Superstition and signs about vacation. Signs before the trip. How to make a talisman, conduct a rite for good vacation?

Superstition and signs about vacation. Signs before the trip. How to make a talisman, conduct a rite for good vacation?

The list will be signs and superstitions about vacation.

Vacation is a period that causes ayeta lot of joy and bliss. After all, it is on vacation that you can relax, go to the sea, and visit distant relatives. In the article we will talk about signs about vacation.

Ritual and conspiracy for vacation

Everyone expects a lot of pleasant emotions and memories, as well as happy smiles from rest. However, this does not always happen, because a trip to another region or country is associated with risks, so it often ends with an accident, or minor troubles. The weather can fail, or you will not have time for the flight of the airline. There are several ways, rituals that will allow you to tune in for a vacation, and make it happy.

The sign is folk wisdom, which makes us look closely at the world and the occurrence of small events. It is believed that in this way fate can warn us about troubles, some emergency situations. Thus, your attentiveness will help protect yourself from the unpleasant consequences of rest.However, we can not only observe what is happening, but to make the vacation go well, making talismans for this, amulets of the amulets, and carrying out simple rituals. The rite and a vacation for vacation can be seen below.

Ritual and conspiracy for vacation:

  • You can perform not a complex ritual. This rite belongs to the Simoron, and is not directly related to magic. Rather, it is a school of comic rituals that are associated with psychology and self -hypnosis. Oddly enough, but they work. It is necessary to purchase a ball of woolen threads. Remember that acrylic or artificial fibers will not work. The yarn should be natural.
  • Next, you need to come home, turn on the monitor, find photos of the country you are going to go and put a ball on the table. Now turn over the pictures near the ball, you can turn on the music that is suitable for a given country or is a hymn, traditional. After that, you need to say the words:
  • Now you, my tangle, in (Spain, Brazil, Greenland, Malaysia ...) A walker!
  • After that, you need to throw the ball to the floor and push it with your foot so that it will roll. Say such words:
  • As a ball rolls, so I'm in (England, Kenya, Thailand) I’m going!
  • The ritual must be repeated several times, not necessarily every day, but not less than 3 repetitions. As soon as you purchase tickets, be sure to take a little thread from the ball. They will be your amulet, because they helped to come to rest in this country.
For good rest
For good rest
Before leaving
Before leaving

How to make a talisman for a successful vacation?

If you leave for a while, to relatives, take a chicken or pigeon feather, wrap it in red fabric and hide it under the bed. Spend the night with this pen under the bed, put it in the inner pocket of the bag for the trip.

How to make a talisman for a successful vacation:

  • This is a kind of ritual that will protect from misfortune, troubles, robbery. If you relax at sea, then you need to get in a container of salt sea water, it is desirable that the dish is made of glass. Dear in it a shell that was found on the shore, hold there until the end of the vacation. After that, pour the water, and take the shell with you. 
  • This is a talisman that will recall the sea for a long time. If you go to rest in a mountainous country, for example, in Norway, or to the Caucasus, then upon arrival, find a stone, wrap it in a fabric and put under a pillow.
  • When you leave, take the stone with you. Many psychics recommend carrying such a talisman with them, put it in a wallet, or an internal pocket of clothing. The closer to the body there will be a pebble, the greater the likelihood of success. 
On vacation
On vacation

What can not be done before the trip: signs

There are many signs that will help protect themselves from troubles on the road.

