Means from heavy, swollen legs and swelling - how they work: exercises, compression linen, tablets

Means from heavy, swollen legs and swelling - how they work: exercises, compression linen, tablets

Want to find the best remedy for swollen legs? Read the article, there are many tips in it.

What to do if the legs are swollen, heavy and painful after a working day? How to return their shape to them? We suggest you study reliable methods of treating heavy legs. Thanks to them, you will get rid of your legs and prevent varicose veins.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to remove edema from face and eyes quickly". It describes diuretics in tablets and folk remedies for facial edema. Also, from the information presented in the article, you can find out how to remove allergic, edema from the face, after tan, booze, tears, blow, tooth extraction, bite of the bee, in the morning, peeling, herpes, from acne, during pregnancy.

From the article below, you will learn about the reasons for the swelling of the legs. All the most affordable and best means of treatment of swelling are also described here. Thanks to them, you can forever get rid of severity in the lower extremities. Read further.

Why they swell, swell the legs during the day, pain appears: Causes

Swell, swell the legs during the day, pain appears
Swell, swell the legs during the day, pain appears

Heavy, swollen legs are the problem of many women. Why do the lower limbs swell during the day, does the pain appear? These are the reasons:

  • With a vertical position of the body, the blood performs a huge job, since it flows from veins to heart.
  • To get to the destination, the muscle pump helps it, which pushes blood up with systematic contractions.
  • Venous valves protect from spontaneous movement down (according to the law of universal gravity). But such valves work effectively only when our legs are constantly moving, when we walk, ride a bicycle, run.
  • If a person remains in place for a long period of time, the pressure in the veins will increase significantly, which can damage the vessels and the valves themselves.
  • To prevent this from happening, the water contained in the blood penetrates through the walls of the vessels into the tissue. This reduces pressure, but the legs become swollen.

This is one of the reasons why they swell, swell the legs. Of course, diseases and other deviations in the body can contribute to this, but everything leads to one - stagnation of water in the legs, and they begin to swell.

Heavy, swollen legs: tips to combat edema, folk remedies

If you have to stand for a long time, it is important not to freeze. Otherwise, the blood will begin to thicken and the legs can swell. If you still have to be in the cold for a long time, in one place, then try to move a little:

  • Running in place, bending knees
  • Stand on your toes, sink to its original position

These exercises help the blood flow through the veins. Here are also tips and folk remedies for the fight against edema, if you have heavy, swollen legs:

  • Avoid tight tights, socks and uncomfortable shoes in high heels.
  • Wear special tights against edemaRelaxing. They are in a pharmacy or in special stores - medical equipment or others.
  • Drink a lot of still water. Do not be afraid that the edema will become even more. Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins, so the veins also work more efficiently.
  • Limit the amount of salt, as it contributes to the delay of water in the body.
  • If you have a sedentary jobPut a special stand under your feet.
  • Siege your fingers from time to time, twist the foot in a circle and strain the calf muscles - this helps the veins be in good shape.
  • Do not cross your legs when sitting.
  • Walk the stairs on foot. This exercise improves the muscle pump.
  • Walk as much as possible on an uneven surfaceso that the veins remain flexible.
  • When you come home for 15-20 minutes, wrap the ankle with a bandage moistened in cold water. Then put your legs for 10 minutes so that they are higher than the whole body. For example, you can lie down, and put your legs on the bed of the bed.
  • Wash your legs in warm water. Lavender or tea oil added to the water will eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat, rosemary will relieve pain and refresh the skin, chamomile will relieve irritation, and salt will improve blood circulation.
  • Rest lying on the left side - Then the blood will circulate freely.
  • Make acid baths. Squeeze the lemon juice in warm water - it narrows the vessels and will allow the blood to circulate faster, so that the veins will be in better condition.
  • Avoid sauna and hot wax for depilation, especially if your legs often swell. Also abandon anti -cellulite creams because they have warming properties.
  • Get rid of excess weight, adjust the chair and avoid the products from which there may be flatulence.
  • Consult a doctor about the use of laxative and diuretics. They will help remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Throw smoking Or reduce the number of smoked cigarettes per day.
  • Use drugs and dietary supplements that heal blood vesselsas well as gels and creams to protect against edema.

