How to replace mayonnaise in a salad dressing? Dietary dressings for salads instead of mayonnaise: Best recipes

How to replace mayonnaise in a salad dressing? Dietary dressings for salads instead of mayonnaise: Best recipes

In this article you will learn information about how to replace mayonnaise in a salad dressing so that the taste does not get lost. There are many recipes for sauces that will make the usual Olivier salad unique. In addition, sauces will not spoil the figure. After all, some of them are prepared from low -calorie products. Therefore, they are so popular among lovers of healthy diet.

If you like to experiment in the kitchen, prepare different dishes according to non -traditional recipes, then you should try to cook salads with gas stations instead of mayonnaise. It is this topic, more precisely: how to replace mayonnaise in the salad dressing, and this article will be devoted. We find out what sauces can be prepared from foods such as yogurt, sour cream, nuts, olive oil, honey, spices, mustard, etc.

Of course, the mayonnaise for salad is one of the simplest ingredients. It can be bought in any store and not waste time on other gas stations. Most often, because of this ingredient on the sides and extra pounds are postponed. Therefore, it is still better to replace the mayonnaise with home -made sauce. Even ordinary mayonnaise cooked at home will not be as harmful as store sauce.

How to replace mayonnaise in a salad dressing?

How to replace mayonnaise in a salad dressing is a question of many housewives. After all, now many have a healthy lifestyle, and they are interested in proper nutrition. The first thing that comes to mind is the replacement of mayonnaise with sour cream sauce. Vegetable oils with various additives, such as linseed, sesame, olive, sunflower, are also perfect. As supplements, nuts, almonds, lemon juice, sesame seeds, etc. are used. You can prepare sauces from kefir, soy, avocados.

Salad sauce
Salad sauce

Sauses instead of mayonnaise are in perfect harmony in a dish with other products. There are homemade gas stations such as a sauce called “vinaigrette”, natural yogurt sauce, a delicious sesame sauce, sour cream and nuts, gas station, soy sauce and cream sauce. You can choose sauces from such ingredients that you like. Thanks to refueling, your salad can become a culinary masterpiece. And with your own hands, in any case, it will be more useful than any mayonnaise that is done in industries.

Most often, ordinary products that are sold in any supermarket or grocery store are used to prepare salads for salads, in particular, these are yogurts, kefir, sour cream with low fat content.

IMPORTANT: In order for the salad to be useful and low -calorie, it can be seasoned with such ordinary sauce as olive oil + lemon juice based on: 95 ml of mayonnaise \u003d 75 ml of vegetable oil + 5 ml of lemon juice. If you like the sauce to have a pronounced taste, you can add a small amount of mustard to the product. Salad this combination will add piquancy to taste. But it is undesirable to add this dressing to other types of dishes. In particular - in baking.

How to cook balsamic sauce?


  • Sesame - 5 g
  • Mustard - 7 ml.
  • Balmsmic vinegar - 7 ml.
  • Olive oil - 225 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml.


  1. Mix all the ingredients in one container, it is advisable to beat them with a mixer, or manually with a special whisk.
  2. Then let the sauce gain a taste, or rather, it will infuse about 25 minutes. Ready for use.

How to make salad sauce sauce?

Home mayonnaise is incomparable with the store, it can be used without fear for any salad. If you do it yourself, then it comes out not too thick, but high -calorie. Thanks to this sauce, any salad will acquire a new, unique taste with anything. It is not difficult to cook it if you have a blender on the farm.


  • Almond nuts - 195
  • Lemon juice - 95 ml.
  • Water 196 ml.
  • Salt - 9 g
  • Ginger - 1.8 cm
  • Honey - 18 g
  • Muscular nut - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Almond, nutmeg soak in water.
  2. Then peel them, when the fruits are soaked in water, it is no longer so difficult to do.
  3. After cleaning and crushing ginger.
  4. Now all the components of the ingredients will need to be loaded into a blender, beat them. Make sure that the mass is not thick. The sauce should be like low -fat sour cream.

IMPORTANT: Those who prefer tastes and aromas saturated can add mustard to the mass. Thanks to this product, the sauce will acquire a spicy taste and harsh aroma. Just do not add a lot of mustard, otherwise you can ruin the sauce.

How to replace mayonnaise in a fur coat?

The fur coat is prepared for holidays or feasts, and especially herring under a fur coat was popular in the USSR. Fish, beets, potatoes - the main components of salad. It is interesting that now this recipe is changed, and a fur coat in a new performance is no less tasty than in the classic one. Only then we will not consider recipes for this dish, but we will find out how to replace mayonnaise in a fur coat if you do not like a store product or strictly observe the rules of rational food.

Naturally, mayonnaise - we can say a convenient product, took and put in any salad. This option is ideal on a quick hand, however - it is very high -calorie, because the benefits of it are small, and manufacturers use various additives that save the product for a long time, and they are not useful for the body.

Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise
Herring under a fur coat without mayonnaise

Do not be surprised, any mayonnaise can be found an alternative. Moreover, the taste of the dish will not suffer from this. For sauces, various products can be used, and with a fur coat they will be in harmony, and reveal its taste in a new way. Below are different recipes for sauces that you definitely want to try.

  1. Couplement dressing + mustard - Dietary dish. It is not difficult to cook the sauce, it will take no more than five minutes. For sauce, you need to take a glass of sour cream and 25 ml of mustard. The finished mass will only be salted and seasoned with apple cider vinegar. This leather sour cream sauce in a fur coat will be an excellent option.
  2. You can also do it refueling for a fur coat from sour cream and egg yolk. For this sauce, take 195 ml of non -fat sour cream. Then add mustard, one egg yolk, salt, pepper to it. You can add spices to your taste, they will improve the taste characteristics of the sauce. It is better to mix the sauce with a blender.
  3. Excellent and dietary the dressing for a fur coat is yogurt and cottage cheese.Yogurt is also replaced with kefir. For sauce, it is enough to mix 195 ml of kefir or yogurt without any additives and the same amount of cottage cheese. Then add boiled yolks to the mass - 2 pieces, 30 g of lemon juice, 30 g of mustard and salt. The sauce will be thick.
  4. Refueling - homemade mayonnaise for proper nutrition. For its preparation, olive oil is used, and lean. It is enough to mix 50 milliliters of the product. Separately, you need to mix 15 ml of mustard and 15 ml of a mixture of oils. Then, continuing to whip the products, pour the rest into the mass with a thin stream. After that, it remains only to add salt, sugar, 45 ml of lemon juice. The sauce will come out thick to remove the density, dilute it with cold boiled water.
  5. A fur coat sauce - Ordinary homemade dense mayonnaise, as a rule, is prepared from: 145 ml of vegetable oil, one egg, 25 ml of lemon juice, 8 g of salt and 7 g of sugar. Start whipping a mass consisting of eggs, sugar, salt. Pickle length add 7 g of mustard. Without stopping whipping, add vegetable oil to the mass, the tensile of the sauce depends on this ingredient. If you add more oil, you get a thick sauce. When the mayonnaise is almost ready, add lemon juice, then beat it for about a minute and put it in a cold place.

IMPORTANT: All sauces on sour cream are stored for about ten days, but store sauces only in the refrigerator. But sauces with cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir have a short expiration date-4-5 days.

Dietary dressings for salads instead of mayonnaise: Best recipes

  • How to replace mayonnaise so as not to gain the weight and taste of salads because of this has not changed-let's look next. After all, there are many recipes for making sauces. In addition to the fact that they have a very pleasant taste and aroma, they are also useful, help to obscure food faster, these gas stations do not have harmful preservatives and additives. Instead of mayonnaise, you can prepare not only sour cream and yogurt gas stations, there are many other sauces.

In any case, this sauce with oily cream will easily replace any mayonnaise. They can replace mayonnaise in salads. Whatever cream of fatty, still the calorie content of the sauce is less than that of store mayonnaise, and more benefits. Thanks to natural ingredients without preservatives.


  • Onions - 45 g
  • Butter - 25 g
  • Cream (33%) - 95 ml.
  • Water - 45 ml.
  • Vegetable oil (preferably from olives) - 95 ml.
  • Salt, spices.


  1. The onion must be cleaned, and then chop it in a cup for a blender, until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour the mass into the pan and slightly let the chopped onion mashed potatoes (creamy), add all the other components of the recipe, except for the oil and cream oil.
  3. Let the gas station boil a little and boil a little liquid base. In the end, add all the other products, let it boil a little. Remove from the stove. Now it remains to problem mass, let cool and use for salads.

Sauce called vinaigrette


  • Vegetable oil from olives - 95 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 95 ml.
  • Wine vinegar - 25 ml.
  • Pepper, salt.
The sauce is vinaigrette
The sauce is vinaigrette


  1. Mix vegetable and lemon juice oil in the bowl. Add wine vinegar there.
  2. Add the rest of the components to the mass and mix everything thoroughly.

IMPORTANT:Add lemon juice to your taste, the recipe shows the average number of products. If you like a pronounced sour taste, then add more vinegar or lemon juice.

Nuts with nuts and garlic

Great dressing for salads with vegetables. The sauce can be prepared in reserve. So that it is stored for a longer time, juice from lemon is replaced with wine or grape vinegar.


  • Walnuts - 45 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Wheat bread - 45 g
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 155 ml.


  1. Peel the garlic, rid the nuts from the "shell". Then grind these products.
  2. Add the crumb of bread, only before the process it must be soaked, squeezed, crushed.
  3. In the blender, stir the entire mass, then pour vegetable oil, lemon juice into the container, mix well.
  4. The sauce will come out of a homogeneous density. Keep the product in a cold place.

