Pedicules in adults and children: symptoms, signs, causes, types, prevention. Treatment of pediculosis with pharmacy drugs and folk remedies

Pedicules in adults and children: symptoms, signs, causes, types, prevention. Treatment of pediculosis with pharmacy drugs and folk remedies

The very idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of living brisk blood -sucking insects on the human body makes many shudder. What can we say about the facts of real infection?

In this article you will get acquainted with the maximum number of effective means that get rid of a sudden misfortune. Set aside disgust and find out something more about lice.

Video: The history of diseases pediculosis

The main signs of pediculosis

The lush, in addition to a sufficiently harmless light itching, can bring much more serious inconvenience into a person’s life, and undermines health. The main negative consequences and symptoms that accompany the course of the disease are listed below.

Secondary cocktail pyoderma in the form of occipital dermatitis - vulgar impatigo. They appear on the skin:

  • superficial flicteen bubbles with purulent, hemo -generated (bloody) or mixed contents
  • folliculitis and ostiopholiculitis - a deep or superficial stream of hair follicles, sebaceous glands
  • erosion (defects to the depth of the epidermis) weeping, bleeding irregular and rounded shape
  • rude bloody and straw-yellow crusts
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Pyoderma for pediculosis: erosion

The main signs of pediculosis of the neglected are gluing the hair with grayish-sized discharge, the formation of hair lumps.

Secondary microbial eczema in post -traumatic or sycosiform (inflammation of the hair bags) form. It is formed, as a rule, against the background of shifts in the neuroendocrine system and reduced immunity. It develops on the site of the foci of the cocktail pyoderma. On the skin appear:

  • redness with small abscesses and vesicles (cavities with liquid)
  • nastymmetric weeping erosion with rounded or festone edges that distinguish serous escudate
  • solid gray-haired or yellowish-gemogragic crusts
  • foci of scleroderma - compaction of connective fibers due to cicatricial fabric
  • hemosiderosis-pigmented dystrophy, accumulation of hemoglobin decay products and staining the dermis in dark yellow or brown color
Vesicula and wet erosion with pediculosis

The main signs of the combined pediculosis are large hematomas and point Petecia, areas of tissues filled with extravasate (blood from bursting vessels).

Atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis is a skin allergic reaction, hypersensitivity to the incoming allergens of an immediate type, manifesting:

  • excoria - abrasions, scratches to the depths of the papillary layer of the dermis, formed as a result of combs against the background of real irritants or neurotic itching
  • erythema - areas of intensive redness of the skin from the expansion of the vessels running in it, with the possibility of subsequent blue, peeling, cracking and rejection of large sections of the epidermis
  • papular urticaria-flat or bugrous rashes towering above the skin, very itchy, having coloring from pale pink to red and brown
  • swelling of varying degrees of severity
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Papular urticaria with pediculosis

Specific signs and consequences of pediculosis:

  • lechenization is a sharp thickening of the skin, strengthening their drawing
  • sikoz - inflammation of the hair follicles that occurs more often in men's sex
  • melanoderma - impaired skin pigmentation
    conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and back surface of the eyelids
  • rashes in the form of bluish spots (Macula Caeruleae) in the places of bites
  • regional lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy - an increase and inflammation of the lymph nodes closely located to the foci of localization of bites
  • febrile (temperature) and aphabral (allergic) convulsions in both children and adults
  • anemia - anemia, a significant decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood
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Regional lymphadenitis in pediculosis

Types of pediculosis

Of all 532 types of lice existing in the world, only 40 live in domestic spaces. Only 3 varieties of these small bond (adapted environmentally and evolutionarily to a specific host) ectoparasites are of real danger to humans.

The subspecies of Pediculus Captis de Geeer, the species of Pediculus Humanus linnaeus, the genus Pediculus linnaeus, the family of Pediculidae Leach - the louse of the human real head. An adult female parasite lives up to 38 days, delaying from 100 to 300 eggs during this time.

