Who is easier to endure parting - a man or a woman? How a man is experiencing a breakup with a woman: psychology, philosophy, reviews. Why doesn't a man let go of a woman after parting?

Who is easier to endure parting - a man or a woman? How a man is experiencing a breakup with a woman: psychology, philosophy, reviews. Why doesn't a man let go of a woman after parting?

From this article you will learn how men endure parting with a woman and what difficulties may arise.

When people part, it is always unpleasant and painful. It is not for nothing that they say that separation is a little death. When the relationship changes in the bad side, the painful period begins. Women do not even imagine that men are also worried when parting and it is difficult for them to make decisions. So do not think that he is heartless and does not feel anything. Girls often depress, splash out emotions. But the man himself looks cold and indifferent. But no one knows what he has inside. Let's talk about how men endure parting and why they do certain things.

Who is easier to endure parting - a man or a woman?

The woman after parting is very worried and this can be seen right away. Nothing pleases her, she can be depressed. All days she thinks only of a man and the best moments with him. It seems that she cannot be consoled at all.

On the question of how a man transfers parting with a woman, the answer is slightly different. It always looks cold and indifferent. But this does not mean that this is true.

From childhood, men are brought up so that they are strong. They are taught to hide their feelings and be strong. If the guy is sensitive, then he is often called a "whiner." Therefore, gradually men learn to be strong. They seem to be always calm and indifferent, but they have a whole storm inside them and not even worse than women. Often friends do not even realize that the man is worried, but support him.

If the parting was a mutual decision, then people do not suffer so much. After all, there are no more feelings. It happens that the former remain in a good relationship. Then they both feel relief when the situation is solved calmly. And even starting a new relationship, no one experiences any feeling of guilt or conscience. But if a man still loves a woman, then he will be hard to experience a break.

How a man is experiencing a breakup with a woman, a guy with an adult woman: Psychology

How do men worry?
How do men worry?

Now let's find out how a man tolerates parting with a woman. In general, if the guy abandoned or is to blame for the rupture, then he is overcome by severe experiences.

So, during the parting, the man is overcome by such emotions as:

  • Discomfort. All men love comfort and comfort, and when he breaks up with a woman, the usual way of life changes. Everything in the house will remind of a woman, how I would not want to forget it
  • Fear. It arises from discomfort. It seems to the man that he is weak and defenseless. It knocks him out of the rut
  • Yearning. If there are feelings, then longing will be strong. The man will feel pain and he will want to see his beloved
  • Jealousy. Even if a man is the initiator of the parting, he will still be jealous of a woman. He will be unpleasant for him that she had another

Despite all this, not everyone understands that the relationship needs to be worked. If the guy loves and appreciates the girl, then he will part with her only in extreme cases. Regardless of the cause of the gap, he will suffer, but only his experiences will result in different ways than that of a woman.

For example, he will be forgotten in alcohol or immediately find a new girl to get distracted from experiences. Outwardly, he will be calm, but the excessive demonstration of the new passion is evidence that he misses. Some are looking for adrenaline in races or dangerous sports. In addition, it can be aggression. In this way, a man expresses all his feelings.

In fact, for men, parting also does not pass quickly, wounds heal for a long time. And often doubts overcome that the right choice has been made.

Why is it impossible to forget a woman after parting?

Why is it difficult to forget a woman?
Why is it difficult to forget a woman?

When the girls are interested in how a man endures parting with a woman, they think about when he forgets everything that was. It is always difficult to part, and if he was not the initiator, then it will be doubly more difficult for him. And often it really happens that a man cannot forget a woman.

This happens in the following situations:

  • Fear of loneliness. This is the main reason why the past does not want to let go. After all, before you did everything together, but now you have to do everything alone. And from this a person is lost.
  • Faith in only love. This, of course, is romantic, but recognize the harsh reality. There may be several partners in life who can give happiness. You can not cling to the thought that the only chance has been missed.
  • Watching the former in social networks. Perhaps after parting you will remain friends with each other. This is not the best solution. You can sometimes, of course, find out how a partner’s life is, but this can become obsession.
  • The past is idealized. Some time after parting, all the bad is forgotten and only good remains. But be a realist. If everything were fine, then you would clearly not have parted. So we must accept this fact.
  • Pity about what has been done or not done. Somewhere it was possible to keep silent, but somewhere vice versa. Maybe everything would be different. If thoughts about it constantly arise, then you blame yourself. It may be so, but you need to learn from mistakes and not think about them constantly.
  • You are in shock. Not always people are ready for parting and therefore they may have a shock. Confidence in people is lost, doubts appear in their actions. Believe me, this is not worth it. No need to look for reasons, live in the present and think about the future.
  • I would like to become who I was in a relationship. Sometimes men are not even bored by a woman, but in time with her. Many idealize the first love. If you imagine that the relationship will return, then everything will be different and you yourself understand it.
  • You continue communication. If after parting communication continues and a man’s feelings are alive, then this will be tormented for both. Instead of going further, you will always remember the past. So if you have broken up, then determine the boundaries and minimize contact.
  • Dissatisfaction with the current partner. Yes, the reason is banal - just do not like a new relationship. If you are trying to idealize a new person, then it is better to part with him. The current girl will not change, and when returning back will have to face the shortcomings that caused the gap. So it's better to take a break.