What can not be done before the trip, signs:

  • In no case should you go on a business trip or on vacation on Friday. It is believed that this is one of the most unsuccessful days to start a trip. In ancient times, Friday was considered a female day, when representatives of the fair sex rested and did not do business. Therefore, if a woman goes on a trip that day, he will create troubles for herself, rest can become a failure.
  • In no case should you quarrel with neighbors, relatives before the trip. It is believed that this brings unpleasant emotions, as well as negative energy on vacation. Therefore, you cannot have a good rest. 
  • In no case should you run to the store, purchase a toothpaste or brush that is useful on a trip. You can buy such a trifle by coming to rest. 
  • You must definitely buy and get out, but you should not wash your hair. In ancient times, they believed that the hair contains life force. If you wash your hair, then part of the energy is washed together with dirt. In addition, it was believed that the hair is a kind of locators that absorb information from the surrounding world.
  • It is also impossible to sew in front of the road,but If on the day of departure it is necessary to fix the bag, or your clothes, after leaving the house you need to read the words: 

I go, the Holy Spirit is with me, the seal is on me, and the enemy cannot take me. Amen.

On the road
On the road

Sign to get out before leaving

It is necessary to get out in the house, and most importantly, wash the stairs. If you live in an apartment, then you need to wash the staircase that comes from your door to the first floor.

Sign to get out before leaving:

  • Few people know that before leaving the house, when you are going on a long trip, you need to completely remove housing, leaving it cleanliness in it.
  • It is also necessary to take a shower, put yourself in order, and also put on clean clothes.
  • It is believed that in this way you are completely cleansed of negative energy, leaving it in the bathroom, which is washed off with running water.

Why sit on the track?

If someone asks where to gather, or where you go, you need to answer: "For Kudykina Mountain." This is not rudeness, but a kind of reference that allows a person to spend a good vacation. If your plans are known to a friend, he can interfere with their implementation. It is necessary to create a secret.

Why sit on the track:

  • Everyone knows about the old tradition to sit on the path. However, this does not mean that you need to sit for a very long time, or drink alcohol. It is enough to rest for a few seconds to get together with thoughts and think about whether they took everything with them. 
  • Before leaving, you need to sit on the track, and in your thoughts ask for good luck for a trip. Before leaving, you need to touch the corner of the dining table with your hand. The fact is that the table is a symbol of the house, if a person touches the edge, then he asks him blessings and good luck.
Sit on the track
Sit on the track

Signs about train, airport, station

There are several signs that need to be paid attention to during the trip.If you left home, met a woman, you need to be as careful as possible. Women have long been considered witchcraft, so the likelihood that not a man, but a woman will damage, is much higher. 

Signs about the train, airport, station:

  • If you enter the station room, or the airport, make sure that no one goes in the footsteps. It is believed that in this way a person pulls your energy to himself and misfortune may occur. If someone goes from behind, be sure to let him forward. 
  • Not only traces contain human energy. It is believed that the shadow has magical power. Therefore, your shadow falls on a person who goes from behind or he directs his own to you, can take success and luck.
  • In no case do not be discouraged if it started to rain during the trip. It is believed that the water, both running and rain, removes and absorbs all negative energy, making the journey successful and pleasant. If a knife or fork fell on the road, in the car, it is necessary to evaluate the floor of a fallen object.
  • If this is a fork, then a woman can brighten up a trip. If the knife fell, you will find yourself in the company of an interesting man. If you want to stay alone while traveling, raise what fell to the floor, and tap three times on the table. At the same time, it is necessary to be silent and not say a single word until you knock.
  • Please note that people can get lost on the road, so you need to put on an outfit by turning it inside out. It is believed that in this case this will help to find the right path. Therefore, before leaving, be sure to put on the underwear backwards, or inside out. 

Scientists conducted a number of studies, and were surprised by the results. The fact is that all planes, as well as trains that got into disasters, carried away the lives of many passengers, were not 100%filled. Thus, approximately 10-15% of passengers, for some reason, did not appear on landing. For many, this seems to be fate, or faith in superstition. Therefore, do not rush to be upset if you suddenly lost your passport before the trip, or forgot the documents at home. Perhaps late will save life. 

At the station
At the station

Signs on vacation

Be sure to charge with positive thoughts before the trip. You must be attentive to your body. If a pimple jumped up on the foot, then a pleasant rest awaits you soon. If you put on a hurry in a hurry the worship-smile, then never get lost in a new place. 