The human head is in

The subspecies of Pediculus Corporis de Geeer, the species of Pediculus Humanus linnaeus, the genus Pediculus linnaeus, the family of Pediculidae Leach - the lousy of the human real plane. An adult female parasite lives up to 48-60 days, delaying from 200 to 500 eggs during this time.

Human louse

At temperatures above 40 ° C and below 22 ° C, monoxide larvae (living on the owners of the same type) parasite of the species Pediculus humanus linnaeus are not hatched. The duration of the cycle of the embryo development of the included subspecies ranges from 4-16 days, depending on the thermal parameters of the medium.

Type Phthirus Pubis Linnaeus, genus Phthirus Leach, family of Phthiridae Ewing - lobby linen, Ploshitsa. An adult female parasite lives 14-17 days, delaying 20-50 eggs during this time. Parasite larvae develop from 5 to 8 days at an average temperature of 36 ° C.

Floor or pubic

ANOPLURA taxonomy-lice: pounds and lice, new-winged insects, winged higher insects, insects, six-legged, trachen-drinkers, arthropods, decaying (multi-axial, polymeric), primary-resistant, bilaterally symmetric, eumathasoi (real multicellular animals), animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, animals, sprouts. organisms.

Scientists identified four varieties of pediculus infection, generated by description parasites described above.

Video: Lice. How to get rid of uninvited guests

Types of pediculosis

Head (B85.0). It is caused by a transparent or grayish-beige shade with insects, which become red-brown or black after a direct act of bloodsucking.

The size of adults: 2-4 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 12 times a day. The size of the white-yellow larvae (nits) of the head lice-from 0.6 to 0.8 mm. Parasites do not leave feverish patients and can do without food from 1 to 10 days. They live on their hair, rarely descend to the beard.

The signs of the disease are numerous and depend on the degree of neglect: it all starts with a slight itching, but it can result in abscesses, anemia or anaphylactic shock.

Head pediculosis

Types of pediculosis: Planean (B85.1). It is caused by parasites of dirty white color, which, having drunk blood, change the color to a darker. They massively leave people with high body temperature.

The size of adults: 3-5 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 8 times a day. The size of grayish-brown, translucent nits of plastic lice-from 0.7 to 1 mm. Live in folds of clothes. Signs of the disease: itching, redness, blisters, ulcers, peeling and impaired skin pigmentation

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Types of pediculosis: pubic or phthyriasis (B85.3). It is caused by sedentary translucent beige shade with parasites, unevenly staining in brown after eating blood.

The size of adults: 1-3 mm. Each of them bites the owner up to 5 times a day (long bite) with short breaks. In water with a temperature of 15-17 ° C, the pubic louse can remain alive for two days.

With indications of 1-2 ° C in the air, it dies in four days. Able to break through after 30 cm layer of dry sand. The dimensions of the brownish-transparent nits of the ferts are from 0.5 to 0.7 mm. Live on the hair of the pubis, perineum growing around the anus. Less commonly climbed to the armpits, on eyelashes, beard or head. Signs of the disease: itching, blue spots on the skin in places of bites, an allergic rash.

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Phthyriasis or pubic pediculosis

Types of pediculosis: mixed (B85.4). A rather rare phenomenon. However, on one owner, two, or even three varieties of blood -sucking insects Anoplura, can sometimes parasitize.

In medical practice, another class is used, the characteristic of the infection is that pediculosis is unsuitable (B85.2).

The saliva of lice prevents blood turning and causes irritation on the skin, severe allergic reactions. At the place of bites in the dermis, foci of inflammatory infiltrate from neutrophils and lymphocytes with an admixture of eosinophils occur.

How are they infected with pediculosis?

