Is it worth calling a man, a guy after parting? Does a call awaiting a call after parting? How much to wait to call the guy after parting?

Is it worth calling a man, a guy after parting? Does a call awaiting a call after parting? How much to wait to call the guy after parting?

When the couple breaks up, a man and a woman experience a difficult period of their life. They miss a close person, and involuntarily begin to think about calling him.

According to statistics, the girls are more wasteful, so they more often call men after parting. From this article you will find out whether it is worth doing.

Is it worth calling a man after parting the first?

If you broke up with a guy, build your behavior depending on who has become the initiator of the gap.

Ethere are several options for the development of events:

  • You decided to part with a partner, is it worth calling after parting the first? In the first few days after the breakdown, you can call the guy. However, a friendly conversation should not be expected. A man, whose conceit was humiliated, can stay cold and restrained. If you wait a few days, and then call, the young man may not answer calls, and ignore it. With his behavior, he will torment you so that you prove your feelings. If he agrees to a personal meeting, then he calmed down, and is ready to talk.
  • If you parted on the initiative of a man. In this case, a young person should not call. He will expect that you will ask for reconciliation. As soon as you call, it is likely that he will want to boast of this after it. Men often increase their self -esteem in such a way that even after he quit, the girl calls him. Therefore, it is better to try to distract as much as possible and wait if the man will call himself. If you will not hear a call of the call during a couple of weeks, close the topic of relations with this table and try to live on. If the guy calls, communicate with him with restraint, do not start crying or asking for a meeting. Show that your life is interesting and rich.
How to behave correctly
How to behave correctly

How to behave if you decide to call after parting an ex -boyfriend?

If you decide to call a man after parting, you should not immediately talk about your feelings. You can recall some thing that you forgot at his house or you have it. This will be the reason for the call, and so you can appreciate the nature of the conversation with you.

During the conversation, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Speak with restraint. You can remember some interesting point to defuse the situation.
  • Do not ask too many questions. Especially where and with whom.
  • Do not offer to personally meet, so as not to give out, your spiritual desires and aspirations.
  • Do not say too long.
  • Do not throw the phone, even if you heard something unpleasant. You can refer to excessive employment, and say that continue the conversation when free time will appear.

If you follow these recommendations, in a few days the man will call you. The main thing is not to arrange tantrums, and not to talk about your relationships with him. Show that you can build your life without it yourself. This will touch the guy, and there is a chance that he will achieve you again.

Does a call man are waiting for?

  • If the couple breaks up, not only the woman suffers. The man also experiences discomfort, and he lacks a loved one to whom he was used to during the relationship.
  • If women tend to talk about their experiences, then the guys try to keep their feelings inside themselves. Often they refuse meetings with loved ones and friends to be alone with themselves, and remember pleasant moments. Men, especially weak -edged, are waiting for the girl to call after parting. They hope that she will call, and confess to her feelings, will try to establish contact and meet.
  • According to scientists, men are more susceptible to depression than women. Outwardly it may seem like a guy restrained and cold. However, at that moment, in his soul there will be a real volcano of feelings.

Why shouldn't you call the first after parting: 9 reasons

There are several reasons why you do not need to call the man first after parting.

Holding emotions by a man:

  • Most often, girls call the guys not because they miss them. The main reason is to recall the emotions that you experienced during the relationship. Often calls are made to feel again happy and desirable again.
  • If you call, but the man does not admit his feelings, and will be cold, you will be disappointed. This can be one of the reasons protracted depression. It is better to think several times before making a responsible call.

Absence Confidence in the desire for reconciliation:

  • If you call your ex -boyfriend, apologize, confess your feelings, he may not reciprocate. This negatively affect your pride, and will lead to a protracted depression.
  • Your call will only increase the guy’s self -esteem. He will consider himself perfection. You should not delight him with your call. Leave him alone with feelings. If he really loves you, after a while he will call himself.
You do not know what emotions and desires of a man after parting
You do not know what emotions and desires of a man after parting

The call is worse than a personal meeting:

  • If you want to return the relationship, then it is impossible to do this with a call or a message. Try to talk with a guy in a personal meeting. So you can convey your feelings much better.
  • During a telephone conversation, even the most open, you will not be able to interest him in the resumption of relations. In a personal meeting, turn on the female charm so that he cannot resist.

Depriving the man's opportunity to take the first step:

  • In the modern world, women are more initiative and confident. However, you do not need to call the guy first. Wait a few days or weeks. Let the man be alone with yourself, think over everything.
  • If your feelings were mutual, sooner or later he himself will not withstand separation, and call. At all times, it was believed that it was a man who should seek a woman, and not vice versa.

The possibility of analyzing relations:

  • According to statistics, not a single couple parted just like that. There is always a reason for the breakup. Think, perhaps, a guy you offended or humiliated. Often couples break up due to callousness or greed guy.
  • Try to calmly think why you broke up. You can write out on a sheet of paper all the pros and cons of past relationships.
  • If you manage to find more flaws, then the call is not so needed. You better spend time finding a new relationship in which you will feel happy.

Lack of real motive:

  • First, understand why you want to call the guy. If you just felt bored, try to find a lesson to your liking. You can sign up for a pool or gym.
  • Sometimes girls plunge into self -development, and begin to improve their skills (in work, hobbies, etc.). Try to plan your day so that you do not even have thoughts about the call of the former. Believe me, after a few days the desire to call will be lost.
  • If you want to make a call, because you miss a man, think several times and analyze your old relationships. In your life there will be many more guys who will make you happy. The main thing is to learn how to enjoy life.

Pressure from the side:

  • Very often, girls become a victim of the public. More adults and experienced people begin to call you "Broken" or "old maiden." If you are increasingly hearing such words, stop talking with these people.
  • A breakdown of relations is not the end of the world. You are not abandoned, but a free girl. Take a look at this from the other side. Now you have the opportunity to consider candidates for your hand and heart among men who have always been with you, but you did not notice them, because you were in a relationship.
Do not undergo pressure
Do not undergo pressure

Men's relationship:

  • There are frequent cases when, after a break, a man began to meet with another woman a few days later. Your call can ruin not only their relationship, but also your mood.
  • When you call him, there is no guarantee that the current girl will not know about it. It is possible that she herself will call you back after you, and the conversation will not be pleasant.
  • You can also spoil your mood when you find out that a man is already in a relationship. You will begin to consider yourself humiliated, which negatively affect emotional health.


  • If the cause of your gap has become treason, alcoholism, gambling, drug addiction, AbuezThink several times before making a call. Some girls believe that the man managed to realize everything in a few days, and after her call, he will agree to the resumption of relations, and will never return to his previous life. Unfortunately, this is not so.
  • If you forgive him such behavior, it is likely that he will not learn from his mistakes. After a few months, he will again take on his own, and you will feel even more humiliated. Try to let a person go right away and forever. Do not amuse yourself with the illusions that it can be changed.

As you can see, calls to the former after parting are a waste of time. Some partners, after a breakdown, remain good friends. However, for this there should be some time for a man and a woman to be alone with themselves, and weigh everything. If you decide to stay friends, after parting, the girl can write and call. In the case when you are angry with the former guy, it is better not to call him. Spend time on self -development and establishing a relationship with a man who can make you happy.

Relations Articles:

Video: Why can't you write and call the first?

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