Acquaintance with a foreigner: is it worth a girl to go on a date, to visit, to get to know abroad? How to behave when meeting a foreigner?

Acquaintance with a foreigner: is it worth a girl to go on a date, to visit, to get to know abroad? How to behave when meeting a foreigner?

Communication in social networks, or even on Skype, cannot adequately reveal a person. It is no secret that absolutely everyone at the very beginning of their acquaintance is trying to expose themselves in a more profitable light than it really is to find out a person closer, it is necessary to meet him in real life - they have not yet come up with other ways.

Men - both Russians and foreigners, can be different. Among them are both good and bad, both rude and affectionate, egocentric, and, conversely, excessively loving. It’s like in a roulette - someone is lucky, after all, no one knows what qualities a man possessed, who wants to make an acquaintance over the Internet. If your virtual friend is a citizen of another country, it is important to decide whether you really liked him that you want to meet him in reality and is there a possibility of creating a family with him in the future?

Acquaintance with a foreigner: how to convince a man of the need for a personal meeting?

  • If you want to meet a foreigner that you liked, in real life, you need to be veiled to push him to a date. So that he wants to pay you a visit, send him your successful photos.
  • Looking through them, a potential partner should have The desire to see you personally. So carefully choose a photo, you should look like a real beauty!
  • Try to lick it an interesting conversation, subtle humor, charge it with your positive emotions, And all this together will certainly push him to personal contact.
Charge him with positive emotions for a personal meeting
Charge him with positive emotions for a personal meeting

Acquaintance with a foreigner on his territory: Features

  • It would be perfect for the first meeting with him to take place on your territory. In the event that a man really got carried away, he will be glad of your meeting, wherever she took place. Here you are “and cards in your hands” - after all, you choose the place of the meeting.
  • To get acquainted with a foreigner, you can invite him to visit the city in which you live. Tell us that there are many interesting places that you will show him with pleasure and you will be for him personal guide On all those days while he is visiting there. As if by accident, bring him to the idea that he will spend his time with great benefit, since in this city you live - such an attractive and charming girl.
Be a personal guide for him - so you will recognize him better and spend more time together
Be a personal guide for him - so you will recognize him better and spend more time together
  • Keep in mind for yourself Do not invite him to live in your house for this time. After all, in essence, you still do not know him at all, so advise your potential groom a worthy hotel.
  • There is another positive factor for you. If a foreigner decides to visit you, all his feelings at this time will be aggravated. After all, he is in an unfamiliar country, among strangers, everything is new and unusual for him. While he is in an unusual environment for him, you have more chances that he will experience tremulous feelings for you. For you, everything will turn out favorably, as they say, in your own house and walls help

I do not want to invite a foreigner to get to know my city: what to do?

  • If the first meeting for some reason cannot occur in your city, then you can pay you yourself to your chosen one.
  • Very often when meeting foreigners, they take up the payment of the trip and residence of the woman, whom they invited to themselves. It may seem that such a case is ideal for you, because you don’t need to spend money at all, and the world can be seen and shown yourself. Yes, and a potential groom can be considered more intently in the usual environment. Suddenly he will not be so prince on a white horse, whom you imagined during correspondence.
Usually men pay for a woman's arrival
Usually men pay for a woman's arrival
  • But a different scenario is possible. The meeting can be successful, or maybe everything will not happen as you fantasized for yourself. It would seem that such an attentive and sweet (judging by the correspondence) man may well require you to fulfill some obligations that will spill you.
  • As an argument, he can put up his claims to you, because he incurred costs because of you, which means that you must him and that. This is unpleasant, but so that you do not have all the ways for departure, you should take a certain amount with you so that it is enough to return to your homeland and daily accommodation in a foreign city.
  • Even if a man will behave well with you, you may simply not like it - in this case you also need to quickly get home, without introducing him into even greater expenses, which, by the way, can refuse.

Acquaintance with a foreigner: what should you pay attention to if you were invited to visit?

  • See if a foreign citizen is showing his initiative so that you safely get to him.
  • It will not look very good if he asks you to organize your visit - open a visa, book a hotel room and so on. If he himself begins to solve these issues - fine!
  • But it should be clarified. He makes an order for a number only for you, one for two persons, or plans that you will live in his apartments. In the latter version, of course, there is a plus. In a home environment, you will know him better, but at the same time there is a share of risk.
  • The best option will be if you live alone in a hotel room. Well, which option is preferable for you when meeting a foreigner is to decide only for you. And another non -universe advice, before giving your consent to a trip to someone else's country, take an interest in how his relatives relate to people with your nationality.
Decide how you want to live - together or separately
Decide how you want to live - together or separately

How to behave with a personal acquaintance with a foreigner?

  • In no case do not take on the solution of all issues related to his arrival. This is if the partner decided to come to you to meet you. He is a man, and it may well independently decide where and for what period he will stop, what baggage and how much money he should take with him.
  • You can provide him assistance in choosing a hotel, route, successful days for arrival, But no decisions for him are at all necessary.

Remember that soon you will have a first date, a personal acquaintance with a foreigner, which means that you should think about many important things:

  • At the first meeting, it is of great importance how you look. Therefore, you should think carefully about what makeup you will do, how you will dress. Perhaps you will need to buy some new fashion things.
  • Think about what you will communicate with him. After all, how interesting the interlocutor is in communication will also depend on whether dates will follow in the future.
Think your manner of communication and behavior
Think your manner of communication and behavior
  • You should develop a certain the manner of behavior. Representatives of the fair sex “love women with their eyes”, so it is very important that your image is imprinted for a long time in his memory.
  • It would be nice to think about creating such an imageTo prevail sexuality in it, but it was not screaming. This is a set of appearance, gestures, grace, views, thoughts, all that will make you attractive in the eyes of the man you like.

