The status of the order "Expected payment" on Aliexpress: what does it mean, what to do, how much will this status hang? Why does the status of “payment are expected” appear: buyer errors

The status of the order

In this article you will find a solution to the problem if the status of “payment is expected”.

Aliexpress - The most popular trading platform in the world. Every day they choose goods on it and acquire all the necessary millions of people from different countries of our planet.

  • The service of this trading platform is debugged so that it is convenient for customers to choose and buy.
  • But sometimes problems still appear. For example, it often happens that the status of the order hangs for a long time "Payment is expected"although the money for the goods is written off from the card.
  • What to do in this case and what mistakes do buyers most often make? The answers to these and other questions, you will find in our article.

Why does the status of "expected payment" appear?

"Payment is expected"

If you are not registered for Aliexpressbut you want to plunge into the world of fascinating and profitable shopping, then read article on our website on this link. It will help to quickly create an account and make the first order correctly.

So, status "Payment is expected"it appears when payment has not yet arrived at the site account. Usually this status hangs no more than 2 minutes. If you have already paid for the purchase, and next to the goods there is still such an inscription, then you should pay attention to the reasons for the failure:

A banking institution can not always instantly conduct a transaction:

  • When the bank conducts a monetary operation, and the funds will be written off from the account, the status will change.

During grandiose sales on Aliexpress, even such a debugged system suffers as that of this trading platform:

  • The pages of the site are slowly loaded and updated.
  • Money may already be in the account AliBut due to the overload of the resource, all statuses will be incorrect.
  • However, you should not worry, since the money of buyers will not disappear and the inscription near the order will change immediately how the pages will be updated.

The cost of a thing increased at a time when you made an order:

  • During the acquisition of some thing, its cost may increase.
  • In this case, you need to go to the section where payments are displayed in your account and see if there was an adjustment of the value of the goods or it remained at the same level.

Most often, such a problem is associated with slow transactions in a bank or on days of large sales. If this is the slow work of the financial institution, then the bank may ask to confirm the operation and the card belonging to its owner using the SMS sent with the code.

“Payment is expected” - what to do and how much will this status hang?

"Payment is expected"

First of all, do not panic. No need to write immediately to technical support Aliexpress, since many cases do not require contacting the site administrators. The situation may be resolved by itself. You just need to wait a couple of days. During this time, the information will be processed, the pages will be updated and the status will change. Such an inscription should disappear after 2-3 days.

“Payment is expected” - the status is displayed for several days: what to do?

If you see an inscription near the order "Payment is expected" already more than 3 days, then it is worth writing to the administrators Aliexpress. If you turned to the specialists of the trading platform, but after they work on the solution of the problem, the situation has not changed, then it is worth canceling the order so that you can return your money.

Buyers' mistakes - the goods are paid many times: what to do?

"Payment is expected"

Many people when they see the inscription "Payment is expected"They try to repeat the payment attempt. This is not recommended!


  • Repeated payment of the same order is the most important mistake. Money will be written off from your account, go to the account Aliexpressbut when the order cancel, only the amount in the amount of the value of the goods will be returned.
  • The trading platform system is designed that payment for the order should only receive once and it does not see a second payment. Site employees must manually check the payment transactions of your account and also manually return the money to the account.

So that such situations are not repeated, use for purchases for Aliexpress mobile application. Payments through the phone are faster.

What to do with repeated payment of goods?  Instructions:

  • Write in technical support.
  • Wait until the site experts check the payment for your order.
  • Check the account from which payment was made again. In the case of repeated payment for one product, the administrators will return the funds.
  • If everything is still left, re-contact the support service and explain the situation.

On Aliexpress Everything is done for the convenience of customers, and even if you sent extra money for the goods, they will be returned to you. You just need to wait a bit and not panic. Successful shopping!

Video: AliExpress Lesson No. 3 How to Pay the Goods. Useful tips.

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