Signs on vacation:

  • If you came across an unpleasant neighbor on the road, you need to hang a pendant with a mirror or a reflective surface around your neck. If there is no such pendant, often look in the mirror. It is believed that it canmirror troubles. 
  • Pay attention if before the trip you woke up without an alarm clock - This Good sign. So, you will find a great rest.
  • It is believed that a twig of wormwood, violets, mint can protect from the evil eye. This is a kind of amulet that must be placed in luggage, pocket, carry with you. To protect yourself from the evil eye, you must keep some glass items in your pocket. It can be a glass ball, or some kind of glass souvenir.
On suitcases
On suitcases

Signs before leaving

There are several other non -standard, interesting rites that will help to conduct a great vacation. If a woman who has gathered on the road has long hair, it is necessary to comb the brush in the house on the last night in the house, and put the brush under the pillow. It is believed that this will help to survive the long road well. 

Signs before leaving:

  • Before leaving, it is necessary to kiss the edge of the tablecloth of the dining table. It is believed that in this way you will return home in any case, you will spend your vacation perfectly. In addition, you can leave a treat in a prominent place before a trip at night. Ordinary sweets and cake are suitable.
  • If you go on vacation alone, and your relatives remain in the house, it is necessary that no one during your departure sweeps the floor. No one says that it is impossible to clean for a week or two. However, all the time that you will be on the road, and until you come to the destination, it is impossible for one of the relatives to clean. 

To spend the vacation perfectly, and start a resort romance, you can prepare a drink. To do this, mix ginger, mint leaves, lemon, as well as birch buds. There should be few of them, only 2 pieces. Pour the mixture with hot water, and enter honey into the cooled liquid. You must drink in the afternoon. It is advisable to start 2 days before the trip. 


What are the bad signs about vacation?

Do not be upset if you are faced with a bad sign. For example, if you met a woman before going out, she can bring misfortune. To prevent this from happening, take a small face coin and throw after. 

What are bad signs about vacation:

  • The most terrible sign is the fall of a dead bird at the legs. If this happened to you, you need to get around it, and hold on to something green with your left hand.
  • If you accidentally quarreled with someone, quarreled, you need to get rid of negativity. To do this, it is worth cleaning and reading a prayer. Be sure to tune in a positive way. 
  • It is believed that in no case should you spend a lot of cash on the first day on vacation. This portends unplanned expenses.
  • If incomprehensible coincidences occur on the road, you meet one person, this speaks of the incident. Perhaps they want to warn you about something. Be attentive to details.
To rest
To rest

What do before vacation: signs, superstitions

It is believed that transport cannot be missed. If you have not got into the first bus, in no case should you try to sit in the second. It is believed that it is better to get to the station or a taxi airport. 

What do they do before vacation, signs, superstitions:

  • It is necessary to have breakfast before traveling green vegetables, fruits and fish. 
  • A bad sign is considered to eat beans or beans before leaving. Be sure to calculate how many bills are in the wallet. It is necessary that there are an even amount. If you return to the place where you recently rested, be sure to look at the photos that are taken at that time.
  • It is believed that this will help to recharge with positive energy. If you liked the vacation, you want to return, you need to make a kind of ring on the little thread on the little thread. After that, it is worth taking it off the little finger, but you can’t tear the thread, leave it at the hotel in which you are resting. It is necessary to hide the thread in an inconspicuous place. It can be a skirting board, or where the thread will not find the service staff. 

Remember that new people can overshadow or brighten up the road. Therefore, if strangers have appeared in your company, take glass with you. It is necessary to consider a new person through glass until he sees. It is believed that this will absorb negative energy, make a vacation with rich emotions, will remember for a long time. 


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Remember that all these tips, and signs are just a way that will allow you to have a good time. The most true way to relax well and gain positive impressions is cooperation with reliable travel companies, and booking rooms in a trusted hotel. Always, when choosing a ticket, focus on reviews, and also look for the opportunity to save. 

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