The first date with the girl. How to behave on a date?

The first date with the girl. How to behave on a date?

To understand how to behave on a first date, you do not need to re -read a bunch of books and go through a pickup training. It is necessary to follow several important rules of etiquette on a date and success is guaranteed.

The right first date with a girl

The right date with a girl

The first date can be the beginning of an excellent relationship or complete disappointment. And on how correctly it has passed and the result will depend. If you really like the girl, then you should pay attention to very important points from which you will have a positive impression of a date and about you as a whole.

How to invite a girl on a date?

The first date with the girl how to invite?
  • Before inviting the girl on a date, you should find out from her friends or from her about all her preferences. The right choice of the place of date, gift, or even just the right invitation will depend on this
  • If she loves cinema, specify the news of the films and think through the conversation option alone before watching. If she loves art, then you should prepare you learn all the possible places where the exhibitions are held to surprise it. If she loves Chinese cuisine, then she will have less chance of refusing a campaign in a Chinese restaurant
  • The invitation itself may take place on the phone if you are little familiar and there is a moment of embarrassment or fear of refusal. At the same time, do not immediately start with the invitation. Having a regular conversation, joining correctly. You can, as if by chance, drop it that I got tickets for a concert of her favorite group or a film that she is waiting for
  • And even if the reaction is negative, do not drop the phone, switch its attention to another topic. After all, it may be a matter of not a very suitable moment and it will be possible to return to the invitation to the meeting a little later

Where to invite or where to go with a girl on a first date?

First date with a girl

It is best to invite the girl to the first date near her house. If this is a park with attractions or alleys where you can just walk, without experiencing discomfort from the fact that you are alone. When there are people around, the girl will be calmer and everything will pass in a more discharged atmosphere. If she loves sport, you can ride bicycles together and spend an exciting first date.

If she still watches and monitors all the new films, then the choice is unequivocal - a cinema. But it is necessary that there be a cozy cafe where you can spend another hour before the premiere and get to know each other better.

A trip to the theater or simply at an art exhibition is suitable for more sophisticated natures who value art and they have something to discuss with you. The most important thing is that you are also savvy in this matter and do not fall into an unpleasant situation when one question that you do not find an answer can spoil the whole date.

How to behave on a first date with a girl girl?

First date with a girl
  • The very first mistake that many young people are susceptible to is the excitement of something after a meeting or not. After all, when the girl really likes, she will like her much stronger. This creates excessive tension in your body, stiffness in movements and it will feel a lot of girl
  • It is necessary to relax even before the meeting and decide that this is just a meeting, as with a friend who is not obliged to like, but I really want to be pleased to chat.
    Contact a girl by name as often as possible. This is an important indicator of respect for her and all people get used to the interlocutor much faster if he turns to them by name
  • Do not come up with an idealized image and create an illusion on the first date. Be natural. After all, the deception and masks that the guys try on the sake of impression will sooner or later subside and the truth about your essence will come out
  • Never tell the girl about your friends of former or real ones. This at least hurt her pride, as your last meeting will be maximum
  • The ability to be gallant, to care for a lady, to be polite and prudent - these are of course wonderful qualities for a guy who is going to conquer the girl’s heart. Give her outer clothing, push the stool, skip ahead and of course pay your total account
  • Girls adore guys with a good sense of humor. But even if she did not appreciate the joke, this does not mean that the chances are lost. Perhaps she is too tense and is also nervous and next time it will certainly appreciate the sense of humor
  • According to many psychologists in order to quickly establish confidence in a date. You need to "mirror" the girl in her words or gestures. Just copy them and you will notice how she herself will become more actively showing herself

What to talk about with a girl on a date?

First date with a girl
  • Of course, communication is the most important. What can tie you after a date. And if it is high -quality communication, then consider that success in your pocket
  • Of course you need to be able to not only speak, but also listen. Let the girl finish the phrase without interrupting. So a laid -back dialogue will pour, not a monologue that can bore her
  • Even if there was a pause between yours, you can easily defuse the situation with a sincere confession that you are just worried and you really like the girl
  • Conversations about the interests of both will be more exciting if they are supported by interesting stories from life. Remember something funny and try to apply it to the conversation in time
  • From excess excitement, speech can be hasty. Relax and try to speak more slowly and not intelligence to express your thoughts. So it will be much easier for her to understand you and imbued with friendliness
  • And of course sincerity and no lies is also the most important point for further continuation of the relationship

What to give a girl on a first date?

First date with a girl
  • Of course, not a single date is complete without a bouquet of flowers. It does not have to be roses. Any flowers selected with taste will delight the girl and cause a smile on her face
  • You can surprise it with a more original gift, for example, a small souvenir. But at the same time you need to first know about its interests. So that the gift is in the topic of her hobbies
  • Inexpensive bracelet, soft toy or even a book with romantic verses, you can pack everything beautifully and make a memorable gift after the first date

What flowers to give a girl on a first date?

The first date with the girl. What flowers to give?

To choose a bouquet of flowers, an important point is where you invited your girlfriend.

If this cafe, then you can give both roses and bouquets of Herberra, chrysanthemums, tulips. It is good if the flowers are neutral shades - white or pink, so that their color is not interpreted in any way.

Do not give bouquets of 101 roses on the first date. A rather modest bouquet of several colors, competently decorated with a florist to leave a pleasant impression and pay attention to the little things.

Is it possible to kiss a girl on a first date?

First date with a girl
  • The ability to complete the date with a kiss must be considered with caution. It is important to take a closer look at the girl during a date, at her gestures, how much she allows her to violate her personal space when you come closer and touch her slightly
  • If the girl herself with a look or gestures shows that she is ready for a kiss, then there is no doubt. And this does not mean that she is dissolved. She just may already feel deep sympathy for you or rather romantic and sensitive
  • If the girl behaves with restraint and modestly hides her eyes, then do not rush with a kiss. This can greatly push her away. Wait until your relationship becomes deeper and the level of trust in it will increase

How to please the girl on the first date? First date with a girl tips

To leave yourself a pleasant impression after a date, you must always follow the secret etiquette of a date:

First date with a girl
  • Never be late, but better come before the intended time
  • Appearance: haircut, clothing, shoes - everything should be ideal. Your perfume should also be barely perceptible and unobtrusive
  • Carefully follow the emotions of the girl and if something is wrong, do not hesitate to ask. So you can provide many unpleasant moments in a date
  • On the first date, do not start conversations on deep personal topics and topics of intimacy. This is conversations for a deeper and more long relationship
    Always, even if a girl insists to pay for herself, pay for yourself. Real men do just that

Video: First date with a girl

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting information!
    First dates! How many hopes, expectations and dreams! The only question
    What happens in the end?! After all, for the most part they are like lottery:
    win or lose and leave "naked":

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