Yogurt sauce

Any mayonnaise in salads with vegetables and meat and fish will replace. Only yogurt will have to be bought at a sugar supermarket, with a small fat content. In order to get good taste, you need to add spices. Also, this dressing is perfect for mushroom salads, cabbage dishes. It will give your dish an extraordinary taste and aroma. The number and number of products can be changed in accordance with your preferences.


  • Yogurt without sugar, additives - 225 ml.
  • Juice from lemon - 45 ml.
  • Honey from acacia - 65 ml.
  • Mustard - 15 ml.
  • Orange zest - 15 g


  1. Mix yogurt with strong mustard. Add juice from lemon, honey (chilled, melted) to the same mass, citrus zest. Stir all this well.
  2. Ready sauce can be seasoned with any salad.

The yogurt refueling is useful for the body, does not contain many calories, and the taste is wonderful. In addition, you can experiment with yogurt, add other products to the sauce, all sorts of spices. And if you add greens, the sauce will come out excellent.

Sour cream sauce with olive oil

Prepare it quickly, the main thing is that all the necessary components are present in the refrigerator. Suitable for any salad, fur coats, mimosa, salad of crab sticks, etc. This sauce is added to mayonnaise or the sauce is completely replaced with it.

For sauce, these components are needed:

  • Low -fat sour cream - 210 ml.
  • Olive oil - 95 ml.
  • Powder from mustard - 7 g (you can independently adjust)
  • Lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • Salt, spices.


  1. Mix, beat with a blender lemon juice, mustard, spices, salt.
  2. Do not stop whipping the mass, add oil to it gradually
  3. After that, add sour cream, you will get sour cream sauce that can be used immediately, or after time.
Italian sauce with the addition of orange juice


  • Fresh with oranges - 295 ml.
  • Pumpkin seeds - 45 g
  • Black pepper
  • Oil with olives - 295 ml.+25 ml.
  • Brown sugar - 5 g
  • Zest from oranges - 10 g
Sour cream sauce


  1. 25 ml should be poured into the pan. Oils from olives. Then fry the seeds from the pumpkin in a pan.
  2. Add all orange juice to the pan to the pan, let all this boil, the liquid will boil slightly.
  3. Add orange zest, brown sugar.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the container, and add the rest of the products after there. The gas station is ready.

Dietary sauce with mustard

  • Oil - 55 ml.
  • Yellow eggs - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - 15 ml.
  • Apple vinegar - 95 ml.
  • Sugar - 15 g
  • Salt - 7 g
  • Black pepper
  1. All bulk products + spices + yolk of one egg must be chopped in a mortar qualitatively.
  2. After the mass, the oil is gradually added to the mass, while the mixture still needs to be beaten.
  3. Then pour in vinegar, also without ceasing to whip.
  4. Before you’ll fill the salads with sauce, be sure to shake it. To make the ingredients evenly.

Soy sauce for salad without mayonnaise

This home sauce goes very well with vegetables, fish, mushrooms, seafood, sea cabbage and herring.


  • Soy sauce - 45 ml.
  • Brown sugar - 15 g
  • The juice of freshly squeezed lime is 45 ml.
  • Oil from olives - 95 ml.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.


  1. Mix sugar, chopped garlic, with soy sauce.
  2. Then get a uniform mass with a blender, add olive oil, only add it gradually. At the same time do not stop whipping the mass
  3. And at the end add lime juice.

As you can see, it will not be difficult to replace mayonnaise. Any sauce that is described above can be easily cooked independently. And it will take about 15 minutes of your time to cook. As a result, you will get an excellent dish with useful components.

Even on our portal you can find articles on similar topics:

  1. How many calories of mayonnaise contains?
  2. Sour cream sauces;
  3. Home mayonnaise - recipes.

How to replace mayonnaise with proper nutrition?

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  8. Where to find out what is better to refuel salad when losing weight

  9. Interested in what is better to refuel salad when losing weight

    1. Replace the sauce prepared from yogurt

  10. Where to find out what is better to refuel salad when losing weight

  11. Where to find out what is better to refuel salad when losing weight

  12. How to get the better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  13. We need the better to fill the salad when losing weight

  14. Interested in what is better to refuel salad when losing weight

  15. We need the better to fill the salad when losing weight

  16. We need the better to fill the salad when losing weight

  17. You need it better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  18. We need the better to fill the salad when losing weight

  19. You need it better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  20. I want to buy the better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  21. I want to buy the better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  22. You need it better to refuel a salad when losing weight

  23. garlic sauce is very tasty

  24. The first time I did the homemade mayonnaise according to the recipe in the article, it turned out mayonnaise fire

  25. Italian made sauce with tomatoes and cucumbers - a salad. I advise you to try fingers lick

  26. I liked soy sauce with oil olives - a great idea to replace mayonnaise

  27. Thanks for the useful information, article 5 with plus

  28. I learned useful information for myself, thanks, I did not think that there are so many ways to replace mayonnaise

  29. I want to buy the better to refuel a salad when losing weight

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