situation requires this. For example, if someone did not respond well about your chosen one.
  • In no case do not embellish your virtues - Even if you really want to make the right impression on the fair sex. Some men, especially at the very beginning of their relationship, are trying to show themselves to a woman from the most good side. Therefore, they begin to attribute to themselves those achievements that they only dream of. But you should not act in this way at all. After all, if you have really serious plans for a girl, then sooner or later she will learn the whole truth, and then you will definitely have to blush and make excuses. Agree, such a situation will definitely not affect your relationship positively. Therefore, we always tell our chosen one exclusively the truth, you can simply mention that you have goals that you plan to quickly reach. So you will demonstrate your hard work and perseverance, and you will definitely like your soul mate.
  • No need to talk about your close environment in a negative way - Even if your loved ones really do not treat you in the best way. Remember, at the very beginning of a relationship with a girl you must tell her exclusively about yourself - your views, plans, achievements. Let her be dosed to her, increasing her number as you converge. But at the same time, never tell her about quarrels with relatives, about the insults at them that you have. Until you have become very close, you do not need to immerse it in your problematic relations with a close environment. This can be done when you decide for sure that you are connecting your fate with this person. It is during this period that it will be possible to tell the whole truth about relatives, and even then, it will be necessary to do it as softly as possible, because over time she herself will see everything and draw her conclusions.
  • Do not constantly be distracted by phone calls and writing SMS - Another typical mistake that modern representatives of the stronger sex make on dates. Now it’s hard to meet a person who does not have a means for constant communication - a phone. Therefore, no one is surprising to anyone, a leading conversation on the phone in a cafe, a restaurant, just on the street. But the situation turns into negative if the phone is not released by a guy who is on a date with a girl. Now put yourself in the place of his girlfriend. You have a conversation with her, but suddenly interrupt him, take out the phone and begin to talk cheerfully with the person who called you. What is your chosen one at this moment? Sits and silently contemplates your happy face. And if the conversation lasts a very long time, then she begins to feel superfluous, and all she wants to do at this moment is to leave as far as possible and not interfere. Now think about how often you behave in this way at your meetings. If this happens quite often, then you have problems. To avoid them, just put the phone on a soundless mode, and he will not disturb you.
  • No need to express criticism to your chosen one - Another typical mistake that some men make. As a rule, those representatives of the stronger sex who consider themselves the standard of male beauty behave in this way. They consider themselves ideal in everything, so they want to make themselves worthy of themselves and the girl. Therefore, they begin to behave, to put it mildly, strange. They begin to switch to personalities and point to the girl to her shortcomings, which they see exclusively. They may not like hairstyle, manicure, too closed dress, or old "grandmother's jewelry." And all this, they will persistently demand that they correspond to such a beautiful man. Now think about who can like such behavior. Of course, nobody, so the girl will probably refuse further meetings, and certainly will not build relationships with such a daffodil.

Date with a girl are the most common mistakes at the first meeting

Date with a girl are the most common mistakes at the first meeting
Date with a girl are the most common mistakes at the first meeting

A date with a girl is the most common mistakes at the first meeting:

  • Do not immediately talk about a future family on a first date - Do not act in this way even if you are literally blinded by the beauty of the girl. Of course, a serious attitude to the union with a girl is good, but your assertiveness can greatly frighten her. Think that you feel, if a stranger and unfamiliar person to you, persistently talked with you about living together. Any person will cause surprise, and even the desire to distance himself a little. And this is a completely normal reaction, because first you need to get closer, understand how close the principles of a person are, and only if it becomes clear that you are equally perceived by the surrounding reality, you can begin to make plans for a joint future. But it is definitely not necessary to do this on the first date.
  • Never tell on a first date about an ex -girlfriend - A mistake that will surely push your chosen one from you. Some men believe that, having told a new girl about the former chosen one, they will thereby increase their significance. But this behavior most often causes mixed feelings. On the one hand, it seems sorry for the person who has experienced a personal tragedy, and from the second - why dedicate to your past a girl with whom you just began to get closer. Or maybe you can’t do anything in common, and you will also have to disperse. Such behavior can only harm, because the girl at a subconscious level will understand that if your union does not work out, you will also discuss it with some kind of stranger. Of course, a person will not want such a situation of such a situation. Therefore, such behavior can cause a second date with a young nymph will not take place.
  • No need to discuss complex topics on the first date, for example, political - It may seem a little strange to you, but it will be better if you do not talk about politics. What is the problem? The fact is that you can have completely different political views, and this is quite normal. But at the first meeting with the girl, you definitely do not need to focus on this, and even more so try to prove her rightness. Firstly, you must understand that she, like any other person, has the right to her opinion. Even if it diverges from yours radically. Secondly, you have no moral right to impose on her your perception of reality. Believe me, if you try to do this, then there is a chance that your first date will be the last. Talk about nature, her hobbies, work, books, discuss new films and series, but in no case go on serious topics.
  • Don't be too closed and silent too much - A typical error of a large number of representatives of the stronger sex on the first date. In principle, a man is generally laconic by nature. They prefer to speak less and act more. And this is even very good, because you can calmly rely on such a man, and not worry that he will not deal with everyday problems. But the first date is not the place where you need to be silent and listen. In this case, not only your chosen one should speak, but you. Otherwise, how can she recognize you better. Therefore, find the strength in yourself and talk to the girl all the time. Do not be silent, answer her questions, ask her yours, try to learn as much as possible about her life, and be sure to tell about yourself as much as possible. Yes, and in no case do not interrupt it, be sure to wait for it to finish your speech, and only then start talking. Such a simple rule of etiquette will help you make it right.
  • In no case do not offer the girl intimate - It may seem to you a joke, but there is a category of men who show persistence in this regard on the first date. For some reason, it seems to them that if the girl agreed to meet, then she agrees to everything else. But you need to understand that if a man can go immediately to this part of the relationship, then the fair sex needs more time for this. Moreover, most girls will perceive such a proposal extremely negatively, since for them it will be a kind of humiliation - it may seem to them that you perceive them as an easily accessible woman. Yes, any girl wants to be welcome and beloved, but in order to get to such a relationship, you need to recognize each other as well as possible, get closer in emotional and domestic plan, and only after that you can start talking about sex. Therefore, on the first date you need to behave as restrained as possible, even if you really want to bring to a closer relationship.
  • No need to show obsession - Especially if you are definitely not sure that the girl reciprocates. The first meeting should be as easy and relaxed as possible. The girl should feel relaxed near you. If she feels not quite comfortable, she is unlikely to agree to meet you one more time. Therefore, in no case do we show the slightest perseverance. For example, we obsessively ask the phone, or insist that she adds you as a friend to all her social networks. Believe me, all this will not very positively affect our relationship, if she likes you, then she herself will do all this. Therefore, try to be as calm as possible - show that you are a balanced and well -mannered person who is always considered with the opinion of another person. If you want to ask for something, do it softly and only once, let the girl decide whether it is necessary to do it or not.
  • No need to force the girl to pay for yourself in a cafe, restaurant, in the cinema - A simple advice that will help the representative of the fair sex with a positive opinion about you. In the modern world, men and women have the same rights and obligations, they are, as it were, level in everything. Probably, for this reason, a new rule appeared - the woman herself pays for herself on dates and meetings with a man. Of course, it may seem to you that this is very good, because in this case your financial expenses will be minimal. But what will your chosen one feel? With a high degree of probability, she will think that you are a greedy person who is not ready to treat the lady even a cup of coffee. Therefore, show persistence, in this case it will be appropriate, and pay for everything that the lady of your heart chose. Such a small trifle will help to arrange it correctly, and will definitely positively affect your further relationship.

A date with a girl - mistakes at a meeting after a quarrel

A date with a girl - mistakes at a meeting after a quarrel
A date with a girl - mistakes at a meeting after a quarrel

A date with a girl after a quarrel is always very difficult, and it is very important not to aggravate a split in a relationship. We will help you not make mistakes that can lead to the collapse of the Union of two lovers.

A date with a girl - mistakes at a meeting after a quarrel:

  • Do not blame your beloved of what happened - The quarrel of two lovers always has a negative impact on their relationship, especially if the pride of one of them does not allow the first to go to reconciliation. But someone needs to give in to someone, and there is nothing wrong if the first step takes. The most important thing is that you must remember - do not say to your loved one that it is she who is the cause of the disagreement. Even if she initiated the scandal, do not remind her of this, at least on a date. Do this when you both completely calm down and can calmly discuss the situation that led to the disagreement. And having come to a conciliatory date, try to control your emotions so that again not to tell your loved one too much.
  • Do not come to the date drunk - Yes, it also happens that a man comes to a conciliatory date to the drunk. What do you think the girl feels? Of course, anger, disappointment, the desire to get up and leave. And she will be right, because with such your behavior, you show that her feelings are not particularly important to you, and you are simply fixated on your own insult. Therefore, we advise you to understand that both people are to blame for any scandal. After all, if you recall, then both of you spoke nasty things addressed to each other, so both should apologize too. In view of all this, it is not the best idea to come to the date, not the best idea, especially if you understand exactly that you cannot continue to live without this person. Therefore, if you still drank before a date, try to postpone it the next day - write to your favorite SMS, or send a voice message. Do everything so that she does not see you in an unsightly form.
  • Don't talk badly about her surroundings - A typical mistake of men who did not find a common language with relatives and friends of their beloved girl. For some incomprehensible reason, they prefer to say nasty things to people of strangers for them, but for some reason they are not looking for a way out of this situation. Now think about what your chosen one feels in such a situation? It is located in the middle of two lights. She loves her environment and you, but at the same time she cannot combine two different worlds together. As a result, she has to break up, because she wants to spend time with you and them. Therefore, in no case do not talk about loved ones your beloved badly, even if you do not really like them, especially if you are alone with her. If the topic is unpleasant for you, just go to another, but do not try to set it up against your family.
  • No need to set conditions for the resumption of relations - This behavior definitely will not help make the union stronger. Some men consider women in love practically their property, and for this reason they try to manage their words and actions. As a rule, immediately after a quarrel, they begin to announce the “red lines”, for which the fair sex should not cross. Moreover, on a conciliatory date, they may demand to begin unconditionally to obey them. It’s definitely not worth doing in this way, because no matter how a woman loves a man, she definitely won’t want to feel like a slave, and for sure the split in a pair will only aggravate. Therefore, try to behave on reconciliation as gallantly as possible. If you have any wishes, express them. But if you receive a negative answer to them, in no case do not show negative. He definitely will not help you restore normal relations with your beloved.

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