The status of an order for Aliexpress is “completed”: value, cause of status

The status of an order for Aliexpress is “completed”: value, cause of status

If you do not know what the order means completed on AliexpressRead the article.

AliExpress - This is a large trading platform. Every day, millions of people around the world purchase goods here.

  • Some buyers have extensive experience in terms of purchases on Ali, and others are newcomers.
  • It is those buyers who have little experience in acquiring goods on the trading platform that are asked about what the statuses indicated near each order mean.
  • If you do not have an account on AliThen it is worth creating it. Read in detail how to do it quickly, in the article on this link. You can also to study these video instructions.
  • "Completed" - What does this mean and what are the reasons for this status? Look for an answer in the following article.

What does the status of an order for Aliexpress mean "completed"?

The order is completed
The order is completed

Status "Completed" on Aliexpress He speaks for himself. The completion of the order occurs when the buyer confirms the receipt of the goods. But first, when the confirmation is received, you will see the status "Payment processing", and after 15-30 days it will change to "Completed". This already means that the customer transferred money for the goods.

The status of an order for Aliexpress “completed”: the reasons for the occurrence of the status

Order "Completed"

The seller himself cannot complete the order. Only the administration and the system have these rights Aliexpress. But almost always the value of the status of “completed” will be different. It is the value that can only be determined when the cause of the status is clear. These are the main reasons for the completion of the order:

The buyer confirmed the receipt of the goods:

  • When you received the parcel, you must confirm this process on Aliexpress.
  • To do this, you need to click on the order page "Confirm receipt".
  • This means that the quality of the received goods of the buyer is satisfied and the seller can get his money.

The customer protection period has expired:

  • When the buyer makes an advance payment for the order, a timer is turned on - this is the time during which the user is protected from problems during delivery or in terms of product quality.
  • When the buyer’s protection period expires, and the user does not confirm receipt of the goods and does not open the dispute, the order will be closed, and the seller will receive his money.


  • There are such cases on Aliexressress, when sellers for various reasons do not send orders at the established time.
  • In addition, the buyer can cancel the order himself without waiting for its receipt.
  • There may also be a variety of reasons for this, but the seller must agree with this.
  • In such cases, the order is closed, the money is returned to the buyer's account, and the order status appears "Completed".
Completion of the order for Aliexpress after the dispute closed
Completion of the order for Aliexpress after the dispute closed

Distance between the seller and the buyer:

  • After the dispute, it does not matter - it ended with victory or loss, the order acquires the status "Completed".
  • If the buyer wins the dispute, then he receives money to the account, if he loses, the seller receives the money.


  • Such a reason for the closure of orders for Ali It is one of the most common.
  • After payment, the site administration may close the order for security purposes.
  • Cash is returned to the buyer in automatic mode, but not immediately. It should go from 7 to 14 days.
  • If the administration or system of the site notice the seller’s fraudulent actions, then the order is immediately completed.

On Aliexpress Everything is done for the convenience and safety of transactions for the buyer and seller. If you have any doubts about the seller, you can always open a dispute and return your blood money that was spent on ordering the goods.

Video: AliExpress. Statuses of orders. How not to crush the end?

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