With direct contact with sick people:

  • at home, at work, visiting
  • on the road, in official and private institutions, offices
  • in shopping and entertainment complexes and organizations representing the sphere of services
  • in case of random and planned sexual contacts
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With close contact, you can see that a person is clearly infected with pediculosis

How are they infected with pediculosis in everyday life? For example:

  • when trying on infected clothes, linen and hats
  • when using infected furniture, blankets and pillows, bedding
  • with the use of infected combs, headphones, taxes, bags

It is easy to become infected with lush:

  • while traveling and business trips
  • staying in sanatoriums, recreation homes and hotels, at camp sites
  • present in preschool institutions, educational institutions
  • visiting state hospitals, private clinics, boarding schools, nursing houses
  • staying in sports centers, pools, saunas, beauty salons, night clubs, cinemas
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It is students who are most often infected with pediculosis

How are they infected with pediculosis massively? In case of malicious non -compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation, as well as in various emergency situations: natural disasters, military operations, environmental disasters, forced migrations.

Among other things, lice can be active carriers:
rash epidemic typhoid
rat typhoid rat
return typhoid or lousy spirochetosis
Volyn or five -day fever

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Tif on the skin

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis

The processing of aromatic oils is effective: anise, lavender, mint, rosemary, cloves, geraniums, ylang-ylang, fir and lemon. They heat up and irritate the skin quite strongly. Therefore, only heads with irregular pediculosis can be processed.

It is impossible to use this method to remove pubic lice. Since delicate skin and mucous membranes will instantly be “burned” with active oil molecules.

For convenience, aromatic concentrates are mixed with shampoos, balms or a large number of neutral oils. The mixtures are kept on the head under the free air with a hat and a terry towel "how much you can endure." Repeat the required number of times.

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A cap will help hair to warm up, and lice - not to leave the owner while processing

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis are still represented by both kerosene and turpentine. The sensations on the skin from these poorly diluted substances are not amenable to any description.

Burning caused by aromatic oils in comparison seems even pleasant. Easy to get a strong baking. Carefully observe mixing proportions, be sure to and test in advance on your own skin “dug -up” recipes on the Internet!

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Kerosene as a folk remedy for the treatment of pediculosis

Video: Treatment of pediculosis with folk remedies: kerosene, dichlofos, vinegar, hotel water, cranberries

How to cure pediculosis at home? Folk remedies for pediculosis can be the same burning or even poisonous:

  • dust or tar soap processing is not a very pleasant process
  • each procedure for rubbing ointments from the roots of the Dudnik and Cheremukha has a real probability of resulting in nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness
  • the maintenance of ointments from the roots of Cheeritsa and the stems of the lobilik on the skin can end and even worse
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Tar soap as a folk remedy for the treatment of pediculosis

Therapeutic shampoo for pediculosis for children and adults

Act at all stages of parasites with varying success, not recommended for children under 5 years of age:

  1. « Permetrin" - a drug with the same active substance in the composition. It is absorbed by the surface of the insect body and blocks nervous activity, leads to death
  2. « Sumitrin»It has a destructive effect on sexually mature individuals, larvae and nits of pubic, head and lice. Sumitrin, mined from pyrethrum flowers
  3. « Reed»Acts on the nervous system of parasites, has a significant depressing effect. Contains permetrin and piperon
  4. « NOK»Palyizes lice, depresses nits. The main active substance is permetrine
  5. « Lauri" - a means for external use in order to destroy pubic and head lice. As part: permetrine, bioalletin
  6. « Lavinal»Has a reparative and anti -inflammatory, antiseptic effect, kills both lice and their nits, affects the strength of glue. Contains ylang-ylang and lavender oils
  7. « Pedicated ultra»Palyizes and kills arthropods that settled on a man. Composed of: jasmine and petroleum jelly, preservatives, propylene glycol, sulfate laureet, laureet-3-sorbitin Oleat, antioxidants.
  8. « BIOSIM»Acts destructively on adult lice and nymphs, on the nits. Includes permetrin " Anti-bit»Leads to the death of larvae and nits, adults of human lice. The active substance is Sumitrin.
  9. « Veda" and " Veda-2»Effectively destroy any arthropods. Contain different concentrations of permetrin
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Pediculic shampoo "Pedicular Ultra"

Therapeutic shampoo for pediculosis for children and adults in names that effectively kill both sexually mature individuals and larvae:

