How to invite a girl on a date: recommendations, ideas, tips. How not to spoil the first date?

How to invite a girl on a date: recommendations, ideas, tips. How not to spoil the first date?

In this topic, we will consider how to invite the girl you like on a date the first time.

It seems to many guys that the mission to “invite a girl on a date” is an impossible task. But everything in this event is simply if you correctly prioritize to achieve the goal. Therefore, in this material we want to share the main secrets in order to achieve the location of the girl and get her positive answer.

How to invite a girl on a date?

A little more than a century has passed since those wonderful times, when the dates, as such, did not exist. It is difficult for us to imagine this now, but the girl could only meet her first love during secular techniques, solemn balls or holidays, when mass festivals took place in city squares. Today it is much easier for us to find our soul mate and invite it on a date.

Important: it’s good when the foundation of sociability is laid in the family on the example of parents. And, entering an adult life, a guy or girl does not have difficulty building relationships with the opposite sex - this is the key to their future happy life.

The main thing is do not go around the bush
The main thing is do not go around the bush
  • But even the most sociable, self -confident and erudite young people may from time to time arise of non -standard situations or questions that, due to their inexperience, they do not immediately find an answer. And, perhaps, thereby miss their happiness. Therefore, in today's topic, we want to raise the topic of how to avoid this, how to invite the girl you like on a date. And also what to interest it for the further development of relations that can develop into something more and help in creating a happy family.
  • First of all, it should be said that there are no specific tips. It all depends on the psychotype of two personalities, on their vision of the situation, on their idea of \u200b\u200bthe model of future family life. And first of all, of course, from that spark that may run between them "at first glance." Or as they say, from “chemistry” - or not in communication between two people will arise. This is exactly what is decisive for the development of further relations. But such advice is necessary - they help to avoid mistakes and choose the right path.
  • It is traditionally believed that the initiative in an invitation to a date should come from a man, so we will consider this particular option. Although it should be noted that in some situations, the girl is also not forced to take on a leading role.
  • So, unlike the times of our great-grandmothers, the meeting of two young people today can happen anywhere-in an educational institution, in the office, at any public event, in a cafe, on vacation and even in the World Wide Web. There is nothing reprehensible in paying attention to the girl you like and try to continue the acquaintance where you would not meet her.
  • Primarily - Act unobtrusively!A young man who counts on the attention of the girl and her interest in developing further relationships should in no case obsessively pursue her, constantly call, send meaningless SMS or personal messages in social networks. And even more so , the manifestation of any sexual hints or frank harassment is unacceptable.
Act confidently, but not obsessively!
Act confidently, but unobtrusively!

Invitations of a girl on a date with a phone

In a public place or transport, you met a charming lady. You should not invite her to a cup of coffee right away. After all, she can negatively respond to such perseverance. It is advisable to delicately ask for a mobile phone number. And call only the next day.

  • Hold your excitement in your hands and be yourself. And then the girl will definitely remember this date for a long time. You can ask with a firm voice without excitement:
    • like an interlocutor's mood;
    • is there a good night yesterday;
    • how did you sleep;
    • what are the plans for tomorrow;
    • how he likes to spend time.
  • A big plus of invitation on the phone will be that the girl does not see embarrassment, unsuitable facial expressions on her face, sweating hands.
  • And remember, you must be confident. After all, if the girl gave the right number, then you are pretty. And she is not averse to meeting in a more intimate environment.
It is very convenient to make an invitation by phone
It is very convenient to make an invitation by phone

The girl’s offers go on dates through social networks

A page on social networks is a small human life where users set their photos, share experiences and successes. But also social networks are the simplest and most suitable way to involve the lady of the heart in the conversation. With the subsequent invitation to dates.

  • If your acquaintance with a girl happened on social networks, and you, having become interested in her, want to continue it in real life, then Try to create your positive image. Do not write strange and ambiguous posts in your tape, do not place obscene pictures, outright pornography, and negative content posts.
    • This will not add attractiveness to you. Try to become an interesting interlocutor for her, find topics that will be interesting to you. Listen to it Support, unobtrusively interested in how her day passed. If you notice that something bothers her, Offer help. So you will become interesting for her and she will probably wish you to meet with you.
  • Before starting to send the text, the invitation is allowed to adjust several times. And this is undoubtedly a big plus. Also, the said in the message is complemented by virtual colors and funny emoticons.

