The date is quickly-Speed \u200b\u200bDating: What is it? What to talk about in 5 minutes? Questions for express slander. Can I find a husband in 5 minutes?

The date is quickly-Speed \u200b\u200bDating: What is it? What to talk about in 5 minutes? Questions for express slander. Can I find a husband in 5 minutes?

The advantages and disadvantages of quick date.

Recently, AIDS DECITING has become quite popular. These are quick dates, they are also called express session, or meetings in 5 minutes. A rather interesting dating option that allows you to get acquainted with several partners in a short period of time. What is the essence of such dates, we will tell in this article.

What is Speed \u200b\u200bDating?

They can be organized both in nightclubs and in more quiet, cozy restaurants. It all depends on the organizer. Now they are mainly common in large cities and are held regularly in regional centers, capitals. Such a fashion has not yet reached small towns, maybe because in the province there is a possibility of meeting the person you already know due to a small number of population. The cost of such dates is quite low. It includes directly acquaintance with partners, as well as a cup of tea, coffee or a simple snack with a drink.

The essence of this event:

  • Nearby, small tables are installed near each other, behind which girls are sitting, and partners sit opposite. After a certain amount of time, about 3-7 minutes, one partner is transplanted further.
  • That is, the girls continue to sit at their tables, and the men are moving. Thus, communication occurs until all participants in the date talk to each other. The main difficulty is that it is quite difficult to like each other in such a short period of time.
  • People mostly look at appearance all this time, as a person speaks. Details are difficult to find out in such a short time. Although scientists have long been proven that the opinion of a person is taking shape in about a few seconds.
  • Accordingly, such a time will be enough to decide whether a person is cute or not. But the main difficulty is that there may be several suitable, pretty partners on such dates.

Who and when came up with express session?

The most interesting thing is that the AIDS DEVITIST was developed in 1998 by one researcher who really knew the information that the first impression of a person is created in 30 seconds, and very detailed information can be obtained in 5-8 minutes. This was based on a quick date system. The saddest thing is that in our country such meetings are adapted to the existing mentality.

Features of dates in our country:

  • Men of applicants, oddly enough, are much less than women. Not because there are fewer bachelors among men. They are not confident in themselves, and are not ready to flee for such a date. Men often doubt, rather lazy, do not want to tear off the fifth point from the sofa and go on such a date in order to communicate with a large number of girls for 3 hours.
  • That is why quite often two girls sit on one table with a man at one table. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to achieve romance, because it is more reminiscent of a survival competition. Which of the girls will overshadow the other. This is a completely wrong approach, because it is not possible to achieve sympathy between partners, as well as decide on a more interesting girl.
  • No one forbids to secretly exchange contacts on such dates. Although girls with minimal enthusiasm are ready to give their number to the first oncoming man. Therefore, such cases are infrequent, and only if the girl really liked the man, she does not want to lose his contact. At such parties, they just prefer to talk more about work.
  • Many girls have the impression that among men there are mainly those who regularly visit the gym, do not drink alcohol, concerned about their appearance, career, and nothing more. That is, such snobs. But this does not reflect the real situation, because men are simply not ready to open up to a stranger.
  • In the same way, the girl. Therefore, we recommend starting a conversation with some kind of joke, an interesting fact, and ask how little as possible about work. If a person is interested in the external ones, you can exchange contacts and conduct a conversation in a more quiet environment, chat with each other.
Dates in 5 minutes
Dates in 5 minutes

What to talk about in 5 minutes?

What to do in this case, what to spend these 5 minutes of communication on in order to have time to discuss everything interesting and important? The saddest thing is that most people spend their time on such dates is absolutely useless, asking questions that will not help to know a person better. What happens mainly? People spend time finding out each other's name, the age where the partner works and how much is the partner, about some life hobbies.

In fact, for sympathy, this is very distant. Because sympathy arises inside, and all these issues of a pragmatic nature that allow you to find out how financially suits you, according to status. Accordingly, there are no conversations about sincere proximity. It mainly develops in those cases when a couple manages to talk about something spiritual and spiritual, to find out each other closer. This is more important than the information that will tell about social status, salary and work.

What to talk about? In order to really know a person as best as possible in 5 minutes, you need to ask him about some spiritual and spiritual values \u200b\u200bthan about work and earnings. The ideal option to bring a person to clean water will be provocative issues that are aimed at pulling his internal experiences and spiritual values \u200b\u200bfrom the partner.

