Aliexpress status “Complement Processing”: What does this mean? How long does it take to “process compensation” on Aliexpress, how much money to wait?

Aliexpress status “Complement Processing”: What does this mean? How long does it take to “process compensation” on Aliexpress, how much money to wait?

Everything related to the return of funds always and all causes a certain tension and a lot of questions. We figure out how the return on the Aliexpress.

Aliexpress status “Complement Processing”: What does this mean?

First, let's remember how it goes payment of an order for Aliexpress.

The scheme is quite simple:

  1. The buyer pays for the order (in any way available to him).
  2. Cash is received at the total account of Aliexpress (not to the seller !!!!) and remain there until the receipt of the order is confirmed by the buyer. Or until the dispute is closed on this order.
  3. The buyer confirms the receipt of the order. Or does not confirm and opens the dispute. How to open a dispute on Aliexpress can be read here.
  4. Money from the account of Aliexpress either goes to the seller’s account or returned to the buyer’s account (depending on the decision according to claim 3). All information about the return of money after the cancellation of the order for Aliexpress is collected by link.

If the money should return to the buyer’s account, the process of reimbursing funds begins, which is divided into three time intervals:

  1. Compensation is expected. At this stage, the Aliexpress system returns funds to the account from which they were received. The second option: money can be returned to Alipay account tied to the customer account. What is Alipay written in detail here.
  2. Reimbursement processing. At this stage, the money has already been written off from the Aliexpress account and processed by the payment system, to which the buyer's account is attached.
  3. Compensation. In fact, this is the stage of crediting funds to the buyer's account.

How long does it take to “process compensation” on Aliexpress, how much money to wait?

Aliexpress support service Provides the following information regarding the deadlines of the return (see photo below).

Method and deadlines for the return of money for Aliexpress
Method and deadlines for the return of money for Aliexpress

How to see, check the status of "processing compensation" on Aliexpress?

  • Activate the menu MyAliexpressand select the line My orders.
How to see, check the status of
How to see, check the status of "processing compensation"
  • In the list of orders, find the order you are interested in and open the order page by activating the button Read more.
How to see, check the status of
How to see, check the status of "processing compensation"
  • On the order page Find the tab Payment.
How to see, check the status of
How to see, check the status of "processing compensation"
  • After activating the tab Payment Information will be available to you regarding the amount of return and directly the status of compensation.
How to see, check the status of
How to see, check the status of "processing compensation"

In case the status Reimbursement processing It remains unchanged for a rather long time (over 15 calendar days), contact the Aliexpress support service and the representative office of a financial organization serving an account, which should be received.

Video: aliexpress what to do if you haven't returned the money

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