Important: rely on the red wavy line at the bottom of each incorrectly written word. Remember - illiteracy in 80% of girls beats a desire to go on a date. A positive answer also depends on how creatively the invitation was built.

Help - an excellent excuse to invite a girl
Help is an excellent excuse to invite a girl

Appeal with a proposal to go on dates at a personal meeting

  • It doesn’t matter if your acquaintance on the Internet happened or your paths accidentally crossed in real life, it is important for you not to spoil The first impression of yourself!No matter how strange it sounds, but girls also love with their eyes. By the way, how to immediately correct yourself at the first meeting, you can in the material "The first impression of a man."
  • Even if you are not lucky enough to be born with the Hollywood appearance, which at the first moment of acquaintance can play a decisive role for its continuation is not a misfortune. Here already all in your hands!A stylish, neatly dressed young man, smelling of a good perfume, with a good -natured, open face and a pleasant smile, will attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  • And add an aspect to this, if during a conversation he does not look away, does not embarrass, does not blush and does not catch the word for communication. Or vice versa - does not try to be deliberately witty and chatting incessantly. Undoubtedly, such a guy will attract the attention of the girl. And you must You will feel this by her response- She will willingly maintain a conversation, listen carefully, ask questions and try to also make a pleasant impression on you. So, the moment has come to invite her to a date!
Do not forget about the first impression

Recommendations on how to invite a girl on a date

Before you decide to do this, remember a few simple rules.

  • Never be afraid that they will refuse you! A man should always be calm and confident in his abilities! And the invitation to the date should look more affirmative than inquiring. Then there is much more chances that the girl will accept him. But even in case of refusal, this is not a reason to be upset and feel humiliated.
    • Firstly, any person once faces a similar refusal. Secondly, the girl has such a right. And thirdly, her refusal is most often not attitude towards you, as a person. These are her personal motives that she does not have to explain to you. Do not be discouraged about this, do not be offended by it and do not try to persuade. Just thank you for the honest answer and close this topic for yourself.
  • Before inviting the girl on a date, Decide in advance with a place where you would like to invite her and with the time that would be suitable for both of you.The place of date can be anything, it all depends on your imagination, and, of course, on the preferences of the girl, who are desirable to know in advance. By the way, we can take interesting places for the first date from the material "Where to take a girl on a date."
Think about the meeting place in advance
Think about the meeting place in advance
  • It is better if you have 2-3 options in the reserve, in case the time proposed is uncomfortable for the girl, or your favorite pizzeria is not suitable, because it is on the diet. In addition, the girl should have a clear understanding of where she is invited to dress accordingly. The phrase “Let's go somewhere” is absolutely unacceptable for the first date! She speaks of your indifference to the upcoming meeting and worthy of the same uncertain answer.
  • Inviting the girl, do not use the word "date", It can cause an unforeseen reaction and break all your plans. Just - an invitation for a walk, in a cafe, for a concert. It will be wonderful if it is also made in a veiled form: “Tomorrow they promise sunny weather, are you not opposed to ride a boat?”
    • Or you are this form: “I know one place where the beautiful French cuisine! I hope you agree to have dinner there with me? ” Or maybe: “On Saturday in the theater of the prime minister of a new performance. I bought two tickets, I think you will be interested! "
  • For an invitation to a date, you need an appropriate situation.So that there are no strangers, distracting stimuli, the noise of cars, loud music. An invitation by phone is permissible. In some cases, it has its advantages: young people do not see each other's faces and possible embarrassment, it is easier for a young person to pronounce the words of an invitation and, in case of refusal to accept it, it is easier for a girl to accept an invitation or refuse. In telephone, we can also say: "I will see my schedule." And ask to call back a little later.
Consider the interests of the girl
Consider the interests of the girl

How to arrange a girl in an original way: Ideas

But besides this, there are some non -traditional ways to invite the first date. Whether they will be successful-it’s hard to say that everything again depends on your abilities to present them on the individual perception of the girl. But sometimes it’s worth trying, especially if you have a feeling that it can play a positive role.

We will not talk here about an invitation with a walk on a white horse, who once suddenly stops under the windows of his beloved girl. Although this option is not excluded. Let's talk about more affordable ways.