A quick date
A quick date

Questions for Speed \u200b\u200bDating

List of provocative questions:

  • In 2 minutes, tell your life story.
  • The death of which of the loved ones will hurt you the most?
  • Was it happy childhood? It was happier than all other children?
  • Tell me about your attitude to your mother?
  • How do you prefer to spend time with friends: over a cup of coffee and watching the series, or on a rink, in more active conditions?
  • Which of the desires was not fulfilled, would you like it to come true?
  • If it was possible to choose, save your 30-year mind or body at 60, so you choose?
  • When was the last time you cried?
  • How often are you angry and why?
  • How do you relieve stress?
  • Are you singing in your shower?
  • Do you have a pet, how do you feel about it?

In fact, the psychologist Aaron conducted a study, and found out that 34 issues about spiritual and spiritual, allow us to learn much more about a person than standard questions that most often ask such dates. He found that when answering these questions, people become closer to each other and may communicate as long, old friends or acquaintances who have known each other for a very long time.

According to studies, the couple who answered these questions, and then looked into each other for 4 minutes, got married after a while. This is due to the fact that during such a short period of time they managed to recognize each other true, sincere. Thanks to such issues and the fact that they opened. Standard issues do not allow this to do this, because very rarely a person allows you to let into his personal space an absolutely alien partner, or a random person who is at a table.

Accordingly, time is spent uselessly, empty. As a result, the couple does not add up, people cannot find a common language, or decide because they are mainly gray masses that are unremarkable. But not because people are really gray, but because they are not ready to open before the first oncoming. Personal issues will allow you to tune in more spiritual, spiritual notes, and will help to draw the right conclusion, as well as to arrange a partner to yourself.

A quick date
A quick date

What girls go to quick dates?

Everything happens here just as in life.

Types of girls:

  1. These are beauties who are looking for a sponsor. The questions will mostly be very standard, specific: how much do you earn, how much is you ready to spend, what is the most valuable gift you gave your partner? Nothing new for this kind of relationship. If you do not consider yourself like a wallet with money, then such girls are not your option.
  2. Pretty girls who do not pay much attention to their appearance, do not emphasize dignity. Sometimes it seems that they, on the contrary, put on hoodies, do not paint to somehow hide their natural beauty. Although in fact they are very beautiful. This is an ideal option for family life, because the girls are responsible, adequate, and are used to using their minds, not appearance.
  3. Girls for whom such dates are the last chance in life. They are not very beautiful, they themselves do not know what they want, but the age is running out, it is necessary to get married. Therefore, in principle, they do not care who to meet. If only to connect yourself with someone to marry as soon as possible.
  4. Young girls, at the age of 18-22, who are very easy to riseAnd it’s very easy to communicate with them. They are ready to have fun, run to the club, and can do absolutely interesting and unusual actions. Communicating with them is not at all bored. Therefore, if you are looking for entertainment, this is your option.

The best option for creating a family is a second type of girl. Those that are very pretty, but somehow are in no hurry to emphasize external data, and put their inner world in the first place. If you want to relax, get out of depression, as well as saturate your life with new colors, then you will undoubtedly suit you 4 options. That is, young girls, quite extreme, active and extravagant. It is never boring with them.


How to make a quick date?

Should I record something on such dates? Many people come to such dates with notebooks, pens, write down some personal data about girls, men, in order to make it easier to decide. In fact, this is all secondary, because if a person really liked it, you will definitely remember him, select him from the crowd.

All these fluctuations regarding appearance, beauty, education, earnings are secondary, because it has nothing to do with spirituality and sincerity. If at the very beginning of communication there was no spark, a person is uninteresting, you choose exclusively by his work, income, prosperity, appearance, then initially such an alliance is doomed to failure.

Many will ask why earnings, as well as the social status of a person, are not important, if mostly dates in 5 minutes position themselves as a way to find a partner for a serious relationship? The fact is that very often such a date turns into a real interview, on which a person feels not very comfortable and uncomfortable. Accordingly, such a person does not want to communicate with you again, answering questions that put him in an awkward position, or constrain him. Communication should be as relaxed as possible.

A quick date
A quick date

Can I find a husband, wife on express session?

The purpose of such dates is simple - to choose several girls or men who may suit you. Ask, but what is the savings of the time, if you still have to go on some dates again then? Think about how much time you need to find the maximum number of girls interesting for you, and then chat with them and conduct a certain number of dates? A huge amount of time is spent on all this.


  • With such dates you have a choice. Of course, many of the girls may not be suitable for you according to external data. But in life and on the network, girls often engage in photographs. At the same time, they look completely different in life. It is not the fact that the beauty in the photo on the dating site is just that in life. Very often, a girl who does not suit you very much, may interest in communication.
  • On the Internet, you would have eliminated such a young lady for a simple reason - I do not like it outwardly. But on dates are quickly, her appearance fades into the background, because the girl is very interesting in a spiritual, spiritual plan, to communicate with her very interesting and at ease.
  • What is the probability of finding a couple in this way? There is no exact statistics, because it is not known how many people are ready to go on a second date after the coincidence. It is also not known how many people exchanged phones, while without choosing each other, but then more serious relations phoned and possibly began.
  • Undoubtedly, AIDS DEVITIST is a great way to find a couple and save time on endless searching on the network. Because here and now you can see the person’s face, feel how he feels, how he behaves and how he breathes than to feel it when communicating on the network. Correspondence is nothing more than letters on the screen that do not convey the emotional color, as well as the intonation of the interlocutor.