  1. « Paunite»Cares, dehydrate lice and nits. Comains Clearol. Shown to children from 3 years old
  2. « Soak»Helps get rid of head pediculosis, disinfects the rooms. Ingredients: phenotrin, triatanolamine alkylafirsulfate, sodium chloride, polysorbate 20, methyl paraben, copper dietanolamide, sorbic acid, purified water. For children can be used from 2.5 years old
  3. « Parasidosis»Affects toxic, affects not only adults and nits pointedly, but also kills all the larvae located on the scalp and hair roots. Includes phenotrin. For children can be used from 2.5 years old
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Antipedicule shampoo "Paunite"

Facilitate the removal of lice and nits, suitable for children:

  1. LiceGuard dissolves the glue of fixed nits, facilitates the combing of lice. It consists of: water, sodium lauretsulfate, coco-glucoside, Dodecil of the Basil Susphonat, Glyceril Oleiat, eucalyptus oil, fragrances, rosemary oil, cockeutopropil of betaine, hydrantoin, limonnik oil, carbomer, gouarhydro xypropyl, dimenside, dimenside, dimeithic.
  2. Nit Free - Preventive composition, lenses adult lice. As part: peppermint essential oil, other substances
  3. « Pair of tapes drip balm»Celebrates the dead and living nits. Accommodates: Quaternium 18, acetic acid, methyl paraben, Tsil Alkol, Sodem Acetate, Hucksil Tsinnamal, Yuzhenol, Gedroxy-Izo-Genexil three-cycluxen Carcassaldehyde, Cylomecticon, Butilphenil Methylpropeonal
Non -toxic antipedicule shampoo "Lice Gard"

Therapeutic shampoo from pediculosis for children and adults in the names of a limited action:

  1. « Bubil"Desters only adult lice. The composition contains substances: pyrethrin, acetic acid. Not recommended for children
  2. « Pedilin»It destroys adult insects well. This is phosphoorganic poisoning insecticide. Active substances: Malation, tetrametrin. The use of children under 2 years old is contraindicated
  3. « Hygia»Acts as contact neuromed poison against pubic and head lice. Ingredients: permetrin, gel base, armored field, vinegar acid, twin 80, sodium chloride, dinatri ethylendiamintetraacetate, sodium emetathy for children is not recommended for children
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Shampoo, pediculicidal "Hygia"

Video: How to get lice?

Pharmacy products and drugs for pediculosis

Most often on the market you can find permetrin preparations:

  • Acromed, Armol, Antient, Andijan-U, Amisol, Arzol-L, Anti-SECT
  • BIOSIM, Bio Kill, Blaneck
  • Veprox, vitar, eyeliner
  • Gmizin, Glorcide, Greencides-U, Golenitis
  • Dichlophos-l, give
  • Zititol-spray, Zebrik-Teva
  • Insectocrax, insecticidal soap, intox, insecticidal soap des-p
  • Canon Plus, Kim-P, Cadim
  • Lauri
  • Moline, Medifox, Molteror
  • Oxyx
  • Pervite, directly permetrin, permeter, pedex, politox, pedizole, permocyide
  • City, Salyucid, Stagifor
  • Therma-fog-p, Tall
  • Chub-chick, celandine
  • Chance, Ship-1
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The drug Permetrin "Medifox Super"

Ideally, perometrine easily seeps into the body of parasites, blocks nervous activity and leads to death. However, there are many geographical populations that adapted to this substance. If lice continue to live and multiply after processing with monopriotic permetrin, look for effective alternatives.