  • As an original invitation, you can use a basket of flowers or just a small bouquet, which will be included in a beautiful postcard with an invitation to a romantic dinner. Surely this will add a chance to you.
  • Invitation in verses, Which you will read to her personally or by phone. It is not necessary that there were words about exalted feelings, even comic poems about the weather and nature, accompanied by an invitation, spend a rainy evening by a cozy fireplace, drinking hot chocolate through a straw.
  • Personally written and shattered under the guitar, a song, With an invitation to make a trip to the roof and admire the lights of the night city. Moreover, now it is not a problem to find a suitable institution that offers just such a service in combination with a good menu.
  • A letter with an invitation, Written by a pen on paper, folded into a roll with a wax seal, in the style of our great -grandfathers, laid in a mailbox or handed over by a courier.
  • Video invitation In combination with verses or songs of their own production with an invitation to participate in an interesting quest.
  • A small creative video clip Using your personal photographs as participants in the upcoming concert "Star" or a sporting event to which you want to invite a girl.
  • Well, a completely original invitation to a date - In the form of a mural drawn under the windows of the girl. Only, in this case - carefully, so as not to be involved in violation of public order!
Non -standard methods are also welcome
Non -standard methods are also welcome

How not to spoil the invitations to a date and the meeting itself: tips

Well, the last one is how to behave, inviting the girl, and how to be on the first date, so that it is not the last. We have already talked about appearance and behavior above, nothing changes here. It remains to add that if the first date takes place, this already means that you like each other. After that, it will be important in each other not to be disappointed. Well, since we are talking about men, it is it to them that we will give some important advice.

  • Compliment to the girl! The phrase “you look good” will be completely useful when meeting.
  • Do not talk only about yourself, do not boast, even if there is something. And in general, on the first date, it is better not to touch on personal topics, not to complain about life, the boss, the lack of free time. Choose abstract positive topics for communication.
  • Do not talk about your former young ladies! Even if you are asked about them a question. “Another time” will be a quite appropriate answer. And do not ask about her former relationship.
  • Do not be afraid to seem funny. Many girls like guys with a sense of humor.
  • Do not be late! Neither on the first date, nor for the second, and never in general! This does not characterize you from the positive side.
A sense of humor is welcome!
A sense of humor is always to the place
  • On the first date, as well as at subsequent meetings, preferably Come with flowers, And it is not at all necessary that it be an expensive bouquet.
  • Do not grind and do not greedy when calculating in a restaurant, even if you have a suspicion that you specially want to "promote" you for an expensive dinner. Simply, draw a conclusion to the future. Well, of course, if you invited the girl for dinner, you must pay the bill, and not offer her to pay for yourself or share in half.
  • Do not abuse alcohol!
  • Do not try to kiss the girl and do not show your sexual attraction on the first date at all, in which case it may be the last.
  • Forget about your mobile phone during a date! It is better to turn it off at all.
  • Do not come to the first date with the dog, even if it takes place in the park or in nature.
  • Listening to the wishes of the girl.
  • At the end of the date, be sure to hold home!
Think everything to the smallest detail

Questions that can be asked on the first date

It seems to guys that it’s hard to understand safe and interesting topics. But there are a considerable amount. Choosing several of the proposed list, you can favorably impress the satellite on a date:

  • position, success at work or at school;
  • hobbies, addictions;
  • the presence of pets;
  • last trips, trips abroad;
  • favorite films, TV shows;
  • preferences in music;
  • books that cause delight;
  • scenario for the future;
  • members of her family;
  • best friends;
  • dreams, fantasies;
  • funny life episodes;
  • involvement in charitable projects.

Important: but keep in mind that a date is a full, lively dialogue, and not an interrogation with addictions. It is necessary not only to ask appropriate questions, but also to answer the posed.

And do not forget that you always need to remain yourself! If you start to “wear” the mask from the first day, then nothing good will come of such a relationship! And once again we repeat that no one is safe from refusal. Therefore, it becomes difficult for guys, and even adult men, to invite the girl on a date because of this fear. But it is worth treating such a state of things as a cognitive lesson. So, either you did something wrong and intend to fix it in the future, or this is not your half.

Video: How to invite a girl on a date?

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