What to wear and what to look like for express slander?

What to pay attention to dates in 5 minutes? The most important trump card is your appearance. Of course, there is no need to flaunt hard, wear very expensive, branded clothes. But at least a well -groomed appearance should be.


  • Accordingly, it is best for a girl to wear clothes that will emphasize her advantages, hiding the disadvantages. You should not act like most girls: to train hoods, jeans that hide all the charms of the figures.
  • A man in front of him wants to see a bright, pretty woman, and not a girl dressed in an incomprehensible what. This also applies to men. It is best to put on a business suit and leave sweat pants in the closet. Because such clothes are not very suitable for dates.
  • Also take care of cleanliness and wellness. Do not come on a date with dirty hair collected in a tail, a bunch, without cosmetics, with bruises under the eyes. Even if you had a very hard night, you worked, try to look as natural as possible, relaxed, well -groomed.
  • For men, the pose in which it is located is also of great importance. Try to behave at ease, but at the same time not to stick out your male dignity, not to show what a male you are. Because very often a girl who can become your couple negatively refers to this kind of men. After all, alpha samks or just pickupers who came again to find a girl for quick sex, decent young ladies are not interesting.
On a date
On a date

Age for quick dates?

Try to avoid stereotypical questions about money, health, work, hobbies. This is all very boring and does not help to make some impression on the interlocutor. Be extraordinary, interesting, tell us about some fact of your life. Try to share something unusual and what people usually do not share on the first dates with a stranger. Thus, you will be able to establish spiritual contact, it is possible to become more open to each other. What will make the conversation more interesting, and will not be like some kind of interview when applying for a job.

What are age -related restrictions:

  • As practice shows, mostly people are looking for a couple of 30 +. Because younger applicants successfully communicate with their fellow students, employees, have certain companies. People 30 + due to age are more lonely and are more likely to seek a soul mate. Because not many people aged 30 + are lonely.
  • Most often, people at the age of 25 come to such dates who simply want to have fun and diversify their communication with new acquaintances. Next is the category of 30-40 years. Now they began to share age groups and make men and women about the same age come on a date. In order not to create unequal competition.
  • Undoubtedly, men will choose young girls. And the girls stare at young people with sports and pumped up, which quite infrequently happens in men of 40 years.
Fast dates
Fast dates

Fast dates: reviews

Reviews about AIDS Deiting:

Elena, 28 years old. I do not live in the capital, we have such evenings quite infrequently. I went because I recently broke up with a guy, I thought I would find myself a new couple. But unfortunately, the couple did not work out. I can say that the idea is interesting, but the implementation is lame. I didn’t like it, because it was not a cozy restaurant, but a club in which it is quite noisy, smoked and very poorly audible what your partner says. If such parties are arranged, maybe I’ll go. But only if they are not held in the club, but in some quiet cafe.

Olga, 23 years old. I work in the capital, we have such parties not news. They are held quite often, and on different clubs. This time I really liked it, because the organizers invited not a very large number of people. Only one girl planted at a table for each man. Therefore, it was possible to talk on more intimate and mental topics, not hide anything, and not limit ourselves to questions about work, prosperity, as well as a place of residence. I was lucky, the couple developed, I met a wonderful young man. Unfortunately, we are not meeting at the moment, I have restored relations with my ex -boyfriend. But we continue to communicate like friends. I would advise going to such parties.

Svyatoslav, 35 years old. At my age, it’s not so easy to find a girl, because I want a couple for a serious relationship, creating a family. I visited such a party and I will say that I am not very pleased, because there were actually a lot of girls, but I liked few. Among the applicants there were a lot of young girls who are 20-25 years old, I would like to find a woman 30 years old. Unfortunately, such an age category at the party is not common. Only 2 girls who corresponded to this age. I did not like them for objective reasons. One of them has a child, and I did not like the second outwardly. I did not choose anyone for myself. But the idea is good, if in our small town they will arrange fast dates, I will definitely go.

Fast dates
Fast dates

Should I go to such dates? Undoubtedly, you should go, because it is possible that you find your other half on such a date. This is a great way to have a fun time, because on such dates it is sometimes very interesting. This will diversify life and gray everyday life.

Video: Express Dating

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