For example, phenotrin preparations that also have a neurotoxic effect:

  • soap " Anti-bit" and " Des-f»
  • lotion " Bin»
  • foaming lotions, aerosols: "" Itka», « Phenolon" and " Phenotrin»
  • emulsion " Forsyt-Antivob»
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Substract acticide "Forsyth Anti -Wilm"

Perhaps you will suit you pharmacy products from pediculosis created almost entirely of natural components:

  • Antiv Duo with olive oils, lavender, tea tree
  • Nit Free mint or rosemary oil
  • « Pedicated ultra" and " Paunite Spray with anise oil
  • « Rosh Comrade»With extracts of plantain, attribution, aloe vera, sage, calendula and cypress flowers, as well as with oils of clove, coconut, geranium, lemon and mint
  • « Medilis-bio»With clove oil (eugenol)
  • « Lavinal Spray»With peppermint mint, ylang-ylang and lavender oils
  • pyrethrum powder from flower heads of Dalmatian chamomile and shape " Spray Pax»With an extract from the same plant
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"Antel Duo" from nits and lice

Comprehensive and innovative drugs from lice:

  • « A-Pa Aerosol», « Spray spray»With esceplent and peritonil Butokside
  • « Foxylon Lotion»With foxylon, gasolinzoate, castor oil
  • « Nude Spray»With silicone polymer dimetikon
  • « Pedilin"(Emulsion, gel) with tetrametrin and piperonil with butoxide
  • « Hygias solution»With permetrin, gel base, tweet 80, brooponol, acetic ice acid, other components
  • « Couple plus aerosol»With permetrin, malation, piperon
  • « Avitsin concentrate»With permetrin, pavas, stabilizers, solvents
  • « Lokodin lotion" and " Lokodin brand to concentrate»With little hazardous substances
  • « Phenotrin solutions»With methyl ester cyclopropan carbolic acid
  • « Headring lotion»With dimetikon and cyclometicon
  • « Duranit Lotion»With dimetikon and cyclopentacculsan
  • « Sifax washing lotion»With D-Phenotorin
  • « Full Marx solution»With isopropilmiristat and cyclometicon
  • « Parasidosis foaming lotion»With biocosidine
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Full Marx Insecticide

Plants and pharmacy products for pediculosis are also represented by insecticides for processing clothes, household items and furniture, entire rooms:

  • « Gamexan», « Lindan», « Lorexan" and " Yakutin"Based on Gamma-Izomer hexachlorciclogoxan (chlorine-containing hydrocarbon)
  • « Medil-Malationon", Emulsion" Dobrochim m"Based on Malation
  • phantion -based emulsions: "" Dobrochim phos», « Medil-Super», « Sulfox», « Clinch», « Medil-Permifen»
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Medilis Super solves the problem of resistance

Many people use ointments for the treatment of various types of pediculosis in the old fashioned way: perometric, boron, sulfur, mercury, turpentine, gasolbenzoate.

A crest from pediculosis

Extremely convenient manual combing devices for nits and lice, offered separately from insecticides: Nit Free, LiceGuard and Antiv. They are made of plastics and metals. From ordinary combs, such ridges are distinguished by the extremely dense fit of the teeth and the presence of a special shape, which literally cut the nits from each hair passed.

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The head itchs very much: a crest from the pediculosis LiceGuard
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The head itchs very much: the crest from the nit free free pediculosis
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The head itchs very much: a crest from the Antiv pediculosis

The crest from pediculosis is suitable for people with sufficiently strong allergic manifestations on a large amount of substances. After all, such a chained one kills the nits that are found in the course of hair growth with electric discharges. The most requested brands of electronic scrapers in domestic open spaces - Robi Comb and Manique.


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Robi Comb Pro Pedicules electronic crest
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Electronic comb against lice Maniquick

Video: Electronic crest from lice and nits Robicomb (Robikomb)

The crest from pediculosis today comes complete with many pediculicides and ovicides. Accordingly, when choosing a therapeutic drug, it is primarily worth considering precisely such options.

How to treat pediculosis?

Regardless of the degree of neglect of the disease and the type of parasite that has settled on the body, the process of getting rid of insects will include the stages:

  1. Processing infected skin and hair with strong insecticides, such as the drug " Medilis"Or emulsion" Dobrochim m»
  2. Chemical treatment of all things of a patient with drugs " Clinch" or " A-p". And if possible temperature -heating above 50 ° C or frost below -3 ° C for more than two to three hours
  3. Chemical processing of household items and the perimeter of the apartment with substances of the level of the drug " Sulfox»
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Prevention and processing of pediculosis
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Combning the living and dead nits, lice

How to process pediculosis that could spread to family members? The same way. When choosing individual treatment preparations, attention should be paid to age, as well as the previously manifested allergies.