Why does a man cry in front of a woman when parting?

Some girls, when they think how a man endure parting with a woman, faces the fact that he begins to cry. Why is this happening? And it makes you part.

In general, men are also people and emotions are also characteristic of them. Someone is too emotional. So men can cry when it is hard for them. Moreover, parting with him when there are feelings are not easy.

It also happens that the man’s feelings are very strong, and he himself is to blame for the fact that you part. He can kneel, beg him and cry. This means that it repents of the deed.

Why does a man have aggression, he is angry, insults a woman after parting?

Why is a man angry?
Why is a man angry?

When answering the question of how a man transfers parting with a woman, it is important to make out such a moment as anger and insults. Indeed, some men fall to such a level. They can do differently-tell everyone nasty things, upload photos “only for him” on social networks.

Usually aggression says that a man feels his weakness and powerlessness. You have wound his pride. He believes that he was abandoned and deceived. Even if during the parting he did not show and behaved calmly, then he certainly had an entire ocean of emotions inside. He is definitely against your gap, believes that you have acted stupidly and unfairly.

What exactly are the reasons for this behavior - you decide. Perhaps you really played on his feelings, or maybe changed? It happens that jealousy is the cause of aggression. In this case, there is no one to blame - only yourself. We'll have to apologize and explain that you regret your act. Only this will calm the aggressor.

Although, he can express aggression due to pettiness or vindictiveness. You can’t do anything here, you just have to wait until everything goes away, and in extreme cases go to court. Well, in the future, stay away from such people.

Does a man miss a woman after parting?

A very frequent question when you think how a man tolerates parting with a woman, is he missing? In fact, a man can deny that he was missing, because a real man should not go into suffering. In such a situation, some signs will help how true his words will help.

After how much he begins to miss, depends on the person and his feelings. As soon as he writes to you, you can be sure that he missed. Or he will remind of himself in another way.

If he wrote to you that he misses, then this is true, but you can check this fact. Perhaps he does not say anything, but simply begins to like, write beautiful comments and send postcards. So he makes himself felt, but he can be afraid to take the first step and wait for him from you.

By the way, not always men behave carefully. Some are lost and begin to behave annoyingly. Jealousy wakes up in them. They begin to actively show attention and even seem to be imposed.

Why doesn't a man let go of a woman after parting?

Why doesn't a man let go?
Why doesn't a man let go?

In some situations, it is more important to figure out not even how a man tolerates parting with a woman, and why he does not let go after parting. However, he may not keep a woman. Just communicate, he is eloquent in words, but in fact he does not confirm this. Yes, and you no longer feel your value and need. It turns out that a man does not hold, but does not let go at all, because when you make an attempt to complete parting, he begins to play on your feelings. You stay and in the end remains the same. So why is this happening?

There are several reasons for this:

  • He is satisfied with everything as it is. Perhaps you yourself unconsciously do not let him go. He simply lives his life, and only recalls you sometimes, when you yourself disappear. He says how he loves you and you relax. Perhaps you will even make peace. If you have it, then why do you need it? Listen to beautiful words that are not confirmed by actions? Think, maybe you are considered as a spare option?
  • The difference is in views. You want a long relationship, but the guy begins to want this only when parting. And now you parted, and he again behaves as usual, supposedly you limit it. Everything is simple here - you have different views.
  • Confidence. He must be earned. When a man loves you and promises to make you happy and that he has changed, no need to rush. Let him deserve a second chance. If you return, then it is unlikely that something will improve. If it is, it is better to finally part.
  • You justify it. Girls who are sticking "morons" who do not want normal relationships are prone to self -flagellation. They believe that everything depends only on them. They cannot realize other things. So having matured, a person can blame himself for his problems. A guy who loves to drink or takes drugs just conveniently keep such a girl next to him when there was someone to go to between the gaps between the gaps.

Does a man touch a woman after parting?

In general, in resolving the issue of how a man transfers parting with a woman, it is important to know if he is worried that a woman is silent? Of course, he does not like it at all, he does not know which side to approach her and how to start a conversation. At the same time, men do not like to sort things out at all.

How long does a man remember the woman, recalls after parting?

How is a man experiencing parting?
How is a man experiencing parting?

Each girl should know how a man endures parting with a woman, and also how long he is going through. Men are not always happy with their freedom, it is also difficult for them to join a new course of life. This takes some time.

So, the experience of parting takes place in five stages:

  • Negation. A man even free may not fully understand the fact of parting. Therefore, at first he denies him
  • Expression of feelings. Then he is angry with the former for injustice. Usually those who are lonely and deprived of female attention think so. Emotions prevent him from living normally, and communicate with people
  • Awareness and doubt. When emotions subside, the situation is already perceived differently. There is a feeling of guilt and errors are recognized. There is a desire to establish everything and fear of the future
  • Depression. The man understands the whole situation and the fact that it makes no sense to blame his spouse and find out the relationship with her. He loses hope and flows into depression
  • Humility and consent. In the end, calm comes and all the bad fades into the background. A man draws conclusions and begins to live independently. He has an interest in life and communication

It takes some time to survive all stages. Someone manages to go through them quickly, and some suffer for months.

How a man experiences parting with a woman: reviews

Many women talk about how a man is experiencing a parting with a woman. A lot of this is said on the forums. This is what some users say:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Why do men experience the parting heavier than women?!

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