The infusion of birch leaves helps from edema - 2 tbsp. Pour the tablespoons of the leaves with 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and take half a glass 2 times a day. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator.

Still helps with swelling of the foot massage. For example, on a special rug with wooden rollers and spikes, go barefoot. Good and ordinary massage.

Proper nutrition: the best remedy for heavy, swollen legs

Proper nutrition: the best remedy for heavy, swollen legs
Proper nutrition: the best remedy for heavy, swollen legs

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of the whole organism. It is also the best remedy for heavy, swollen legs. Read more:

  • Refuse sweets, cakes, fast food, chips-such food contains empty calories, as well as a lot of salt and sugar that hold water in the body. Transfiners in these products contribute to the development of atherosclerosis.
  • The state of veins will improve diet, rich in vegetables and fruits, at least 400-500 g per day. These products contain flavonoids, polyphenols, folates, carotenoids, vitamin E, C, rutin. Such vegetable substances suppress atherosclerotic processes, strengthen blood vessels, prevent the rupture of capillaries and have antitrombotic properties.
  • Vegetables and fruits are rich in potassium - an element that regulates the body's water balance and, thus, prevents swelling.
  • Limit the use of animal fats, butter.
  • Enrich the diet with sea fish, nuts and oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Plant fiber (whole grain products, cereals, vegetables and fruits) is important for regulating the process of bowel movements. If you constantly use it, then this will strengthen the veins and help to preserve a slender figure.

Transdermal plasters from varicose veins, swelling of the legs: how do they work?

Transdermal plasters are very convenient to use. It is enough to glue the “patch” and after a few days the problem will disappear. They help from varicose veins and vasculitis - these are one of the problems that entail swelling of the legs.

Read more read about transdermal plasters here. You will find out what it is, as well as about the difference from other external funds, and find the instructions for use.

It is worth noting that it is believed that TTS work weaker, locally and temporarily, but they have one advantage - the effect of their use is almost instantaneous. They have an easily absorbed gel that heals. Typically, such systems contain the same active substances as oral drugs:

  • Extracts of horse chestnut
  • Diosmin
  • Hesperidine and routine - these substances reduce swelling and strengthen the vessels
  • Arnica extract improves microcirculation
  • Heparin is an anticoagulant and anti -inflammatory ingredient that cannot be taken orally
  • Menthol has a pleasant cooling and analgesic effect

Some gels contain special acids. This means that the carriers of active substances of such tools are microparticles called liposomes. They help these acids and other substances penetrate deep into the skin. Liposomes also take care of the skin, moisturizing it.

If you do not want to use transdermal systems, then you can prefer gels and sprays. They must be used in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions - depending on the drug - 1 to 4 times a day. Apply the gel to your feet and massage the caviar, as well as all parts from the ankles to the knees. This massage promotes blood flow and prevents pain.

Effective exercises if the legs swell and hurt

Physical activity helps to “disperse” blood through the veins, removing swelling. Start engaged with 3-5 approaches, gradually increasing the load. Here are effective exercises if the legs swell and hurt:

Sitting on a chair, roll the ball under the leg with a naked sole
Sitting on a chair, roll the ball under the leg with a naked sole
  • Sitting in a chair, roll the ball or video under the leg with a naked sole. Do this one or the other with a 10 times.
  • Sitting on a chair, put your feet on the floor. Lift the heels and toes in turn - 20 times.
Sitting on a chair, straighten one leg forward and twist your feet in a circle
Sitting on a chair, straighten one leg forward and twist your feet in a circle
  • Sitting on a chair, straighten one leg forward and twist your feet in a circle. Then perform the exercise with another foot - 15 times.
Bending your knees, alternately “roll” the feet, using the IKR muscles
Bending your knees, alternately “roll” the feet, using the IKR muscles
  • Stand near the chair, rest your hands in the edge of the back and, bending your knees, alternately “roll” the feet, using the IRC muscles - 10 times.
Lie on your back, lift straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees, hold for 20-30 seconds
Lie on your back, lift straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees, hold for 20-30 seconds
  • Lie on your back, lift straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees, hold for 20-30 seconds-15 times.
  • Raise your legs, as described in the previous exercise, alternately bending and pulling your toes to you - 15 times.
  • In the same position as before, make a “bicycle” - 10 times.
  • Lie on your back, raise one leg at an angle of 45 ° and rotate your feet in a circle. Change your leg and repeat the exercise - 10 times.
  • In the same position, straighten up alternately and take your fingers - 15 times.