How to process pediculosis of advanced forms? Here, most likely, you will have to use a complete set of medicines for scabies, lymphadenitis and fungal, bacterial infection. Reinforced vitamin therapy is also required.

Pediculosis prevention measures

Epidemics of this socially significant disease can be warned when fulfilling the conditions:

  • it is necessary to isolate the already sick until a complete cure;
  • it is necessary to conduct regular and frequent medical examinations for the timely detection of infected
  • it is necessary from time to time to organize the preventive disinfection of the habitat and mandatory - in the case of detection of facts of real incidence
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Dead and living lice

Prevention measures for pediculosis should also appear in educational work. Conducting special classes for schoolchildren and students, extinguishing mandatory lectures within working groups and public groups, television reports and broadcasting popular science films-all this will significantly reduce the frequency of lush diagnosis.

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The cycle of life of lice

Prevention measures for pediculosis should necessarily take into account the overall standard of living of the population, natural and technogenic factors in the development of specific communities and territories.

Video: Caution, lice!

Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: tips and reviews

  • For those who have asymptomatic lush (so far). You can consider infection using: magnifiers, microscope, Wood lamps or video dermatoscopy
  • Use repetiting repellents to prevent LiceGuard and " Parasidosis". Swim the children, spray. And then you will not have to be treated for weeks and months
  • In childhood, I was treated with it with vicinal water, cranberry juice, birch tar and kerosene. Nothing terrible happened from such a treatment. Alive. All hair is in place
  • In young children, lush is better treated with complete shaving of hair. They will grow up, but a massive chemical attack will be able to avoid

Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: tips and reviews are few, opinions diverge greatly. When choosing a treatment plan, you should still contact, if not a physician, then at least a professional pharmacist.

Video: Treatment of pediculosis (lice) in adults: combing, comb, paint and ironing iron, steam, frost

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Comments K. article

  1. I bought the shampoo fagot ultra, processed strictly instructions, after processing I combed it with a special comb for another 30 minutes, it took it. Then for another week I looked through my head, there was nothing more.

  2. In my opinion, the easiest way to get rid of lice is a set of stamps of the ultra, since it has a shampoo from lice and air conditioning for combing, even a magnifying glass with a scallop.

  3. I picked up lice on the train! To put it mildly, I was in shock! Running to the pharmacy - there I bought a set of fagot ultra, and it helped with one processing. But for another half a day I crossed all things, and then I ironed everything on both sides.

  4. A shampoo based on anise oil took from the pediculosis, I bought it in a pharmacy, it has been from three years old, very convenient.

  5. And we brought lice with the help of paranite. From the entire line she opted for a sensitive. After all, it is the sensitive that is allowed to children from almost one year. I really liked that the composition includes different natural things, no chemistry. And this means that no harm to the scalp and hair. I really liked everything, so I recommend it.

  6. shampoo Pedicular Ultra helped the daughter of lice and the nit to display and the composition there is safe, there are no toxic substances

  7. the daughter had lice 2 weeks ago, I don’t even know where they could become infected, she reported to the kindergarten, they checked everyone, no one found it anymore (it’s good that they brought lice and the nits quickly from the fagot ultra

  8. Collided with lice. The son brought from the camp in the gesture, stayed for two weeks, arrived in the next weekend and he was scratching. Lice and nits in the head. I am in shock that no one checks them in the camp, nobody cares about them. I took it home. Derived by the pediculicidum Twins TEK D95. Pedicules quickly and effectively cleared their heads quickly and effectively.

  9. Pedicules is an unpleasant thing. But when the kids are more likely not to be. While the children were not thinking, Pediculez was generally a thing of the past. When she gave birth to a son and went to the kindergarten and began to periodically pop up with pediculosis. I found the product effective and inexpensive D95. Quickly and 100 destroys lice and nits.

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