Why do women love married men: the main reasons, what to do with this?

Why do women love married men: the main reasons, what to do with this?

“There are so many idle guys, but I love married” - these words from the old popular song do not cease to be relevant at all times.

Why is this happening, and what attracts women in who is already busy? What are the reasons for this situation? Let's try to figure it out.

Why does a married man seem more attractive?

If we analyze what exactly attracts a woman in a married man, then several reasons can be distinguished:

  • He can build relationships. If he made his choice, then, then, a man is capable of making a decision, he is ready to take responsibility for his family. Agree, this is a very attractive feature.
  • Another woman considered him a suitable party, which means that he has certain advantages. That is, the choice made by another woman has an impact on the opinion of the one who became interested in this “married man”.
  • The desire to care. This factor is most often manifested among young girls who sees a wise and caring father in a married man. This is especially true for those girls who felt a lack of parental love and affection.
  • Lack of emotions - Another reason for this phenomenon. In monophonic and monotonous everyday life, I want to make an emotional surge, and an affair with a married man promises a lot of unrest associated with forbidden meetings, fears. In a word - the desire for fatal passions.
  • A married man, thanks to the efforts of a good wife, looks well -groomed and attractive. So the image of a beautiful prince on a white horse is created, which attracts female attention.
  • The idea that all the "good" men are already dismantled. Thinking so, the woman ceases to believe that she is lucky to meet a worthy unknown man, and therefore is looking for a partner among those who have already taken place in a relationship.
Alien and inaccessible often seems tempting
Alien and inaccessible often seems tempting

Why does a woman want a married man?

Of course, not all married men want women. For this interest, several conditions are necessary:

  • His partner should have attractive appearance. So women are arranged that they evaluate the appearance of their potential rivals much more closely. The beauty of competitors is more important for them than the appearance of the man himself. Perhaps the desire to “punish” a more beautiful and successful rival is subconsciously triggered. Be that as it may, but the fact is such a pattern: the prettier the partner of the man, the more people who want to attract his attention. Conversely, in an incompetent woman, rivals have much less woman, and her man is not an object of close interest of competitors.
  • The relationship in which the man is in should not be too much stable and decorated. A woman is very guided by someone else's opinion and it is important for her that other women confirmed that it was this man who is worthy of attention. And at the same time it is no less important to understand that his choice of the companion is not yet final.

Practice shows that a guy who just has a girlfriend is most of interest, and their relationship is not officially executed. The more he is in love with his girlfriend, the less female attention he attracts. And least of all, the feminine is the officially married man, especially if the engagement ring flaunts on his finger.

  • Typically, attraction to a non -free man is fantasy. The woman just likes to present him with her partner, but in most cases she does not take any steps to conquer him. Exceptions are mainly exalted, emotionally unbalancedpersons.
  • The more male attention a woman experienced, the more partners she was in a relationship, the less her attention is capable of attracting an unfree man who has already made his choice. This is explained independence and confidence experienced woman.
  • The woman is experiencing material difficulties And he tries to solve them at the expense of a wealthy man, which, as a rule, have long been firmly not free.

What women are attracted to married men?

Most often, women interested in already married men belong to the following types:

  • The hunter woman, Which sets a goal or get a successful partner and, accordingly, all its constituent success.
  • The woman-suffering, subconsciously repeating one unsuccessful experience after another.
  • Motylek woman - A carefree, fluttering in life, which does not want to burden itself with obligations, for which such non -binding meetings are the most acceptable.
  • Woman-outfitwho simply, by virtue of character, seeks to win a lack of free man. This is a kind of sporting interest and increasing your own self -esteem.

What to do if a woman likes a married man?

Psychologists cannot give an unambiguous answer to this question. After all, how true the truth is that one cannot build your happiness on someone’s misfortune, so it is indisputable that if it is fate, then it will overtake you in any case.

  • Be that as it may, if you still decide on radical actions, leading a man from the family, morally prepare for the fact that such a situation can happen to you. A karmic program and the moral appearance of a man himself, who at any moment are able to repeat a perfect step with a family with his family, can work here.
  • In addition, psychologists advise in this case analyzeWhat exactly this man attracts you. Perhaps the problem is that he has the qualities that your partner lacks? And then you could not get involved in new, most often, unpromising relationship, but talk to your boyfriend, telling him what you expect from him. You can try to go together to an appointment with a family psychologist and solve the problem together.
Analyze the attraction to a non -free man
Analyze the attraction to a non -free man
  • If sympathy arises in a free woman to a married man, then she should pay attention to those unoccupied representatives of the stronger sex who are in her environment. Perhaps, with a closer acquaintance, they will be no worse than a beautiful married prince.

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