If it is difficult for you to do all the exercises, then do a few of them. The next day, add one exercise. Continue so that you can make all positions indicated number of times.

Compression underwear: a therapeutic agent from swollen legs

A good way to prevent edema and caviar pain is to wear compression stockings or tights. With their help, a method of alternate step pressure on the legs is performed. They are made in such a way that a large pressure is on the ankle joint, a little weaker - on the calves, and the smallest - on the thigh.

Such pressure is a kind of massage that:

  • Improves venous blood circulation in the legs
  • Prevents swelling and soothes ailments associated with varicose veins

People who still have no problems with varicose veins, but which are prone to the development of this pathology, can wear preventive tights of small pressure (below 15 mm Hg). They should be purchased if you noticed torn capillaries on your feet, the so -called vascular stars.

If you already have varicose veins and edema appears all the time, it will be more efficient to use medical tights with compression I or II degree (pressure of more than 15 mm Hg and more than 20 mm Hg). Medical tights must be bought after consulting a doctor (angiologist or phlebologist).

Important: Tights or stockings need to be selected strictly in size, as well as the degree of compression, because too weak pressure will not help, and too much - can harm.

We put on the underwear in the morning, before getting out of bed, before the blood begins to gather in the veins of the legs.

Long -term therapy from heavy, swollen legs and swelling: tablets

Long -term therapy from heavy, swollen legs and swelling
Long -term therapy from heavy, swollen legs and swelling

Peroral drugs contain a combination of ingredients that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, seal the lining endothelium, improving their tone and elasticity. Tablets are prolonged therapy from heavy, swollen legs and swelling:

  • The ingredients that make up the drugs support the microcirculation and absorption of lymph through capillaries.
  • This prevents the formation of vascular stars and varicose veins, minimizes edema and reduces discomfort associated with venous failure: a feeling of severity in the legs, soreness and seizures in calves.
  • Such an action is due to bioflavonoids such as routine and its derivatives - Troxerutin and Askorutin, as well as escin, exolin (highlighted from horse chestnut seeds) and gesperidine.
  • One of the most effective flavonoids is a diosmine that strengthens and makes blood vessels more flexible.
  • Some drugs contain an extract of vine - an antioxidant that strengthens blood vessels and regulates blood circulation.
  • Russian extract narrows venous vessels, increases the venous flow and blood pressure returning to the heart.

Preparations for oral administration are available without a prescription in capsules or hissing tablets. They must be taken regularly-within 2-4 weeks, 2 or 3 times a day, during meals or after eating. To preserve the effect, it is recommended to continue treatment with a reduced dose for several months in a row.

If you have symmetrical edema, for example, on both ankles, check the liver and kidneys. The edema of one leg can be a sign of thrombosis of veins, diabetes. It is often accompanied by an increase in pain during seat, as well as the presence of bruise or redness of the skin and pain when touching. Under the knee, solid veins can be felt. In any case, when swelling, consult a doctor. He will prescribe diagnostics, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Good luck!

Video: Foot edges, tested by more than one generation

Video: Cardiologist Sergienko's Tips - Feet Edema

Video: swelling of the legs, cause and treatment. Legs swell - what to do?

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  1. Gel with a chestnut and leech from horse force helps me out of heavy legs, it cools cool and prevents varicose veins

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