The strangest, wonderful, amazing, ridiculous male and female names in the world: List

The strangest, wonderful, amazing, ridiculous male and female names in the world: List

Do you know what the most unusual names exist. Let's look at the question in more detail.

Bizarre and unique names at all times sounded defiantly and were a serious test for their carrier in society, entering into conflicts with public opinion and the norms of ethics and morality. The name can both embellish the fate of the carrier, and complicate further communication in society. The name accompanies a person, a whole life and affects his character and behavior.

The origin of extraordinary names

Often parents give the child in their discretion, completely regardless of what meaning this name will play in the fate of the baby - are the meaning of the name and the nature of the born, the name surrounded by the child is compatible or not? Unusual and strange names provoke the formation of complexes from early childhood - the child is forced to experience stress from the cooler of peers.

There is a need to constantly defend - make excuses and defend your name. Such situations lead to regular tension of the human psyche and can provoke nervous breakdowns, up to suicidal thoughts. An adult can abandon the old name, replacing it with new ones - more acceptable. But in this case, he must be aware of, the old name has already left a mark in his life and environment - there will always be people who remind of the past.

Therefore, one should not underestimate the role of a name in a person’s life. Parents often choose a rare name to their child, believing that this will help the baby attract attention and become popular, successfully build a career, gain independence and self -confidence.

The choice of the name of the child
The choice of the name of the child

Based on these judgments, you can establish how unusual names arise:

  1. Revival and popularization of old names. They come into fashion - Miroslava, Bogdan, Agafya.
  2. Creative approach to choosing a name. Parents call the child an independent non -existent name: Names Svetlana and Stella - Initially belonged to literary characters.
  3. Names formed in memory of some significant date or series of events relevant to parents. In most cases, such names are not widespread, with the exception of - Kim, Kazbek, Damir. In Soviet times, such an orientation was observed quite often. Wanting to perpetuate the leaders of that era and important historical events, children were called rare names - Vladlen, Astra, Radiy, Dawn.
  4. The group of rare names include many names borrowed from other states - not characteristic of a particular country. It should be noted that most Christian names coincide in their meaning, but are slightly different in sound: Christina is also Christina, and Martha is the same Martha. But some foreign names are nevertheless considered rare: Monica, Emma, \u200b\u200bMadeleine, Laura.

Female rare names

By calling the girl a special name, parents try to focus the attention of others on some individual qualities of the baby with confidence that the daughter will certainly correspond to their expectations. Usually these are soft, bright and beautiful names. So began to appear old Slavonic names - Bozena, fun, Pelagia.

Names for girls
Names for girls

Each nation has its own list of unusual names:

  1. Slavic is called: Avdotya, Bogodar, Vladan, Domnik, Zoryan, Spark, Iya, Makariya, Pelargei, Seraphim, Rusalna, Blue, Tayanka, Tsvetan, Juni, Yarina.
  2. Orthodox include: Lukery and Lukia, Melania or Militsa, Svyatozar, Patrickia.
  3. At Catholics: Richard, Bella, Elgetta, Beatrice, Cecilia, Ethel.
  4. In Muslim countries: Satid, Safura, Sevara, Fazil, Hatia, Shakhina, Ing.

List of female names

  • Almaz, aura, Arkana, Atlantis, Arlet, Aurika, Athena.
  • Birch, Swear, Vishnya, Valencia, Decembrin, Dolphin, Esfir, Zhuzhzh - the name of the literary publications of the same name.
  • Cinderella, Zita, Idea, Emerald, Iskra, India, Cassiopeia, Karol, Kvitka, Kalina, King, Legend, Luna, Lyalya, Fox, millionaire - it is assumed that the carrier of this name will be financially provided.
  • Mimi, Malvina, Mastria, Novabrina, Oktyabrina, the Olympics - in honor of sports.
  • Ocean, Panna, privatization, princess. Rainbow, joy, Russia, Rubmor or Rema - names in memory of the world revolution.
  • Mountain ash, race. Surprise, Samara, Stalin, Solomey - the ruler of the Kolhid kingdom.
  • Tulip, Thais - the name of the Greek heter of the same name
  • Tigerin, Tionid, delight, Farada, Philadelphia - the name of the American city.
  • Fifa, Queen, Shahl, Scheheerezada is a character in the oriental fairy tale.
  • Cherry, Hellas - an ancient Greek state, Elfrid, Engelsin, Era.

Male names

For the boy, the name is selected based on the planned intention - taking into account the zodiac sign or month of birth, a character in mythical epics and the Bible, foreign and modern names. Long -forgotten names are being revived. It is also not rare to hear a new sound of familiar names that have passed modification and sounded in a more beautiful and sonorous manner.

