How to return money when canceling an order for Aliexpress? How to check the refund for Aliexpress when canceling the order?

How to return money when canceling an order for Aliexpress? How to check the refund for Aliexpress when canceling the order?

The article: Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the return of money with Aliexpress.

He canceled the order for Aliexpress when the money will be returned?

AliExpress support serviceprovides the following information regarding the deadlines for the return of funds, taking into account the payment system you have chosen.

Official terms for a refund of money with Aliexpress
Official terms for a refund of money with Aliexpress

In real life, the timing of the return of funds is ranging from 3 to 20 working days.

Where does Aliexpress return the money after the cancellation of the order?

The seller returns the money to the payment system from where he previously received it (see the table below).

Where did the goods be paid from Where to return the money Possible nuances
From a mobile phone through the QIWI wallet. On the QIWI wallet (created automatically when paying and tied to the number of your mobile phone). A refund for purchases paid on the Internet in foreign exchange equivalent is carried out on the balance of the currency account, and not the main one. Click the “Work with Accounts” tab and check the condition of all your accounts.
Through the Yandex.Money system (payment form - cash). On Yandex.Chostlek. The so -called digital money comes to the wallet, which you can subsequently use to pay for accounts or goods (when buying via the Internet).
From a mobile phone in a communication salon (payment form - cash). At the expense of the mobile phone specified in the order form. Carefully check the number indicated when placing an order.
From a bank card. On a bank card. Be careful: the shelf life of the card that you use to pay should be more than 6 months.
From the WebMoney wallet On the WEBMoney wallet A refund for purchases paid on the Internet in currency equivalent is carried out for the balance of foreign exchange accounts.

Be sure to check the Alipay wallet settings. Money may return to this wallet if you have not canceled the automatic refund to this payment system. Unfortunately, it is impossible to withdraw money from Alipay. They can only be used in calculations with sellers Aliexpress.

Alipey wallet settings

Stages of returning money for Aliexpress

  1. The buyer opens a dispute.
  2. The dispute ends in favor of the buyer.
  3. The seller initiates a refund.
  4. A schedule of money return appears on the order page. If the information on the return of funds has not appeared, then the seller for any reason did not initiate reimbursement of money. The buyer should contact the Aliexpress support service or the Alipay support service for clarification.
  5. Money comes to the expense from which they were sent. If the money did not come, and the support services Aliexpress and Aliype confirmed their transfer, you should contact the bank support service or the payment system that was used when paying.

How long to wait for the refund of Aliexpress?

You can familiarize yourself with the official information regarding the deadlines of the return at the beginning of the article.

Important: the deadline for returning digital money to electronic wallets is much less than the term of return of money for bank cards.

How to make a refund for Aliexpress to a Visa or MasterCard bank card, or Sberbank?

If you paid for the order of one of the above cards, the money should return to the bank account, to which the card was attached.

Important: in the process of activating the account of ALIII or when binding a bank card to the ALIIPE account, activation of the return of money to the Alipay account can occur automatically. Be sure to check your profile!

Buyer profile on Alipay
Buyer profile on Alipay

How to check the refund for Aliexpress?

  1. Activate the drop -down menu located in the upper right corner on the main page of Aliexpress.
The location of the drop -down menu on the main page of Aliexpress
The location of the drop -down menu on the main page of Aliexpress
  1. Activate the submenu My orders.
  2. Find the order in which the money will be repaid and activate the button in the list Read more. After activation, you will switch to a page containing the most complete information regarding your order.
Example of the page of the order for Alikspress
Example of the page of the order for Alikspress
  1. Activate the tab Payment. Here you will find a schedule of compensation for funds demonstrating the current stage of the process.
Compensation schedule
Compensation schedule

For a quick transition to a pop -up window with a money return schedule, activate the button Stages of returnin the submenu My orders.

Fast activation of the return schedule
Fast activation of the return schedule

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