Acquaintance with a foreigner: payment of tickets and other material issues

  • Probably, our girls are somehow not raised as accepted in other countries. Usually they cannot without hesitation admit that they do not have sufficient funds to pay for all expenses. But if you don’t tell a man about this directly, he will think that you will be happy to buy tickets or a tour yourself. Men usually suits this. Do you need it?
  • Do not rush to part with your money, negotiate with him about So that the man pays for your tickets. Do it at ease, as for granted. It may sound about this: “Dear, I found out how much the plane ticket will cost, the available dates are indicated there, this or that one came up to me, and what is your opinion? Everything can be found on this site. And also it is better to make payment in advance in order to have time to buy a good ticket. Think about what day you are best suitable. ”
Decide on material issues in advance
Decide on material issues in advance
  • As soon as it will decide on the date, you need to send it the necessary contact details and account number for payment. Not scary, right, right? You need to accustom yourself to the idea that you are a lady, and you need to take care of you, So that you turn your attention to the man. So that your foreign virtual friend is not very scared when talking about money, emphasize that if this is a problem for him, then you are ready to meet him in your homeland.
  • You can always say something like: “If you have no desire to pay tickets for me for a trip abroad, I always, dear, will be glad to meet you in my city.”
  • If you yourself have to pay tickets for personal acquaintance with a foreignerin his country, but in another city, a man should be informed about their value. At the same time, mention that he can return the amount you spent when you meet him personally.
  • After such a statement, a foreigner must believe that your intentions are the most serious. In the meantime, you will check it for gallantry - do you have to start a conversation about money again or will a man give them a fight as soon as you meet?

How will life change after meeting a foreigner?

  • If a acquaintance with the foreigner will be successful, That, of course, your life will change for the better.
  • After all, who can better tell about the cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions of another state than its representative? First -hand, you will know about the customs of this country, about its landscapes and climate.
  • And also - your guest will certainly tell you about his hobbies, work and family, He will tell you what morals reign in it. It was then that the time will come to think: is it worth it to go there yourself in order to see all this with your own eyes.
  • Among other things, you will immediately feel how much you change for the better and become more confident.
  • And if the meeting is successful and you are lucky enough to marry a foreigner, then you will open A completely different world, life, culture, language. This is a wonderful step towards improving oneself as a woman, a person and a specialist. After all, you will probably want to work, and experience abroad is a great contribution to a professional piggy bank.
  • If you stay only friends, then you will have the opportunity to visit the country in which your new friend lives and discover it for himself from previously unknown parties.
  • If your meeting is negative, you will have the experience of communication with a person with a different mentality. It will also be a plus for your development.

Acquaintance with a foreigner: security measures

Whatever feelings you experience for your interlocutor and no matter how you want a meeting with him, you always need to remember the necessary security measures.

  • If a meeting with a foreigner is scheduled in your city, then everything is simple here. No need to walk with him in dark alleys, be on the alert, if a man suddenly becomes obsessive and will ask for an invitation to your home - especially if you live alone. It is worth letting relatives or acquaintances that you will have a guest at that time. It would be nice just in case to inform them about the hotel room in which he lives, his phone number, his data.
  • But if you are going fly to meet a foreigner to another country, then you need to try to protect yourself as much as possible. The most frequent fraud occurs when a man offers a woman he liked, so that she bought everything at once - tickets, a visa, and booked rooms at the hotel, and promises her to give her money later. But “then” they seem to forget about their promise.
It happens that a man to ask to book tickets for two, and then forgets to give money - be careful, do not fall on the hook of scammers
It happens that a man to ask to book tickets for two, and then “forgets” to give money - be careful, do not fall on the hook of scammers
  • So that this does not happen, but you still have to spend the money, then do it only for yourself. Let the man do not count on the fact that you will contain him. Need to take with you reserve amount of money - You never know how the matter can turn. Relatives and friends should be notified of where you are going - About the country, accurate address, phone number, name and surname of the person to whom you went.
  • Always keep your documents and tickets with you. No matter how decent this man may seem to you, you should not give them to him, even if he begins to assure you that his papers will be in greater safety. Do not trust anyone completely, otherwise no matter how much safety has become a great danger.
  • Remember another advice if something in a man seemed suspicious or strange to you, do not angry him with a statement about your premature county. It is much safer to get home secretly as soon as possible.
  • In general, you should not wait for too much from the first meeting so that a quick disappointment does not come. It is worth considering yours personal acquaintance with a foreigner how the opportunity to get to know each other better And not a kind of testing of a man for gallantry.
  • Enjoy the novelty, his stories about your country, his delighted views. Do not look for only flaws in his behavior, find for yourself pleasant moments. It is worth relaxing - and enjoy the meeting!

Acquaintance with foreigners: reviews

Reviews of acquaintance with a foreigner:

  • Elizabeth, 21 years old, student: For several months I have been corresponding with a guy from America, his name is John. He invites me to come to visit him, he met his family. But it’s somehow scary to fly to him first. Subsequently, probably, the advice of his girlfriend - if he liked me as much as he claims, let him fly the first to me. Then I will know him closer, and my mother will be calmer.
  • Anna, 30 years old, teacher: I already have the experience of my first marriage, in memory of him I had a son. I did not meet anyone for a long time, and then a friend persuaded to register on a dating site. They began to communicate with the German Otto, he knows the Russian language well. I lost illusions, and I no longer wait for the prince on a white horse, but Otto seems to me a good person. I read the recommendations on the sites, thought a little, and decided, I would go to Germany. If relations with him do not turn out, then at least I will see how people live. Moreover, he promised to pay my trip.

If your meeting is successful, we advise you to read interesting family topics:

Video: The main mistakes when meeting foreigners on the Internet

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