Strange and unique are considered - in honor of political leaders, series and works, revolutionary, marked by historical events, names on the basis of a hobby, impressions of fathers and mothers.


List of male names

  • ALLADIN is a fairy -tale hero of the Arab people, diamond, Angel, Aristotle - on behalf of the ancient Greek philosopher, Amur - from the name of the river.
  • Boulevard, Brooklyn, Vladimir, voucher, Gigabyt, Google - the name of the search engine.
  • Count, Dartanyan is a character in the story of Dumas, Darwin, dolphin, ideal, Icarus, Prince, Krishna, Cosmos, Whale, Lemon, Lord, Madagascar, Mars, Macintosh - a line of personal computers.
  • Mignon is the hero of the cartoon, March, Narcissus, Nelson - by the name of the commander of the British fleet.
  • Nobel, Ocean, Rushen, Odysseus, Patron, Pervomay, Prince, Friday - the character of Roman Defoe, coolness - mental pleasure from Sanskrit.
  • Ratibor, server, Socrates - a philosopher in ancient Greece, a tractor, timer, work, Ural, February, Ficus, Sheikh, Storm, Jupiter, January, Jaguar.

Absolute children's names

All of the above names are officially registered. But there are such names that could not go through the registration procedure - parents were denied state bodies. Contrary to the refusal - parents continue to call the child an invented name, while the baby does not have official documents confirming personality.

Called ridiculous
Called ridiculous

Such names are considered prohibited in the official state register:

  1. One of the unusual, exploding public opinion, was the name of the child from Russia - instead of the name, a modification of Boch RVF 260602 was appropriated.
  2. BRFXXCCXXMNPCCCCCLMNPRXVCLMNCSSSQLBB11116 - Sweden boy. The child inherited the name as a result of the protest of the parents against the strict rules of the law on the choice of the name of infants.
  3. Viagra is a girl from the Moscow Region, who received this name from parents, fans of the same musical group. There is also a version that the name is given thanks to the drug with the same name - promoting the conception of the child.
  4. Terminator - the name is borrowed from the character played by actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The popularity of the film produced a real excitement in Mexico, as a result of which they began to name the births of births in this name. In this period, the name is considered unresolved.
  5. Among the children whose parents are fans of cinema, books and comics are found: Hermione, James Bond, Rocky, Harry Potter, Batman.
  6. Symbols “@”, “*” - such names arise, due to computer progress and its popularization.
  7. Dazdraper - originates from the time of the USSR from the call in honor of the Fear Film.
  8. Two kilograms of rice - belongs to the children of India. In the province where the parents of the child lived, the local department allocated a gift for the baby - a portion of grains, and this name arose.
  9. The name of the daughter of the owner of a network of restaurants on Hawaii in a hundred and two letters long, its meaning is countless excellent flowers from the mountains and the valleys begin to fill Hawaii in breadth and in length with their own aroma.
  10. Dynasty 1792 - French dynasty that does not recognize the surname and name. Instead of the names of the heirs, they called the month of birth.
  11. Meningitis, appendicitis, laryngitis, peritonitis, tonsillitis are the names of children in one American family. At the same time, children's health is normal, parents simply liked the extraordinary approach to choosing a name.
  12. Hamlet - the name was received by a boy from the Kharkov region.
  13. Another American couple called three girls - Mu, Wu, Gu. This act glorified the family - a story included in the book about unique names, the famous psychologist John Trein.
  14. I love potatoes - this is the name of a teenager from the village in India.
  15. Families of Latin American often choose complex names for children-Taj Mahal Sanchez, Hitler Major.
  16. Perhaps the most unusual - exist in Ecuador, among babies there are often names: super cement, international conflict.
The names of the baby
The names of the baby

In addition to obvious reasons, the choice of a rare name is often justified by the desire of parents to highlight their child among the rest, to instill in the baby the ability to be independent of someone else's opinion. The reaction of others to a non -standard name produces certain skills in the child from an early age. This burden not all children can endure and not all mature owners of such names intend to continue to live with this. Such attracting attention significantly affects the spiritual state of a person. This may affect his behavior in society - to identify isolation and vulnerability. And also to develop opposite features - temper and arrogance. Unable to withstand the public onslaught - having matured, the child changes his own in the name less shocking.

It also happens that the uniqueness of the name helps to remember, please and achieve your goal in life. Such children do not go unnoticed, have every chance of being among the leaders. It is important when selecting a name to focus on what emotions and associations causes its sound and better let it be - success and positive.

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